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Female Oppression toward Female Characters in

Mars Needs Mom Movie

A Thesis

Written by:

Azizatur Rahma


Department of English Literature

Cultural Sciences Faculty

Mulawarman University


Female Oppression toward Female Characters in Mars Needs Mom

A Thesis

Written by:
Azizatur Rahma

As a fullfilment of the final requirement to complete the Undergraduate Program

in the Department of English Literature

Cultural Science Faculty

Mulawarman University



This is to certify that the thesis entitled: Female Oppression toward Female Characters in
Mars Needs Mom Movie, which is written by Azizatur Rahma has been approved by the
board of examiners as meeting the requirements for the Degree of the Undergraduate
program in English Literature.
Samarinda, 5 Oktober 2016


Surya Sili, Ph.D

NIP. 19540907 198303 2 001

Erna Wati, M.St
NIP. 19831126 201504 2 002


Prof. Dr. M. Bahri Arifin, M.Hum

NIP.19621127 198903 1 004


Singgih Daru Kuncara, M.Hum

NIP. 19850918 201404 1 001

And by this, Azizatur Rahma is determined as passed and has fulfilled the requirements
of the Undergraduate Program of the English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural
Studies, Mulawarman University.
Acknowledged by,
The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Mulawarman University,

Dr. H. Mursalim, M.Hum

NIP. 19540717 198803 1 001


I, hereby testify that the thesis titled,

Female Oppression toward Female Characters in Mars Needs Mom

written as the part of the requirements to complete the Undergraduate Program at
the English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Mulawarman
University, to my knowledge is not a work of plagiarism or a copy from another
thesis that has been or has not been published or has been used to earn a degree in
Mulawarman University or other institutions, unless the citations and quotations
that have been included comply with the regulations of academic writing.

Samarinda, 5 Oktober 2016

Azizatur Rahma
NIM. 1214025017

A Dedication for my parents,

My enduring gratitude and love to the both of you.


THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS SHEET ......................................................... iii

ORIGINALITY TESTAMENT .......................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... vi

PICTURES LIST ................................................................................................. ix

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of Study ................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Problem ........................................................................................ 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ............................................................................ 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study .............................................................. 5

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................. 6

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................. 7

2.1 Fiction.......................................................................................................... 7

2.2 The Oppression Terminology.................................................................... 13

2.3 The Five Faces of Oppression ................................................................... 15

2.3.1. Exploitation ........................................................................................ 15

2.3.2. Marginalization .................................................................................. 16

2.3.3. Powerlessness ..................................................................................... 18

2.3.4. Cultural Imperialism .......................................................................... 19

2.3.5. Violence ............................................................................................. 20

2.4 The Gender Role ....................................................................................... 22

2.5 Review of the Previous Study ................................................................... 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 30

3.1 Research Design ........................................................................................ 30

3.2 Data and Data Source ................................................................................ 30

3.3 Data Collection .......................................................................................... 31

3.4 Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 31

3.5 Triangulation ............................................................................................. 33

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS .................................................... 35

4.1 The Analysis of Two Female Characters in Mars Needs Mom Movie ..... 35

4.1.1. The Five Faces Oppression Analysis in Milos Mother Character .... 35

4.1.2. The Five Faces Oppression Analysis in Gribbles Mother Character 50

4.1.3. The Process of Oppression of Milos Mother .................................... 61

4.1.4. The Process of Oppression of Gribbles Mother ................................ 63

4.2 The Moral Issue in Mars Needs Mom Movie ........................................... 66

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 69

5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 69

5.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................. 69

Works Cited ......................................................................................................... 71


Figure 4. 1 Supervisor was looking for earth women who would be taken to the

Mars 00:02:45, Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs

Mom Movie, Simon Wells)................................................................ 36

Figure 4. 2 Supervisor chose Milos mother to be taken to the Mars 00:03:46,

Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon

Wells) ................................................................................................. 37

Figure 4. 3 Supervisor chose Milos mother to be taken to the Mars 00:25:38,

Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon

Wells) ................................................................................................. 39

Figure 4. 4 Martian (under Supervisor order) abducted Milos mother when she was

sleeping 00:10:23, Powerlessness, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs

Mom Movie, Simon Wells) ................................................................ 41

Figure 4. 5 Martians (under supervisor order) who had higher technology rather

than human, they utilized human using their technology, 00:26:04,

Powerlessness, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon

Wells) ................................................................................................. 42

Figure 4. 6 Milos mother was abducted by Martians (under Supervisor order),

00:10:23, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie,

Simon Wells) ...................................................................................... 44

Figure 4. 7 Milos mother was put and bound in the tube, and supervisor asks the

soldier to carry her. 00:12:57, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars

Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)..................................................... 45

Figure 4. 8 In Gribbles house, Milo saw her mother locked up in the room. 00:23:40,

Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

............................................................................................................ 47

Figure 4. 9 Milo tries to help his mother that was locked in extraction machine,

01:06:58, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie,

Simon Wells) ...................................................................................... 48

Figure 4. 10 Gribbles mother soul was extracted using solar extraction machine,

00:52:24, Exploitation, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie,

Simon Wells) ...................................................................................... 51

Figure 4. 11 Gribble mother was chosen because of her motherhood and she could

control her child, 00:51:07, Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars

Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)..................................................... 53

Figure 4. 12 Gribbles mother was taken when she slept, 00:51:44, Powerlessness,

Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells) ......... 54

Figure 4. 13 Gribbles mother as representative of Earth women, was utilized by

Martian who has higher technology, 00:52:00, Powerlessness, Irish

Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells) .................. 55

Figure 4. 14 Gribble mother was abducted by Martians, 00:51:44, Violence, Irish

Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells) .................. 59

Figure 4. 15 Gribbles mother was extracted using solar extraction machine,

00:52:00, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie,

Simon Wells) ...................................................................................... 60

Azizatur Rahma Advisors:
1214025017 Surya Sili, Ph.D
Erna Wati, M.St
Female Oppression toward Female Characters in Mars Needs Mom Movie


In this study the researcher analyzed the oppression from female character
toward other female characters. The researcher only discussed two female
characters, Milos mother and Gribbles mother who gained the oppression from
Supervisor as another female character because the researcher wanted to prove that
oppression could also happen from female to female (same sex). There are two
objectivies of the study in this research, to show the forms of oppression which
occur toward female characters in Mars Needs Mom movie and to analyze how the
female characters, experience the oppression that are shaped by another female
character in Mars Needs Mom movie
The five faces of oppression is a theory that is explained by Irish Marion
Young. The theory is related toward the form of oppression which usually occur in
the society. This form of oppression somehow called as injustice action that adhere
toward people or group because of several reasons, such as class, race and gender.
The five faces of oppression are marginalization, exploitation, powerlessness,
cultural imperialism and violence.
The result of this study are, Milos mother got three faces oppression from
Supervisor, those three oppression are marginalization, powerlessness and violence.
Whereas Gribbles mother got four faces oppression. The four faces of oppression
are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. And the process of
oppression that was gained by two mothers firstly which was done by Supervisor
(female) was, Supervisor observed them, abducted them and extracted them using
solar extraction machine. The different process from both of them is Martians
succeed to extract Gribbles mother, whereas Milos mother, the extraction is failed
because Milo was successful in saving his mother.
Based on those analysis, the researcher concludes that the oppression toward
women can be done by women. Therefore, the researcher believes that the
oppression toward women is not always caused by gender assumption that male is
superior rather than women, but the oppression can be happened due to the power
which is had by the prepetators (men and women) of oppression.

Key Words: Female, Oppression, Feminism, Gender Roles.


I would like to thanks to the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, ALLAH

SWT who always gives me all the best of this life and there is nothing to be doubt

about it. Shalawat and Salam always deliver to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and

his family.

This research is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing

the S-1 Degree at the Cultural Science Faculty in Mulawarman University.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep sincere gratitude to

the following:

1. Dr. H. Mursalim, M.Hum as the Dean of Cultural Science Faculty.

2. Surya Sili, Ph.D as the first advisor who has guided the writer patiently in
writing this research.
3. Erna Wati, M.St as the second advisor who has given me expertise and
guidance in grammar writing and many more.
4. Prof. Dr. Bahri Arifin, M.Hum as the first examiner who has examined and
given the suggestion to this thesis.
5. Singgih Daru Kuncara, M.Hum as the second examiner who has directed the
researcher and given the suggestion in this research.
6. All lecturers at Cultural Science Faculty.
7. All staffs in Academic at Cultural Science Faculty.
8. My beloved parents, Kadori and Muimatul Aliyah who always give me
support and motivation all this time.
9. My lovely brothers, M. Noor Aziz DL, M. Akmalul Iman L, and
Athifatunnisa IML, who have given motivation to the researcher.
10. My beloved friends, M. Ardan, Evi Purwaningsih, Akbar Yunadi, Alfisyahrin
Fitriani, Halifah, Monika Dwi M, and Hafizah Sarah Asy-Syaffa , and Nur
Laili Sabiela who have supported the researcher in finishing this research.
Samarinda, 2016




1.1 Background of Study

Inequality, as the circumstance when there is an unfair condition, can

happen toward both men and women in the society in sharing life opportunities.

Since the late of 19th century, the inequality toward woman has been voiced in the

United State and Europe. According to Rampton the first wave of feminism took

place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, emerged out of an environment of

urban industrialism and liberal, socialist politics (1). It is believed that the hassle

of women to be equal has been started since the first wave feminism.

The first wave feminism emerged in several environments such as in urban

industrialism or liberal and social politics. In social politics women tried to get the

same right to vote and being voted in the election. Around 1960, the second wave

feminism emerged. The movement encouraged women to understand the aspects of

their personal lives as deeply politicized, and reflective of a sexist structure of

power. If first wavers focused on absolute rights such as suffrage, second wavers

were largely concerned with other issues of equality, such as the end to

discrimination (Saylor 26).

