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Food Journal

My Daily Diet
Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
1 -Mac and -2 Tacos -Burger -Grapes -Water
cheese with with -Protein
chicken lettuce bar
lettuce and -Banana
and ketchup
cheese -Apple
2 -2 eggs -Mac - Salad -Banana -Water
cooked in and with -Gelato
coconut oil cheese chicken -Healthy
-Nutrition with and Choice
Bar chicken balsamic Fudge Bar
-French vinaigret -Cinnamon
fries te Raisin Bagel
3 -2 eggs -Tortilla -8 Chick -Golfish -Water
cooked in with fil a -Protein
coconut oil turkey chicken Bar
-piece of and nuggets -Nutrition
wheat toast lettuce -Potato Bar
with butter -Grapes chips

My Daily Exercise
Day Type of Exercise How Long I Total Calories
Exercised Burned
1 Volleyball 2 hours and 30 1,013
(Sun) minutes
2 Volleyball 2 hours 812
3 Volleyball

My Daily Totals
Day Total Total Total Total Total
Calorie Carbohydrates Proteins Saturated Unsaturated
Intake Fats Fats
1 1,315 285.5 g/49% 110.5g/19% 38.6g/32% 42.5g/32% for all
for all fats fats

2 1,694 243.2g/40% 124.2g/20% 42.6g/40% 65.8g/40% for all

for all fats fats

3 1,506 216.9g/43% 85.2g/17% 24.2g/40% 64.8g/40% for all

for all fats fats

Recommended Servings
Fruit Vegetables Grains Proteins Dairy
2 cups 2 1/2 cups 6 5 1/2 3 cups
ounces ounces

My Nutrition Labels

Macaroni and Bread Cheetos

Zone Perfect Chocolate Chip Motts Natural Applesauce
Cookie Dough Protein Bar

My Pyramid vs. The Recommended Pyramid


My Reflection
During the 3 days that I spent recording my food intake, I learned
that I consume enough calories but I need to make better
decisions on what I eat. I realized that I need to fuel myself with
more protein because protein is good for rebuilding my muscles
since I am an athlete. I eat enough fruit but I do not eat enough
vegetables. Since I know that my body only makes half of the
amino acids it needs to repair my muscles consuming enough
protein is very important. Being an athlete, it's very important
that I stay hydrated and drink water as my primary fluid. I need to
make sure I am consuming enough calories of the right food to
stay healthy while playing volleyball. I have also realized I need to
consume more essential fat like nuts, avocados, or oils from
medium chain triglycerides (MCT Oil or Coconut Oil). It is
important that I consume these fats because my body uses them
for cell growth, to protect my organs and to keep my bodys
temperature in homeostasis. In other words I just need to follow a
Paleo diet and eat unprocessed foods.

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