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a. Perception without external stimuli
B. perception without awareness
C. Perception with external stimuli
d. Perception with excessive stimuli
e. illusion without perception
2. Affect vs mood:
a. Mood = presently emotion and emotional responsiveness
b. affect= presently emotion and emotional responsiveness .

3. who coined the term Schizophrenia? (WHAT?!)

a. Bleuler

4. What problem does Lithium (mood stabilizers) cause in fetus

a. cardiac abnormalities
b. Neural tube defects

5. Limbic system does not include:

a. Pineal gland
b. Thalamus
c. Ant cingulate
d. Amygdala
e. Hippo

6. Which area of brain is responsible for Craving, preoccupation:

a. nucleus accumbens
b. ant cingulate
c. Cerebellum
d. hippocampus

7. Commonest form of dementia:

a. vascular dementia
b. Lewy body dementia
c. Huntington
d. frontotemporal dementia
E. Alzheimers disease (?this option is not available in rot 5)

9. Which of the following is Not true:

a. Musical is elementary form of AH
b. Hypnagogic and hypnopompic is part of schizophrenia

10. Which of the following is not true about ADHD :

a. Associated with high IQ
b. M>F
c. Severity and age relation
D. it is a neurodevelopmental disorder

11. Level of alcohol -> to cause nystagmus, slurring of speech and blackout:
a. 200-300mg/dL (WCS71- p8)
b. >300 mg/dL
c. 80-200 mg/dL
d. 20-30 mg/dL

12. Autopsy of suicide patients, how many % have psychiatric disorder

a. 80 %
b. 70%b
c. 50%
d. 30%

12. Which of the following about psychopathology is true?

A. Confabulation is falsification of memory in the context of impaired consciousness
B. Delusional perception is a perceptual abnormality
C. Hypgnagogic and hypnopompic hallucination are features of psychiatric XXX?
D. Depersonalisation symptom complains of feeling unreal, as if being detached from
own experience and not being able to feel emotions
E. Musical hallucination is an elementary auditory hallucination

13. Which is NOT a serotonin receptor for on which antidepressants act?

a. 5HT1
b. 5HT2
c. 5HT3
d. 5HT4
e. 5HT7

14. Genetic prevalence of schizophrenia if first degree relative has schizophrenia

a. 0-5%
b. 5-15%
C. 30%
c. 50%
e. 70%

15.Which of the followings is not a monoamine:

a. histamine,
b. serotonin,
c. dopamine,
d. noradrenalin
e. none of the above

16.Which if the following about Antipsychotics is TRUE :

a. They all are dopamine D2 antagonists
b. They all are dopamine D1 antagonists
c. They all cause tardive dyskinesia
d. They all cause extrapyramidal symptoms

16. In Alzhiemers disease, which of the following part of the brain is usually spared?
A. Frontal lobe
B. Hippocampus
C. Occipital lobe
D. Parietal lobe
E. Temporal lobe

17. which of the following is true

a. Insight is a multidimensional construct
b. Insight is an all or none phenomenon
C. Will not be changed after treatment
D. Patients with neurosis has poorer insight than psychotic patients

17. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of manic episode?

A. Insomnia
B. Irritability
C. Loosening association
D. Suicidality
E. violence

18. flight of ideas =?

a. clang association
b. neologism
c. Pressure of speech
d. Echolalia
e. Talking past the point
f. preservation

19. Which of the following is not a Negative symptom?

a. Ambitendency
b. Anhedonia
c. Avolition
d. affect flattening
e. Asociality

19. Stage of changes for quitting ellicit substance abuse?

A. Precontemplation contemplation preparation action maintenance

20. Which of the following is true about antipsychotics

a. all metabolized in liver
b. all are D2 antagonist
c. all have the same threshold for hyperprolacntinemia
d. all can cause tardive dyskinesia
e. all have both oral and depot form
20. This question are related to the definition of: body dysmorphic disorder, hypochondrical
disorder, conversion disorder, somatisation disorder

21. Hyperprolactinemia is due to hyperactivity of dopamine in which pathway?

a. mesolimbic
b. mesocortical
c. nigrostriatal
d. tubero-infundibular (systemic)

22. Alcohol directly inhibit which receptor?

B. glutamate

22. Which of the following is true about psychosis?

A. Hyperdopaminergic neurotransmission leads to psychosis manifestation
B. hypodopaminergic neurotransmission leads to psychosis manifestation
C. Psychosis & depression cannot co-occur based on diagnostic criteria
D. Psychosis & schizophrenia are interchangble diagnostic term
E. Psychosis is a condition characterised by illusion and lack of insight

23. Which of the following system is responsible for autonomic/ somatic symptoms in anxiety?
a. Noradrenaline
b. Serotonin
D. dopamine

24. Which of the following is somatic symptom of depression?

a. Early insomnia
b. Early morning awakening
C. lack of concentration
D. suicidal ideation

24. For ppl w/ insomnia, which of the following is an appropriate short term treatment:
A: amitriptyline
B. Lorazepam
C. mirtazapine
D. pregabalin
E. zopiclone

