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Created by :
Group 4
Helda Arina Simatupang (12315244003)
Lady Wahyu Hapsari (12315244006)
Marta ASri Dewi (12315244009)
Wulan Ambar Pratiwi (12315244017)
Fitra Nugraha Tama (12315244026)



I. Objective
1. To knowing normal fluor albus and abnormal albus
2. To knowing the relation between keep the female reproductive organs with fluor
3. To knowing the knowledge about fluor albus in society

II. Literary Review

1. Female Reproductive Organs
Female reproductive organ scan be divided into two parts, namely the
reproductive organs inside and the outside of there productive organs.

Inner reproductive organs

1) Ovarian
Ovarian was in the body cavity in the waist area. The ovaries produce ova (eggs)
and hormones estrogen and progesterone.
2) Reproductive Tract
Shared eggs (oviduct / fallopian tube)
Fallopian tubes (oviduct) totaled a pair, the base of the funnel-shaped oviduct
called the infundibulum. In the infundibulum are tassels (fimbrae) that serves to
remove ova from the ovary into the uterus.
Rahim (uterus)
Womb (uterus) is a hollow right and left oviduct meetings and the bottom tapers
called cervical / cervix. The uterus serves as a zygote development
when fertilization occurs.
Vaginal boils down to the vulva which is a copulation.

Outer reproductive organs

Reproductive organs on the outside of her vulva form. The vulva consists
of monspubis. Monspubis / monsveneris an upper and outer area of the vulva that
contains a lot of fat tissue. Below the fold there monspubis labium major / large,
amounting to a pair of lips. Inside there is a major labium labium minor creases /
small, amounting to a pair of lips. Labium major and minor works to protect the
vagina. Combined labium major and minor in the upper labium small bulge called the

Vaginal discharge (Fluor albus) in women

Problems vaginal discharge is a classic problem in most women. Ironically
most women do not know about vaginal discharge, and the cause of vaginal discharge
in women. many who make vaginal discharge as trivial. Actually, if not handled
properly, it can be fatal vaginal discharge. Infertility and ectopic pregnancy
(pregnancy outside the womb) can be one result of the presence of vaginal discharge,
in addition to the early symptoms of ovarian cancer usually begins with this presence
of vaginal discharge. And of course, cervical cancer is a type of disease which is
dangerous if not handled properly, will lead to death.
a. Type Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge divided into two types, namely the physiological and
1. Vaginal Discharge Physiological
This type of vaginal discharge is usually common when the fertile
period, and the time before and after menstruation. Usually when these
conditions are often excess mucus, it is a normal thing, and usually does not
cause itching and odorless. Physiological vaginal discharge in pregnant women
does not affect the fetus directly, because of the membranes that protect the
Physiological vaginal discharge or abnormal vaginal discharge is also
widely known to have the characteristics of:
Fluid dilute vaginal discharge
Liquid that comes out cream-colored or clear
Liquid that comes out odorless
Does not cause the itching
The amount of fluid that comes out relatively a bit
2. Vaginal Discharge Pathological
Vaginal discharge pathological types referred to as abnormal vaginal
discharge. This type of vaginal discharge is included into the type of disease.
Pathological vaginal discharge can cause a variety of effects and it would be
very disruptive to women's health in general and health in particular feminine
Pathological vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:
The liquid is thick
The liquid that comes out has a milky white color, or yellow or green also
Vaginal discharge pathological cause itching
The liquid that comes out has a bad odor
Usually leaves patches are seemingly in panties
The amount of fluid that comes out very much

b. Vaginal Discharge Causes

That is less good hygiene factor. Cleanliness in the vaginal area should be
maintained. If, vaginal area is not kept clean will cause various diseases one of
which vaginal discharge. This causes increased vaginal moisture and this makes a
pathogenic bacteria causing the infection will be very easy to spread.
All organ performance is influenced and controlled by the brain, the brain
receptors when experiencing stressful conditions this can result in changes, and
hormonal balance in the body and this can lead to a vaginal discharge.
The use of antibiotic drugs in the long term can cause the immune system
in the female body, and can lead to antibiotic drugs usually vaginal discharge.
While the hormonal balance disorders can also be caused by use of birth.
Nearly 85% of women experience problems with vaginal discharge.
Sometimes this causes a variety of health concerns because it involves sex organs.
vaginal discharge or fluor albus in medicine is called, is a collection of fluid and
cells that come out of the female genitalia. Its function is to clean and protect the
feminine area.
Actually, if the vaginal discharge color is clear that experienced or yellow
light when attached to clothing in the form of mucus that can dilute or thick
depending on the hormone cycle, odorless and does not cause itching, burning,
pain, and there are not too many then the vaginal discharge including reasonable.
Abnormal vaginal discharge can be caused by a variety of infections,
ranging from bacterial infection, parasites, or fungi. Characteristics as below:
1. Vaginal discharge caused by Fungi infections (candidosis vulvovaginalis)
Vaginal discharge yellowish white a blob like heads of milk. Itchy, hot and
causes pain after urination and pain during intercourse.
2. Vaginal discharge of infectious parasites (Trichomoniasis)
Vaginal discharge yellow-green, thick shape, smell bad and frothy. Another
complaint is that can accompany any pain during intercourse, bleeding after
sexual intercourse and bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
3. Vaginal discharge caused by bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis)
Vaginal discharge-gray colored, shaped somewhat dilute, fishy smell and rarely
foaming. Fishy smell after intercourse more piercing and cause abnormal
menstrual blood smell. Another complaint is that can accompany itching and
burning in the genital area.
4. Signs Cancer
Vaginal discharge brown, there are spots of blood and foul smelling. vaginal
discharge can last a long time, do not respond to any treatment and can be
accompanied by pain during intercourse.
5. Vaginitis due Allergy/Irritation of Chemicals (cream, liquid, spray materials,
Vaginal discharge will be more, vaginal discharge yellow, can be thin or thick.
Complaints that can accompany are itching, burning, pain and redness in the
genital area.
Vaginal discharge caused by fungi, parasites, bacteria and viruses. Fungi
Monilia or Candidas. Characterized by having a milky white color, very liquid
talents, very smelly and seda not cause itching around the vagina. This may cause
the vagina to experience inflammation and redness. Usually it is also triggered by
the presence of diabetes, use of birth control pills, as well as the body that has low
Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
Occurs and is transmitted through sexual intercourse, or by lip toilet toiletries.
Has a characteristic, highly viscous liquid that comes out, has a yellow or green
color, frothy and smells rancid. vaginal discharge due to parasite does not cause
itching, but if pressed vagina is going to hurt.
Bacteria Gardnella
vaginal discharge due to bacterial infection is characterized by gray-colored, a
bit dilute, have a fishy smell and bubbly. This type of vaginal discharge can
cause itching that is very disturbing.
vaginal discharge this kind arising from venereal diseases, such as HIV / AIDS,
herpes and conyloma. The emergence of many warts and followed by smelling
liquid indicate condyloma virus. Usually pregnant women are often infected by
this virus. The virus that can be transmitted by sexual intercourse, namely herpes
virus. Characteristics injuries are blisters around the vaginal opening, felt hot and
itchy. Cervical cancer is very dangerous for women can be triggered by vaginal
discharge caused by vaginal discharge caused by a virus

c. Vaginal Discharge Characteristics

1. Characteristics of Normal vaginal discharge
One of the things that the background of normal vaginal discharge is having
menstrual cycles smoothly and orderly. In normal vaginal discharge generally
occurs at the time before and after menstruation. There was also the factor due to
physical exhaustion. There are also the characteristics of normal vaginal
discharge. The following are characteristics of normal vaginal discharge:
a) Discharge can occur at the beginning of the 3 -7 days before the menstrual
period comes, when the vaginal discharge comes, before the time of
menstruation, vaginal discharge will last 3-7 days until the menstrual period
b) Normally long menstrual is 7 days, then a few days later after the menstrual
period ends next will appear vaginal discharge, which indicates that menstrual
blood was not finished, menstruation blood will mix with vaginal discharge to
light brown color slightly, then a few days later the whitish fluid transformed
into a translucent white liquid, odorless and no scar. In this case it is
recommended to use a panty liner, because after the menstrual period is
complete, vaginal discharge will be a lot and lasts between 3-5 days every
woman is different depending on the response of the body and hormones in
the body.
c) Normal vaginal discharge is very reasonable, as long as vaginal discharge is
experienced not cause a disease or disorder of the body's health. Discharge
can be interpreted as an increase in the fertility of a woman. Normal vaginal
discharge is characterized as clear or translucent white colored, odorless,
non-sticky, bulk, sometimes dilute and no scar on the panties just feels a bit
damp, but then will dry by itself. This was triggered because of increased
hormone estrogen encourages whitish fluid in the vagina increases plus when
it is an activity that is quite dense.
d) The original vaginal discharge fluid is clear or translucent white color will
change color to light brown to blackish brown and lasts for 2-3 days before
menstruation arrives.
e) Normal vaginal discharge does not leave marks on the panties, only at first
feels a bit damp and uncomfortable. If the abnormal vaginal discharge would
result if the pants yellow colored spots in the dry state.
f) Not cause pain in the pelvis, just a little discomfort. However, some women
will feel the throbbing in the vagina when small vaginal discharge discharge.
The throbbing pussy interpreted as having an erection.