The movement did not stop in the second wave feminism. The third wave

of feminism emerged in the early 1990. Third wave feminism seeks to challenge

or avoid what it deems the second wave's "essentialist" definitions of femininity,

which (according to them) over emphasized the experiences of upper middle class

white women (Saylor 30).

The concept of inequality between men and women in the society has

developed. The problem that has been discussed is not only about the right in the

politics sector, but also about other issues such as domination and violence that are

experienced by women. The violence that happens repeatedly toward women such

as hitting even to the measure that led to the death, has discussed intensively in

feminism studies. This action links toward the sense of oppression explained by


sense oppression refers to the vast and deep injustices some groups

suffer as a consequence of often unconscious assumptions and reactions

of well-meaning people in ordinary interactions, media and cultural

stereotypes, and structural features of bureaucratic hierarchies and

market mechanismsin short the normal processes of everyday life


The statement above explains that the oppression is an injustice action,

practiced by people or group toward other people. The action of oppression which

is governed by people or group makes other people suffered, even if they do it

unconsciously. The meaning of suffer here is not only when people die but also

when people unconsciously put other people in unfortunate place which harm them.

The depiction of oppression which places people in unfortunate condition is

depicted in literary work as well. Literary work as a reflection of human life has

described the oppression in novel, poem, and play. Film as a new kind of play is

never left behind to show it. The oppression toward woman is usually taken as the

theme in several films. One of the film that shows the oppression toward woman is

Mars Needs Mom. Mars Needs Mom is an animated movie which was released in

2011. It was directed by Simon Wells which tells about Milos mother who is

abducted and almost killed by Martian (Mars Human) in Mars.

The researcher chose this movie to be analyzed, because there are several acts

and scenes likely indicated the oppression toward women through the script, action,

and scene in the movie. Secondly, in this movie, the oppression toward women is

governed by women, whereas in other movies, the oppression toward women is

usually governed by men.

The gender oppression usually appears where there is a dominant and

submissive perspective on gender roles between male and female in the society. In

the feminist discussion, the domination of male toward woman always becomes the

spotlight. Feminist argues that men have monopolized the crucial position which

harm the women, Tyson in his book Critical Theory Today, explains this idea:

Feminists have observed, to justify and maintain the male monopoly of

positions of economic, political, and social power, in other words, to keep

women powerless by denying them the educational and occupational

means of acquiring economic, political, and social power (86).

Tyson states that the men have monopolized the condition, where they have

more domination toward women. He explains that males domination creates

discrimination toward female. Female are ordered to be powerless by establishing

them become uneducated, so that they will not capable to be placed in social power.

In the other word, women are alienated from crucial position, and are only placed

in the domestic area for sweeping, or caring the children (85). This circumstance

lead the women depend their selves toward other people, whether it is her family or

her closer friends. In several cases or common cases, women depend on the person

they married to which are their husband or well known as men. The powerless

females itself easily directed to become the object of oppression.

Similar with Tyson, Johnson states that when a woman finds her way into

such positions, people tend to be struck by the exception to the rule and wonder

how she will measure upagainst a man in the same position (5). It shows that women

are also oppressed by societys perception about their capability against mens

capability. Society underestimates womens capability due to womens stereotypes,

they depict them as weak, sensitive, and emotional creatures. These stereotypes are

wrong impression for women in order to gain a place in public position. Even the

challenge against women gaining position is not only apposing by the men, but also

from their own sex which is women.

Both of Tyson and Johnson case are the examples of feminism problem, even

if the perpetrators are different. The perpetrator of Tysons case is men whereas in

Johnsons case the perpetrator is society. Based on those explanations, the

researcher interest to see another side of oppression toward woman in literary work

as a reflection of humans enigma. After seeing the different perpetrators of

oppression toward women which explained by Tyson and Johnson and still included

to what feminism is, so that the writer would like to discuss this feminism study

from different perpetrator, which is the oppression toward women, therefore, in this

study the researcher analyzed the oppression of women which is governed by

women in a movie Mars Needs Mom.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the background above, there were two questions raised

1. What were the forms of oppression which occur toward female characters

in Mars Needs Mom movie?

2. How did the female characters experience the oppression that were shaped

by another female character in Mars Needs Mom movie?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problem, the aims of this study are

1. To show the forms of oppression which occured toward female characters

in Mars Needs Mom movie

2. To analyze how the female characters, experienced the oppression that were

shaped by another female character in Mars Needs Mom movie

1.4 Significance of the Study

In this research there were two kinds of significance of study. The first

was theoretically and second one was practically. In theoretical significance,

this study would give more additional knowledge about the oppression

especially the oppression toward women. Whereas in practical significant, this

study would be a reference toward other study which was also relevant with the

oppression issue.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

In this movie there was also oppression toward male characters, but in

this study, the researcher analyzed about the oppression from female character

toward other female characters. The researcher only discussed two female

characters, Milos mother and Gribbles mother who got the oppression from

Supervisor as another female character because the researcher proved that

oppression could also happen from female to female (same sex). The other

oppression that was occurred between male and female characters was not


1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Oppression : a system of social inequality through one group that is

positioned to dominate and benefit from the exploitation and

subordination of another (Johnson 24).

Film : a narrative is similar to literature. It also provides an audio-

visual feast for the senses, and in the quick-fix, fast-paced,

technicolor whirl of the twenty-first century, it is this feast

which best mirrors our experience of modern life (Intellect 3).

Female : human being who is not necessarily a woman; to be so

considered she must share in that mysterious and threatened

reality known as femininity (Beauvoir 2).

Gender role : the social definition of women and men role based on gender

(FAO 1).



Mars Need Mom is a science fiction movie which talks about the Martian

women (humans Mars) who try to find the soul of earth woman to be transferred

toward nanny robots called nanny-bots, in order to nurture the daughters of


The Movie was directed by Simon Wells and released in 2011. There are so

many actors involved in this movie, such as Seth Green as Milo, Dan Fogler as

Gribble, Joan Cusack as Milos Mother, Elisabeth Harnois as Ki, etc. Implicitly,

this story shows the related issue between the mother and her son. The story begins

when the supervisor (leader of Martians) asked her woman soldier, named Ki, to

look for earth woman to be transferred to nanny bots. There are three mothers which

are detected, but the chosen woman is only Milos mother. Cusack as Milos mother

is a discipline person and it is a characteristic of woman who is needed by Nanny-

bots in Mars. The Martians abduct Milos mother and plan to transfer her soul to

Nanny-bots. This transfer would make Milos mother disappear or die. Fortunately,

Milo is helped by his friend (Gribble) and the rebel (Ki) to save his mother from

the Martian. Gribble wants to help Milo because his mother is also abducted and

transferred to Nanny-bots by the Martian.

2.1 Fiction

Texts are commonly classified as fiction and non-fiction text. The fiction

text usually addresses to the text which involve the imagination of the writers.

Meanwhile, the nonfiction text usually contains the real facts without involving the

writer imagination (Kurland 1). Kurland also states that the examples of fictions are

novel, poems, or drama. Those literary works usually classified as fiction because

they involve the imagination of the writer in it. There are nine elements of fiction

or also said as narrative elements, which would be explained below.

2.1.1 Character and Characterization

Characters in fiction can be conveniently classified as major and

minor, static and dynamic. A major character is an important figure at the

center of the storys action or theme. The major character is sometimes

called a protagonist whose conflict with an antagonist. Supporting the major

character are one or more secondary or minor characters whose function is

partly to illuminate the major characters. Minor characters are often static

or unchanging, they remain the same from the beginning of a work to the

end. Meanwhile, dynamic characters, exhibit some kind of change of

attitude, purpose, behavior, as the story progresses. Whereas,

characterization is a means by which writers present and reveal characters

by direct description, by showing the character in action, or by the

presentation of other characters that help to define each other. (Elements

of Fiction1)

Characters in drama are characterized using various technique of

characterization. Lethbridge and Mildrof depict the technique of

characterization in the table below (117).

Technique of Characterization

Authorial Figural

Explicit descriptions of characters

characters in author descriptions

commentary or stage of and comments on

directions; telling other characters; also

names self-characterization

Implicit correspondences and physical appearance,

contrasts; indirectly gesture and facial

characterizing names expressions (body

language); masks and

costumes; stage props,

setting; behaviour;

voice; language (style,

register, dialect, etc.);

topics one discusses

Table 2.1 Basics of English Studies:An introductory course for students of

literary studies in English

Table 2.1 shows us, in the fiction work, the technique of

characterization is not only speaking. One can distinguish between

characterizations made by the author in the plays secondary text (authorial)

or by characters in the play (figural), and whether these characterizations

are made directly (explicitly) or indirectly (implicitly). Another distinction

can be made between self-characterization and characterization through

others (117).

2.1.2 Irony

Irony is not so much an element of fiction as a pervasive quality in

it. It may appear in fiction in three ways: in a works language, in its

incidents, or in its point of view. Irony always involves a contrast between

one thing and another. The contrast may be between what is said and what

is meant or usually known as verbal irony, the other irony is situational irony.

The last is dramatic irony, it is what expected to happen and what actually

happens or between what a character believes or says and what the reader

understands to be true (Elements of Fiction 1).

2.1.3 Plot

Plot, the action element in fiction, is the arrangement of events that

construct a story. The plot develops a series of complications of the conflict

that lead to a crisis or moment of great tension. The conflict may reach a

climax or turning point, a moment of greatest tension that fixes the outcome;

then, the action falls off as the plots complications are sorted out and

resolved (Five Elements of Fiction1).

