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The Toyota Production System “Lean” Healthcare Cultural Transformation Customer Satisfaction + Superisr Patient & Physician Experiences Highest Quality Gentinuous Improvement + Value Perceived in Alle De + POSA Care in Healthcare Service ~~ + Kalzen, Quiek Changeover = + Elimination of Waste is < MeaEbe - eee Continuous Improvement Human- centered Wark * Lean Cuture * Communication ST Haran centered Work, — + Suppartfor the Value Adder Justin Time but + in Be Built In Quality : Time uaa + ‘Quality Standards + EnorProoting + Maltiskilled Personnel + Andon a iesbin sonviag eno ————___ Ci ——————— Problem Solving Sand { workpisce | standardizati Visust |: pm heattoe + Elimination of Searching oo } Management a ing Reot Cause + Visual Controle Organization ie + AI Process He

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