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ha Vested: ia i ‘ FAMOUS 3163 MONSTERS @_S7 DADVENTURE GAME RULES VR_ J) A gna village in the foothills of the German Alps Is suddenly torrorized by strange events. Townsmen dlsappear, or are murdered on ‘dark nights Graves are dug Up, and the headstones overturned. The Od, ‘abandoned castle above the vilage i strangely tat night —rumar has Ii that young Dr. Frankenstein has returned to continue hs Taer’s ‘work ~ amd that his goa! ls ta revive the qretest monsters of al tine Kara young nobleman vacatloning ithe vllage with is Beau tat flancee Elsa, is set upon while walking ane evening. Bloodied but latve Kar! regoins consciousness to ind that Elsa hes been carried aff Iimmcaitely Karl organlzes an expedition to the castle, with the dielp of the focal police inspector, the wise buryermeister(imayor) of the vilege and his friend Dr-van Helsing. With a hearty band 0” villagers fur heroes set out for Castle Frankenstln to rid the coumurysie for ‘ver of the monster scourge In this game, you can play either the role of the humans oF of the monsters AS the humans, you must rescue Elsa and destroy the ‘monsters in the cate. Ar the monsters, you must kill or ceive away the humans, Keep Elsa, and retaln contol of the castle. Be prapared, 3 battle of courage and terror is about to ben ‘The Mapboard ‘The mapboard shows the abandoned castle taken over by Dr. Frankenstein for hs experiments. Each room or hallway i divided Into fone or more areas. The metal figures representing the human and have two or more areas, but 2 few rooms have only 2 single area ‘There. are four entrancsfexis to the casue: the main entrance leading to the front hallway, the back entrance leading to the uppet hallway, the servants" entrance leading to the servants allway, and the runs entrance leading tothe ruined Wing. Setting Up the Game Humans: te human player starts with his seven active charactors fon the map outside the castle, ready to enter by any door of doors, ‘These characters ar: Kart the Hero, Doctor van Helsing, the Police In spector, the Burgermeiser, and the three Villagers (the Hunter, the Far mer, andthe Cobbler) Im addition, the human player must decide which characters of these seven have wolfoane and crosses He has one bunch of wolfoane and two slvereroses. Any character may have the wolfbane. Dr. van Helsing always caries one sliver ctoss, and the ether may be eatied by any other character. However, a character cannot cary both the Wolt bane and 2 cross. The human player should secretly write down who has each item on 2plece of paper, or on 2 photocopy of the character record shest Monsters: the monster player stats with the Frankenstein Monster, Bride of Frankenstein, Oracul, the Vampire Woman, and the Waltman all hidden in varius parts of the castle, Either the Frankonstln Monster or the Bride of Frankenstein must start on "The Slab In the Secret Laboratory. The player should secretly write down which area {of which room of hallway each monster is In, Monster figures are not Placed on the board atthe beginning In addition the player must decide and write down where the vampire coffin ae hidden, The coffins of both Dracula and the Van pee Woman are together, In any one area inthe castle. The coffins fannot be placed in the Secret Hallway, nor in the Secret Laboratory. ‘The monster player must also decide on the secret placement of Di, Frankenstein and Ygor (se next section), and whore Elsa Is belng held aptive [room and ara). These facts should be secretly recorded, Dr. Frankenstein and Ygor: the monster player initially decides on the placement of Dr. Frankenstein and Ygor. Because of ther divided loyalties and identity problems, these two characters may be controled by either the human ofthe monster player, depending upon the cium ‘ances AF leat one of them must start the game In he Secret Labor Time Record: The players should place a marker (coln of other ‘bject)‘on turn I of the Turn Record Track The marker should be moved at the beginning of each turn. Victory wil depend In part on how many tuens Esa ls held captive by the monsters, so keep the eer ord carefully. BASIC RULES This section explains the basic procedures of play, including how to move and figne with your characters. There are many exceptions to ‘hese rules, but those are all ven in the Special Rules section foreach special character o situation How to Play “The game is played in tuens, Each turn has seven phases, played in ‘order, as outlined below. The game continies unt all monsters are ‘ead or outside the castle, oF unt al humans are either dead or outsige the castle and unwilling to return, The phases ina turn are 1) Special Events ~ The human player canslts the Special Events “able 2) Human Movement — The human player moves all the characters he controls, either making. normal or panic moves. If any Panle moves are made, that character may attempt to Fegan ourage after the move. 53} Human Shooting ~ The human player may shoot if characters 4) Fighting. Round ~ Humans and. monsters in the same area fight, results Including fore-backs) oceur after all ightng 5} Monster Movement ~ Monster player moves all characters he control, either normal or panic moves. If any panie moves fare made, that character may attempt to regain courage after the move 6) Human Shoosing — The human player may shoot If charactors ‘ith guns ae nm a position to fire and didnot fire fn phase 5. 