2. Vaginal Discharge Not Normal

Here are some characteristics of abnormal vaginal discharge that may be
experienced by most women:
a. Colour vaginal discharge brown liquid in the presence of blood such as red
Color whitish fluid like this usually happens when a woman has an
irregular menstrual cycle. Therefore vaginal discharge with traits like this
should happen to be aware when accompanied by bleeding. Characteristic
vaginal discharge like this will cause pain in the pelvis. If this continues long
will cause the symptoms of cervical cancer (cervical cancer), or endometrial
b. Vaginal discharge yellow turbid fluid
Usually whitish liquid with characteristic vaginal discharge yellow
turbid liquid, whitish fluid that will come out simultaneously while urinating,
and cause pain and occurs outside the menstrual cycle. It can be triggered by
the possibility of infection gonorrea.
c. Liquid vaginal discharge yellow or green, frothy and smelling rancid
Whitish liquid with a characteristic and texture as mentioned, your
chances of contaminated trichomonas infection. Trichomonas infection will
usually vaginal discharge discharge accompanied by pain and itching around
the vagina when you are about to urinate.
d. Effect of vaginal discharge Causing Eating
Discharge can be prevented by keeping the genital area and a healthy
diet, avoiding infection risk factors such as sexual promiscuity, regular
gynecological examinations, including examinations for early detection of
cervical cancer (pap smear) once a year for those who have never had sexual
Diet and Vaginal Fungal Infections
In particular, the type of food consumed generally tend to be less fiber
and high in sugar. The number and frequency of urination is also reduced due to
the lack of fluid intake. In addition, errors can occur constipation (difficult
bowel movements). This condition can affect the risk of vaginal discharge due
to fungal infection.
Restrictions on the amount of sugar in foods / beverages can reduce the
risk of vaginal yeast infections. In addition to sugar also honey, maple syrup,
molasses and all the food / drinks that contain these ingredients, alcoholic
beverages, foods containing vinegar, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, soy, milk,
soft drinks, dried fruit, processed foods, coffee and tea. While the food which
helps the healing process and prevent vaginal yeast infections among probiotic
foods like yogurt or probiotic supplements.
Here are some things to consider to prevent vaginal yeast infections, which is
sufficient intake of fluids, at least 8 glasses per day either in the form of drinks and
food; adequate intake of fiber from fruits and vegetables; Avoid foods that contain too
much flour and sugar.

The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries regulate female reproduction

As in the male, regulation of female reproduction involves many hormones
and other signal molecules. In the male, concentration of sex hormones is kept within
homeostatic range. In contrast, concentrations of female sex hormones change during
a monthly. Like testosterone in the male, estrogensare responsible for growth of the
sex organs at puberty, for body growth, and for the development of secondary sexual
characteristics. In the fe-male, these include development of the breasts, broadening of
the pelvis, and the characteristic development and distribution of muscle and fat
responsible for the female body shape. In females, pubertytypically begins between
ages 10 and 12 and continues until ages 14 to 16. Hormones of the hypothalamus,
anterior pituitary, and ovaries regulate the menstrual cycle,the monthly sequence of
events that prepares the body for possible pregnancy. (The term menstrual cycleis
sometimes used more narrowly to refer to the changes that occur in the uterus; we use
the term here to include both the ovarian and uterine cycles.) The menstrual cycle runs
its course every month from puberty until menopause,which occurs at about age 50.
Although wide variations exist, a typical men-strual cycle is 28 days long. The first
two weeks of the menstrual cycle are the preovulatory phase. Ovulation oc-curs on
about the 14th day of the cycle. The third and fourth weeks of the menstrual cycle are
the postovulatory phase.
III. Setting
1. Object and time
Object : Doctor, nurses, university student and society
Time : Tuesday - Monday, September11th- 15th2014

2. Tools and Materials

- Pencil
- Camera
- Questions
- People

3. Procedures

Designing the questions for interview

Determining the sources that to be interviewed

Doing the interview

Recording the result of interview

IV. Result of Interview
a. Job : Midwife
Age : 24 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Leucorrhoea in women is natural, which is caused by lack of feminine
hygiene. If the vaginal area is not kept clean, it will cause a variety of diseases
one of them is Leucorrhoea. This causes increased vaginal moisture and this
makes the cause of infection, such as bacterial pathogens will be very easy to
spread. Furthermore, leucorrhoea is also caused by stress. All the organs
performance are affected and controlled by the brain, when the brain receptors
experiencing stressful conditions, this can lead to change and the balance of
hormones in the body causing leucorrhoea.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Usually leucorrhoea occurred after 3 days of menstruation. The time of
normal menstrual is 7 days. Then a few days after the menstrual period ends
will appear leucorrhoea, which indicates that menstrual blood was not finished,
menstrual blood will mix with leucorrhoea become a rather light brown color.
Then a few days later, it turns into a translucent white liquid, no smell and no
trace. Every leucorrhoea on woman is different depending on the response of
the body and hormones in the body.
3. How often do you experience it?
Not so often, only after menstruation.
4. What is the color of the mucus?
White transparent
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
My leucorrhoea liquid was viscious and if withdrawn, it will be sticky. No, it
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes, i am. I use feminine hygiene when I experienced excessive leucorrhoea.
Feminine hygiene soap is an antiseptic soap with content that has been adapted
to the condition of the vaginal pH 3.5 (acidic) and serves to maintain the
moisture balance of vagina. Most importantly if a woman wants to use
feminine hygiene soap, then see the correct usage rules.
8. How is the level of consistency?
The viscosity level of leucorrhoea that I experienced is look like snot. The
leucorrhoea viscosity level on female is varies depending on hormones.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
I often experience vaginal discharge after menstruation. How to overcome
leucorrhoea is replacing panties at least 4 times a day, using the outer pants that
have enough pores, dont overuse tight outer pants , it can cause impaired in
circulation of the area of femininity. When menstrual periods, often to
changing pads. Panty liners are used when it is necessary, dont use it too long.
Always have enough rest. Get used to rinse the vagina each time you finish a
big waste of urine or water, be sure to rinse it clean.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
I experienced a normal vaginal discharge. Because of a normal vaginal
discharge doesnt leave marks on the panties, only at first feels a little moist
and uncomfortable. If abnormal vaginal discharge will leave a mark yellow
colored spots, if the pants are dry.
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Diet is very influential on menstruation, because if the food intake is
less then HB will be low and typically cause vaginal discharge. In addition, the
type of food are consumed tends to be high in fiber and less sugar. Total and
frequency of urination is also reduced due to the lack of fluid intake. In
addition, the possibility may be be difficult bowel movements. This condition
can affect the risk of vaginal discharge due to fungal infection. By applying a
balanced diet may be prevent vaginal yeast infections. By maintaining enough
fluid intake, at least 8 glasses per day either in the form of drinks and food,
sufficient intake of fiber from fruits and vegetables.
Always avoid foods that contain too much flour and sugar.

b. Job : Student
Age : 17 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
A disease caused by fungus in the form of white liquid.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
A few days before menstruation.
3. How often do you experience it?
Once a month or before menstruation
4. What is the color of the mucus?
The color of mucus is white translucent.
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
The liquid is look like milk and kinda smelly
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
I never use feminine hygiene.
8. How is the level of consistency?
It isnt thick
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Not so often. The solution is maintain the cleanliness to avoid moisture.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, I do. Because it usually occurs in women who will menstruating.
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
No, it isnt. Because vaginal discharge is caused by a fungus.