2.1.4 Point of View

Point of view refers to who tells the story and how it is told. The

various points of view that storytellers draw upon can be grouped into two

broad categories (Five Elements of Fiction1):

a. Third-Person Narrator (uses pronouns he, she, or they):

1. Omniscient: The narrator is like a God in the fiction. She or he

know the whole characters thoughts, feelings, and motives, as

well as shows what the characters say and do.

2. Limited omniscient: The narrator takes the reader inside one (or

at most very few characters) but neither the reader nor the

character(s) has access to the inner lives of any of the other

characters in the story.

b. First-Person Narrator (uses pronoun I):

The narrator presents the point of view of only one characters

consciousness, which limits the narrative to what the first-person

narrator knows experiences, infers, or can find out by talking to other

characters. The reader would experience the story through I point of


2.1.5 Setting

Setting is the physical and social context in which the action of a

story occurs. The major elements of setting are the time, the place, and the

social environment that frames the characters. These elements establish the

world in which the characters act. Sometimes the setting is lightly sketched,

presented only because the story has to take place somewhere and at some

time. Often, however, the setting is more important, giving the reader the

feel of the people who move through it. Setting can be used to evoke a mood

or atmosphere that would prepare the reader for what is to come (Elements

of Fiction 2).

2.1.6 Style

Style is the way a writer chooses words or the diction in their literary

work. The author arranges the words in sentences and longer units of

discourse. Style is the verbal identity of a writer, as unmistakable as his or

her face or voice. It reflects the writer writing style, it also conveys their

unique ways of seeing the world (Elements of Literature2).

2.1.7 Symbol

Symbol is a person, object, image, word, that has a meaning but

actually address other meaning. The symbol in literary work usually

generally known or can be depended by the culture that is used by the

authors in their literary work. The example of symbols is bright sunshine

symbolizes goodness and water is a symbolic cleanser (Elements of

Literature 1).

2.1.8 Theme

Theme is the central idea or meaning of a story. Theme in fiction is

rarely presented at all. It is abstracted from the details of character and action

that compose the story. It provides a unifying point around which the plot,

characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and other elements of a story are

organized (Elements of Literature1).

2.1.9 Tone

Tone is the authors implicit attitude toward the reader, subject, and

or the people, places, and events in a work as revealed by the elements of

the authors style. Tone can be pessimism, optimism, earnestness,

seriousness, bitterness, humorous, and joyful. The tone can be identified by

the diction of the authors in their work (Elements of Literature4).

In conclusion, film as a new form of drama has nine elements in it. Film has

a plot, character, characterization; theme, etc., it insists that film is also a part of

narrative fiction. So that, it can be concluded that film is a drama in modern style.

2.2 The Oppression Terminology

Young states that oppression has different term and context. In traditional

term, oppression relates to the tyranny action which governed by a ruling group,

whereas in politic field the term of oppression relates toward the stake holder of it.

For the example, communist believes that capitalism is a cause of oppression

toward labor; meanwhile the capitalist believes that communism is a form of

oppression where the right of society is taken by a dictator (5).

According to Johnson oppression is a system of social inequality one group

is positioned to dominate and benefit the exploitation and subordination of another

(24). Johnson states that the oppression happens when there is a position prospers

one group to exploit and subordinate other people or group. The position can be

created because of the amount of power that owned by the group.

The oppression issues also discussed by Chernin, but she specifies it to the

oppression toward women, Chernin says that women mostly oppressed by the

concept of the tyranny of slenderness and that is a particular oppression in post-

1960s, as post- feminist phenomenon (Quinby and Diamond 87). In this case

women indirectly oppressed to be slim as a standard of beauty concept in the society.

They usually do everything toward their body such as doing plastic surgery in order

to fulfill the standard of beauty, as society constitutes the concept. Even, they

control their weight body through vomiting, diuretics, and laxatives. The tyranny

of slenderness in the society forces women to oppress themselves to be slim.

Similar with Chernin, according to Langan women are denied from their

rights and they are oppressed through stereotypes which are often reinforced by

social workers (8). Langan states, the oppression toward women usually happen

because of their stereotype in the society, such as nurturing, soft, and weak, these

stereotypes which lead women to be oppressed. Unconsciously, these stereotypes

keep women in domestic area in order to manage the subordinate thing and hindered

to their rights to express themselves to be what they want. The Society perspective

of what women supposed to be, makes them cannot explore their capability except

in domestic area.

Beauvoir also states that the oppression toward woman usually happens

because they are possessed by custom, a tradition, sometimes religion doctrine or

culture (12). Custom, a tradition, sometimes religion doctrine or culture considered

as legalization of oppression toward women. For the example, In Africa there is a

tradition called breast ironing. Africa girls breasts are ironed in order to protect

them from raping. Their breasts are vandalized using various objects, including

stones, coconut shells, ladles, spatulas, hammers, which are placed those objects on

a fire, then pounded or rigorously massaged on the breast of adolescent girls. The

aim of the practice is to flatten or lessen the visibility of a young girls breasts,

thereby making her less desirable to potential male predators. Based on the reason

of tradition and the protection toward women, womens breasts are legitimate to be

ironed, although it is harm their health (King 1).

In short, the oppression toward women are the actions from individual or

group that place women in the position of marginalization, exploitation,

powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence because of their stereotype as


2.3 The Five Faces of Oppression

The Five faces of oppression is a theory that is explained by Irish

Marion Young. The theory is related toward the form of oppression which

usually occur in the society. This form of oppression somehow called as

injustice action that adhere toward people or group because of several reasons,

such as class, race and gender. The five faces of oppression that possibly

occur in the movie would be explained below.

2.3.1. Exploitation

The exploitation has been explained by Marxist as a repeated process

that enacts people work to prosper other people or group. In the other words

Marxist emphasize in the economic field (capitalism) where the system

operates the exploitation toward labor (qtd. in Young 14). But Young believes

that several experts admit Marxists term about the exploitation is too narrow.

Economic is not the only one factor that causes the exploitation. According

to Hinson and Bradley there are three factors that trigger the exploitation.

They are class, race and gender (2).

Exploitation enacts a structural relation between social groups. Social

rules about what work is, who does what for whom, how work is compensated,

and the social process by which the results of work are appropriated operate

to enact relations between power and inequality. These relations are produced

and reproduced through a systematic process in which the energies of the

have-nots are continuously expended to maintain and argument the power,

status, and health of the haves (Young 14).

The exploitation toward women has happened within the family system.

According to Delphy, womens domestic work in their own homes is unpaid

not because their work is less important or involves less time or labor than the

paid work performed by men at the public, but women in their domestic roles

as non-workers. And non-workers, of course, should not expect to be paid.

(qtd. in Tyson 98).

The Delphy statement above shows that the domestic work which

governed by women spend a lot of time, they work all day long since they

wake up until they sleep again and also there is no furlough for domestic work.

They also work in the weekend and holiday, they should ensure that the entire

thing from domestic area such as clothes of the family members, logistics and

another little thing in the house are fixed. These responsibilities lead them to

be exploited on the behalf of the family, because for all fatiguing works they

are not paid.

Based on those explanations, it can be construed that the exploitation

are activities that use the energy of other people beyond their ability without

proper compensation due to class, race and gender.

2.3.2. Marginalization

Marginalization is when the right of someone is not fulfilled because

the stigma that adheres toward them. Women are objectified and marginalized,

defined only by her difference from male norms and values, defined by what

she (allegedly) lacks and that men (allegedly) have (Tyson 106). For the

example is the paradigm that women are unproductive therefore they do not

gain the suitable payment. Women that have bad stereotype such as weak

(Tyson 85), effects the treatment toward them. People believe they cannot

produce commodity quantity more than men, therefore in the industry area

they usually get lower payment rather than men.

According to Lonsdale, sexual division of labor has weakened womens

position in the industry and has often restricted them to low-paid, insecure

and part-time work (qtd. in Day 14). The difference gender position between

men and women makes the women are exploited in the work field. Women

are usually payless because the company assumes that they are unproductive.

The industry products that produce by women are considered less quantity

than mens products. Women, usually ask maternity leave after give a birth

whereas men do not, which also finally influence their product quantity

because their time work. The circumstance solely induces women still seen

as weaker creature than men.

Another state believes that the marginalization is caused by patriarchal

culture. Patriarchal culture includes ideas about the nature of things, including

women, men, and humanity, with manhood, and masculinity most closely

associated with being human and womanhood and femininity relegated to the

marginal position of other (Johnson 39).

Based on those experts explanation above, it can be concluded that

marginalization are actions that treat people differently because of the gender

or the stereotype of the people.

2.3.3. Powerlessness

Powerlessness is consciousness that not all people have power because

of their fortune. For the example that there are employers who have power to

their labors, they have opportunity and bargaining power to oppress the labors

who are powerless, because the employers pay the labors.

According to Young, the powerless has little or no work autonomy,

exercise little creativity or judgment in their work, have no technical expertise

or authority, express themselves awkwardly, especially in public or

bureaucratic settings, and do not command respect (22).

In the working class, when workers cannot express themselves instead

follow their boss who denigrate their right to extend their idea or right, it is

can be assumed as powerless. The owners of the companies have a power

toward the labor, because they pay the labor.

The powerless that happen toward women usually because they are

dependent toward other people, they are assumed as dependent people,

because they are categorized as uneducated, incapable to find the job and

cannot fulfill their basic needs. Their incapability to defend themselves

because they are too terrified against the perpetrators of injustice action leads

them to a feeling of powerless (Burrowes 12).