2) Fighting Round ~ Humans and monsters in the sane area ight {or continue fighting); results (including forcebaeks) occur eral fighting Movement Each character cam move a certain number of areas each turn Usually, characters move two areas per turn, Duta few can move faster See the Character Data page for exact movement speeds Each tum, 2 player may move al, some, or none ofthe character he controls. Unlike thest or checkers you can move any number of characters (provided you control them). However, you move your chat [cters one By one, finishing one character's move™ncnt before you start Enother, Characters need not. move full speed, they can go ower (Tower areas than thelr maximum). Moverent eannot be "saved up” or Accumulated from turn to tur, nor ean moverment be transferred from ‘one character to another Figures may mow from area to area only through doorways or across open Moor. Doorways are Husted on the map, while areas that divide a room are considered open floor. Characters cannot move through walls Area Capacities: no more than one monster of two humans can ‘occupy an aren It an area i already ful, ditional figures can enter, but cannot remain there. For example, an afea has dhe Wolfman init. Other monsters can’ move through the area, but none can stop ‘there until the Wolfman leaves. Note that monsters do not count ‘towards human capacity, and vice versa Dr. Frankenstein and Ygor axe always considered humans no matte which player Is controling them ‘locked Movement: a character may block the moxement of any ‘enemy character entering It area. The player simply says "block" and the enemy character must stop Inthe same area withthe blocklng char acter; otherwise it can move tough the aea. A block In an area Which §s alreagy filled to capacity will prevent additional enemy characters ven from entering the area (i. if 2 human blocks one monster in a area, addtional monsters may not enter or passthrough untlelther the fret monster or the human lees. Secret Door: ners are two secret doors in the castle ~ one in the western area of the Wine Cella’ (leading to the Secret Stats Hallway) and the other directly connecting the northeastern area ofthe study to the secret laboratory. All the monsters, Or. Frankenstein, Ygor andthe Burgermeister know of thse secret doors. Only they can find and open them. If any other characters see one of these using asecet door (Oy being in the same area when the character enters or laves) they too learn about it and can use it. A character not inthe same area will not completely see how the door operates, even ifn the same room, and ‘hus cannot lear Ite use, A character who can operate 2 seeret door an open it, emain in that area, and let another character then move through the door. The door swings shut automatically ater each welt cannot be propped or held open fom ane phase to the next. Entering and Leaving the Castle Entering: a character can enter the castle only by one ofthe four standard entrances.To enter, simply move the character into the appro- Date interior ares, counting that area as the frst one in his move. A Feturning character may enter a any entrance, no matter where he lott the castle. Different characters may vse different entrances. The ‘movement resiitions on doorways do not apply to entrances or exits “Leaving: a character can leave the castle by moving out through any entrance, The grounds outside the cate are like one Of afea to move out, the character simply. moves one more aiea to “outside”. ‘Monsters that leave the eastle are immediately removed from the same. They do not fight outside Instead, they fle Into the wilds, never to reiurn, Monsters ‘will not voluntarily leave the castle, but due to Torceback’ results or panic moves, they may have to move out of the castle Windows are “only exis, never entrances. character takes an ‘extra wound when he jumps out the Window. Monsters can also use Windows as exits If the monster player desles, but they are never Fequlted 0 40's, even in panes. “Thre are no windows in the Old Tower, Secret Laboratory, Secret Stairs Hallway, Wine. Cellar, or Storage Pantry. The windows in the Front Geéroom and Side Bedroom are on the second floor, and if 3 human character jumps out of these, he falls t0 his death, Monsters Using second story windows are unaffected, Hidden Monsters [At the start of the game, all monsters and humans within the as: te begin hidden, The monster player secretly writes down the location fof each, All hidden characters remain off the map untll one of the following evens occurs: {a} A Special Event reveals its ication (b) ‘The monster player moves the hidden character to any other area (even in the same room or hal). (The human player moves any character into the same room for hall (the hidden characters must Inmediatsly spp) (2) The monster player voluntarily reveals the location by placing the character on the map (alowed at any time) ‘Once a hidden character Is revealed, i rains on the map