c. Job : Housewife
Age : 42 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Liquid that coming out from area of femininity that can be white translucent
and brown.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before menstruation
3. How often do you experience it?
Once a month or before menstruation
4. What is the color of the mucus?
Thecolor is white translucient
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
The liquid is viscous. No, It doesnt
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt.
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes, i am. At the time of vaginal discharge, to clear the area of femininity.
8. How is the level of consistency?
Rather thick
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
I am having vaginal discharge before menstruation. The solution is always
maintain the feminine area with a cleaning woman, keep from being moist,
often flushing feminine area after a bowel movement or urination, always
replace underpants, eating regularly and always regular rest.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do. because of abnormal vaginal discharge is usually brown or yellow,
and cause the unpleasant scent or smell.
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is, because with a regular diet can be prevent yeast infections in the

d. Job : University student

Age : 23 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Liquid that came from vagina caused by a fungal infection. It usually occurs in
women who have experienced menstruation.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before menstruation.
3. How often do you experience it?
Every befora menstruation.
4. What is the color of the mucus?
White transparent
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
White transparent, viscous and odorless.
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt.
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes i am, if i had vaginal discharge.
8. How is the level of consistency?
Thelevel of consistency is very thick.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Always keeping the feminine area to avoid moisture, replace underpants at
least 2 times a day, and always has a regular rest.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do. Because it doesnt cause odor.
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Irregular eating patterns can be cause vaginal discharge, avoid eating
sweets because these foods can be trigger fungus located in the vagina and
always keeping the a regular diet..

e. Job : Midwife
Age : 24 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Vaginal discharge in women it is normal as long as it does not itch, is colorless
and odorless.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Usually occurs during the middle of the menstrual cycle or before
3. How often do you experience it?
About 3-4 days before menstruation.
4. What is the color of the mucus?
Transparent, colorless
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, i am not
8. How is the level of consistency?
The level of consistency is watery
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Maintaining personal hygiene, especially in the area of femininity.
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
No, it isnt

f. Job : University student

Age : 20 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Vaginal discharge is white liquid that comes out from the vagina due to
2. When did you usually experienced it?
When the vagina is not clean.
3. How often do you experience it?
Almost every day.
4. What is the color of the mucus?
The color of mucus is yellowish white.
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
Sometimes smell
6. Is it itchy?
Sometimes it itches
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, it doent, i only use body soap.
8. How is the level of consistency?
The level of consistency is regular.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Washed by using body soap.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is
g. Job : Student
Age : 17 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
I dont understand what it is vaginal discharge in detail.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
When tired and too long to wear a long dress. memakai pakaian panjang
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is white
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, It doesnt
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, im not
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is common
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Cleaned ussually
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
I dont know
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
No, i think

h. Job : Student
Age : 19 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Vaginal discharge made it uncomfortable.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
When the vagina in moist conditions.
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
The color of tme mucus is white
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt
6. Is it itchy?
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, i am not
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is watery
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
I clean it
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
No, it isnt

i. Job : University Student

Age : 24 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
I think vaginal discharge was usually experienced by women after having
periods, but if a woman has vaginal discharge that smells, brown, thick and
itchy means that women lack hygiene.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
After period
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
White transparent
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt
6. Is it itchy?
Sometimes feel itchy
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, i am not, i am only use body soap.
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is thick
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Often change the trousers and washed with soap
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do. Because The I experienced vaginal discharge that i experiencied is
odorless, colorles, and occurs after menstruation..
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. If we eat unhealthy food, it can affect the reproductive system. I
think that influence is personal hygiene, diet, and mental conditions.

j. Job : University student

Age : 25 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
In my opinion, women experience vaginal discharge is natural, because vaginal
discharge is part of the menstrual cycle.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before menstruation
3. How often do you experience it?
Once per month
4. What is the color of the mucus?
White turbid
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
Sometimes it smells fishy.
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, iam not
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is thick
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
I clean the female organs and change the panties.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Because in my opinion, the matters that affect the vaginal discharge
are personal hygiene, menstrual cycle and diet

k. Job : Housewife
Age : 60 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
The fluid that came out before or after menstruation
2. When did you usually experienced it?
At the time I was young, I had vaginal discharge before and after menstruation.
For now I havent experienced it
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is white
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
Sometimes it smell
6. Is it itchy?
Sometimes it itches
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, i am not
8. How is the level of consistency?
I am forget
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
I clean the vagina and change the panties
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is
l. Job : Teacher
Age : 24 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
The fluid that came out before or after menstruation but sometimes caused by
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before and after menstruation but sometimes when i'm tired.
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is clear.
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
Sometimes it smell but usually doesnt smell
6. Is it itchy?
Yes, it feel itchy sometimes
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
When i have money for buy it
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is liquid
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Change underwear, dont eat filthy or carelessly, and keep the vagina.
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. If we eat food which dirty, it is possible to often exposed vaginal

m. Job : University student

Age : 21 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Vaginal discharge occurs due to the presence of bacteria in the vagina or
because we do not keep the vagina.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before and after menstruation
3. How often do you experience it?
Once per month
4. What is the color of the mucus?
Sometimes it is clear and sometimes it is white
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt smell
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt itchy
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, im not use
8. How is the level of consistency?
Dilute and mucus-like in general.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Frequently changing the underwear and cleaning the area of femininity
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Because there are some foods which can make moist in the
womanhood area.

n. Job : University student

Age : 20 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
A disease caused by bacteria that attack in the vagina. Usually caused by lack
of hygiene feminine area.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Usually before and after menstruation but sometimes when fatigue often
experience vaginal discharge too.
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is transparent but sometimes it is white.
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt smell
6. Is it itchy?
Yes, it is
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes, i am. This is usually used when bathing and sometimes after urination.
8. How is the level of consistency?
Liquid like mucus normally.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Changing panties, underwear thoroughly washed, diligently cleaning the area
of femininity and do not eat foods that are able to create moist in feminine
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect the fluor albus?
Yes, it is. Usually if we eat many cucumbers can cause vaginal discharge in
significant amounts, beside if we eat a lot of foods which can make the vagina
become moist also cause vaginal discharge.

o. Job : University Student

Age : 20 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
White mucus that coming out from the area of femininity.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Usually before and after menstruation but sometimes often also experience
vaginal discharge when the normally day.
3. How often do you experience it?
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is white, sometimes it is transparent anad sometimes yellow
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
Sometime is smell fishy and odorless
6. Is it itchy?
Sometimes it is feel itchy
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, i am not
8. How is the level of consistency?
Sometime the level of consistency is thick, sometime it is dilute.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
I change the underwear.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do.
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Eating cucumber and pineapple may affect, but which very
influential is the feminine hygiene.

p. Job : Nurse
Age : 22 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
. Vaginal discharge consists from the two types. There are a non-disease
vaginal discharge which is the physiological vaginal discharge was caused by
the menstrual cycle, before and after menstruation. But there are also caused
by bacteria or vaginal discharge pathology. Vaginal discharge pathology is
very dangerous for the area of femininity because vaginal discharge is the
beginning from the other female diseases
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Usually i experience it before and after menstruation.
3. How often do you experience it?
Rarely except before and after menstruation.
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is transparent. Vaginal discharge that has translucent color is normal while
vaginal discharge that has white color is caused by bacteria, but many people
also experience yellow, even green vaginal discharge, it can be identified have
disease on the feminine area. Usually the yellow color often leave marks on
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt. A normal vaginal discharge is normal is odorless vaginal
discharge, while the pathology vaginal discharge is usually has unpleasant
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt. Normal vaginal discharge is vaginal discharge that dont cause
itching, whereas Itchy vaginal discharge is vaginal discharge that comes from
bacteria. The itching comes from bacteria in the our vaginal area.
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes, i am. However, not all female cleaners sold in the market was good
because good cleanser is a cleanser which have content with certain pH
because if the pH was not appropriate, it can kill the bacteria are needed. In
addition, when menstruating should use cleaner, so that we keep vagina in
clean state. In addition, the correct way to wash the vagina, may also affect the
vaginal discharge.
8. How is the level of consistency?
The mucus is not vicious, because vicious mucus, even a clot is characteristic
of pathological vaginal discharge while the normal is not vicious.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Dengan sering mengganti celana dalam. Atau ketika sebelum dan sesudah
menstruasi menggunakan penti lyner. Membasuh daerah kewanitaan dengan
benar yaitu dari depan kebelakang. Membasuh daerah kewanitaan setelah
buang air besar dan kecil. Tidak menggunakan celana dalam secara berganti-
gantian. Meenjaga pola makan Frequently change underwear. Or when before
and after menstruation using pantilyner. Wash the femininity area corectly,
from the front to backward. Washing the feminine area after constipation and
urination. Not used panties in alternated turns. Maintaining the diet.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do. Because it only happens before and after menstruation, odorless,
itchless, and translucent color.
11. Is diet also affect the fluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Food is very influential. Food can trigger a hormone which produced
by the body and these hormones can trigger vaginal discharge.
q. Job : University student
Age : 19 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
I think vaginal discharge in women is reasonable, but if the vaginal discharge
excessive and not treated immediately can be harmful to women.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before menstruation
3. How often do you experience it?
Once per month
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is tranparent
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
Sometimes it smells bad, sometimes not aromatic.
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes, i do. I use it normally
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is not thick.
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Let it go.
10. Do you think you are experiencing normal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect thefluoralbus?
Yes, it is

r. Job : University student

Age : 19 years old

Questions :

1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?

