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MEg4X Basic setup

1. MEg4X installation

When installation CD is put in the CD drive installation program starts automatically.

If the window does not appear run the setup.exe in root directory of the installation CD.

Click on Next button. Window with notice about virtual COM port (VCP) drivers installation is shown
up. These drivers are necessary for connecting MEg40 device to the computer and other settings.
Installation of VCP is mentioned in next chapter.

In the next window choose directory for program installation and confirm with the button Next. After
clicking on the Start button the installation is performed to the chosen directory.

2. Virtual COM port drivers installation

When MEg40 is connected to the USB port of the computer (directly or using USB/RS485 converter)
window for unknown device installation will appear. During the installation choose the driver file
which has been saved in VCP_Driver directory of the MEg4X installation directory.

Drivers can be also downloaded on the website http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm and

installed with the install package. There is also detailed drivers installation guide on the mentioned
3. Connecting the MEg40 device

The device MEg40 is commonly manufactured with USB port or the RS485 communication.
Connecting of the second type is possible using external USB/RS485 converter.

Connect the device to the computer using USB cable or USB/RS485 converter (attention to correct
connection of the Rx a Tx signals between the device and the converter). If VCP drivers are installed
correctly virtual COM port is automatically created. Number of created COM port depends on already
used COM ports and chosen USB port of the computer.

The number of created VCP can be determined as follows. Open Control Panel in the Start menu and
run the Device Manager (Windows Vista). Expand tab Ports (COM & LPT). After connecting the device
to the computer new COM port with number in brackets will appear in this tab.
Run the MEg4X program.

In the main menu choose Others, click on Parameters and in the new window select tab
Communication (see figure).
In the menu Type of connection choose COM.

In the menu COM port click on the button Find COM port. In the next dialog choose search range and
click the Find button. The list of all used ports on the computer will be shown up. Close the window
by clicking on the OK button.

In the drop-down menu COM ports choose the number of COM port corresponding to the connected

If MEg40 supports MEg202 protocol RS485 communication check in the menu Communication RS485
items Communication RS485 with addressing and Protocol MEg202. The devices MEg40+ uses
protocol MEg202 so in this case both upper mentioned checkboxes have to be checked. Switch
addressing method below according to MEg40 connection to the computer. When direct connection
is used choose Universal address (point to point, one unit). For the network of devices on the same
communication line choose Address according to s.n. (net of units) and enter serial number of the
device to be connected to the field below.

Clicking the Connection test button in the lower part of the window will perform connection test with
the device. After successful connection the text OK with serial number and type of the device will
show up next to the button.

Save your settings by clicking the button Save. Close the settings window.
4. Setting the measurement

Select Measuring instrument in the main menu and click on the Measurement setting. Following
window will open.

Double-clicking on any of the items between Measurement name and Identifier will open the window
for setting up the name, number, place of measurement and other informative parameters.
Double-clicking on any of the items between Measured inputs, range and Record events will open the
window for setting up the measured values.

By checking each box it is determined which values will be recorded to the memory of the device:
average, maximal and minimal values in the measuring interval in individual phases, instant value
(200ms value at the end of measurement interval), energy in single phases or three-phase etc. The
field Guaranteed length of meas. shows guaranteed time of recording according to the memory of
the device, settings of recorded values and chosen recording interval.

If MEg40 with 5A or 1A current inputs is connected to the current transformer, it is necessary to set
correct transformer ratio (see figure below).
Setting of the recording interval and the start of measurement can be done with double-clicking on
one of the items Interval of recording, organization of memory or Measurement start. When Start
immediately is selected the device starts the measurement immediately after programming. When
circular organization of the memory is selected the data is recorded even if the memory is full. With
this setting always the oldest data are overwritten. Linear organization of the memory stops the
measurement when the memory is full. When setting up the measurement interval the guaranteed
time of recoding is shown in lower part of the window.

With Open and Save buttons in the Measurement setting window it is possible to save or open file
with chosen settings.

When clicking the Start button the memory of the device is erased (can take several minutes) the
device is programmed and the measurement starts with chosen settings. Window can be closed with
the button End.
5. Downloading the measured data

In the menu Measuring instrument click on the Reading out of measured data. Following window will

In the menu Type of reading it is possible to set up the downloading method: without interrupting
the measurement or with the interruption enabling higher downloading speed (this setting is not
possible when communicating with RS485). Change button can set up file name and the directory for
saving the file.

Clicking the Read out button will start the download of the measured data. After the file is saved the
window with data evaluation will open automatically.

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