forthe rest ‘of te game, No character canbe re hidden once revealed, The Die The die fused to resolve combat and determine specal events i isthe correct singular form of “dice”. If there fs one iis called adie If there are two or more, they ae called dice ‘Shooting Guns “The human player has two characters with guns: the Police Inspece tor with his pistol, snd the Hunter Villager with » shotgun. Each of these characters can shoot his gun once a tun, eter after human movement, or after monster movement, but not both times inthe same {rn, Shooting always aceurs before any other fighting. ‘Renge: Ue character can shoot a monster ine own area (range Q) ln the next ares (range 1), of the next area beyond that (range 2)- However, a clear ‘line of fire’ Is needed, To determine this, the Maman player adjusts is shooter to any spot within his area, and then the ‘manstr player adjusts his character in the same way. Use a ruler, sti Or the box edge to ace a svaight line from any patt of the shooter ‘ae to any part of the monster's bas, If this line passes through any wall, the shot fs blocked, The shooter decides which par of his and the target's base the line will touch, You can shoot through doors, but not through secret doo. To Hitz If the shot is possible, the shooter rolls adie, Depending ‘on the range, the de roll ndicates whether he hito° missed (see table Below). IT he scores 2 hit, the monster suffers one wound. Shooting alone never causes force-backs oF panic, RANGE ‘0 Shooter hits on aril of 2,3, 4, 5, or 6 1 Shooter hits ona rll of 4,5, or 6 2 Shooter hits on a voll of Sor 6 Wounded characters must subtract one ("1") from the die roll for each ‘wound when shooting. panicked, the character must subtract ana itional two (*-2") from the de roll. Silver Buttes: The Police Inspector has two silver bullets. The human player may, before any shot, declare that he has loaded and is firing 2 siver bullet. If she ser bullet hits the Wolfman, he killed Instead of wounded. If the siver bullet hits some other monster, the monster is wounded as if hit by a normal bullet, the sliver bullet rises, itis lost and cannot be used asin Fighting Whenever 2 monster and a human character are inthe same 2re2 In a Fighting Round, there is 4 battle. The exceptions are humans Controlled by the monster player. These are friendly to monsters, and fan bein the same area without = fight. Fights are only possible Inside ‘he eastio; there can be no fighting outside the castle. To resolve a fight between human and monster, each rolls a de “Amounts may be added to or subtracted from each roll, depending on the abilities, wounds, ct. of that character. If there are two humans and 2 monster in the area, there are two simultaneous fights. The ‘monster Tights agaist each human, inflicting separate results Then both humans fight the monster. The monster suffers the effect of both fights, exeeot that it cannot panic or be forced back more than once — the second panic or force-back ignored. Fighting Die Roll Moditior: the following is a summary ofthe numbers added to and subtracted from a character's dle roll ina Tight, These are called die roll modifiers. 41,42, 0F 43. Character ability ~ ste data on individual char acters (some characters have no bonus) : Per wound suffered by the character (therefore 2wounds 62,3 wounds is, ee Fighting Results, after the die roll modifier have been added for subtracted, the fighting. dle rolls of both the human and the ‘monster are equal, nether i affected. If not, the character with the Figher total isthe winner The loser will suffer ane wound, and may also be forced back of panic, depending on the difference between ‘the results. ‘Simultaneous Resuts: all combat in one round fs happening at the same time, So, If two humans are fighting one monster in an area, it does not matter which rll rst ~ all eharactes In an ae ‘ust rll Before any ofthe results ofthe rolling lake effect. Wounds tach wound a character receives causes a minus one (-1) die roll moditir in his igting ability. Human characters and some ‘monsters will dle after suffering 2 certain number of wounds. This ‘number varies from character to character; see the Character Data page. The vampires and the Wolfman ean only be Killed in special, Ways, But wounds can weaken these characters so that they can no longer do any harm. Aside from the de rll modifiers to ighting and shooting, Wounded characters may move and function normally Forced Back When a character loss a fight by adie roll difference of two or more he is automatially forced back by one area. character may choose to be forced back whenever he loses aight By any amount. ‘A character who wins or draws a fight may not choose tobe forced back. "A character who is forced back is instantly moved one area He may not move through a wall nor into a space with an enemy’ character, nor into 2 space which is already full of friendly char ters Within these limits, the player whose character Is forced back may select the area 10 which he moves, A character could be forced back outside the castle and humans can be foreed out wi dows, Monsters may not be forced out Windows unles the mom ster player wishes a character i freed back, but cannot