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N° 1.“Piano, pianissimo.,, Introduction. ‘Timo of the action, near dawn; place, an open square in Seville. At the left the house of Bartolo, its windows having practicable bars and closed blinds, which can be unlocked and locked at-the proper time. Fiorello, lantern in hand, ushers in a number of musicians with their instruments. Later, Count Almavivs, wrapped in a cloak. Moderato. Vin. Fag. & ‘Cato Piano. 2 > ~ Wind sustatn, 2 Fiorello. (coming forward cautiously) Pia- no, pia - nis - si-mo, sen- za par - lar, Hush, let’ us soft - ly tread, breathe not a_——_-word, B, ve-ni-te qua, ve-ni-te qua. noonemust see, no onemust hear. Pp TENOR. (sutfo voce) ‘ia-no, pia -|nis - si-mo, eo - co - Hash, Jet us - ly tread, breathe not Chorus. Fiorello, Ve - ni - Breathe ec-co -bi |qua, No one must |see, re - hi - te noone _must eo - co - eh no one must Strings plzz. Tut-t@ si - lenzio, No_sound_is stirring chej no - stri canti Till we with singing pos-sa tur-bar; ‘Tut-tgs si-lenzio, nessun qui sta, chi nostri night’ssi - lencefi wooe NoSoundis stirring, allhereis still, Till we with canti pos-sa tur-bar; Tut-to8 si-lenzio, nessun qui sta, chej no-stri singing night's silence fill. Nosoundis stirring, allhere is still, Till we with Count (sotto voce). Fiorello. pos-sa tur-bar. Fio-rel-lo, O- lat Si- singing night’s silence fill. 5, Fio-rel-lo, Ho -la! My Viole & Hass Pp Count. Fiorello. z gnorson qua. Eb- ben! glia- mi-ci? Son pron-ti_ gia. lord, Tm here. Your friends, where are they? They're stand-ing near. Pp Count. Bra-vi, bra - vis - si-mi! fa-te si- len - zio, pia-no, pia - All to’ my wish hassped, none have ob - servi you, But ‘let them nis-si-mo, senza par- lar, senza par- lar. soft-ly tread, noonemust see, no one must hear. Fiorelto. Senza par- Noonemust P Pia - uo, pia - lYes, we will Chorus. sen-za par-lar, no one must hear. par = —- | lar, shall hear. sen-7a par - lar, No one must see, senza par 4 lar, No one shall |see, N9 2.“Ecco ridente in cielo.,, Cavatina. Largo. (The musicians tune their instruments.) "A

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