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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

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Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR

Type & various CR Step
May 11, 2014 | 575 Views |

Nikhilesh Agarwal
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SAP Master Data Governance

brfplus;message | mdgm;data | ruleset | usmd rule | validation rule

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Path: MDGIMG ->General Settings -> Data Quality and Search -> Define
Validation and Derivation Rules .

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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

There is a Naming Convention for Trigger function nodes in the catalog


The naming convention for check trigger function nodes of a catalog structure
CHECK_<name of entity type>, for example, CHECK_MATERIAL

Step-1 : Create a Function with Name CHECK_MATERIAL: Add the Existing

Data Objects in signature like :

MATERIAL_MTART (For Material Type) ;



Case-1 Without CR Step :

Step-2 Create a Ruleset

Step-3 Create a Log Action Message :

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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

Step-4 : Create a Rule :

Insert CR type MAT01 ; Material Type FERT & Log Action .

Click on Ok , Save & Activate the ruleset and also Activate the Function

Step-5 Create a Material for CR type MAT01: Enter the Material Number &
CR type : Click on Continue

Insert Material Type : ROH & Click on Check:

Warning Message is Reflect :

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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

Now Change the Material Type ROH -> FERT and click on check: Click on

Now we are check Rule on Final Step -90:

First we change FERT -> ROH and then Click on Check :

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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

Change the Material Type and then Check the Status:

Case-2 With CR Step & Different CR Type :

Create a Rule for case-2 :

Insert CR type ZRMAT01 ;Material Type FERT ; CR Step Number 90 & Log

Click on Ok , Save & Activate the ruleset and also Activate the Function

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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

Step-6 Create a Material for CR type ZRMAT01:

Enter the Material Number & CR type : Click on Continue

Insert Material Type : ROH & Click on Check: No warning message is refelect
as no rule is define on step 00 .

Now we can see that at the processing STEP (means STEP-00) No Rule is
work : Click on Submit :

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CR goes to Final STEP-90 here we click on Check :

Now Change the Material Type ROH ->FERT :

These ways we can apply Validation Rules on Various CR type & Various CR
Step :

Derivation Rule :

The naming convention for check trigger function nodes of a catalog structure
DERIVE_<name of entity type>, for example, DERIVE_MATERIAL

Step-1 : Create a Function with Name DERIVE_MATERIAL: Add the Existing

Data Objects in signature like :

MATERIAL(Entity) ;
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Case-1 Without CR Step :

1a) Create a Ruleset :

1b): Create a Rule :

Insert CR type MAT01 ; Material Group 01 .

Click on Ok , Save & Activate the ruleset and also Activate the Function

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1c) Create a Material for CR type MAT01 :

Here if you want to change Material Group 01 -> XX and click on check its
auto change to 01 .

Now we check the Final Step -90 :

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9/4/2017 Validations & Derivation Rules on various CR Type & various CR Step | SAP Blogs

Case-2 With CR Step and different CR type :

2a): Create a Rule :

Insert CR type ZRMAT01 ; Material Group 01 ; CR Step 00.

2b) Create a Material for CR type ZRMAT01 :

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Check on Final Step 90 : We are able to change Material

Group 01 -> xx at the final step 90


Nikhilesh Agarwal

Alert Moderator

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