move to any area be: ‘cause of blocking walls or characters, the character stays in place nd suffers an extra wound insteas When a monster fighting two humans, i he Is forced back by cither fight, then he makes hs foreed-back move atthe end of the Second fight. If he is forced back In both fights, he makes only one oreed-back move at the end, Forced back moves are in addition to normal or panic moves Panic ‘A character must panic If he loses 2 fight by a difference of three or more on the die rol. Thus a panicked character will auto matically have been foreed Back as well Furthermore, any charac {ar who fs forced back may choose to pane as wel if he wishes, When a character panics, his normal movement changes t0 panic moves. Panic is instead of nosmal movement, nt in addition fot. Generally, a panicked character (monster oF human) wl ty 10 scape from the este as quickly as posible, Panic isthe only way 3 ‘monster ean leave the castle, Wa: monster fights two humans, he must pani I either fight causes him pani, I both cause panic, the second panicle ignored Panke Movement Rules:At the end of the fighting round ia which a character pans, he makes a full movement at his normal Speed. This wil eplace the normal movement of hisnext tom, The Character must take the shortest rte, im areas, to ext the castle. If his route is blocked by an enemy, the panicked character decides wether to take that route or select the shortest unblocked route However, the character cannot enter an area occupied by an enemy character. Ifthe route remains blocked, he will have to try another route eventually. I completely unable so make a Tull panic move, the character suffers another wound that turm instead, Windows Count as a “nearest exit” for humans ~ even second story windows, Monsters may use windows or not as they wish. The character will continue to make panic moves each succeeding turn until he has Fagained courage (see below) or moved outside the caste Panicked Characters in Fights: a panicked character is helpless Ina fight. Any time he wins 2 fight, It counts as a draw instead. Thus. an unpanicked character can never lose = fight agtinst a panicked character. A panicked charactor can get Into a fight only if fn enemy moves Into his area since he eannot enter an enemy’ ea, ‘Regaining Courage: At the end ofa players normal movement phase, ne may ral! one dle foreach of his panicked characters to see It they regain courage. Tho die roll needed to regain courage Is shows in each individual character's Character Data. If 3 charac. ter regains courage, he immediatly is able to Fight normally, and he ‘may move normally next turn. A’ character may panie and regain ‘courage many times inthe cours ofa game, Panicked Characters Outside: Once a human character has left the castle Ina panic move, he must stay outsize unt he regains courage, rolling once each turn 25 usual, Monstats which Teave the ‘astle tn a panie may not return and are aut of the games EXAMPLE OF FIGHTING: Frankenstein’ Monster is fighting the Cobbier, who hes one wound already. The human player allt 2.3 and applies the die modifier: he adds one for the #1 fighting ‘bitty of the Cobbler (see Character Data), ut subtracts one for the one wound he hs taken, so the result fs 3. The Monster player ‘oll @ 2 amd adds the Frankenstein Monsters +3 fighting abit. He subirects nothing becavse the Monster het not Been wounded yet The reat s 5, which wins the fight by a difterence of 2. The ‘Butcher toes another wound, and is forced back one ee. Because the was forced back, he may panic ond rum eway, If the human player wishes SPECIAL RULES ‘This section gives additional rules that represent the special bli and. weaknesies of some characters and monsters, These falas often form exceptions to the Basie Rules. Frankenstein's Monster and the Bride of Frankenstein ire: these monsters are afraid of fire. They automatically panic in any fight againt the Farmer (who cares a torch) regardless Of whether they win or lose, The farmer cannot be wounded by tither monster, even If he loses, but he can be forced back orsufer panic in't defeat. If te Farmer wounds elther monster in fight, hems st ieatee, and it automatiealy des, ‘Spectal Devices: these monsters ae Killed by any wound inflic- ted by Dr. Frankenstein himself, or any time they are wounded in the Secret Laboratory. This represents Dr. Frankenstein’ ust of special devices used to create the monsters, and now being used 2kainst them. ride of Frankenstein's Love: The Bride of Frankenstein was created as mate for the Monster, but instead fell in love with Dr. Frankenstein. The Bride of Frankenstein cant block and will not fight against Dr. Frankenstein, even if he ishuman-contolled, until Dr. Frankenstein firs ights of blocks agalst her Dracula and the Vampire Woman Bat Flight: both these monsters can turn nto bats and fly dur ing their move phase, Dracula has 2 speed of 6 and the Vampire Woman has 2 speed of Sasa bat. This lying move Is used instead of normal movement. When & monster uses at flight, It can fly through any area regardless of other characters. Bat fight, even In panic, may not be blocked, However, In the last area of movement the monsters turn Back into