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E D I T I O N : A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R

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Second Grade

Welcome to Second Grade

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! We
welcome back our returning families and thank our
new families for joining the Idlewood Family. This
is the August/September 2017 Second Grade
Newsletter to keep you informed about what is
going on with your second grade team at Idlewood
Elementary School. In this issue we will cover
reminders, what we are learning, upcoming events,
and contact information.
In this Issue
Reminders . . .
Uniforms are required.
Welcome Students should arrive on time and eat breakfast at
home or at school.
Reminders Homework should be completed daily.
Upcoming Events Please check daily for letters of communication
and return signed documents in a timely manner.
What we are Learning Check Thursday couriers for important
Contact Information information and yellow sheet should be signed.
Children should read daily!
Money for lunch should be paid in the cafeteria
and all balances should be settled.
Supplies are necessary and should be provide for
Upcoming Events: September each student.
7th PTA Curriculum Night 4th Holiday: Labor Day: Schools Closed
14th Parent meeting at 6pm 13th: Issue 4.5 week progress reports
14th Grandparents Luncheon 21st: Picture Day
28th Parent teacher evening conferences

What we are learning:

Social Studies: Our Georgia! We will use the theme of time change and continuity to begin to focus on
Georgias government, geography, and economy in order to prepare them for later study of historical
Georgians. We will discuss the distribution of power and compare the basic state and national government
as well as the need of rules/laws in society. We will locate Georgias regions, major rivers, and discuss the
impact of geography on peoples lives via location. We will also discuss how production, distribution, and
consumption will be used to help students learn basic economic concepts.
Math: Students will understand the value placed on the digits within a three-digit number. In this unit
students will also be able to recognize that a hundred is created from ten groups of ten, use skip counting
strategies to skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s within 1,000, represent numbers to 1,000 by using numbers,
number names, and expanded form, and compare two-digit numbers using <,=,>.

ELA: Weekly we will introduce a story that will be accompanied by robust vocabulary, spelling, challenge
words, high frequency words, grammar, phonics, main idea practice, comprehension, predictions, story
structure, plot and different genres.
Writing: Narrative Writing. Students will understand what narrative writing is. We will compose sentences
with correct grammar, construct a complete paragraph with a flowing idea, and understand the writing
Science: What is Matter? We will review what matter is, the properties of matter, and develop a deeper
understanding of the three states of matter. Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty,
openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the
world works.
Idlewood Elementary School Contact Information

Address: 1484 Idlewood Road

Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 678-874-3202
Fax: 678-874-3210
Cafeteria: 678-874-3228
Website: http://idlewoodes.dekalb.k12.ga.us/
Second Grade Teacher Contact Information:
*Contact front office to be forwarded to the classroom phone*
Ms. Streiff: email: victoria_guillory@dekalbschoolsga.org
Ms. Brown: email: Daesha_L_Brown@dekalbschoolsga.org
Ms. Walker-Morris: email: doris_walker-morris@dekalbschoolsga.org
Mr. Butcher: email: Louis_Butcher@dekalbschoolsga.org
Ms. Dean: email: Renea_Dean@dekalbschoolsga.org
Ms. Only: email: Yulonda_Only@dekalbschoolsga.org


Cleos Biscuits
Etiam tempor nibh quis tellus tempus
Curabitur in dolor
placerat.Praesent vehicula nunc ullamcorper pede.

Proin tempor,
1 maecenas nunc sit amet
ut justo Sed metus orci, ultricies
scelerisque eu, vulputate
vulputate, urna
sed suscipit quis, porttitor ut, diam. Ut tempus leo
leo laoreet nunc, posuerequis ultricies ipsum ligula a odio.
diam. Phasellus tempus eros eu
1 donec mi
eu nisi magna eget leo. lacus. Curabitur
Mauris eget ante. Aliquam ornare
1 suspendisse congue augue. Integer
mauris placerat sagittis ullamcorper, leo.Aliquam
aliquam imperdiet elit ac sem. Mauris dictum,
purus orciturpis
rutrumodiomi, sit amet convallis dolor urna id
nunc a enim elit in aliquet mattis, arcu nisi fringilla
tortor. Sed a lectus. Suspendisse potenti.
pede, a adipiscing elit sem in enim.


Suspendisse potenti!
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; In vestibulum accumsan quam. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae
ipsum vehicula neque vehicula mattis. Pellentesque bibendum
scelerisque ligula. Nulla ut nisl at nulla condimentum facilisis.
Etiam commodo nulla non turpis. Sed a justo. Aenean gravida.

Lorem Ipsum!

The Lorem Ipsums

[Street Address]
[City], [State][Postal Code]

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