The dependent situation that explained by Burrowes also explained by

Beauvoir, she depicts the reciprocal needs between the masters and their

slaves, In the relation of master to slave the masters do not make a point of

the need that they have for the other; they have in their grasp the power of

satisfying this need through their own action, whereas the slave, in their

dependent condition, their hope and fear, is quite conscious of the need they

have for their master (17).

To conclude, powerlessness is a sense of powerless because people or

group cannot against injustices action because the dependent situation of the

victim. The powerlessness usually happens between people or groups who

have reciprocal needs.

2.3.4. Cultural Imperialism

In this part cultural imperialism happen because several cultures have

the dominant place in history. So they would be defined as a superior culture.

To experience cultural imperialism means to experience how the dominant

meanings of a society render the particular perspective of one's own group

invisible at the same time as they stereotype one's group and mark it out as

the Other (Young 59).

Young also states that actually there are dominant group (culture) which

have privilege or primary access in communication within world society. The

dominant group usually claim universality with the other group and reinforce

its power by bringing the other group under the measure of its dominant

norms. For example, on how the difference between men and women,

homosexual and heterosexual, Jews and Christian becomes reconstructed as

inferiority (59). The dominant groups culture which widely spreading,

become the normal culture which is accepted in the society.

The other group that the culture is not dominant and not admitted as a

normal culture may feel marked out as different (Alexa and Sandra 4).

Somehow the expression of the other group feels invisible because the

expression and the experience are not represented. In the other word, the other

group looks its own group from the dominant group perspective.

The injustice of cultural imperialism: that the oppressed group's own

experience and interpretation of social life finds little expression that

touches the dominant culture, while that same culture imposes on the

oppressed group its experience and interpretation of social life (Young


Young believes that the injustice of cultural imperialism happen when

the subdominant group cannot channel their expression and has little

influence to dominant culture (life) while that same culture imposes on the

oppressed group its experience and interpretation of social life.

Similar with Young and Sandra, Sarmella states that cultural

imperialism is hegemony of economic, technological and cultural in the

industrialized nations, which determines the direction of both economic and

social progress, defines cultural values, and standardizes the civilization and

cultural environment throughout the world (1).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher states that cultural

imperialism is a hegemony of dominant culture in to the other culture. This

hegemony occurs somehow because the dominant culture has dominant place

in history therefore it has privilege to communicate within world society.

2.3.5. Violence

Violence is social interference in the genetically programmed feelings,

thoughts, sensing or behavior of another organism (Burrowes 1). Violence

includes an action that is used to intimidate other people, therefore they can

be afraid of intimidation. Violence is connected with the oppression because

most of oppression is governed by violating other people.

Meanwhile, WHO (World Health Organization) defines violence is not

an exact science but a matter of judgment. Notions of what is acceptable and

unacceptable in terms of behavior and what constitutes harm, are culturally

influenced and constantly under review as values and social norms evolve (4).

Violence can appear as both physical and psychological measure. Physical

measure that happen can be found by physical violence such as hitting,

kicking, even cruel treatment that result a death toward other people, further

violence can also occur when someone uses a part of their body or an object

to control a persons actions (Defining Violence and Abuse 1). The physical

violence usually happen because Whereas psychological measure of violence

is mocking or doing the activities which are pressed the people, as explained


Violence against women means any act of gender-based violence that

results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm

or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or

arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private

life (FRA 9).

In short, violence toward women usually happens based on the gender

based factors including physical, sexual and psychological treatment toward

women that lead them to be suffered.

There are three kinds of violence explained by European Union Agency

for Fundamental Rights (FRA) they physical, sexual and psychological

violence. Usually, physical and sexual violence are classified as one form.

The issues that examined in physical and sexual violence are age, education,

income, area, employment status and occupation (FRA 35). The physical and

sexual violence such as rape or sexual harassment usually impact the victims


According to Soares psychological violence or psychological abuse,

can be in the form of moral harassment, racial harassment, or criminal

harassment (1). NCADV a national non-profit organization that is located in

Washington, cares about the domestic abuse that happen in society. This

organization classifies the form of psychological violence such as

humiliating the victim, controlling what victim can or cannot do, withholding

information from the victim, deliberately doing something that make victim

feel dimished or embarrassed, isolating the victim from family or friends,

denying the victim access from basic resources, stalking, demeaning the

victim in public or in private, undermining the victims confidence or sense

of self-worth, and convincing the victim that she or he is crazy (1)

Based on those statements above, it can be concluded that violence are

actions of intimidation, that intimidate other people through behavior, word

or expression which has three forms, they are physical, sexual and

psychological violence.

2.4 The Gender Role

The role of women and men in their life has been constructed by the society,

according to Tyson, traditional gender roles cast men as rational, strong, protective,

and decisive; they cast women as emotional (irrational), weak, nurturing, and

submissive (85). In other words, the roles of them have been determined by the

society and they should fulfill the role to be accepted as a normal gender role in the

society. This gender polarization between men and women often creates an artificial

gap between women and men and gender roles that are very difficult to change in

time (Crespi 1).

The gender roles cannot be easily changed because it has been rooted and

spread through information which is received from parents, peers, teachers, political

and religious leaders, and the mass media (Crespi 2). Gender roles create the

expectation within the society about what women supposed to do and what men

supposed to do. It cannot be changed because parents have been influenced by the

societys perspective about gender roles. It also influences the teachers perspective

about what girl students supposed to do and what boy students supposed to do, that

they teach them as normal girl and normal boy according to what the system

determined. The mass media also show the normal behavior of men and women

in the media, such as how they show the feminine character toward women

character and masculine character toward men character in the movie.

According to Baumann, in the society there is also gender relation which is

not really different with gender role. Gender relation are the ways in which a culture

or society defines rights, responsibilities, and the identities of men and women in

relation to one another (qtd. in FAO 1). Furthermore, the ways on how the culture

or the society differentiates many things such as responsibility, right, or the

identities both of women and men called gender relation. The identities here mean

as stereotype which usually adhere toward them such as the woman is identified as

a creature that only stay at home whereas the man as a creature who has to go to

public for finding the job, feeding the familys needs, and protecting the family.

Because of these diversities, the society assumes that man has more responsibility

rather than woman.

Gender roles itself is also related toward gender stereotype between

masculine and feminine. Hofstede states that masculinity is seen to be the trait

which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth and differentiated gender roles.

Femininity is seen to be trait which stresses caring nurturing behavior, sexual

equality, environmental awareness, and more fluid gender roles. Hofstede also

ranks the masculinity and femininity in the table below.

Traits of Masculinity and Femininity

High Masculine Low Masculine (feminine)

Social norms Ego oriented Relationship oriented

Money and things are important Quality of life and people are


Live in order to work Work in order to live

Politics and Economic growth high priority Environment protection high

economics priority

Conflict solved through force Conflict solved through


Religion Most important in life Less important in life

Only men can be priest Both men and women as priest

Work Larger gender wage gap Smaller gender wage gap

Fewer women in management More women in management

Preference for higher pay

Preference for fewer working


Family and Traditional family structure Flexible family structure

School Girls cry, boys dont fight Both boys and girls cry neither


Failing is a disaster failing a minor accident

Table 2.2 Hofstede, Cultures Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institution, and
Organization Across Nations.

From table 2.2 it can be seen Hofstede categorized the high masculine and

low masculine (feminine) as a standard in society. Hofstede implies the traits of

masculinity and femininity are not biologically attached to the sexes as male or

female, but he emphasizes the theory is modeled to measure the masculine and

feminine traits in at least bigger unit like society (1).

Beauvoir also explains more on how the roles in the society between men and

women are really identical. She propounds the society perspective about the mother

discharges the eggs, the father the sperm. She states that There is no reason why

the mother, any more than the father, should feel responsibility for the eggs (kids)

(77). Whereas, in some species the eggs are abandoned by the parents and develop

without assistance, sometimes a nest is prepared by the mother and sometimes she

watches over the eggs after they have been fertilized. But very often it is the father

who takes charge of them (77). Beauvoir states that actually the roles should not be

identical. She believes the responsibility of raising the children is not only the

responsibility of mother, but also the father.

Furthermore, the responsibility feeling of women would continue before the

baby is born. Their caring also reflects the gender roles. The first question that arise

when they are pregnant is is it a boy or a girl?. When they know the baby is a boy,

they would prepare the baby stuff which represents the boy, such as the color of

clothes, baby stroller, or their toys should be black or red. Whereas, when the baby

is girl, they would be happy to prepare the baby stuff which represents the girl.

They would prepare the pinky stuff in order to form the baby girl character to be

feminine. When the baby was born they also treat the baby boy and baby girl

differently, for the example, they would ask baby boy to play the robot and ask the

baby girl to play cooking. Crespi believes, it is the gender socialization which is

socialized since the early life of human (2).

In conclusion, traditional gender role are roles between women and men in

their life which have been determined by societies perspective. Those gender roles

are based on feminine and masculine traits in the society.

2.5 Review of the Previous Study

The oppression toward woman has been observed by many researchers.

Woman as a victim is often depicted in many literary work that have also explained

by researcher. In this study, the researcher would take three previous studies which

are related to the female oppression that the researcher hope can positively

contribute to this study.

1. The portrayal of Patriarchal Oppression towards the Females

Characters in JK Rowlings the Casual Vacancy: A Reflective Post-

Feminist Critics.

This study was conducted by Nurliana Fitri in 2014. Fitri observed the

portrayal of women victimization in JK Rowlings Casual Vacancy Novel. The

study portrays women as a victim of patriarchal system not only from male

domination but also has been rooted in society circumstances The oppressed

female characters experienced systematic oppression from the patriarchal culture

rooted in the society (Fitri 97).

The researcher draws the conclusion that the oppression that experienced by

female characters is caused by patriarchal culture that has been rooted in the society.