It is look like mucus
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before menstruation.
3. How often do you experience it?
In 2-3 days
4. What is the color of the mucus?
It is tranparent
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No, it doesnt
6. Is it itchy?
Yes, but it is very rarely
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
No, i am not
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is not thick
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Always washing the vagina, so that not uncomfortable
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, i do
11. Is diet also affect thefluoralbus?
I dont know

s. Job : Nurse
Age : 25 years old
Questions :
1. What your opinion about fluoralbus in the women?
Vaginal discharge consists of two types. There are vaginal discharge because
it is part of the menstrual cycle which normally occurs before and after
menstruation occurred. Vaginal discharge that happened before or after
menstruation was a natural thing happening and it is not a dangerous disease.
But there are also vaginal discharge caused by fungi or bacteria that is usually
occur outside the menstrual cycle. People who experience vaginal discharge
because fungus or disease usually happened due to lack of feminine hygiene
area and usually characterized by itchy vagina when vaginal discharge, the
liquid that comes out is thick and yellow or green and smells. Vaginal
discharge happened because fungi or bacteria should not be left alone because
it may cause or lead to other diseases such as cancer services, cancer of the
uterus, etc.
2. When did you usually experienced it?
Before menstruation. But many are experiencing when exhausted, it may just
be because when the exhaustion, the hormone that will work even harder/
3. How often do you experience it?
4-6 days before and after menstruation
4. What is the color of the mucus?
5. How is the smell? Does it smell?
No it doesnt smell
6. Is it itchy?
No, it isnt. It rarely itch
7. Are you also using feminine hygiene? How often?
Yes, i am. But using the cleanser has a suitable pH because if it not to a particular
pH may actually cause disease .
8. How is the level of consistency?
It is not so thick
9. If you're experiencing, how do you solve it?
Washing the vagina correctly, which began from the front to the rear or anus,
panties replace at least 2 times a day, dont use underwear alternately, using feminine
10. Do you think you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge?
Yes, I do
11. Is diet also affect thefluoralbus?
Yes, it is. Usually eating foods that may make feminine area becomes moist is the
trigger vaginal discharge like cucumbers.