25. Which of the following is true

a. Bipolar I: Manic
b. Bipolar I: depressive
c. Bipolar II: Manic
d. Bipolar II: depressive
E. cyclothymia is a subtype of Bipolar I

26. Which of the following has Highest suicidal mortality rate

a. Bipolar disorder
b. Major depression

26. Which of the following is the commonest method of suicide in HK?

A. Charcoal burning
B. Cutting
C. Hanging
D. Jump from height
E. poisoning

27. Which is a core symptoms for depression?

a. Loss of interest
b. Suicidal ideation
c. Insomnia

27. 19 years old, student, presented to A&E with father. The px hasnt slept for 3 days, it is
associated with increased energy. The patient has also made a lot of plans for future. He
spent > 10,000 HKD on computer because he has a new idea on computer and thought that
this would be a revolution to the field of technology. His father is worried and brought the px
to A&E. What are the likely physical findings?
A. Loosening of association
B. Neologism
C. Preservation
D. Pressure of speech
E. Restricted affect

28. Indication for Overnight polysomnography:

a. Excessive daytime sleepiness
b. unknown diagnosis
c. long history of insomnia
d. extremely vivid dreaming

29. Which of the following is a key feature of Mania?

a. Insomnia
b. Irritability

30.Which is not a feature of Mania:

a. Loosening association
B. Pressure of speech

32. Which of the following is true about obsession ?

a. ego-dystonic
b. perfectionalism is one of the common OCDs
c. they are over-valued ideas

32. Purpose of CAGE questionnaire

a. Screening for substance dependency
b. Screening for alcohol dependency
c. Diagnosis for substance dependency
d. Diagnosis for alcohol dependency

33. Which of the following is true

a. Depression F>M
b. Depression M>F
c. Depression M=F
D. Peak incidence in elderly

34. Ms A has displayed excessive worry about her physical health for 12 months which is difficult
to control. It is associated with feeling restless, irritability and muscle tension. All physical
exams and investigations show he has no medical illness, yet hes still concerned about his
physical health and its restriction to his daily activities. Which of the following disorders he is
suffering from
A. Agoraphobia
B. GAD (?)
C. Hypochondriacal disorder
D. Panic disorder
E. Social phobia

35. Which is TRUE about Neuroleptic malignant syndrome ?

1. It is common
2. It presents with triad of hyperthermia, very high creatinine kinase and
impaired consciousness
3. it can be caused by antipsychotics
4. it is commonly caused by first gen/typical antipsychotics

36. use of serial 100 - 7 -7 -7 ... -> to assess which aspect of cognition
1. calculation
2. attention
3. intelligence

37. ICD-10 criteria for depression disorder -> how long does depression symptoms have to
be present for?
1. 1 week
2. 2 weeks
3. 3 months
4. 6 months

37. Which of the following is false with regard to the use of clozapine?
A. Increase seizure threshold
B. Increase risk of agranulocytosis
C. Hypersalivation
D. Indication: severe tardive dyskinesia
E. Indication: treatment-resistant schizophrenia

38. DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia

1. 1mo
2. 2mo
3. 6mo
4. 12mo

38. The mechanism of benzodiazepine is to enhance the fx of:

A. Dopamine
C. Glutamate
D. Noradrenaline
E. Serotonin

39. Which of the following is a first rank symptom?

A. Delusion of control
B. Delusion of prosecution
C. Delusion of reference
D. Loosening of association
E. Thought disorder

40. Delirium tremens usually start?

A. 0-12 hrs
B. 12-24hrs
C. 24-96 hrs
D. 96-120 hrs
E. >120 hrs

Which of the following is true regarding sleep architecture

A. Dreaming occurs during NREM stage 3 and 4
B. Cycle for REM and NREM last around 2h
C. REM sleep has the biggest proportion
D. REM sleep usually occurs late night
E. Sleep walking occurs during REM sleep

Which of the following is false for Wernickes encephalopathy?

A. Nystagmus is one of the features
B. It is a medical emergency
C. It is related to thiamine deficiency
D. It is related to vitamin B12 deficiency

Which of the following diagnoses is included in DSM-5

A. Somatosensory disorder
B. Pain disorder
C. Hypochondriacal disorder
D. Somatic symptom disorder

In the Prochaska and DiClemente stages of change model, which stage follows after
A. Precontemplation (?)
B. Contemplation
C. Action
D. Relapse
E. Preparation

Which of the following is false regarding dependence syndrome

A. It leads to social problem
B. Sense of compulsion
C. The presence of withdrawal symptoms
D. Tolerance
E. Continuation despite the adverse effect

What is the lifetime risk of suicide in depression?

A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 30% (?)

Which of the following is true for agoraphoria

A. Fear of criticism and embarrassment
B. Fear of speaking in small group
C. Fear of not being able to escape in certain situations

Which of the following is true for schizophrenia (sorry forgot the other options)
A. Catatonia is specific for schizophrenia (wrong)

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