human shape and must land In am area unoccupied by other monsters. The landing area may be accupied ‘by humans ~ and this will cause a fight. In panic the monster may choose elther normal movement or bat flight. When flying as bas, the monsters may not eat Elsa "The Holy Cros: any character with the holy eross may display | It when Dracula or the Vampire Woman tees to enter the human character's area, This prevents them from entering the area. They ‘must make a different move, or stop In place, asthe manstr player Gesies. Even as bats, they are unable to pass an area wth a holy ‘Coffins of the Undead: at the beginning of the game, the ‘monster player secretly records which area of whieh room contains the coffins of Dracula and the Vampire Woman, Bot coffins ae in ‘the same’ area, and are well hidden, When ahuman character enters the area, the monster player must reveal thatthe coffins ae there ‘A-human in a different area of the same room ‘ill not 3¢8 the Coffins. Once they are iscovered, the human can destroy them by keeping one of his character in that area for an entire tum, without any movement, fighting, oF shooting. Once the coffins are destroyed, ‘both Dracula and the Vampire Woman are vulnerable to mortal wounds, Each new wound inflicted on the monster allows the hu ‘man to make an extra die roll A'S or 6 means the wound kills the ‘monster If the monster panes and fees the castle, the destruction (oF the coffins has no offeet. The Wolfman Wolfbane: the human character with the wolfbane reveals it whenever he fights the Wolfman, With the wolfbane, he adds one (1), te his normal fighting ability. 1n addition, if he Wounds the Wolfman ‘ing the wolfbane, he roll a dle aga; a result of 4,5, oF 6 means that the wound kil the Wolfman, The woitbane does nt prevent the chat acter fom losing or drawing a fight withthe Wolfman nor from taking ‘wounds ‘Sliver Bullets: the Police Inspector has two slver bullets. f he anoounces 2 shot with a silver bullet and hits the Wolfman, the Wl ‘man is immediately killed, See "Shooting Guns ~ Silver Bullets Dr. Frankenstein and Ygor ‘These two human characters have divided loyalties, Whenever each character first revealed both the human andthe monster player each rolls adie. The higher roller takes control ofthe character. H the rolls ae equal, the charactor counts as under human contro, but during that {urn cannot move (though he can stl fight),On subsequent tums, the character may move. ‘Once each turn, the player without control may challenge for control of each character. ‘This may occur at any point in the turn, Each player rolls a die, the higher rol winnning control. In ate, the human player has control but the character may not move that turn (as above). Control and challenges are made separately for Dr. Frankerstein and Ygor. ‘When Dr. Frankenstien or Ygor is under monster control, they are ‘considered monsters Instead of humans, with appropriate changes In rules. I outside the castle under monster contol, they are immobilized {nd cannot move until they come under human control, However, 382 Special rule, Dr. Frankenstein andfor Ygor can be together in an area, ‘of elther one can be with a monster In an tea, even i there are already to bumanein that area. Elsa, the Heroine Elsa begins the game captured and controlled by the monsters. She 's tied up and hidden somewhere In the castle, The monster player see telly records which area of which root she i In. 'a human character enters any part of the room; the monster player must announce that the character has found Elsa, and place the figure for Elsa on the rmapboard. f any monster attempts to carry Elsa to another area before she i discovered, the monster player must put her Figute on the map board. While under monster control, Elsa cannot move by here. Any monster can carry Ela, i they startin the same area and move togeth- fr The monster ean drop Elsa in the middle of a move, leaving her be- hind a it moves on. Esa freed (and comes under human control) when a human character ends a turn in the same area as Elsa ond there are no monsters Inthe area. Elsa Is recaptured and put under monster control again whenever she ends the tuin in the same area ar a.moneter, with no human controlled character inthe area. While under human control, Elsi ean move slone or with other humans. If she starts the movement phase alone, she wil automatially Panic for that phase only. I she starts the movement phase with nother human controlled character, he can move normally. Elsa under human controt ean never enter an area occupied by any monster (but ‘an enter areas occupied by monster-controlled humans such 38 gor oF Dr. Frankenstein) Elsa eannot fight, nor can any character fight or shoot aginst he. ENDING THE GAME IK att the monsters are killed oF driven out ofthe castle, the game ends, even though monstercontrolied humans may stil remain. Ii all human-conteolled characters and Elsa ae outside the castle, and the human player decides not to re-anter the eastl, the gare ends. Note thatthe monster player can end the game only by kiling al human controlled characters, or making things so unpleasant for them ‘thatthe human player refuses to return, Vietory Each player scores