V. Discussion
Practicum conducted on Thursday until week 11-15 September 2014, entitled
Fluor Albus Problems In Women has objective, there are to knowing the relation
between keep the female reproductive organs with fluoralbus, to knowing the relation
between food with fluoralbus, to knowing the knowledge about fluoralbus in society.
Objects used were doctors, midwives, nurses, students and the community, while the
tools and materials used are pencils, books, cameras, and questions. The Procedure which
did, that are designing questions for interview, mencari narasumber to be interviewed,
conducting the interview and writing the interview. Determining the sources that to be
interviewed, doing the interview, and recording the result of interview.
The first guest speaker is 24-year-old midwife. According to her, vaginal discharge
in women is natural, which is caused because to the lack of feminine hygiene. If the
vaginal area is not kept clean, it will cause various diseases one of which vaginal
discharge.This causes increased vaginal moisture and this makes the cause of infection,
such as bacterial pathogens will be is very easy to spread. Furthermore, vaginal discharge
is also caused by stress. All organ performance is influenced and controlled by the brain,
the brain receptors when experiencing stressful conditions this can lead to change and
balance the hormones in the body and this can lead to a vaginal discharge. The second
question is about when having vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge usually happened
after 3 days of menstruation. Normally long menstrual is 7 days, then a few days later
after the menstrual period ends next will appear vaginal discharge, which indicates that
menstrual blood was not finished, menstrual blood will mix with vaginal discharge, with
a brown color rather young. Then a few days later whitish liquid turns into a translucent
white liquid, odorless and no scar. Vaginal discharge on every woman is different
depending on the response of the body and hormones in body. Furthermore, vaginal
discharge is experienced not so often, just after menstruation, whitish, translucent white,
viscous liquid and if drawn will be sticky, odorless and does not itch. In this first speaker,
she wears feminine hygiene if experienced excessive vaginal discharge. Feminine
hygiene soap is an antiseptic soap with content that has been adjusted to the pH of the
vagina is 3.5, (acidic) and serves to maintain the moisture balance of the vagina. Until
now the use of feminine hygiene soap intended for women who have reached puberty
(menstruation and vaginal discharge), not only for women who had been married only
because unmarried women have also had complaints of interference of humidity in the
area of femininity because the above factors was the can cause infectious diseases in the
feminine. Most importantly, if a woman wants to use feminine hygiene soaps, notice the
correct usage rules. The viscosity level of vaginal discharge which experienced is look
like snot. The viscosity level of Vaginal discharge on everyone are varies depending on
the hormone.
In this first informant, she frequently experience vaginal discharge after
menstruation. How to overcome vaginal discharge according to her is to replace the
underwear at least 4 times a day, using the outer pants that have enough pores, do not
overuse outer pants that tight, it can cause impaired circulation in the area of femininity.
When menstrual periods, you frequent replace the pads. Pantyliner used when it is
necessary, dont use too long. Always has rested enough. Get used to wash the vagina
after each defecating or urine, be sure to wash until clean. According to vaginal discharge
that experienced is normal, because normal vaginal discharge doesnt leave marks on the
panties, only at first feels a little damp and uncomfortable. If the vaginal discharge is not
normal, it will leave a mark yellow colored spots, if the pants are dry. Furthermore, she
said that diet affects the menstruation, because if the food intake is less, then the HB will
be low and typically cause Vaginal discharge. In addition, the type of food consumed
tends to be high in fiber and less sugar. Total and the frequency of urination is also
reduced due to the lack of fluid intake. In addition, the possibility can be difficult bowel
movements. This condition can affect the risk of Vaginal discharge due to fungal
infection. By applying a balanced diet can prevent vaginal yeast infections. By
maintaining sufficient fluid intake, at least 8 glasses per day either in the form of drinks
and food, sufficient intake of fiber from fruits and vegetables. Always avoid foods that
contain too much flour and sugar. Vaginal discharge that experienced by the first
informant is normal and is in accordance with the basic theory.
Furthermore, that second informant is a student that was 17 years old. According to
the second informant, vaginal discharge is a disease caused by a fungus in the form of
white liquid. Vaginal discharge occurs normally is experienced several days before
menstruation and regularly every month. Vaginal discharge that experienced has white
translucent, milky liquid, somewhat smelly, not itchy and not thick. The second speakers
is never use feminine hygiene and how to overcome it is to keep clean to avoid moisture.
According to vaginal discharge that experienced is normal, because it usually occurs in
women that will menstruation. And she thinks diet had no effect on vaginal discharge,
because vaginal discharge caused by fungi. In this second speaker, knowledge of vaginal
discharge in women who owned her was minimal. According to the basic theory, her
experienced vaginal discharge is normal, it is in accordance with the basic theory. But the
diet has no effect on vaginal discharge is not in accordance with the basic theory, because
the diet is very influential mildew, bacteria are eaten and the type of food consumed tends
to be high in fiber and less sugar. The total and frequency of urination is also reduced due
to the lack of fluid intake. n addition, the possibility can be difficult bowel movements.
This condition can affect the risk of vaginal discharge due to fungal infection. By
applying a balanced diet can prevent vaginal yeast infections.
Then the third speaker housewife aged 42 years. According to her, a vaginal
discharge is a liquid discharge from the female which can be white translucent and
brown. Vaginal discharge usually experienced once a month before menstruation.
Vaginal discharge was experienced had white translucent, viscous liquid, odorless and
does not feel itchy. In the third resource persons who frequently use feminine hygiene
when having keputihan. The solution is always keeping the feminine area with a cleaning
woman, taking care not to moist, often flushing feminine area after defecation or small,
always replace underpants, a regular diet and always regular rest. According to him
experienced normal vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal discharge because usually
brown or yellow and cause unpleasant scent or smell. Then the diet also affect vaginal
discharge, as with a regular diet can prevent yeast infections in the vagina. In this third
speaker is enough knowledge about vaginal discharge and is in conformity with the basic
Furthermore, the fourth speaker is a student who was 23 years old. According to
her, vaginal discharge is liquid that came from the vagina caused by a fungus inveksi. It
usually occurs in women who have experienced menstruation. Vaginal discharge was
experienced usually occurs before menstruation, translucent white color, thick, odorless
and does not itch. In this fourth resource use feminine hygiene if experiencing vaginal
discharge. According to how to cope with vaginal discharge in women is always keeping
the feminine area to avoid moisture, change underwear at least 2 times a day, and always
regular rest. Vaginal discharge that experienced is normal, because it doesnt cause odor
and diet affect the vaginal discharge, because the diet can cause irregular vaginal
discharge, avoid eating sweets because these foods can trigger fungus found in the vagina
and always maintain a regular diet. In this four speakers who experienced abnormal
vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge is sufficient knowledge about the questions and
answers are in accordance with the basic theory.
According to the next respondents, that is a 24 years of age midwife who are not
married, vaginal discharge is normal as long as it does not itch, colorless and odorless.
These respondents typically experience vaginal discharge during mid-menstrual cycle
before menstruation or about three to four days before menstruation. Later in its natural
whitish translucent colorless, odorless his scent, watery consistency level and not feel
itchy. This is in accordance with the references we obtain that vaginal discharge usually
occurred when the fertile period, and the time before and after menstruation. Usually
when these conditions are often excess mucus, it is a normal thing, and usually does not
cause itching and odorless. Types of vaginal discharge in natural respondents include the
type of vaginal discharge is also a lot of so-called physiological or abnormal vaginal
discharge that has characteristics, whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out creamy
or clear, odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause itching and the amount of fluid
that comes out fairly slightly. The respondents ie whiteness cope with personal hygiene
or personal hygine, especially in the area of femininity and never use feminine hygiene,
just by using regular soap. He said that in its natural vaginal discharge normal. Then the
respondents said that the diet had no effect on the vaginal discharge. According referesi
we collect diet is considered influential on vaginal discharge, although no direct
influence. This is because when a person consumes foods with high water content, then
the body will get the amount of water intake is also high, causing the female organs
produce more mucus and creates a feeling of moisture in the vagina. In addition, foods
with high sugar content including processed foods by using high amounts of sugar can
also trigger the production of more mucus in the female organs. To prevent excessive
vaginal discharge is not to avoid consuming sugary foods, but simply by limiting the
amount of sugary foods normally consumed so as not to disturb the fluid balance in the
body so that the production of mucous and vaginal moisture level is maintained.
Then, according to 20-year-old student and not married that vaginal discharge is a
white liquid that comes out of the vagina due to fungus and occurs when the vagina is not
clean. In accordance with the references that we obtained, vaginal discharge is caused by
poor hygiene factors. Cleanliness in vagina area should be well maintained. If, vaginal
area is not kept clean will cause various diseases one of which vaginal discharge. This
causes increased vaginal moisture and this makes a pathogenic bacteria causing the
infection will be very easy to spread. Vaginal discharge that experienced is almost every
day. Type of vaginal discharge is yellowish white, sometimes itchy and smell. According
to the reference, the her vaginal discharge is pathological vaginal discharge types referred
to as abnormal vaginal discharge. This type of vaginal discharge is included into the type
of disease. Pathological vaginal discharge can cause a variety of effects and it would be
very disruptive to women's health in general and health in particular feminine area.
Pathological vaginal discharge has characteristics such as the liquid is viscous, liquid that
comes out has a milky white color, or yellow or green as well, causing itching, fluid that
comes out has a bad odor, usually leaving patches were seemingly on pants in women
and the amount of fluid that comes out very much. But there is a difference between a
reference to what is natural because the respondents were in their natural vaginal
discharge fluid is not thick, but watery fluid as usual and not too much. To overcome this,
the respondent did by cleaning with soap and claimed never to use feminine hygiene. She
said they experienced vaginal discharge is normal and diet affect the vaginal discharge
although not directly.
According teenage student who was 17 years old and unmarried, when asked about
