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College Address: Permanent Address:

5000 Forbes Avenue, SMC 4776

Kevin DeVincentis 2740 Apple Valley Estates Drive
E-mail: kdevince@andrew.cmu.edu
Pittsburgh, PA 15289 Orefield, PA 18069
Phone: (610) 737-8276
Website: kevindevincentis.weebly.com

Carnegie Mellon University, Class of 2019, Pittsburgh, PA
Electrical and Computer Engineering
GPA 4.0/4.0
Carnegie Institute of Technology Deans List

Lehigh University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
May - August 2017
Research Assistant
Simulated neurons in different configurations to create neural networks capable of learning
Learning is based off of the theories of Spiking Neural Nets with a Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) rule
Goal of the project is to use living neuronal cells to complete machine learning tasks

CORAL Group at Carnegie Mellon University

Jun - August 2016
Research Assistant
Designed, built, and programmed and inexpensive robotic arm for CoBot.
CoBot is a task based robot designed with localization software to help people with daily tasks.
Developed behaviors for CoBot such as knocking on door and elevator interaction

Mouse Trap Car, 2016
As part of Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, the mouse trap car project required groups of four to create a car
powered by a mouse trap to move in an s shaped course
Project required team skills, CAD modeling, documentation, and application of engineering principles
Free Body Diagram Solver, 2015
This was created for the Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science (15-112) class. It solved 3D free body diagram
problems and supported complex expressions as inputs using a 3D interface.
This was created in a two-dimensional graphics package (TKINTER). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAHa_urSD5Q
RFID Scanner for grocery stores (High School Senior Capstone), 2014
As part of an engineering class, designed and created a device capable of reading every item in a shopping cart within seconds
Project followed the engineering design process, ending in a formal presentation of findings

Languages: Python, C, Java, Arduino, SystemVerilog, Matlab
Software: Autodesk Inventor, MultiSim, Linux, ROS, NEURON
Machines: Carpentry Tools, Laser Cutter, 3D-Printers, Soldering Iron
Engineering: Basic Circuit Design, Digital Logic, Microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi


6th Highest Score in Computer Vision Class, Spring 2017
Mouse Trap Car Design Award, 2016
Given to the team with the most innovative design for the Intro to Mechanical Engineering Mouse Trap Car Project
Parkland High School Engineering Award, 2015

SDC Buggy, 2015 - Present
Mechanic: Building, maintaining, and researching technology for the buggy
Pusher: The traditional CMU sport requires people to push the buggies during the uphill portion of the course.

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