vietory point fr various actions: HUMAN PLAYER VICTORY POINTS 3s. Kill she Frankensteln Monstar Bois Kill Dracula 2pts. each Each additional monster killed (Bride of Frankenstein, Vampire Woman, Dracula) tor Each monster driven out of the castle but stil alive Humans score no points or killing or diving out Dr Frankenstein or Yer. MONSTER PLAYER VICTORY POINTS 2 pts each _kiling Karl the Hero, or Or. van Helsing Ipteach Killing each other human-controlied character (Dr Frankenstein and gor count only if under human contrat when killed) Vt Every four turns (not necessarlly consecutive) that Elsa Is held paisoner under monster control SPECIAL EVENTS TABLE [At the start of each turn, the human player rolls two dice and checks the total on the Special Events Table below. lity is asuced |. one roam oF hallvay (out aot the area in it) where one charac- ‘the turn by the player if movement ovt ofthe Dice ROLL SPECIAL EVENT SITUATION 2 YGOR ASSERTS BESTIALITY ~ Monster plavar may take control of Ygor at any point in the turn f desied, 2 FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER OVERCOME BY REMORSE ~ Monster cannot move this turn. Fighting a by two (-2 ci rll media. 4 OLD FLOORBOARD SNAPS ~ Monstor player must row ter i hidden. Monster player need not say whlch character's there Secret Laboratory har no floorboards, so player must 5 WOLFMAN GOES BERSERK — Wolfman adds one to speed and fighting ability this turn only. Wolfman must move at least one ares during monster player's moverent phase 6 POLICE INSPECTOR PAUSES TO INVESTIGATE — If no monstars are in te same room or hallaay with the Poli Spector, he stops and caqpot move this turn 7 NOSPECIAL EVENT THIS TURN 8 ROTTEN STAIRWAY — Ech character in an area with a stairway mutt roll a die. 4, 8, oF6 means he felis through the ‘tai, suffering one wound. The cheractercanngt move or shoot this turn, But can Tah. © FALSE ALARM — The monster player can select any one human-controlled character not in 2 room or hallway with & ‘monster, Rha character automatically panics immediatly 10 DOUBTS ASSAIL TOWNSFOLK~ If any Villagers or the Burgermeister have been woundad or kllad by & monster so for Jn the game, all must immediately coll adie for éregein-courege check. Ifa character fails to regain courage, he panics, 11” DR, FRANKENSTEIN PERPLEXED — An automatic and immediate challenge If made for Dr. Franksnstein’s conto Each player rolls for control. This challenge ls in addition to the normal challenge allowed ater without control, H Dr. Frankenstein iil hidden, the players rol for control and he ie revealed if the human player wins 12 EXPLOSION IN SECRET LABORATORY — Each character in Secret Laboretory area is caught inthe blot suffers one |wound and is forced back (eter contal is determined t necessary) out of the la, where posse lab isnot possible, no extra wounds are eutfred end character remain in place, Hidden characters ere revealed By the blast NOTE: In some cates, special events will_not apply in the curent game situation In those cases, ignore she special event. lea never suffers @ mound a @ result of special events, and ignores all wound results, FAMOUS TER Included in this set are Heritage Colors in two stros of snap- tight plastic containers, si containers per strip. These paints ae aryc ‘waterbased paints, This mieans you can thin them, clean up spills, and ‘wash brushes with plain water. The paints dry quickly and become pe ‘manent and waterproof in 10-15 minutes. However, the paint will ehip \hen handled unless you put a proper protective coating ove the Figure PREPARATIONS: set up your working area at a wellighted table of desk, Cover the area with old newspapers and weit old clothes, Have an old bow! or pass of water at hand for cleaning your brush between colors ‘You should trim flash (excess metal) from your Figures with 2 hobby knife (X-acto type) or small hobby file. larger files good for smoothing the bottom of the base so thatthe figure stands straight ang sable. THE PAINTS: 10 open a container on the paint trp, simply press the snaps torether slowly. The lid wll pop up. To close press he id back down all the way ‘One paint stip contain tive colors and yout white primer. The second strip vantine more primer, clear matte coating, more colors, fnd one unmarked empty contangr for mixing stains and washes, oF ‘oring specially mived colors, Clean ivafter each use with damp tissue ‘These are_ your colors, alongwith the stock numbers for matching Colors in the Heritage Color tine of hobby palms: A White Primer (9445 or 9543); 1 ~ Vellow (9814); 2 ~ Red (9510); 3 ~ Brown (9518); 4 — Black (9505); 5 ~ Green (3521); 6 ~ Flesh (9533); 7 — Blue (9527); 8 — Dark Sliver (9455); Matte Protective Coat (9546). PRIMING FIGURES: cover all your figures with the white primer (A) e sure to coat all the parts and details, even the base. Let the brimer diy, preferably overnight. Priming holds to metal better than egular paint, and is dul, white surface isthe best undercoating for ‘ther colors. Leftover primer can be used as white pant PAINTING: once the primer i dey, start panting, using the suldes for each figure below. You can set up an "assembly line” there you paint one color on al ures, then