vaginal discharge, these students have not really understand what it is vaginal discharge.
According to reference most women do not know about the causes of vaginal discharge
and vaginal discharge in women themselves and instead are making vaginal discharge as
a light matter. Precisely if not handled properly, vaginal discharge can be fatal. Infertility
and ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb) can be one result of the presence of
vaginal discharge, in addition to the early symptoms of ovarian cancer usually begins
with the vaginal discharge. And of course, cervical cancer is a type of disease which is
dangerous if not handled properly, will lead to death. Usually these students often
experience vaginal discharge at the time of exhaustion and if it is too long to wear long
clothes. In normal vaginal discharge generally occurs at the time before and after
menstruation. There was also the factor due to physical exhaustion. Experienced white
discharge, no smell, no itch and the level of fluid viscosity as usual. Type in the natural
discharge the respondent is a type of vaginal discharge in a natural type respondents
include the type of vaginal discharge is also a lot of so-called physiological or abnormal
vaginal discharge that has characteristics, whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out
creamy or clear, odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause itching and the amount of
fluid that comes out fairly little. To overcome this, the respondent is only regular cleaning
and never use feminine hygiene. Respondents have not understood whether it is vaginal
discharge is normal or not. According to the references we get, the characteristics of
normal vaginal discharge such as that experienced during vaginal discharge does not
cause a disease or disorder of the body's health. Discharge can be interpreted as an
increase in the fertility of a woman. Normal vaginal discharge is characterized as clear or
translucent white colored, odorless, non-sticky, bulk, sometimes watery and no scar on
the panties just feels a bit damp, but then will dry by itself. This was triggered because of
increased hormone estrogen encourages whitish fluid in the vagina increases plus when it
is an activity that is quite dense. Normal vaginal discharge does not leave marks on the
panties, only at first feels a little damp and uncomfortable. If the abnormal vaginal
discharge would result if the pants yellow colored spots in the dry state. Respondents said
that the diet had no effect on vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge but actually it does not
affect the vaginal discharge walalupun directly.
Furthermore, the respondent is a student who is 19 years old and not married,
vaginal discharge makes feel uncomfortable. The the respondent typically experience
vaginal discharge at the time of the vagina in humid conditions. This is in accordance
with the references that we obtained when the vaginal area isnt kept clean will cause
various diseases one of which vaginal discharge. This causes increased vaginal moisture
and this makes a pathogenic bacteria causing the infection will be very easy to spread.
These respondents often experience vaginal discharge that is white, odorless and
sometimes itchy tangible as usual watery fluid. This species is included in the types of
physiological vaginal discharge except the itching, because if vaginal discharge causes
itchy, then it includes the type of pathological vaginal discharge. Then the way to
ovorcome this problem, respondent do regular cleaned and never use feminine hygiene.
According to her, vaginal discharge is normal for all women also experience it. Diet
according to the respondent do not affect the vaginal discharge. When in fact it affects
diet, although no direct influence on the vaginal discharge.
The next community that we are interviewed was 19-year-old student. If in
accordance with the age of the students have experienced menstruation. Based on the
interviews we did it according vaginal discharge in women is natural, but if it is excessive
vaginal discharge and not treated very be harmful to women. And usually her
experienced vaginal discharge before menstruation, vaginal discharge means according to
the theory that he experienced a kind of vaginal discharge vaginal discharge is
physiological because usually common when the fertile period, and the time before and
after menstruation. The students also experienced keputian only once a month with a
colored translucent whiteness lenders texture, not lumpy and itchy. But sometimes mucus
whiteness smell bad, it could be because the food consumed by the students. If we eat
fish that smells fishy then vaginal discharge that we would spend a little smell bad.
Vaginal discharge experienced by the student is reasonable because the vaginal discharge
translucent color, not itchy, tekstirnya not thick but only sometimes less savory flavorful.
The student does not give special treatment to the feminine when experiencing vaginal
discharge and vaginal discharge are seen when it is not, her just keep silent. According
eat affect the vaginal discharge, other than that he thinks is a very powerful feminine
hygiene area.
Next interview conducted with a the respondent who is a student at a university
and 24 years old. According to the respondent, vaginal discharge is a common thing
experienced by women after having my period, but if a woman has vaginal discharge that
smells, brown, thick and itchy, means that women lack hygiene. Based on the experience
of the respondent, vaginal discharge after menstruation occurred. Whitish fluid that
comes out is white translucent, odorless, sometimes itchy, and condensed. In daily life,
the respondent use ordinary soap to clean the feminine area. When it comes vaginal
discharge, the respondent frequently change underwear and washed the femine area with
soap to overcome the vaginal discharge. Based on the knowledge of the respondent, her
vaginal discharge is normal vaginal discharge. In addition, diet and food intake also affect
the vaginal discharge. If a woman eating unhealthy food, it will affect the reproductive
system. In addition, personal hygiene and mental conditions also affect the vaginal
Vaginal discharge experienced by the respondent belonging to the normal vaginal
discharge or vaginal discharge also called physiological. Vaginal discharge this type has
the following characteristics: dilute liquid, creamy or clear, odorless, does not cause
itching, the amount of fluid that came out were minimal, and occur when the fertile
period, as well as before and after menstruation.
However, there are two slightly different characteristics between the respondent
experienced vaginal discharge with a normal vaginal discharge characteristics, such as
whether or not irritate the vaginal discharge and vaginal discharge time is a concern.
Vaginal discharge experienced by the respondent sometimes itchy and occurs after
From the respondent in the above description, the itchiness that sometimes arise due
to the lack of feminine hygiene area maintained so that no bacteria are lodged. However,
the bacteria do not get into the deeper part of the female organs the respondent. It can be
seen from the color and odor of the vaginal discharge is normal classified. Furthermore,
the respondent experienced vaginal discharge after menstruation occurred. In general,
abnormal vaginal discharge in women occurs during the fertile period, as well as before
and after menstruation. Vaginal discharge that occurs after menstruation is a form of
female organs effort to clean up the rest of the blood and epithelial cells of the uterine
lining that is still left in the organ itself. It is very important to maintain the cleanliness
and health of the female organs because the blood that remains in the uterus can cause
diseases such as cervical cancer. While vaginal discharge that occurred a few days before
menstruation is a sign of fertility for women. The Vaginal discharge caused by increased
hormone estrogen after ovulation occurs.
Still continues on a student the respondent. This time the respondent was 25 years
old and unmarried. According to the respondent, women experienced vaginal discharge is
normal because vaginal discharge is part of the menstrual cycle. This is justified by our
reference sources where mentioned that normal vaginal discharge occurs in women
during menstruation before and after menstruation. Unlike the previous the respondent,
the respondent's time to experience vaginal discharge before menstruation comes.
Vaginal discharge before menstruation dating can also be a sign that a woman reaches the
fertile period. This is because at that time a woman will produce more estrogen hormone
and thickened uterine wall which is a sign that the uterus is ready to accept the presence
of a fetus in it. In addition, at the time a woman has ovulated which means that the egg
has been detached from the follicle and are ripe and ready to be fertilized by a sperm cell.
It was also mentioned by the respondent, her experienced vaginal discharge 1 time a
month. This is in accordance with the normal menstrual cycle happens the respondent
ranged from 1 month. Based on further information from the the respondent, whitish fluid
that comes out cloudy white, thick, and sometimes smell fishy. However, the respondent
experienced vaginal discharge does not cause itching. Judging from the description of the
the respondent, vaginal discharge vaginal discharge experienced by the respondent
classified as normal. Cloudy white discharge and sometimes a fishy smell is a sign of
reasonable at the time before menstruation. Cloudy white color is whitish vaginal
discharge lenders who have mixed with a little of the epithelial cells begin to shed the
uterine wall. Similarly, the fishy odor that arises due to the mixing between the lender
and the epithelial cells that contain little blood from the uterine wall.
For the cleanliness of femininity area, the respondent admitted to not use feminine
hygiene soap. If the the respondent is experiencing vaginal discharge, the respondent
cope with cleaning up her female organs and replace underpants. Based on the knowledge
of the respondent, she experienced vaginal discharge is normal vaginal discharge. Normal
Vaginal discharge itself is also a form of the body's natural defenses to keep female
organs remain healthy because in this case serves as a carrier lenders vaginal discharge
epithelial cells of the uterine wall and the rest of the menstrual blood. So use special soap
that femininity is not required but is allowed to use the notes are not too often and not too
much use. Then, according to the respondent, the things that affect the vaginal discharge
among other personal hygiene, menstrual cycle, and diet. Merupaka diet factors that
affect causes of vaginal discharge indirectly.
The next respondent is a 24-year-old teacher. Based on the explanation of the
respondent, a vaginal discharge fluid that comes out before or after menstruation, but
sometimes caused by bacteria. the respondent typically experience vaginal discharge at
the time before and after menstruation and sometimes during fatigue. Vaginal discharge
the respondent experienced a rare, clear-colored, odorless rest sometimes smells,
sometimes causing itching, and watery. From these explanations, vaginal discharge
vaginal discharge experienced by the respondent classified as normal. For the smell the
odor arising from the combination of mucus and epithelial cells of the uterine lining as
well as the rest of the menstrual blood. The itching may be due to the effect of feeling
uncomfortable when struck vaginal discharge and moisture in the vaginal area which
causes excessive perch bacteria in the vagina. However, this can be overcome by routine
vaginal hygiene. For the maintain the cleanliness of the the respondent sometimes use
special soap feminine area. It is tailored to the financial condition of the respondent. If the
the respondent is not having enough money, the respondent only use regular soap / meth
bath to clean her feminine areas. In addition to using soap, the respondent replacing
panties, not semabarang in foods, as well as maintain a healthy vaginal discharge is to
overcome her. According to the respondent, food also affects vaginal discharge in
women. When a woman consumes food filthy and haphazard, it is possible to often
