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Viswal Mate~ia Medica of Chinese t-Je~bs

Sac~ed Lotus .A~tSI Jt'\c.

1st Edition
Revision 1.1

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Copyright 2009, by Sacred Lotus Arts, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

Visual Materia Medica of Chinese t-Ierbs

Table of Cot\tet\ts

Warm, Spicy Herbs that Release the Exterior 01

Cool, Spicy Herbs that Release the Exterior 02
Herbs that Drain Fire 03
Herbs that Cool the Blood 04
Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness 05
Herbs that Clear Heat and Eliminate Toxins 06
Herbs that Clear and Relieve Summerheat 07
Purgatives 08
Moist Laxatives 09
Harsh Expellants 10

Herbs that Regulate Water and Drain Dampness 11


Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness 12
Herbs that Cool and Transform Phlegm-Heat 13
Warm Herbs that Transform Phlegm-Cold 14
Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing 15
'-....-- Aromatic Herbs that Transform and Dissolve Dampness 16
"- Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation 17
Herbs that Regulate the Qi 18
Herbs that Stop Bleeding 19
Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Remove Stagnation 20
Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold 21

Herbs that Tonify Qi 22

Herbs that Tonify Blood 23
Herbs that Tonify Yang 24

Herbs that Tonify Yin 25

Herbs that Astringe, Stabilize, Bind 26
Substances that Anchor, Settle, and Calm the Spirit 27
Herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit 28
Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices 29
'-' Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors 30
Herbs that Expel Parasites 31
Substances for External Application 32











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