This research and Fitris research study has the same object that analyze the

oppression toward female characters in literary work. The difference that occurs

between this research and Fitris research is the perpetrator of oppression itself. If

Fitri emphasized that the oppression toward women was governed by man character,

in this research, the oppression is also gained by woman characters, but the

perpetrator is a woman, or it simply means the oppression is governed by the same


2. Entertainment or Oppression: Media Depiction of Domestic Abuse

This study is written by Tula Batanchiev in 2008. The researcher believes that

female abuse can be depicted in Media such as Film, TV, Journalism and in Lyric

of the music. In film, women are usually depicted as homemakers who are

dependent so that can be a victim of the oppression. This condition also appears in

journalism area that explained by Tula Batanchive. Batanchiev shows the interview

with Dan Rather in 48 Hours a TV program in the private television.

The interviewer shows the bias question toward the victim of domestic abuse

(woman) who feel fear with incident. The interviewer asked the victim why does

she do not move from the crime scene. It implies the abuse would stop if the victim

leaves the place, so that implicitly the interviewer blames the woman because she

does not leave the crime scene (qtd. In Batanchiev 16).

Batanchiev gives us a clear depiction on how in journalist area, a question can

place woman as a subordinate creature, who have to avoid the crime scene of

oppression. Batanchiev study also talks about the woman oppression, the issue that

is also discussed in this study. But Batanchievs study emphasizes that the treatment

toward woman as a victim of oppression whereas this research talks about the

treatment that included as the oppression action.

3. "Radical Overlap of Outage" Oppression and Exploitation in Jane

Austens's Work

This research is written by Joris S. Beck in 2009. It explains about how Jane

Austens work depicts the oppression toward woman in England especially in

Victorian era. Beck believes that colonialism does not only impact toward country

that is occupied but also the women as a subject of oppression. The oppression

relates toward the colonialism. Many post-colonial critics agree with Jane Fairfaxs

statement about the relation between the occupation of governesses and slave in

Jane Austens work, Emma. Austen believes that that English colonialism is not

only oppressed and exploited its colonies, but also its female subject (Beck 1).

Becks research has similarity with this research which talks about the

oppression and the subject is women. The object of this research is also a literary

work, Jane Austen Novel, whereas this research takes Mars Needs Mom movie as

the object.

The difference between this study and the three previous studies is the

perpetrator of oppression. The three previous studies discuss the oppression which

is governed by male character toward female character, while this study would

discuss and analyze the oppression that is governed by a female character toward

other female characters.



3.1 Research Design

This research was characterized as a literary criticism research. According to,

Abrams, literary criticism concerned with defining, classifying, analyzing,

interpreting, and evaluating works of literature (49). This study focused in

analyzing aspect of the literary criticism, that is the oppression and how did it create

the oppression towards two female characters in Mars Needs Mom movie.

This research was descriptive qualitative research. According to Jones and

Bartlet that qualitative method is a research method that investigates the experience,

social processes and subculture of the research object. Furthermore, the result of

the data would be presented in forms of words and sentences instead of numerical

data (198).

There was one theory and one journal which used as the ground approach in

this research also several references which would strengthen any statements or

explanations. The first theory is Five Face of Oppression by Irish Marion Young

which would be a basic theory to divide the oppression toward two female

characters in Mars Needs Mom movie. The second approach which was used, that

Isabella Crespis journal which talks about gender roles to show on how the gender

roles in society inflicts the oppression toward two female characters in Mars Needs

Mom movie.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The main Data Source is Mars Needs Mom movie and data characteristic of

this research are the speech (dialogs and monolog), narration and action that

represent the female oppression toward two female characters in Mars Needs Mom

movie. The data was presented in a form of words, phrases, and paragraphs

throughout the movie and other books or journals related to the theories or facts

which would support this research.

3.3 Data Collection

In order to collect the data, the researcher did the observation towards Mom

Needs Mom Movie. Firstly, the researcher watched the movie. While doing the

close watching and reading the script, the researcher also took the notes on

important actions, words, phrases, and paragraphs which were related or indicated

female oppression toward female characters in the movie.

3.4 Data Analysis

According to Miles and Huberman, there are three part of data analysis. The

first one is data reduction, the second one is data display, and the last is conclusion

drawing or verification (Miles and Huberman 10).

- Data Reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying

abstracting and transforming the data that appear in written up fields notes

or transcription.

- Data display is an organized and compresed assembly of information that

permits conclusion, drawing and action. Looking at display help us to

understand what is happening and to do something either analyze further

or take action based on understanding.

- Conclusion, drawing and verification, from the start data collection, the

qualitative data analyst is beginning to decide what things mean is nothing

the regularities, patterns, explanations, possible way to configures the data,

causal and proposition (Miles and Huberman 10-11).

Miles and Huberman depict these tree streams data reduction, data display

and conclusion drawing or verification as interwoven before, during and after data

collection in paralel form to make up the general domain called analysis.



Data Display



Figure 3. 1 Component of Data Analysis: Interactive Model. Miles

and Huberman (1994),12

In the data reduction, the researcher selected, focused, classified, noted the

data which indicate the female oppression toward female characters and the gender

roles that adhere to the female characters in the script and action. The script and

action which did not correlated with female oppression toward female character and

the womens roles did not be taken. Later on, the researcher would like to display

the data. In the data display the researcher organized and compresed assembly of

information that permited conclusion, the data which had been selected firstly were

divided in to four forms of oppression after that the data were classified in to female

roles which was explained in Crespis journal. The gender roles were analyzed as a

cause of oppression that experienced by the female characters. The researcher also

took live action data of two female characters before, during, and after the

oppression toward to answer the second research question.

After that the researcher would analyze the data based on the theory in review

related literature, to answer the research question about what are the forms of

oppression and on how the female characters, experienced the oppression that were

shaped by another female character. The next action was to take the conclusion of

the research after considering the relevant data and evidence that had been analyzed.

3.5 Triangulation

Triangulation is a way of assuring the validity of research results through the

use of a variety of research methods and approaches. It is a mean of overcoming

the weakness and bias, which can arise from the use of only one of the methods we

have described. According to Olsen, triangulation refers to the use of more than one

approach to investigation of a research question in order to enhance confidence in

the ensuring finding (2).

Denzin states the form of triangulation. He divides four forms of


1. Data triangulation, entails gathering data through several sampling strategies,

so that slices of data at different times and social situations, as well ason a

variety of people, are gathered.

2. Investigator triangulation, refers to the use of more than one researcher in the

field to gather and interpret data.

3. Theoretical triangulation, refers to the use of more than one theoretical

position in interpreting data.

4. Methodological triangulation, refers to the use of more than one method for

gathering data (qtd. in Bryman 3).

The triangulation that is used in this study are data triangulation and

theoretical triangulation because the researcher gather data through several

sampling strategies, so that slices of data at different times and social situations, as

well as on a variety of people, are gathered. The writer opinion would not be strong

enough if it is not proven by evidence from trustable source that make this study

stronger. In order to be stronger study the writer would use many trustable sources

to give evidence and support the statement.

To validate the result, the writer saw through book, article, and journal which

related to the study. The first tools of data triangulations was five faces of

Oppression by Irish Marion Young-Web. This book talks about the general

oppression that usually happened. The writer of the book classifies it into five faces

which suitable with the research. It would help the researcher to ensure the writer

perceptions of oppression that happened in Mars Needs Mom movie.

The second was Socialization and Gender Roles Within The Family: A Study

On Adolescents And Their Parents In Great Britain by Isabella Crespi -Webb. This

journal talks about that gender roles that happened in the society that classify the

roles based on gender and the roles unconsciously place the women in unfortunate

position that leads them in to the oppression. It helps the researcher to know how

the oppression because of gender roles happened in Mars Needs Mom movie.



4.1 The Analysis of Two Female Characters in Mars Needs Mom Movie

In this chapter, the researcher analyzed the oppression that happened toward

Milos mother and Gribbles mother. Both of them were analyzed by Youngs

theory, five faces of oppression (see in pages 15), and gender roles journal by

Crespi (see in pages 23). In order to find the good result, the researcher did not only

take the transcript of conversation which indicate the oppression toward both of

them, but also the characters descriptions of and comments on other characters,

self-characterization, physical appearance, gesture, facial and body expression

(body language), mask and costume, stage props, setting, behavior and language

which were used as technique of characterization that have been explained by

Lethbridge and Mildrof (see in pages 8-9).

4.1.1. The Five Faces Oppression Analysis in Milos Mother Character

Milos mother was the first character who was analyzed in this chapter.

Milos mother has a discipline and motherhood characters. The researcher assumed

that she also became the victim of oppression, to prove the assumption, the analysis

would be served below.

a. Exploitation

The first oppression that was analyzed was exploitation. The researcher

analyzed that there was no exploitation happened toward Milos mother. The

Supervisor planned to exploit Milos mother, but fortunately, Milos had succeeded

to stop it. Because of Milos effort to save her mother this exploitation was not

happened in this movie.

b. Marginalization

The second face of oppression that was explained was marginalization, in this

case Milos mother had been marginalized since the first movie showed. When

Supervisor precepted Milos mother capability because of her gender.

