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Lngua Inglesa
Pollyane Gonalves

Aluno (a): __________________________________________________________________

3 ano _______ Data: _____/_____/2017

CONTEDO Tcnicas de Leitura: Scanning, Skimming, cognatos e palavras

VIVENCIADO transparentes.


Foreing Language Learning and Teaching

To many people, the most obvious way of reducing some of the power of the language
barrier is to promote the teaching and learning of foreign languages is a variety of child and
adult education settings. This widely practised approach is undoubtedly very successful, as can
be judged by the millions who succeed in mastering a foreign language, even to levels that are
comparable to those achieved by natural bilinguals. English-speaking monoglots often express
amazement at the linguistic proficiency displayed by foreigners and conclude that foreigners
must have a gift for language learning, which they lack, or that English must be a particularly
easy language to learn. There is no basis for these suggestions. A few gifted language learners
do exist, but most people arrive at their fluency only as a result of hard work, expended over a
considerable period of time.

(From Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of language. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 3rd edition, 2010. p. 388.)

1. Encontre 15 transparent words no texto.


2. Associe os significados em portugus s expresses correspondentes em ingls. Se

necessitar, volte ao texto para contextualizao.

A. a fora da barreira lingustica ( ) as a resulto d hard work

B. abordagem amplamente praticada ( ) language learning
C. aprendizagem de lnguas ( ) widely practised approach
D. uma lngua particularmente fcil ( ) the Power of the language barrier
E. como resultado de trabalho rduo ( ) a particularly easy language

3. Marque a alternativa em que o uso do gerndio em ...the most obvious way of reducing
some of the Power of the language barrier justificada.

A. ( ) o verbo reduce normalmente usado no gerndio.

B. ( ) o verbo encontra-se antes da palavra some.
C. ( ) o verbo encontra-se depois de uma preposio.
D. ( ) o verbo encontra-se perto da palavra way.

4. Em ...to promote the teaching and learning of foreign languages in a variety of child and
adult education setting. o seguinte trecho omitido entre child e and:

A. ( ) education
B. ( ) education settings
C. ( ) teaching and learning
D. ( ) foreing languages.

5. A que Who em ...who succeed in mastering a foreign language se refere?

A. ( ) bilinguals
B. ( ) foreign language learners
C. ( ) the milions
D. ( ) English-speaking monoglots

6. Use o contexto para inferir o significado de gift em ...foreigners must have a gift for
language learning....

A. ( ) recompensa B. ( ) presente C. ( ) brinde D. ( ) talento

7. Que ideia expressa por do em A few gifted language learners do exist... ?

A. ( ) nfase B. ( ) repetio C. ( ) maneira D.( ) tempo

8. Marque a alternativa verdadeira sobre o texto.

A. ( ) Em ...English must be a particularly easy language to learn, must denota ideia de

B. ( ) Em ...even to levels that are comparable, even significa nem mesmo.
C. ( ) Em ...which the lack, which refere-se a a gift for language learnig
D. ( ) O advrbio undoubtedly em ...undoubtebly very successful indica que o sujeito
da orao no foi bem-sucedido.

9. Complete a frase: A maioria dos verbos do texto encontra-se no ___ e este uso
justificado porque o texto trata de ___.

A. ( ) Simple Present fatos gerais que no se limitam ao momento da fala.

B. ( ) Present Progressive eventos que acontecem no momento da fala.
C. ( ) Present Perfect aes que comearam no passado e tm consequncia no
D. ( ) Simple Past - fatos que ocorreram no passado.

10. Qual das alternativas contm uma concluso que pode ser tirada sobre o texto.

A. ( ) It is impossible to learn a foreign language.

B. ( ) English speakers usually learn a second language.

C. ( ) There are many English speakers in the world because English is an easy language
to learn.

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