exposed to vaginal discharge. This is true, if a woman mengkonsunsi foods high in sugar,
then the woman will be more susceptible to vaginal discharge, especially if coupled with
less water consumption. It can disrupt the fluid balance in the body, not to mention the
female organs.
The bext respondent is a student aged 21 years old and unmarried. According to the
respondent, vaginal discharge occurs due to the presence of bacteria in the vagina or
because of lack of vaginal hygiene. This is her before and after menstruation, ie every
month. Sometimes experienced whitish in color and slightly translucent white, odorless,
non-itchy, and watery like mucus in general. Based on information the respondent, he
never uses a special cleaning femininity to keep her feminine areas. For the overcome the
vaginal discharge that comes every month, the respondent frequently change underwear
and clean the area of femininity as usual. Based on the knowledge of the respondent, she
considers her vaginal discharge is normal vaginal discharge. In addition, according to the
respondent, food also affect the vaginal discharge because there are some foods that can
make feminine area becomes moist. From the description of the the respondent, who
experienced vaginal discharge considered reasonable because it does not cause odor and
itching, as well as the translucent color. For the foods that are considered influential on
the actual vaginal discharge has no direct influence. This is because when a person
consumes foods with high water content, then the body will get the amount of water
intake is also high, causing the female organs produce more mucus and creates a feeling
of moisture in the vagina. In addition, foods with high sugar content including processed
foods by using high amounts of sugar can also trigger the production of more mucus in
the female organs. For the prevent excessive vaginal discharge is not to avoid consuming
sugary foods, but simply by limiting the amount of sugary foods normally consumed so
as not to disturb the fluid balance in the body so that the production of mucous and
vaginal moisture level is maintained. In addition, feminine hygiene area is a priority in
order to maintain the health of the female reproductive organs.
The next community we interviewed was 21-year-old student. At the age of 21
years it can be expected that the student has experienced menstruation. Based on the
interviews we did then he said that vaginal discharge is due to the bacteria in the vagina
or because we do not keep the vagina. And usually her experienced vaginal discharge
before menstruation, vaginal discharge means according to the theory that he experienced
a kind of vaginal discharge vaginal discharge is physiological because usually common
when the fertile period, and the time before and after menstruation. The students also
experienced keputian only once a month with lenders texture whiteness clear or white in
color, non-viscous, odorless and does not itch. Vaginal discharge experienced by the
student is reasonable because the vaginal discharge translucent color, no itching, no
tekstirnya viscous and odorless, it is in line with the theory that normal vaginal discharge
can be characterized by whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out creamy or clear,
odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause itching, the amount of fluid that comes out
fairly little. At the time of menstruation, the student usually wash the vagina usually only
washed with water because her used to use feminine hygiene sodium absorption ratio.
The student does not give special treatment to the feminine when experiencing vaginal
discharge and vaginal discharge are seen when it is not, her just keep silent. According
meal effect on the female because it can make moist in the womanhood area.
The next community we interviewed was 20-year-old student. Based on the
interviews we did then he thinks it's vaginal discharge A disease caused by bacteria that
nestle inside the vagina. The bias is caused by lack of hygiene feminine area. And usually
her experienced vaginal discharge usually before and after menstruation but sometimes
when tired is often also experience vaginal discharge. The students also experienced
keputian only once a month with lenders texture whiteness clear or white in color, non-
viscous, odorless and does not itch. Vaginal discharge experienced by the student is
reasonable because the vaginal discharge translucent color, no itching, no tekstirnya
viscous and odorless, it is in line with the theory that normal vaginal discharge can be
characterized by whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out creamy or clear,
odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause itching, the amount of fluid that comes out
fairly little. The student usually wears feminine cleanser to wash vaginannya every after
urination and bathing. Also usually Changing panties, panties in the wash with clean,
diligently cleaning the area of femininity and do not meal foods that are able to create a
feminine area moist. According to her, the diet affects the area is mostly female usually if
we meal cucumbers can cause vaginal discharge in significant amounts, other than that if
we are many foods that can make the vagina become moist also cause vaginal discharge.
The next community we interviewed was 20-year-old student. At the age of 20
years it can be expected that the student has experienced menstruation. Based on the
interviews we did then he thinks it is lenir vaginal discharge coming out of the vagina.
And usually her experienced vaginal discharge bias before and after menstruation but
sometimes often also experience vaginal discharge time of the day usually. The students
also experienced keputian quite often with mucus texture colored translucent whiteness,
white or yellow, sometimes thick but not lumpy sometimes, sometimes not smell and
smell and no itching and sometimes itchy. Vaginal discharge experienced by the student
is vaginal discharge yellow pathology because, sometimes itchy, lumpy texture and
smell, it is in line with the theory that the pathological type of vaginal discharge is also
called abnormal vaginal discharge. This type of vaginal discharge is included into the
type of disease. Pathological Vaginal discharge can cause a variety of effects and it would
be very disruptive to women's health in general and health in particular feminine area.
Pathological Vaginal discharge has the following characteristics ceiri viscous fluid is a
liquid that comes out has a milky white color, or yellow or green also, pathological
vaginal discharge causes itching, fluid that comes out has a bad odor, usually leaving
patches are seemingly at panties, the amount of fluid that comes out very much. At the
time of menstruation, the student usually wash the vagina usually only washed with water
because her used to use feminine hygiene sodium absorption ratio. The student does not
give special treatment to the feminine when experiencing vaginal discharge and vaginal
discharge are seen when it is not, her just keep silent. According to her, the diet affects
the area of femininity like meal cucumber and pineapple but very berepengaruh the
district about feminine cleanliness.
The next community we interviewed was 25-year-old nurse. Nurses we interviewed
already know about vaginal discharge deeper than the general public because they are
already used to dealing with one patient who experienced vaginal discharge, other than
that they had been ferreting about when lectures vaginal discharge more apparent through
the interview so that we understand more about vaginal discharge. Based on the
interviews we did then he thought vaginal discharge that consists of two types. There
vaginal discharge vaginal discharge which is not a disease that is caused due to the
physiological menstrual cycle that is before and after menstruation. But there are also
caused by bacteria vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge-called pathology. Vaginal
discharge pathology it is very dangerous for the area of femininity because vaginal
discharge is the beginning of other female diseases, they are consistent with the theory
that vaginal discharge is divided into two physiological or vaginal discharge vaginal
discharge that often occurs when the fertile period, and the time before and after
menstruation and vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge pathology caused by fungi,
bacteria and disease. And usually her experienced vaginal discharge before menstruation,
but he says many are experiencing when exhausted, it may just be because when the
exhaustion, the hormone that will work even harder. In accordance with the theory that he
experienced a vaginal discharge vaginal discharge vaginal discharge physiological
because this kind is usually common when the fertile period, and the time before and
after menstruation. The nurses also experienced keputian only once a month with a
colored translucent whiteness lenders texture and colored translucent whitish thinks it is
normal vaginal discharge while white itukeputihan caused by bacteria, but many people
also experience vaginal discharge that is yellow and even green, it can be disease
identified in the feminine area. Usually the yellow color often leave marks on the
underwear, not thick as a normal vaginal discharge is whitish while not give rise to
itching itchy vaginal discharge is vaginal discharge derived from bacteria. The itching
comes from bacteria in the vagina area, odorless vaginal discharge that is normal because
it is vaginal discharge vaginal discharge that is odorless whereas pathology usually
remove bad odor and itching due to normal vaginal discharge is whitish not give rise to
itching while vaginal discharge itchy vaginal discharge that is derived from bacteria. The
itching comes from bacteria in the vagina area, according to the theory that normal
vaginal discharge can be characterized by whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out
creamy or clear, odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause itching, the amount of
fluid spelled out a little. At the time of the menstrual period is usually the nurse to wash
her vagina is not uncomfortable with the use of feminine hygiene, feminine hygiene but
not all sold well in the market because it is a good cleanser cleanser containing a certain
pH because pH if it does not fit, it can kill the bacteria that takes . In addition, you should
use when menstruating vagina cleanser that we keep in a clean state. In addition, the
correct way to wash the vagina also affect the vaginal discharge. According to her, the
type of food that can make feminine area becomes moist food can trigger a hormone
produced by the body and hormones that can trigger vaginal discharge.
The next community we interviewed was 19-year-old student. At the age of 19
years it can be expected that the student has experienced menstruation. Based on the
interviews we did then he thought it was like a whitish mucus coming out of the vagina,
whereas according to the theory of whiteness is divided into two physiological or whitish
vaginal discharge that often occurs when the fertile period, and the time before and after
menstruation and a whitish or whitish pathology caused by fungi , bacteria and disease.
And usually she experienced vaginal discharge before menstruation, vaginal discharge
means according to the theory that he experienced a kind of whitish vaginal discharge is
physiological because usually common when the fertile period, and the time before and
after menstruation. The students also experienced keputian only once a month with
lenders texture colored translucent whiteness, not viscous, odorless and does not itch.
Whitish experienced by the student is reasonable because the whitish translucent color,
no itching, no tekstirnya viscous and odorless, it is in line with the theory that normal
vaginal discharge can be characterized by whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out
creamy or clear, odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause itching, the amount of
fluid that comes out fairly little. At the time of menstruation, the student is usually not
uncomfortable to wash her vagina, usually only washed with water because he used to
use feminine hygiene sodium absorption ratio. The student does not give special
treatment to the feminine when experiencing vaginal discharge and vaginal discharge are
