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EQ: What factors unite or divide individuals in a society?
Collection Quote: We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin,
but we all belong to one human race. Kofi Annan

Performance Task: Write an Argumentative Essay

Refer back to the Collection Quote and Essential Question. Can individuals unite as one human race? What are the factors that unite or divide us? Write and
argumentative essay in which you state your position and use evidence from, the text(s) to support your claim.

Text What does the text SAY? What does the text MEAN? Why does the text MATTER?
Author (Provide evidence with (Explain the quote in your own (How does your quote back up your
Genre parenthetical citation) words) position on us living together as
one human race?)

A Quilt of a Country Quindlen argues that . She is using an empathetic This is incredibly relevant to
approach to convince her us being capable of uniting
Anna Quindlen audience that. as one human race
Argument Essay

Textbook Page 3

Making the Future Better,


Eboo Patel


Close Reader Page 10

Text What does the text SAY? What does the text MEAN? Why does the text MATTER?
Author (Provide evidence with (Explain the quote in your own (How does your quote back up your
Genre parenthetical citation) words) position on us living together as
one human race?)
Once Upon a Time

Nadine Gordimer

Short Story

Textbook Page 11

The Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln


Textbook Page 27

Views of the Wall

Various Photographers

Photo Essay

Textbook Page 33
The Vietnam Wall

Albert Rios

Textbook Page 33

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