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RIVERSIDE EXTENSION TESOL Certificate Programs Observation Notebook Observation Report Form Name of Observer__Chi Zhang Observation # 5. Date observation] Class J Skill/Content | Level Teacher | vionment® 03/01 | UCR 433 | Grammar — | 400 Debbi Peterson 2015 | Extension | Face-to-fa | ce | “Include the URL if the class was online WRITE THE OBJECTIVES ACCORDING TO THE OBSERVATION GUIDELINES \ | aed PERFECT SENTENCES WITHL9S% ccURACY, po | wes 2. STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO Nemnredon (CLAUSES AND TIME CLAUSES IN mas xl we PERFECT SENTENCES AND SIMPLE PAST SENTENCES WITH 100% AgCuRAcy. i % THE TIME, AS eo IN PAST PERFECT SENTENCES AND SIMPLE PAST SENTENCES 1. STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH THE ORDER. Vicars eke WITH 85% accugacy. Notes while observing: 13:00 Warm up T greets Ss and reviews past perfect tense they learned last class, Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM CRIVERSIDE TESOL Certificate Programs - EXTENSION Observation Notebook T asks:“What did you do yesterday?” One students answers:Yesterday, I went to L.A to meet my friend” Tasks"Why fou weir! aa “sy “Wry did ype Ze. we S answers: Because my friend had some problems and he need my help” T writes the sentence OTB: Mike went 10 L.A last night, because his friend had asked for Mike’s help. ‘Then, T draws the time line OTB, and guides Ss to finish the time line. | Had asked for help wenttoLA | = Se [vow _] ‘Tasks: “ Which action happened first?” Ss answer-* His friend had asked for help”, ‘T asks: “ Both actions happened before now or after now?” Ss answer:* Before now” 13:05 Time Clauses with Past Perfect T hands out the handout. Texplains’“With past perfect in the main clause, all of the time clauses have similar es! ‘meat ing Past perfect action was completed in the time before the simple past 4 action in the time clause. The Time frame for the Past Perfect can be thought of as, ‘More Past’ or ‘Past before Past””. ‘T gives examples to introduce the mentioned theory: & ve gt 05: Class had already staried...by the time I ‘got there, ( 3 wt ef when I got there before I got there. Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM x TESOL Certificate Programs RIVERSIDE EXTENSION Observation Notebook ° NN ‘Tasks Ss which action happened first in each sentences. Ss answer T summarize that Past Perfect shows the order of actions, 13:10 Different meanings in Past Perfect and Simple Past T guides Ss to read the sentences in the form: | Main Clause Time Clause Use past perfect or simple past Use simple past only By the time | Class had already started. by the time [ got there. | Class started (don’t use simple past) when Class had already started... when | got there, Class started*.../different mecming) before Class had already started...focus may | before 1 got there, so | | be more on the cause-effect | couldn't take the relationship) quiz.(—the effect) | Class started...focus om time | before I got there. was a relationship) little late.(+— the time is my only focus) * When + simple past, simple past— when means immediately afler or as soon as Tasks one $ to read the first sentence“Class had already started by the time I got there” ‘Then T asks $s: Which action happened first?” Ss answer:*Class started” Tasks:“Which is the main clause?” Ss answer:“Class had already started”. T asks:“Which is the time clause?” Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM UCRIVERSIDE EXTENSION Observation Notebook SS =n ‘Ss answer:“By the time I got there’ TESOL Certificate Programs T asks:“What the meaning of ‘by the time’ in this sentence? Does it mean before or after?” Ss answer:“Before”. ‘Texplains:“Yes, in this sentence, ‘by the time’ means the action that I got there happened after the class started”, T explains every sentence in the form and asks Ss to distinguish the main clause and time clause, to identify the order of actions and to explain the different meanings of compared sentences, 13:18 Guide exercise T guides the 1 and 2” sentences in the exercise. Ss need fill in the blanks with all possible time connectors, including by the time, when, before and as soon as. 1. I missed the train. already left, 2. Iwas late. Unfortunately, 1 got to the train station, the train lef ____1 got to the train station, the train had Tasks one student to read the 1° sentence with his answer. The S uses “when” in the first sentence. TT asks Ss which action happened first, and which action happened later. \ x Ss answer. T asks:“Do we have other choices except when in the first sentence?” Ss wh os xd answer:“by the time, before”. T asks an other S to read the 2" sentence with her answer. The § uses:“before” in the ys 2m sentence. asks $s which action happened fits, and which action happened later. Ss answer. T asks:“Do we have other choices except before in the second sentence?” Ss answer:“no” ‘Tasks:“Why we can’t use whe7 in the 2" sentence?” Ss answer:“Ihen in simple past means immediately after ot an soon as” Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM TESOL Certificate Programs UCRIVERSIDE EXTENSION Observation Notebook —aaoeoooo SS 13:20 Pair/group work Ss are in pair/small group to finish the 3 and 4" sentences with all choices, and. explain the reasons. 3. We waited for John, the president of our club. We didn't start the meeting before he came, — We started the meeting John arrived, 4 Allen was quite late. We didn't wait for Allen. We started a) he arrived. In other words, b)__ Allen arrived, we had already started the meeting. T plays some music as background music to relax $s. 13:25 Explain the exercise T lets $s to read aloud their answers, and then guides 8s to find the answers by questions and answers. Tasks: Which one is the main clause?” Ss answer. ‘Tasks: Which one is the time clause?” Ss answer. T asks:* Which action happened first?” Ss answer. ‘Tasks: Which action happened next?” Ss answer. ‘Tasks: Which words or phrases we can use?” Ss answer. After completing 3" and 4" sentence, T asks Ss:"Are I** and 2 sentences in same ‘meaning or different meaning?” Ss answer:“Same meaning”, ‘T asks:“Why’ Ss answer: The order of actions are same”, ‘T asks:*What about 3° and 4! sentences’ Tasks:*Why?” Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM UCRIVERSIDE EXTENSION TESOL Certificate Programs Observation Notebook Ss answer:“The order of actions are different. In the 3° sentence, John arrived firs, while in the 4" sentence, the meeting started first.” 1 30 Do exercises by themselves T gives 8s 3 minutes to finish 5", 6,7 sentences individually, and then discuss with their pair mates. Sentences are as followed: 3. Hused 10 be dark whenever I got up, but this morning, the sun rose at 6:18 a.m. It was already daylight at 6:30, when I woke up. @) The sun rose_ woke up this morning. b J woke up this morning, the sun had already risen, Twas happy to see the sun shining, 6. Iwoke up and immediately got dressed. In other words, I got dressed a, J woke up (which means thai)Of course, I had woken up b T got drexsett 7. Jane had to word late. Everyone had already left a)__ she finished working. b) __she finished working, she went home, ‘Teirculates in the classroom to monitor everyone's work and provide help if Ss need. Talso gives Ss coffee candies if they feel sleepy. 13:37 Explain T checks answers one by one and uses pictures to help Ss understanding, For example, for 5" sentence, T draws the time line like this: Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM. TESOL Certificate Programs te RIVERSIDE EXTENSION Observation Notebook ee 13: 40 Exercise T guides Ss to finish the 1* and 2™ sentences and then asks Ss to talk the answers of 3-6 to their pair mates, Exercise are as followed: 1, You went to Jill's house but she wasn't there.( she/go/ou/) She had gone out, 2 You went back 10 your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same as before. ivchange/a lot) It had changed a lot Texplains that when we use past perfect, it can imply the reason: 3. Tinwited Rachel to the party but she couldn't come.(she/arrange/to do something else) 4. You went to the cinema last night, You arrived at the cinema late.(the film! already/begin) 3. Lwas very pleased to see Tim again afier such a long time. (Wnot/ see/him for five years) 6. Loffered Sue something to eat but she wasn't JInungry. (she just/have/breakfast) 13:45 Check answers and Explain Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM UCRIVERSIDE EXTENSION TESOL Certificate Programs Observation Notebook ‘T checks answers and remind Ssthe pronunciation & Soy When we say “She had just had breakfast." Native speakers seldom speaks “she had [fi haed] ” They prefer to speak as “she'd [fid]” 13:48 Assign homework ‘T reviews the content in this class and lets $s to finish the rest exercises in their handout as their homework. What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson as it relates to the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes? Include at least one reference (with an in-text citation) to support your response. (250-500 words) In this observation, I focused on the Classroom Management and Class Delivery. This was a grammar class for 400 level students.I wanted to observe how the teacher deliver her class, and how she managed the classroom. First of all, the teacher created a very friendly classroom environment. She gave coffee candies to students, played light music when they discussing. Those events were very detailed but could close the relationship between students and the teacher. The whole class worked in a safe environment so that students were “not aftaid to take risks or make SE mistakes"(Richards&Farrell,201 | page107) is oe 6 Secondly, the teacher arranged different learning methods to make the class effectiveff. In the beginning of class, the teacher used whole-class Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM RIVERSIDE EXTENSIC TESOL Certificate Programs Observation Notebook teaching to draw students* attention. According to Richards and Farrell (2011), “The whole-class teaching can lead to the achievement of lesson objectives quickly and effectively, since the time management is maximally under the teacher’s control"(page 108). Teacher used whole-class teaching to introduce the new knowledge points to ensure nose . every student having opportunity to learn, Then, students were paired or divided into small groups to finish exercise and discuss, whick-coukd-be comsiderechas pair work or group-work In the activity, studentsfoud ag express their opinions and improve their oral English and communicative OF Ave df ability. At last, students were asked to finish the rest exercise’by ups! Gad an fan tS themselves, which was individual work. In individual work, students had ude 7 time “to work at their own pace "(Richards and Farrell,2011,page 109). In addition, the teacher could check and assistant students’ work if they were not in the right track. ‘Thirdly, the teacher followed Simple Six steps very well. The direction of this class was the order of actions in simple past and past poe models sentences. The teacher used 1* and 2™ sentences as modals, and then asked questions to ensure students understanding, such as “Which action happened first? Which action happened next? Which one is the main clause? Which one is the time clause?"A fier that, she gave students time do tre ware to exercise and discuss. When students doing their work, the teacher 2 Last Updated: 3/6/2017 4:54 PM RIVERSIDE TESOL Certificate Programs Observation Notebook circulated in the classroom and provided help if students needed. After individual and group work, the teacher chose some common mistakes to correct and explain. She also used pictures to help comprehension Last but not least, I really appreciated a lot the teacher’s reflection. Actually, I observed continues 3 classes from Wednesday to Friday, On Wednesday, she thought students could understand better in articles than in sentences, s0 she chose an article her ‘Thursday class. On Thursday, she found that this article was too difficult for students to understand, so she changediin casier article on Friday class. Although the teacher was very experienced, she still reflected every class to improve her one quality and make a student-centered class. Sk ee rave Reference Richards, 1 and Farrell, T. (2011), Practice teaching: A reflective approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 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