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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// cometTransferWeights.mel - MEL Script

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2005 Michael B. Comet - All Rights Reserved.
// Lets you transfer weights from one or more joints onto another joint
// for selected points of a skinCluster.
// libSkin.mel - For skin procs
// source "cometTransferWeights.mel"; cometTransferWeights() ;
// Michael B. Comet - comet@comet-cartoons.com
// 1.00 - June 25, 2005 - mcomet - Initial Rev.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Includes
eval("source \"libSkin.mel\"; ") ;

* globals

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UI Procs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* cometTransferWeights() -
global proc cometTransferWeights()
if (`window -ex cometTransferWeightsWin`)
showWindow cometTransferWeightsWin ;
return ;

window -w 330 -h 140 -t "Comet Transfer Weights - 1.00"

cometTransferWeightsWin ;
formLayout mainForm ;

text -l "Transfer From:" txFrom ;

textField -tx "" tfFrom ;
button -l "<<<" -w 30 -c ("cTW_loadObjs(\"tfFrom\");") btnFrom ;
text -l "Transfer To:" txTo ;
textField -tx "" tfTo ;
button -l "<<<" -w 30 -c ("cTW_loadObj(\"tfTo\");") btnTo ;

text -l "skinCluster:" txSkinClXfer ;

textField -tx "" tfSkinClXfer ;
button -l "<<<" -w 30 -c ("cTW_loadSkinCl(\"tfSkinClXfer\");")
btnSkinClXfer ;

button -l "Transfer Weights" -c ("cTW_transferWeights();") -ann "Transfer

Skin Weights for Selected Points" btnXfer ;

formLayout -e
-af txFrom "top" 5
-an txFrom "bottom"
-af txFrom "left" 5
-an txFrom "right"

-af tfFrom "top" 5

-an tfFrom "bottom"
-ac tfFrom "left" 5 txFrom
-ac tfFrom "right" 5 btnFrom

-af btnFrom "top" 5

-an btnFrom "bottom"
-an btnFrom "left"
-af btnFrom "right" 5

-ac txTo "top" 5 tfFrom

-an txTo "bottom"
-af txTo "left" 5
-an txTo "right"

-ac tfTo "top" 5 tfFrom

-an tfTo "bottom"
-ac tfTo "left" 5 txTo
-ac tfTo "right" 5 btnTo

-ac btnTo "top" 5 tfFrom

-an btnTo "bottom"
-an btnTo "left"
-af btnTo "right" 5

-ac txSkinClXfer "top" 5 tfTo

-an txSkinClXfer "bottom"
-af txSkinClXfer "left" 5
-an txSkinClXfer "right"

-ac tfSkinClXfer "top" 5 tfTo

-an tfSkinClXfer "bottom"
-ac tfSkinClXfer "left" 5 txSkinClXfer
-ac tfSkinClXfer "right" 5 btnSkinClXfer

-ac btnSkinClXfer "top" 5 tfTo

-an btnSkinClXfer "bottom"
-an btnSkinClXfer "left"
-af btnSkinClXfer "right" 5

-ac btnXfer "top" 5 tfSkinClXfer

-an btnXfer "bottom"
-af btnXfer "left" 5
-af btnXfer "right" 5

mainForm ;

showWindow cometTransferWeightsWin ;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc cTW_loadObjs(string $tf)

string $objs[] = `ls -sl` ;
string $obj ;
string $text = "" ;

for ($obj in $objs)

$text += ($obj+" ") ;

textField -e -tx $text $tf ;


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc cTW_loadObj(string $tf)

string $objs[] = `ls -sl` ;

textField -e -tx $objs[0] $tf ;


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc cTW_loadSkinCl(string $tf)

string $objs[] = `ls -sl -fl` ;
string $skins[] = libSkin_getSkinFromGeo($objs[0]) ;

textField -e -tx $skins[0] $tf ;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* cTW_transferWeights() - Main wrapper
global proc cTW_transferWeights()
string $fromStr = `textField -q -tx tfFrom` ;
string $jntsFrom[] ;
tokenize($fromStr, " \t\r\n", $jntsFrom) ; // Convert from string
to array
string $jntTo = `textField -q -tx tfTo` ;
string $skinCl = `textField -q -tx tfSkinClXfer` ;

string $comps[] = `ls -sl -fl` ; // flatten list of selected points!

if ($fromStr == "" || size($jntsFrom) <= 0)

error -sl 0 ("No From Joints chosen.") ;
if ($jntTo == "")
error -sl 0 ("No To Joint chosen.") ;
if ($skinCl == "")
error -sl 0 ("No Skin Cluster chosen.") ;
if (size($comps) <= 0)
error -sl 0 ("No points selected to transfer weights for.") ;

libSkin_transferWeight($skinCl, $jntsFrom, $jntTo, $comps) ;

print ("// Transferred weights. //\n") ;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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