the next color of al et. br you can palnt each figure one ata time. Generally paint the large feds fist, then the smaller detail Start from the “Inside” and move fut ~ first the skin color, then the hale, shoes and shirt, then the pants, then the cout, and finally the detail, STAIN PAINTING: any color can be stained by adding a litle FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER Speed: 2 Fighting ability: +3, Wounds to Kill: impossible to ill wth wounds Regain courage: 410.6 BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN Speed: 2 Fighting Ability: +1 Wounds to Kil: impossible to ill wth wounds Regain Courage: 5 or 6 Nous first blocked or attacked by him Notes: panicked by fre, killed by wounds with fre killed by ‘pecal devices of Dr Frankenstsin orn Secret Lab, n163-PG PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS AND. CHARACTER DATA. SHEET water (about 50:50) to make it flow more. Stans collect in the depres sions of the gure making the figure darker where shadows Would hatually lle. This brings out deta and makes the figure look more teal, Stuin painting. very fas, and produces a realistic effect. Stains ean be applied over the white primer or any other colors after they have dred WASHES: mix 1 brushful of paint to 2 oF 3 brushes fll of water for a wash. Washed are applied ver other colors (after they have dried) 10 give color variations, city, shadowed appearence, or other effects DETAILS and smal items are best done with fullstrength paints. Wait until the coat oF stain oF wash beneath Is dry before painting etal DRYBRUSHING: to use this advanced technique, dip che brush in paint and wipe the brush on a paper towel until ony alte dred paint Telefon the brush, Then lightly wipe the side of the brush over the ‘igure so thatthe high point scrape off abit of the paint. Using alight ‘votsion of the base palnt, drybrushing can bull up highlights and make etait and form stand out MIXING COLORS: When the paint guide calls for two colors with a+" between them (as in “WhitesBlus*) this means to mix the two Colors for a sifferent shade, Or you can mix color for darker or lighter ‘Shades jst to please your own taste BASES of your figures should be painted grey (white + black), with 2 wash of Brown and {if you wish) a drybrush of white of yellow. PROTECTIVE COAT: Your paint job will chip and wear 2vay very quickly unless you cover the figure withthe Protective Coat (B). {This looks yellowish but dries clear and flat for 4 protective finish Wait until the paint on the figures has dried overnight before putting fn the Prowectve Coat, BRUSHES should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and warm water before putting them away. Do not let paint dry in the brush Do nor fet a brush stand ina ar of water with its bristles Gown; this bands the bristles and makes painting hard. 1 you enjoy painting and intend to do more, you wil probably want to get 2 good-quality No. 1 arts’s Qh from your att supply store of hobby shop, and pethaps a No, O00 brush for very fine detaling. ASK the Store owner for the best way to care for the brush, and be sure to follow hs In- Eructons sits very easy to ruin a good brush through neglect, FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER Faced ands Flesh wth wash of sen, Hira shows — elk Shire white with a wash of lack Gout = Grey (unite aes) witha ah of brown fants Stalorarown BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN Face & Hands — Flesh with a wash of green Hair-— Heavy staln of black with ight grey (white + black) side stripes Dress ~ Green with stain of blue, Grey sleeves. Panicked by fire, killed by wounds with fre, killed by devices in secret lab or by Dr. Frankenstein, cannot block o ight with Dr. Frankenstein unless DRACULA! DRACULA, Speed: 3” (Bat flight: 6) Face & Hands — Stain of flesh Fighting Ablity: +2 against Burgermeister or Vilagers, Shirt & Cuffs — White w/slver medallion +1 again al others Coat, Pants, Hair, Shoes — Black Wounds o Kill: Impossible Kil with wounds unless Black with od ining coffins are destroyed, then roll again afar on ¥ Wound: 5 or 6 ils Regain Courage: 310 6 Notes: Forced back and cannot defeat Holy Cross, VAMPIRE WOMAN VAMPIRE WOMAN Speed: 2 (Bat fight: 5) Face, arms, & legs ~ Stan of flesh Fighting Ability: 7 against Burgermeister or Villagers Hale’ lack Wounds to Kill: imposible o kill with wounds unless coffins Dress Black with rd hem and edging ae destroyed, then roll gain after wound Sor6 kil Regain Courage: 4 10.6 Notes: Forced back and cannot defeat Holy Cross WOLFMAN WOLFMAN Spesd: 3 urea with ay san of brow, Fleting Abi: #1 Fane Sian ot row Wound to Ki nose t i with wounds anes ‘opponent has wolfban, then roll again after wound. 