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Prophase I is the longest phase of meiosis. During The pachytene stage, also known as pachynema, from
prophase I, DNA is exchanged between homologous Greek words meaning "thick threads",. At this point a
chromosomes in a process called homologous tetrad of the chromosomes has formed known as a
recombination. This often results in chromosomal bivalent. This is the stage when chromosomal
crossover. This process is critical for pairing between crossover (crossing over) occurs. Nonsister chromatids of
homologous chromosomes and hence for accurate homologous chromosomes may exchange segments
segregation of the chromosomes at the first meiosis over regions of homology. Sex chromosomes however,
division. The new combinations of DNA created during are not wholly identical, and only exchange information
crossover are a significant source of genetic variation, over a small region of homology. At the sites where
and result in new combinations of alleles, which may be exchange happens, chiasmata form. The exchange of
beneficial. The paired and replicated chromosomes are information between the non-sister chromatids results in
called bivalents or tetrads, which have two chromosomes a recombination of information; each chromosome has
and four chromatids, with one chromosome coming the complete set of information it had before, and there
from each parent. The process of pairing the are no gaps formed as a result of the process. Because
homologous chromosomes is called synapsis. At this the chromosomes cannot be distinguished in the
stage, non-sister chromatids may cross-over at points synaptonemal complex, the actual act of crossing over is
called chiasmata (plural; singular chiasma). not perceivable through the microscope, and chiasmata
are not visible until the next stage.
The first stage of prophase I is the leptotene stage, also DIPLOTENE
known as leptonema, from Greek words meaning "thin During the diplotene stage, also known as diplonema,
threads". In this stage of prophase I, individual from Greek words meaning "two
chromosomeseach consisting of two sister threads", the synaptonemal complex degrades and
chromatidscondense from the diffuse interphase homologous chromosomes separate from one another a
conformation into visible strands within the nucleus. little. The chromosomes themselves uncoil a bit, allowing
However the two sister chromatids are still so tightly some transcription of DNA. However, the homologous
bound that they are indistinguishable from one another. chromosomes of each bivalent remain tightly bound at
During leptotene, lateral elements of the synaptonemal chiasmata, the regions where crossing-over occurred.
complex assemble. Leptotene is of very short duration The chiasmata remain on the chromosomes until they
and progressive condensation and coiling of are severed at the transition to anaphase I.
chromosome fibers takes place. In mammalian and human fetal oogenesis all developing
oocytes develop to this stage and are arrested before
ZYGOTENE birth. This suspended state is referred to as
The zygotene stage, also known as zygonema, from the dictyotene stage or dictyate. It lasts until meiosis is
Greek words meaning "paired threads",occurs as the resumed to prepare the oocyte for ovulation, which
chromosomes approximately line up with each other into happens at puberty or even later.
homologous chromosome pairs. In some organisms, this
is called the bouquet stage because of the way the DIAKINESIS
telomeres cluster at one end of the nucleus. At this Chromosomes condense further during
stage, the synapsis (pairing/coming together) of the diakinesis stage, from Greek words meaning "moving
homologous chromosomes takes place, facilitated by through". This is the first point in meiosis where the four
assembly of central element of the synaptonemal parts of the tetrads are actually visible. Sites of crossing
complex. Pairing is brought about in a zipper-like fashion over entangle together, effectively overlapping, making
and may start at the centromere (procentric), at the chiasmata clearly visible. Other than this observation, the
chromosome ends (proterminal), or at any other portion rest of the stage closely resembles prometaphase of
(intermediate). Individuals of a pair are equal in length mitosis; the nucleoli disappear, the nuclear
and in position of the centromere. Thus pairing is highly membrane disintegrates into vesicles, and the meiotic
specific and exact. The paired chromosomes are called spindle begins to form.
bivalent or tetrad chromosomes.

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