seen when it is not, he just keep silent. According to her, the diet does not affect the
vaginal discharge that she was experienced.
Last community we interviewed was 25-year-old nurse. Nurses we interviewed
already know about vaginal discharge deeper than the general public because they are
already used to dealing with one patient who experienced vaginal discharge, other than
that they had been ferreting about when lectures whiteness more apparent through the
interview so that we understand more about whiteness. Based on the interviews we did
then he thought of whiteness that consists of two types. There are whitish because it is
part of the menstrual cycle normally occurs before and after menstruation occurred.
Discharge occurred before or after menstruation was a natural thing happening and it is
not a dangerous disease. But there are also vaginal discharge caused by fungi or bacteria
that is usually occur outside the menstrual cycle. People who experience vaginal
discharge due to fungus or disease usually occurs due to lack of feminine hygiene area
and usually characterized by vaginal discharge vaginal itch, eluarnya viscous fluid and
yellow or green and smells. Vaginal discharge occurs due to fungi or bacteria should not
be left alone as they may cause or other diseases such as cancer meicu service, uterine
cancer, and so forth, they are consistent with the theory that there are two types of vaginal
discharge whitish or whitish physiological often happens when fertile period, and the
time before and after menstruation and whitish or whitish pathology caused by fungi,
bacteria and disease. And usually she experienced vaginal discharge before menstruation,
but he says many are experiencing when exhausted, it may just be because when the
exhaustion, the hormone that will work even harder. In accordance with the theory that he
experienced a whitish whitish whitish physiological because this kind is usually common
when the fertile period, and the time before and after menstruation. The nurses also
experienced keputian only once a month with a colored translucent whiteness lenders
texture, not thick, odorless and does not itch, according to the theory that normal vaginal
discharge can be characterized by whiteness watery fluid, the fluid that comes out creamy
or clear, liquid exit does not smell, does not cause itching, the amount of fluid that comes
out fairly little. At the time of the menstrual period is usually the nurse to wash her
vagina is not uncomfortable with the use of feminine hygiene, but not just any cleaners
can be used but must be the appropriate pH in order not to cause pathological vaginal
discharge and other causes of female diseases. According to him, that does not happen
then it should wash pathological vaginal discharge vaginal correctly, ie from the front
towards the rear or the anus, panties replace at least 2 times a day, not alternately used
panties, used feminine hygiene. According to food that can make a feminine area
becomes moist whitish triggers such as cucumber, whereas according to the theory of the
foods consumed tend to be less fiber and high in sugar. The number and frequency of
urination is also reduced due to the lack of fluid intake. In addition, errors can occur
constipation (difficult bowel movements). This condition can affect the risk of vaginal
discharge due to fungal infection, limiting the number of sugars in foods / beverages can
reduce the risk of vaginal yeast infections. In addition to sugar also honey, maple syrup,
molasses and all the food / drinks that contain these ingredients, alcoholic beverages,
foods containing vinegar, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, soy, milk, soft drinks, dried fruit,
processed foods, coffee and tea. While the food which helps the healing process and
prevent vaginal yeast infections among probiotic foods like yogurt or probiotic
From the interview we did still mostly just knowing vaginal discharge as a fluid or
mucus that comes out of the feminine area. Most of the correspondents do not know that
vaginal discharge was divided into two types, namely vaginal discharge physiology that
occur before and after menstruation and the other one is vaginal discharge pathology
caused by fungi, bacteria, or parasites. Only public health backgrounds who understand
that vaginal discharge is composed of two types. Whereas according the theory, the
pathology vaginal discharge very dangerous if ignored because it can cause a variety of
effects and it would be very disruptive to women's health in general and in particular the
health of femininity and even cancer.
Based on interviews and compared with the basic theory it is known that the
majority of them having vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge normal physiology,
whereas only a few people who experience vaginal discharge pathology. The
characteristics of pathological vaginal discharge is from the liquid is viscous liquid that
comes out has a milky white color, or yellow or green also, pathological vaginal
discharge causes itching, fluid that comes out has a bad odor, usually leaving patches
were seemingly on panties women, and the amount of fluid that comes out very much.
While the physiological characteristics vaginal discharge is whiteness watery fluid, the
fluid that comes out creamy or clear, odorless liquid that comes out, does not cause
itching, and the amount of fluid that comes out fairly little. In addressing vaginal
discharge most of them only by way of cleaning the vagina after urinating and bathing
but only by using water whereas according to the nurse and midwife should use feminine
cleanser with certain pH levels, but it should frequently change underwear, dont wear
same pants fequently .
Most of the people are aware that food affects vaginal discharge in women and one
of these foods are cucumber, whereas according to the theory In particular, the type of
food consumed generally tend to be less fiber and high in sugar. The number and
frequency of urination is also reduced due to the lack of fluid intake. In addition, errors
can occur constipation (difficult bowel movements). This condition can affect the risk of
vaginal discharge due to fungal infection. Restrictions on the amount of sugar in foods /
beverages can reduce the risk of vaginal yeast infections. In addition to sugar also honey,
maple syrup, molasses and all the food / drinks that contain these ingredients, alcoholic
beverages, foods containing vinegar, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, soy, milk, soft drinks,
dried fruit, processed foods, coffee and tea. While the food which helps the healing
process and prevent vaginal yeast infections among probiotic foods like yogurt or
probiotic supplements. Here are some things to consider to prevent vaginal yeast
infections, which is sufficient intake of fluids, at least 8 glasses per day either in the form
of drinks and food; adequate intake of fiber from fruits and vegetables; Avoid foods that
contain too much flour and sugar.
VI. Conclussions
1. Vaginal discharge divided into two types, namely the physiological and pathological.
a. Vaginal Discharge Physiological
This type of vaginal discharge is usually common when the fertile period,
and the time before and after menstruation. Usually when these conditions are
often excess mucus, it is a normal thing, and usually does not cause itching and
odorless. Physiological vaginal discharge in pregnant women does not affect the
fetus directly, because of the membranes that protect the fetus.
Physiological vaginal discharge or abnormal vaginal discharge is also
widely known to have the characteristics of:
Fluid dilute vaginal discharge
Liquid that comes out cream-colored or clear
Liquid that comes out odorless
Does not cause the itching
The amount of fluid that comes out relatively a bit
b. Vaginal Discharge Pathological
Vaginal discharge pathological types referred to as abnormal vaginal
discharge. This type of vaginal discharge is included into the type of disease.
Pathological vaginal discharge can cause a variety of effects and it would be very
disruptive to women's health in general and health in particular feminine area.
Pathological vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:
The liquid is thick
The liquid that comes out has a milky white color, or yellow or green also
Vaginal discharge pathological cause itching
The liquid that comes out has a bad odor
Usually leaves patches are seemingly in panties
The amount of fluid that comes out very much
2. That is less good hygiene factor. Cleanliness in the vaginal area should be maintained.
If, vaginal area is not kept clean will cause various diseases one of which vaginal
discharge. This causes increased vaginal moisture and this makes a pathogenic
bacteria causing the infection will be very easy to spread.
From the interviews that we did, mostly just knowing vaginal discharge as a
fluid or mucus that comes out of the feminine area. Most respondents didnt know that
vaginal discharge was divided into two types, namely physiology vaginal discharge
that happened before and after menstruation and the other one is pathology vaginal
discharge which caused by fungi, bacteria, or parasites. Only public health
backgrounds who understand that vaginal discharge is composed of two types.
Whereas according to the theory, the pathology vaginal discharge is very dangerous if
ignored because may cause a variety of effects and it would be very interfere to
women's health in general and the health of femininity in particular and even cancer.
Based on interviews and compared with the basic theory it is known that the
majority of them experienced a physiological vaginal discharge or normal vaginal
discharge, whereas only a few people who experience pathology vaginal discharge.
The characteristics of pathological vaginal discharge is the fluid is viscous. Liquid that
comes out has a milky white color, or yellow or green as well. Pathological vaginal
discharge causes itching, fluid that comes out has a the unpleasant smell, usually
leaving splotches are seemingly on the panties, and the amount of fluid that comes out
is very a lot. Meanwhile, the characteristics physiological vaginal discharge is whitish
and watery fluid, the fluid that comes out is creamy or clear, odorless, doesnt cause
itching, and the amount of fluid that comes out fairly little. In dealing with vaginal
discharge, most of them just cleaning the vagina after urinating and bathing but only
by using water whereas according to the nurse and midwife should use feminine
cleanser with certain pH levels, but it should frequently change underwear, dont wear
panties simultaneously.
3. Most of the people are aware that food affects vaginal discharge in women and one of
these foods are cucumber, whereas according to the theory in a particular month,
generally the type of food consumed tends to be high in sugar and less fiber. The
amount and frequency of urination is also reduced because the lack of fluid intake. In
addition, may occur constipation (difficult bowel movements). This condition may
affect the risk of vaginal discharge due to fungal infection. Restrictions on the amount
of sugar in foods and drinks may reduce the risk of vaginal yeast infections. Besides
sugar, also honey, maple syrup, molasses and all the food and drinks that contain these
ingredients, alcoholic drinks, foods containing vinegar, peanuts, pistachios, cashews,
soy, milk, soft drinks, dried fruit, processed foods, coffee and tea. While the food
which helps the healing process and prevent vaginal yeast infections, including
probiotic foods like yogurt or probiotic supplements. Here are some things to consider
to prevent vaginal yeast infections, which is sufficient intake of fluids, at least 8
glasses per day either in the form of drinks and food; adequate intake of fiber from
fruits and vegetables; Avoid foods that contain too much flour and sugar.
VII. References
Campbell, Neil. 2006. Biologi. Jakarta: PenerbitErlangga.
Manuaba.2009. Ilmu Kebidanan, Penyakit Kandungan & Keluarga Berencana Untuk
Pendidikan Bidan. Jakarta: EGC.
Luklukaningsih, Zuyina. 2013. Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Fisioterapi. Yogyakarta: Nuha
Oxorn, Harry. 2012. Ilmu Kebidanan : Patologi dan Fisiologi Persalinan. Jakarta:
Penerbit Andi
Solomon, Eldra. 2008. Biology. New York: Thomson Higher Education.

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