Figure 4. 1 Supervisor was looking for earth women who would be taken to the

Mars 00:02:45, Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie,

Simon Wells)

Supervisor : (asking Ki to look for earth women who can

nurture their children)

Ki : (Observing the earth women through screen which

have connection to the earth) (Wells 1)

In this scene Supervisor asked Ki (her soldier) to look for an earth woman

who had ability to nurture the children. The chosen woman would be taken to the

Mars. Supervisor took earth woman because she believed with the stereotype which

adhere toward earth woman. She thought earth woman had ability to nurture the

children, so she could be utilized to nurture Martians baby. The perception of

Supervisor was proved by the three candidates that would be taken are earth women.

whereas she could also look for men, not women, in the other word, the stereotype

of woman who were skilled to nurture the children had been rooted in Supervisor

mind. It was also a part of marginalization that had been explained by Johnson (see

in pages 4), when women actually had been marginalized by the perception of

society, when their capability are trusted in domestic sector and argued in public

area. According to Biernacki, the society assumption about female and the sexuality

is being reflected in her actions (16). This assumption of woman which was adopted

by Supervisor was reflected with her action toward Milos mother, she thought that

Milos was a good woman, so that she chose her to be abducted to the Mars.

The other scene that showed the marginalization was when Supervisor chose

Milos mother to be taken to the Mars. This decision was taken after observing three

humans mothers.

Figure 4. 2 Supervisor chose Milos mother to be taken to the Mars

00:03:46, Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom

Movie, Simon Wells)

Milo : (sit at the terrace lazily)

Milos mother : (Ask Milo to throw the rubbish while point

the rubbish)

Milo : (he is forced to obey her mother)

Supervisor : (lead the cursor to Milos mother and shows

Ki what kind of the appropriate mother to be

taken to the Mars) (Wells 1)

Johnson stated that marginalization happened when people treat people

differently because they were influenced by common perception about the nature

of women and men (manhood and womanhood) (see in pages 17). In this scene,

Supervisor chose Milos mother because she had the characteristic of a good mother.

Similar with the proof that was quoted above, Milos mother succeeded to ask Milo

to throw the rubbish.

Supervisor believed, Milos mother could nurture the children, she could

make the children obeyed her, it was proved on how Milos mother could organized

her domestic sector especially to nurture her child, Milo. In the other word,

Supervisor believed the stereotype that adhere toward woman which was skilled to

raise the children. Before she chose Milos mother, she observed two other women,

but in contrast with Milos mother, both of them could not nurture the children.

Their children could not be good children, they did not want to obey their parents,

they became impolite children even they argue their parents. The different

characters between Milos mother and the two mothers seem to be different, and

Supervisor prefers to choose Milos mother. In the other word, Supervisors mind

had been influenced by common perspective how women as mothers supposed to


The scene related toward marginalization because firstly Supervisor had

treated Milos mother (woman) different with other men in the earth. Supervisor

observed her to be a nanny because she thought Milos mother was women, and

the one who had the nature to be a mother was woman (Milos mother). Secondly,

Supervisor treated Milos mother different with those two women because Milos

mother had fulfilled the characteristic of good mother.

The other evidence which proved that marginalization happened toward

Milos mother in this movie was when Gribble showed Milo, the characteristic of

mother who would be taken to the Mars.

Figure 4. 3 Supervisor chose Milos mother to be taken to the Mars

00:25:38, Marginalization, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie,

Simon Wells)

Gribble : they find someone who is really good at

controlling their own kid

Milo : Hey, that's my house, And that's me! Are these my

mom's memories? (Her mother asked Milo what to

do) (point toward the screen). (Wells 12)

This scene showed when Milo asked Gribble about his mother that had been

taken by Martian. He saw that his mother was locked in the tube. After that Gribble

told him what happen in the Mars. Martian babies were born, but female Martian

could not take care of those children, so they found earth woman to be transferred

to Nanny bots. The characteristic of mother that was wanted by Martians was the

mother who was really good at controlling their children. It is the same as Tysons

idea, when he talked about woman who wanted to be a valuable woman, she

should become a good wife and good mother (90). Milos mother as a

representative of good mother became a valuable woman for Martians. She was

marginalized by Martians because she was labelled as good mother.

Based on those three acts of marginalization that were shown and had been

analyzed, the researcher concluded that Milos mother was marginalized by

Supervisor because Supervisor believed with the stereotype which adhere toward

Milos mother (representative of a valuable women) and Milos mother had been

labelled as a common good mother.

c. Powerlessness

The third face of oppression was powerlessness, it was a consciousness that

not all people had power because of several factors such as their financial or

educational restriction, etc. According to Cornell, power was defined as "capacity

of some persons and organizations to produce intended, foreseen and unforeseen

effects on others" (qtd. in Lord 2), meanwhile Young states that powerless condition

was consciousness that not all people have power (see in pages 17). In this movie,

Supervisor as a dominant character (the character who have power) utilized Milos

mother was categorized as a powerless person, the evidence that Supervisor have

power and Milos mother is powerless were shown in the script and in the scene


Figure 4. 4 Martian (under Supervisor order) abducted Milos mother when

she was sleeping 00:10:23, Powerlessness, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs

Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Martian : (abduct Milos mother from the house and bind her

arms in the spaceship)

Milo : Mom! Mom? Mom! (running to the space ship) Let her go!

(Chases his mother who is abducted by Martian) Let her go!

(Wells 4).

The consciousness that not all people had power was also shown in this

transcript and in the scene. Milos mother was abducted by Martian when she was

sleeping. She was caught to the spaceship when she was in unconscious condition.

She did not even agree to be taken to the Mars. In this circumstances, Milos mother

was categorized as powerlessness because of her condition, she could not reject to

be brought to the Mars. Here, Milos mother as a human fall asleep when Martians

were abducting her, she did not have power to fight the Martians. Further, Martians

woman (under supervisor order) abducted Milos mother at the night, they

intentionally abducted Milos mother at rest time. When Milos mother could not

discuss or reject the Martians had a chance to abduct her. She also could not ask

helping from other person because she was literally in powerless condition. Milo

tried to help his mother by chasing the spaceship, but unfortunately he is just a boy

who was still categorized as vulnerable person. He could not take his mother at that

time, because he was alone there were no person who helped him.

The other powerlessness condition that was shown was when Gribble

explained to the Milo, on how her mother would be utilized by Martians.

Figure 4. 5 Martians (under supervisor order) who had higher technology rather

than human, they utilized human using their technology, 00:26:04, Powerlessness,

Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Gribble : All right. Right up there. You see, they have this

memory extraction machine. It takes the discipline out

of the mom and it puts it into the Nanny-bots. It works

on some kind of solar-wind focusing system. And when

the sun rises...

they extract what they need to program the Nanny-

bots, and that's it. (Wells 13)

In this part, Milos mother as Earth women had been abducted by Martians.

She was locked in the tube, isolated in isolation room and would be brought to

Solar-wind focusing system. Martians would take her soul to be transferred to

Nanny Bots. The researcher saw on how Martians who were led by Supervisor had

high technologies. It was similar with Youngs theory, on how some people actually

know that have power and other people do not have. In this case, Supervisor knows

that Martians have good technology (have more power) and human do not have it

(powerless). Therefore, Supervisor was aware that Milos mother (representative of

earth women) did not have power, she was only a house wife, so she saw the chance

to utilize Milos mother.

Based on the analysis the two acts of powerlessness above, the researcher

concluded that Milos mother got the powerlessness as a face of oppression because

Supervisor realized that she had a power, Milos mother (representative of earth

women) lack of power, she also saw the chance to utilize her.

d. Cultural Imperialism

The third face of oppression was cultural imperialism, in this movie cultural

imperialism does not appear. Firstly, because the depiction of cultural imperialism

usually appears in the historical movie, when there was a complicated condition

between dominant culture and subdominant culture. Secondly, this movie was

animation movie, which was aimed for children. The researcher thought that, the

idea of cultural imperialism was too complicated to be understood by the children,

because they had not face it yet, after seeing the movie from beginning until the end,

the researcher concludes that there was no cultural imperialism shown in this movie.

e. Violence

In this part, the researcher showed the violence which happened toward

Milos mother. According to European Union Agency for Fundamental Right (see

in pages 21) there are three kinds of violence, they are physical, sexual, and

psychological violence. In the movie, the researcher only found physical and

psychological violence that happened toward Milos mother, it happened because

Supervisor who have power wanted to utilize Milos mother. The physical violence

usually involves the physical action, whereas the psychological violence involves

human emotional. The first violence that would be analyzed was abduction as

psychological violence which was experienced by Milos mother,

Figure 4. 6 Milos mother was abducted by Martians (under Supervisor order),

00:10:23, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Martian : (abduct Milos mother from the house and bind her

arms in the spaceship)

Milo : Mom! Mom? Mom! (running to the space ship) Let her go!

(Chases his mother who is abducted by Martian) Let her go!

(Wells 4).

From the data above, it showed that Milos mother got the violence from the

Martians, because in the middle of the night, Milos mother was abducted by them

and she was brought to the Mars. The researcher believed the abduction was one of

the violence. This violence was categorized as a psychological violence because the

Martians had taken her right (freedom) to be able to stay and live on earth, plus also

she was being apart from her son without her knowing it. The right that was taken

was when she became a part of her family. It was related with a form of violence

that was explained by NCADV (see in pages 22), one form of psychological

violence was when someone was isolated from her or his friends or family. This

abduction directly isolated Milos mother from her son, Milo. This abduction was

directly harming human life. The real impact that was shown in the data, on how

Milo (her son) chased his mother, he felt sad when his mother was abducted. It was

also surely happened if Milos mother woke up, she would felt sad being apart with

her family (son and husband). This sadness inflicted human emotion which was

categorized as psychological violence.

The other data which showed the physical violence toward Milos mother

was when she had arrived in the Mars, Supervisor controlled her body, the data is

in the action and transcript below,

Figure 4. 7 Milos mother was put and bound in the tube, and supervisor

asks the soldier to carry her. 00:12:57, Violence, Irish Marion Young

(Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

The spaceship has arrived in the Mars

Milos mother is carried out from the space ship. She is put and bound in

the tube.

Supervisor : (ask her soldier to carry her to isolated room.)

