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G.B. Benedek, F.M.H.

Physics With Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology
Electricity and Magnetism / Mechanics / Statistical Physics

Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering

A reissue of a 3-volume set of classic books, newly edited and typeset to be published
in the Biological Physics Series. Intended for undergraduate courses in biophysics,
biological physics, physiology, medical physics, and biomedical engineering, these books
are introductions to mechanics, statistical physics, and electricty and magnetism with
examples and problems from the medical and biological sciences. The books can be used
as supplements to standard introductory physics courses, and as texts for medical schools,
medical physics courses, and biology departments. The three volumes combined present
all the major topics in physics.Originally published in 1974 from the authors's typescript,
these reissues will be edited, corrected, typeset, the art redrawn, and an index added.
These books are being reissued by Springer in the Biological Physics Series in response
2nd ed. 2000, LII, 1858 p. 752 illus. 3 to frequent requests to provide these texts to satisfy the growing need among students
and practitioners in the medical and biological sciences with a working knowledge of
the physical sciences. The books are also in demand in physics departments either as
supplements to traditional intro texts or as main text for those departments offering
Printed book courses with biological or medical physics orientation. Solutions manuals will be available.
Special Cover Type The authors are recognized experts in the field, and are under contract for an upperlevel/
ISBN 978-0-387-98952-5 grad text in biological physics. Benedeck was the recepient of the 1995 Irving Lanmuir
166,95 | 150.00 Prize from the American Physical Society for Chemical Physics, and the 1994 Biological
*178,64(D) | 183,65(A) | CHF259.00 Physics Prize by the American Physical Society.

The first price and the and $ price are net prices, subject to local VAT. Prices indicated with * include VAT for books; the (D) includes 7% for
Germany, the (A) includes 10% for Austria. Prices indicated with ** include VAT for electronic products; 19% for Germany, 20% for Austria. All prices
exclusive of carriage charges. Prices and other details are subject to change without notice. All errors and omissions excepted.

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