4, 5, oF 6 kill. Regain Courage: 5 106 Notes: Killed instantly by a hit from asilver bullet, DOCTOR FRANKENSTEIN DR. FRANKENSTEIN Speed: 2 Face & arms ~ Flesh Fighting Ability: +1 against the Frankenstein Monster or Gide Lab cost & shots White with tin back wash of Frankenstein Pants ~ Blue Wounds to Kil: 4 Regain Courage: 4 106 Notes: Will the Frankenstein Monster or Bide of Fran~ Kenstein with any wound he infics; Knows the sc- ret door incase YGOR YGOR Speed: 2 Face & hands ~ Fash Flahing Abtity: Normal Shire = Yellow Wounds Kil Pants & Hale ~ Stain of brown. Regain Courage: $ 10 6 ‘Shoes ~ Black Notes Knows the secret doors inthe Cate. KARL THE HERO KARL THE HERO Specd: 3 Face & Hands ~ Flesh Fighting Ability: +1 Shire ~ White Wounds to ill 5 Coat — Red Regain Courage: 210 6 Breeches Stain of brown Boots & Riding Crop ~ Black Halr~ Yellow with heavy stan of brown, - DOCTOR VAN HELSING DR: VAN HELSING Face & Hands — Fle i Coat ~ Grey (White * Black) 4 Shirt— White aie & Beard — Light wash of black Cross siner Pants — Blue Shoes — Black POLICE INSPECTOR Speed: 2 Fighting Ability: Normal Wounds to Kill: 4 Regain Courage: 3 t0 6 Notes: Has a pstl with two siver bullet. BURGERMEISTER. Speed: 2 Fighting Abitity: normal Wounds to Kil: 2 Regain Courage: 4 106 Notes: Knows the secret doors inthe castle, HUNTER OF THE VILLAGE Speed: 2 Fighting Ability: Normat Wounds to Kill 3 Regan Courage: § or 6 Notes: Carries a shotgun FARMER OF THE VILLAGE Speed: 2 Fighting Ability: Normal Wounds to Kill: 3 Regain Courage: § or 6 Notes: Torch wil force back Frankenstein Monster and ride (of Frankenstein; wounds Kil those monsters COBBLER OF THE VILLAGE Speed: 2 again Courage: § or 6 ELSA THE HEROINE Speea: 2 Fighting Ability: Does not fight Wounds to Kill No character wil fight oF shoot at Elsa, Regain Courage: Automatically regains courage iin an area With a huran-controlled character atthe {art of the move. Notes: Stars in contol of (captured by) monsters, POLICE INSPECTOR Skin = Flesh Coat —Staln blue with re cuffs & trim Boots, Holster, Belts, & Hat Brim — Black Hat ~ Red with bie top & trim Gun, buckle, & rosette (on hat) ~ silver Pants ~ Grey Hair Stan brown BURGERMEISTER Face, hands, & knees ~ Flesh Beard & halt ~ Stain of black Shirt & stocking tops ~ yellow w/wash of brown, Shorts — Red with blue suspenders Shoes ~ Brown HUNTER OF THE VILLAGE Face, hands, & knees ~ Flesh Shire Light blu (blue + white) Shorts Warm Brown (brown + yellow) with red tim ‘nd Yellow suspenders Shoes & pouch ~ Wash of brown Hat — Yellow with white feat Gun —Siver with brown stock. FARMER OF THE VILLAGE Face & Hands Flesh Pants ~ Heavy wash of groen ‘Shirt — Yellow Coat & Shoss — Warm Brown (brown + yellow) Torch handle & pitchfork shaft Brown Pitchfork head ~ Siver Torch flames ~ Vellow with red wash and white tips. COBBLER OF THE VILLAGE Face & Hands ~ Flesh ‘Coat= Warm Brown (brown + yellow) with brown wash Boots, belt, axe handle, & lanern fram ‘Axe-head, Lantem-bandle ~ silver Lantern panes ~ Yellow with white centers Hat red with black brim ELSA THE HEROINE aca & hands — Flesh Hair — Yellow with light wash of brown Bodice — Ligt blue (blue + whits) with rd tlm Skiet~ white with light wash of blue, ‘CREDITS Product Concept Game Design Game Develogment Figure Design Praytesting Howard Barasch Brion Pili Amol Hendrick ‘Steven Blesoce, Duke Seitred ‘Max Car, Bob Dezomita Albert Pare, David Holber Wayne Jordan, Flashy Ed” Andrews Diora Diorama Photography Artwork & Graphics ‘Trademark, Copyright ©1981 Mex Car, Deva Helbar ‘Arnold Hendrick Bil Crate Cynthia Sims Mian, with Dovid Helber ‘Heritage USA, Ine. CHARACTER RECORD SHEET — Monster Play FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER 2 speed, #3 fighting ability, regains courage on 4-6 wounds: [I-27 3] ATS] 81-71-81 SJ etc. (unlimited number) Start Location: BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN 2 speed, +1 fighting ability, regaine courage on 5-6 wounds: ot TST S] BL Bete nlimied number) Start Location: DRACULA, 3 (6) speed, +2 fighting Burgermeister/Villagers, “+1 vs others, regains courage on 3-6 wounds: [I-32] 31 als “71-81 etc. (unlimited number) Start Location: ‘VAMPIRE WOMAN 2.(5) speed, +1 fighting Burgermeister/Villagers, +0 vs others, regains cour wounds: [_-1]_-2] 31 al 5161-71-81 Sete. (unlimited number) Start’ Location WOLFMAN 3 speed, +1 fighting ability, regains courage on 6-6 wounds! PATA Sa PB Be tied number) Start Loe VAMPIRE COFFINS — Start Location at DOCTOR FRANKENSTEIN 2 speed, +1 fighting ablity vs Frankenstein Monster or Bride, +0 vs others, courage on 46 wounds: (—-i[ 2] 3] 4] dies} Start Location: ye on 46 Yoor 2 speed, +0 fighting ability, regains courage on 5-6 wounds: [_1]_-2] 3] dies] ‘Start Location: ELSA THE HEROINE 2 speed, does not fight, regains courage automatically if in area with human-controlled character, cannot be wounded because she does not fight Start Location: Monsterplayer checks off turns he has control of Elsa the Heroine here (1 victory point for every four turns): ee eee eo tee 1s ie fe ne Dr so} SHOOTING GUNS SUMMARY FIGHTING SUMMARY Orange: need 26 to hit to Force Back enemy: +2 or more advantage Trange: need 4-6 tohit toPanicenemy: +3 or more advantage range: need 56 to hit +7 fighting ability of character (see data above) =1 per wound: “per wound on character (see record of wounds above) 2if panicked CHARACTER RECORD SHEET — Human Player KARL THE HERO. 3 speed, +1 fighting ability, regains courage on 2.6 wounds: Ctl 21 3] =a] dies} ‘Special Possessions: DOCTOR, VAN HELSING. 2 speed, +1 fighting Dracula or Vampire Woman, +0 vs others, regains courage on 3-6 wounds: [

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