Soldiers : (tell supervisor they find another human (Milo) in the


Supervisor : (Ask them to bring him to the bars) (Wells 5)

After carried to the Mars, Milos mother was put and bound into a tube. The

researcher believed the act of violence that happened toward Milos mother in this

scene was physical violence. It was similar with the cause of physical violence that

had been explained in chapter 2 (see in pages 21), when physical violence somehow

happened when people wanted to take other people bodys control. It is depicted

when Milos mother was locked up by Martian (under supervisor order) in the tube,

her hand was bound, her body would be isolated and observed by them. It clearly

showed the act of violence when her body became an object of Supervisor, this

violence was happened because supervisor wanted to take over Milos mother body

control. She managed and programmed what would be done toward Milos mother

body, she asked her soldier to carry her to the Citadel (observation room). Whereas

as a human, Milos mother did not deserve to be bound in the tube. Her

incarceration was a form of restraining of her right of human to be free of using her


The continuity of violence that was happened toward Milos mother was

when Milos mother was isolated in the top of Citadel (isolation room).

Figure 4. 8 In Gribbles house, Milo saw her mother locked up in the

room. 00:23:40, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom

Movie, Simon Wells)

Milo : Mom? (see the monitor which show his mother is put in

the tube)

Gribble : Oh, yeah. Maybe there is such a thing as too much TV

(turn off the monitor)

Milo : No. Wait.

Gribble : I wanna show you something in here.

Milo : What are they saying?

Supervisor : Subject will be terminating.

Gribble : Oh-four, oh-three...

Milo : Terminating. " Terminating? (Wells 11)

The scene shows that Milos mother was located in isolation room. Martians

observe her without her permission. Firstly, this action had violated Milos mother

right to be united with her family. It was related with NCADV statement that

isolating other people to meet her family or friends was one kind of psychological

violence. The second one, this isolation was continued by observe her body. It was

seen in the scene on how Martians (under supervisor order) check Milos mother

body frequently. This action was related to physical violence, where they still bound

Milos mother in the tube.

The evidence of violence that happened toward Milos mother becomes

stronger when the script that was spoken by Supervisor was subject (Milos

mother) will be terminated it clearly showed that there was an intention that Milos

mother would be terminated by Martian. The termination here means that Milos

mother would be vanished by them. She would vanish because she would be

extracted to Nanny Bots through solar Machine when the sun rises. The act of

termination was really correlated with physical violence. The Martians intend to

terminate Milos mother life. Even if Milos mother did not feel hurting, but she

would die, and related to Youngs theory, the action that lead someone to die was

an act of violence and included to the act of oppression.

The other act of violence that happened towards Milos mother is, when

Milos mother has been bound in extraction machine.

Figure 4. 9 Milo tries to help his mother that was locked in

extraction machine, 01:06:58, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars

Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Milo : Mom! Mom! Mom, wake up! Wake up!

Milos mother : Milo, can you turn the cartoons down? I'm trying to


Milo : Mom, come on. You gotta wake up! We gotta get out of


Milos mother : Milo, the alarm hasn't even gone off. Can you just let me

sleep until sunrise?

Milo : Believe me, that would be a bad idea. (Wells 36)

In this scene, Milos mother had not realized yet that she was locked in the

extraction machine by Martians (under Supervisor Order). The act of locking

someone in extraction machine by the aim to extract her into the Nanny bots which

profit Martians was really an act of violence. It was related with Youngs theory

that the physical action of controlling other people action was an act of violence.

By carrying Milos mother body from earth, to the citadel (Mars isolation room)

after that to the extraction machine, it showed that Supervisor had an intention

toward Milos mother physical. In the last story, if the extraction happened, Miloss

mother would die, and she would lose her life.

The proof that Milos mother also did not know and deal about Supervisor

action toward her was when she was waking up by Milo.

Milos mother : Wait a second. Did you just pull me out of bed? (wake up,

she sees the environment and screaming) Aaaaaaaaaaa

Milo : No! Mom, Mom. Mom! Mom, listen. Mom, look at me.

Mom, look at me. Look at me. I'll explain everything, but

later. OK? Right now we gotta get to the ship.

Milos mother : The ship? (Shocked)

Milo : The ship.

Milos mother : What ship?! (Shocked)

Milo : That ship! (point out the spaceship) (Wells 36).

In this transcript, the researcher saw on how Milos mother screams, she was

really shock. She did not even know she has been brought to the Mars. She was

confused that she has been already in the Mars. It was also an impact of

psychological effect that has been explained by Robinson, Smith and Segal that

someone who has trauma would likely to struggle with upsetting emotions,

frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger. She or he might also feel numb,

disconnected, and unable to trust other people (1). Here, Milos mother felt

frightened when she realizes that she was not home. She was placed in unknown

place. She also felt disconnected with her previous memory that she was supposed

to be at home. It clearly shows that Supervisor successfully asked her soldier to

oppress Milos mother.

Based on seven evidences and also the explanation that had been elaborated,

the researcher concluded that Milos mother got physical and psychological

violence by Supervisor through her soldier.

After analyzing Milos mother character, using the five faces of oppression

theory by Irish Marion Young, the researcher finds that there were only three faces

of oppression that gained by Milos mother. Those three faces of oppression were,

Marginalization, Powerlessness and violence.

4.1.2. The Five Faces Oppression Analysis in Gribbles Mother Character

Gribbles mother was the second female character who would be analyzed in

this chapter. Gribbles mother was a sample of a pattern mother which can control

her child. The researcher assumed that she also become the victim of oppression, to

prove the assumption, the analysis would be explained below.

a. Exploitation

The exploitation which has been explained by Marxist as a process that enacts

people work to prosper other people or group, in this situation Supervisor (female

leader of Martians) enacted Gribbles mother to prosper Martians. The Exploitation

that happened toward Gribbles mother was when Gribbles mother was extracted

from extraction machine by Supervisor.

Figure 4. 10 Gribbles mother soul was extracted using solar extraction

machine, 00:52:24, Exploitation, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom

Movie, Simon Wells)

Gribble : that when the sun came up, it'd start the machine. I

didn't know... what that machine was gonna do to her.

Not until it was too late. And then I realized....I was all

alone. I'd never see my mom again. And I'd never be

able to tell her I loved her. (Wells 27)

That was one of the signs that the exploitation was happening to the Gribbles

mother, the action in the picture above shows how his mother was exploited by the

Martians (under supervisor order) where his mother was extracted through the solar

machine into nanny-bots in order to nurture the Martian baby. The extraction

process which happened toward his mother has made her lost her life, and that was

more than enough to tell that Gribbles mother got disadvantage at that point. It was

also similar with the explanation of exploitation (see in pages 16) explained by

Marxist. He said that exploitation was happened when person utilize other people

to prosper themselves.

According to Delphy, the work of women somehow did not get fair

compensation, or even did not paid, not because their work was not important rather

than men, but somehow their work was not counted as a job, and of course non

workers should not be paid, for example their work in domestic area (qtd. in Tyson

98). In this circumstances, Gribbles mother sacrificial was not paid, not because

her sacrificing was less important, but her sacrifice was not a job and would not be

expected to be paid.

Based on the one acts of exploitation which had been analyzed above, the

researcher believed that Gribbles mother was exploited by Supervisor. Supervisor

harmed other people life in order to prosper her clan (Martians). The exploitation

happened when Gribbles mother was extracted and died.

b. Marginalization

Marginalization is a common oppression that happened in the society.

According to Johnson, Marginalization is happened when people had idea about the

nature thing that should be fulfilled by both men and women, he believed that it

was because of patriarchal culture (39). The thing that should be underlined was the

nature thing of both sex that was believed by people. The nature thing could lead

the marginalization toward women. In this part, Gribbles mother had been

marginalized by the assumption of Supervisor about earth women, the explanation

was delivered below,

Figure 4. 11 Gribble mother was chosen because of her motherhood and

she could control her child, 00:51:07, Marginalization, Irish Marion

Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Gribble : I did my chores. Put my things away. I did as I was

told. Turns out, that's exactly why they chose her.

Cause of me. (Wells 26)

In this scene, Gribble tells Milo about the abduction process of his mother

which was done by Martians. The characteristic of mother which was chosen by

Martian 25 years ago before Milos mother was similar with Milos mother

characteristic. Supervisor observed and selected Gribble mother because she shown

motherhood, that she could control her children, it was shown in Gribbles

transcript when he said that Supervisor chose her mother because she can control

Gribble and made Gribble obey her. The motherhood feeling owned by Gribbles

mother in which she was able to control her son was proved by the action in picture

on how Gribble obeyed her mother when she asked him to clean his toys. It was

similar with Johnsons case (see in page 17) that women are usually marginalized

by their nature of thing, they are not considered in public place because people

believe their capability in domestic area such as nurturing the children. This

perception was also adopted by Supervisor as she looks for women who has

motherhood character.

After analyzing the data above, the researcher was sure that Gribbles mother

capability was marginalized by Martians (under Supervisor order), because she was

labelled as a good mother.

c. Powerlessness

According to Minas, privilege refers to any unearned advantage that is

available to members of a social category while being systematically denied to

others (qtd. in Johnson 5). In this part, the high technologies which was owned by

Martians was recognized by Supervisor. She realized that she had privilege to

utilize earth woman. Therefore, in this part, researcher explained about

powerlessness that was happened toward Gribbles mother. The explanation was

elaborated below.

Figure 4. 12 Gribbles mother was taken when she slept, 00:51:44,

Powerlessness, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon


Milo : I know. It's not fair!

Gribble : I'll tell you what's not fair, man. Not fair is when a bunch

of scary aliens take your mama, your only parent,

away from you in the middle of the night (Wells 26).

