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Information for parents:

Bell Schedules
Because Grosse Pointe Schools is committed to educational excellence for
each student, we have scheduled sustained collaborative time for teachers
to focus on student learning, differentiation, and utilizing achievement data
to drive instruction. These meetings will be scheduled with a late-start
on Mondays for elementary students. Below are the schedules for
Monday-Friday. Please note the differences on Mondays. Follow the
Tuesday-Friday Bell Schedule on these Mondays.

Monday Bell Schedule (Late Start Mondays) Tuesday Friday Bell Schedule
9:05 a.m. Entry Bell 8:20 a.m. Entry Bell
9:10 a.m. AM Instruction Bell 8:25 a.m. AM Instruction Bell
11:56 a.m. Lunch Bell 11:36 a.m. Lunch Bell
12:46 p.m. PM Instruction Bell 12:26 p.m. PM Instruction Bell
3:38 p.m. Dismissal Bell 3:38 p.m. Dismissal Bell

Classroom Supplies
Please try to have all student supplies in by Wednesday, September 13 th (If
you have not already done so.)
Please see the supply list for the required materials.

If your child is planning a birthday party this year, please pass out or mail
any invitations after school hours to avoid any hurt feelings.

During school hours individual treats may be brought in to celebrate your

childs birthday. Please have treats at school in the morning. Currently we
have 25 students in our class. Good ideas for birthday treats are finger
foods like brownies, cookies, muffins, and regular sized cupcakes. Cakes and
large containers of ice cream are not allowed. Please bring in napkins as
well as any other paper products needed to serve the treat. If you are
interested in sending in treats for this special day, please let me know ahead
of time.
Snack and Water Bottles
Each day students may bring in a healthy snack to school. This is not a
requirement. We will have snack every morning. Some ideas include fruit,
pretzels, roll-ups, vegetables, or graham crackers. Please do not send items
such as chips, candy, or cookies.

Students may have water bottles in class. Theres actually been recent
research showing that taking regular drinks of water stimulates the brain!
All water bottles should be the pop top kind if possible. Twist off caps tend
to result in a lot of spills.

Assignment Books
Each student will have an assignment book this year. They are responsible to
fill it out every day. We fill out the assignment books together at the end
of each day. It is displayed for all students to see and copy properly.

Homework is due the next day. If not, you will be notified. Students bring
their assignment book home daily for parents to see. This allows me to know
you are always aware of your childs homework. There is a space for parents
to write any questions or comments for me to read the next day. Students
must bring their assignment book back to school every morning. I also ask
that you please sign or initial the planner each night after your child has
completed his or her homework and they have shared it with you. I
review planners daily.

Your child will have homework almost every night. Math homework will be
sent home daily, for the most part. Each Friday they will also receive a
homework packet that is due the following Friday. In this packet there will
be spelling, writing, and reading homework. Make sure that your child
studies his or her spelling words each night and also takes the time to
practice their reading daily. The first homework packet will come home on
Friday, September 8th. We will discuss homework further at Back to
School Night.

Weekly Reading
Students in fourth grade are expected to read every night. It is very
important in your childs development as a fluent and independent reader.
Please set a goal to read at least 20 minutes each night. Part of the
time should be silently and the other part should be out loud to a family
member or themselves.
Weekly Report Cards
Every Friday you and your child will receive a Weekly Report Card. It will be
in your childs Home Folder. It will keep you informed of your childs work
habits, classroom attitudes, and behavior. Please sign the report and send it
back with your child on Monday. If for some reason Weekly Report Cards
are not sent home due to a vacation or short school week, I will send home a
notice to inform you.

Home Folder
Your child will bring home a Home Folder that may contain any important
handouts, math homework, or the weekly homework packet. It is very
important that this folder is brought back to school every morning so your
child can return any assignments or important forms that are due.

Special Classes:
We work on a 4-day rotation. The days are labeled A, B, C, D. Your child will
have Gym, Art, Spanish or Library, and Music from 9:20-10:00a.m. on
Mondays and from 8:40-9:25 a.m. (Tuesday-Friday). Our schedule this year

A Art
B Music
C Gym
D Spanish/Library

We will be using the Everyday Mathematics Program. It is based on the idea
that children build understanding and develop skills as a result of meaningful
and connected learning experiences. We will also focus on memorizing our
multiplication and division facts.

Students will also be involved with Readers Workshop. Each child will be
reading at their appropriate reading level. I will also choose some great
literature to read aloud with the class.

We will be engaged throughout the year in Writers Workshop. We will also

be introducing the skill of working with and writing paragraphs. In addition,
each student will experiment with journal writing in class. Grammar is also a
main point taught in third grade. Well work on this daily.
Every Friday, spelling words along with activities will be sent home with your
child to be completed as homework. Students have one week to complete
the activities, as they are due the following Friday. They will be tested on
their list on Friday. These words should be studied every night at home.
These words will be the focus for our word study in class that week as well.

We will be focusing on Earth Materials, Solar System, and Electricity and
Magnetism. These are all exciting units with many hands-on activities.

Social Studies
Our focus in fourth grade is regions. We will learn about the geography,
economy, and the culture of each region.

Game Donations
Our classroom is lacking games for indoor recess. Many games have missing
pieces and it is time to retire them. If you have any games at home that you
would like to donate to our classroom, we would all really appreciate it.

Book Club
Several times throughout the year, I will send home a Scholastic book club
form. If you are interested in ordering books please return your childs
order form and check made out to Scholastic in a sealed envelope with your
childs name on it. NO CASH!

THANK YOU for taking the time to read all of this important information. I
realize this is a lot to digest. We have had a wonderful start to the school
year so far. I am really looking forward to working with all of your children
this year.

I also look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 13 th for Back to

School Night. This will give me an opportunity to answer any questions you
may have. I look forward to meeting all of you.


Paige Yeager

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