In this part, Gribbles mother was taken by Martian in the midnight when she

felt asleep (powerless). She did not know that she would be taken by them. She was

not in aware condition, whereas Martians intentionally abducted her when she was

sleeping. They chose the appropriate time to abduct earth woman. It was also

proven when they abducted Milos mother which also happened in the middle of

night. It was similar with Youngs theory that people somehow realize that other

people were powerless rather than them (see in pages 17). Here, the Supervisor

realizes that humans were powerless when they were sleeping, so supervisor asked

their soldier to abduct Gribble mother when she was sleeping.

The other powerlessness that was happened toward Gribble mother was when

she -as an earth woman- was powerless, and Martians who have more power (higher

technologies) utilized her.

Figure 4. 13 Gribbles mother as representative of Earth women, was utilized by

Martian who has higher technology, 00:52:00, Powerlessness, Irish Marion

Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Gribble : They got your mama strapped into some kind of machine.

Mom! So I grabbed a couple of breathing helmets, and I

went to get her. But I didn't know what I know now. I

didn't know...that when the sun came up, it'd start the

machine. I didn't know... what that machine was gonna

do to her. Not until it was too late. And then I realized...

(Wells 27)

In this transcript, it clearly showed on how Gribble (as representative of earth

humans) did not know about the modern technology that owned by Martians.

Martians used this lack of technology (powerless) of earth human became their

opportunity to use human body. It was similar with Youngs theory that several

people know that other people does not have power because of their fortune. In this

case, Earth human was in misfortune condition and Supervisor realized it. She

utilized humans Earth (Gribbles mother) to profit her clan. This misfortune

condition was also had been explain by young that several people had less work

autonomy (22). They could not defense themselves, because several factor that they


By analyzing two acts of powerlessness above, the researcher concluded that

Gribbles mother got the powerlessness because Supervisor realized the power and

privilege which was owned by Martians. She misused her privilege and her power

toward Gribbles mother (earth woman).

d. Cultural Imperialism

The third face of oppression was cultural imperialism, in this movie cultural

imperialism does not appear. There are two reason why this movie did not involve

the cultural imperialism issue. Firstly, this movie is not historical movie that needs

the depiction on how some cultures are more dominant rather that the other culture

(subdominant culture).

Secondly, this movie is children movie. The children would not easier to

conceive the idea of cultural imperialism that is usually shown in adult movie.

Cultural imperialism issues is relly complicated, to be taught to the children as fresh

human. Because the aim of children watch the film or movie is to get entertainment,

they do not think deeper, what is the issues of the movie.

e. Violence

The last action of oppression which happened in Mars Needs Mom Movie

was violence. The violence also happened toward Gribbles mother. In this part, the

researcher showed the violence which happened toward Gribbles mother.

According to European Union Agency for Fundamental Right (see in pages 21)

there are three kinds of violence, they are physical, sexual, and psychological

violence. In the movie, the researcher only found physical and psychological

violence that happened toward Gribbles mother It happened because Supervisor

who have power wanted to utilize Gribbles mother. The physical violence usually

involves the physical action, whereas the psychological violence involves human

emotion. The evidence which proved that she gets the violence was elaborated


The first transcript that indicates the oppression is when Milo realizes that

Gribbles mother is also abducted by Martians.

Milo : "Private. Keep out. No Martians allowed. "Gribble." (see

the Gribbles T-shirt, which has Gribble and his mother

photo) "George Ribble. "He must've been a kid, too,

when he came here (he realizes that Gribble mother is

also abducted by Martians). Why wouldn't he tell me?

(Wells 25)

Besides that, there were other dialogs between Milo and Gribble that

indicates Gribbles mother was abducted by Martian.

Gribble : Where did you get this? (takes his T-shirt) This is mine.

Milo : They took your mom, too, didn't they? It's OK, Grib, I

know how you feel!

Gribble : How I feel? How I feel...You have no idea how I feel.

(Wells 26)

In this transcript Milo said that "He must've been a kid, too, when he came

here, before that he opened the capsule which saves Gribbles T-shirt, he saw

Gribble with his mother, at that time he realizes that Gribbles mother was also

abducted by Martians and Gribble was also a victim. This transcript which

described consciousness of Milo that Gribbles mother was abducted was one of

supporting evidences that Gribble mother also got violence from Martians (under

supervisor order). It was the same as characteristic of data which was taken was the

dialog or monolog from the characters who are indicates the oppression. The

researcher believes that the abduction of Gribbles mother that was realized by Milo

is a part of violence, because Martians separated a mom with her child. According

to NCADV, the action of separating people with their family is also an act of

psychological violence (1). Separating people with their family was classified as an

act of psychological violence, because it disturbed the human emotion, the human

would feel sad. In this transcript it was reflected by Gribbles dialog, when he said

that How I feel? How I feel you have no idea how I feel, he said it while he

was crying. If Gribble mother knew that she was separated with her son, the

researcher believed that she would also cry.

The other evidence which showed that Gribbles mother was separated with

his son was depicted in the scene and transcript below,

Figure 4. 14 Gribble mother was abducted by Martians, 00:51:44, Violence, Irish

Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom Movie, Simon Wells)

Milo : I know. It's not fair!

Gribble : I'll tell you what's not fair, man. Not fair is when a bunch

of scary aliens take your mama, your only parent,

away from you in the middle of the night. (Wells 26)

In this transcript which also supported by scene, it showed on how Gribble

retold about her mother who has been abducted by Martian long time ago. It was

shown when he said that the unfair thing was when scary aliens take your mama

(his mother) the only parent that he had. In this part, the Martians (under supervisor

order) did the violence toward Gribbles mother because they abducted and

separated the mother with her son. It was fit toward NCADVs statement that

separating human with their family is a kind of violence.

The violence toward Gribbles mother was also proved in the scene when

she was extracted by solar machine.

Figure 4. 15 Gribbles mother was extracted using solar extraction

machine, 00:52:00, Violence, Irish Marion Young (Mars Needs Mom

Movie, Simon Wells)

Gribble : They got your mama strapped into some kind of

machine. Mom! So I grabbed a couple of breathing

helmets, and I went to get her. But I didn't know what I

know now. I didn't know...that when the sun came up, it'd

start the machine. I didn't know... what that machine was

gonna do to her. Not until it was too late. And then I

realized... (Wells 27)

In this scene, the researcher saw that Gribbles mother was bound in the solar

extraction machine. The scene was also supported by the script when Gribble told

Milo on how his mother was extracted by Martians and she disappeared (die). This

action was clearly an act of oppression because the Martians did cruel action that

take Gribbles mother life. It was similar with Tysons theory that oppression is a

cruel action which hurts other people even lead them to the death. Gribbles mother

died because of the action, so that Gribbles mother got the oppression from

Martians (under Supervisor order).

By analyzing four evidences that showed the violence toward Gribbles

mother the researcher concluded that Gribbles mother was not only gaining the

psychological violence, she also got physical violence that led her to the death.

After analyzing Gribbles mother character using Five Faces of Oppression

by Irish Marion Young, the researcher concluded that there were four faces of

oppression that was experienced by her. Those four faces of oppression were

exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence.

4.1.3. The Process of Oppression of Milos Mother

From the analysis above, Milos mother got three faces of oppression. The

first oppression that was gained by Milos mother was marginalization, it can be

seen in data 1/O/M (see in appendix 1) when Supervisor started to look for earth

woman, she wanted the earth woman who has characteristics of good woman who

was able to nurture Martians baby before being selected. According to Johnson,

women are usually labelled as creature who naturally born with femininity (see in

pages 17), so they had to fulfill the characteristic of femininity if they wanted to be

known as a good woman.

The perception actually was also rooted in Supervisors mind even if she -as

woman- also did not fulfill the womanhood characteristic. Her perception toward

the nature of earth woman as a cause of her act of marginalization toward Milos

mother. According to Tyson (see in pages 16) women usually being marginalized

by being defined from what they allegedly lack and what men allegedly have. The

prove that Supervisor believed with this notion was when Gribble explain to Milo,

the characteristic of earth women who are looked by her, in 3/O/M (see in appendix

1). She believed her perception and she chose Milos mother who were appraised

that had fulfilled the characteristic of good mother. Her crafty characteristic actually

could be seen in the scene after Supervisor choosing Milos mother, she laughed

and asked Ki to catch her.

Powerlessness is consciousness that other people do not have power like other

people (see in pages 18) is also happened toward Milos mother, it was because

Supervisor saw the chance to utilize earth women when they were sleeping. And

she also realized that Mars had a better potentiality in technology. Therefore,

Martians used their higher technology in the appropriate time that human was

powerless, especially at the midnight. It was proven in the data 4/O/P when Milos

mother was taken at the midnight (see in Appendix 1). They combine the good

chance and good technology to take earth human who are powerless. According to

Young, powerless is the condition of less or no work autonomy (22), Milos mother

as human has less work autonomy comparing with Martians which their society had

more power in technologies rather than hum, therefore by combining those two

actions, Martians strengthen the assumption that they have more power and humans

(especially women) are powerless.

The third oppression which also the widest oppression was violence. Violence

happened toward Milos mother since she was abducted, bound in the isolation

room, until the point she was bound in extraction machine, it was proven in the data

6/O/V, 7/O/V, and 8/O/V (see appendix 1). These act of violence happened as the

result of the Martians need of a mother figure. This need was assumed to be fulfilled

by earth women because earth women has been labelled with their femininity

character. According to Hofstede that, Femininity is seen to be trait which stresses

caring nurturing behavior (1), Milos mother had succeeded fulfilling this traits of

femininity, it is seen in the data 3/O/M when Gribble told Milo the reason why his

mother became the chosen one. Therefore, Supervisor saw this opportunity to

utilize earth women moreover when she realized that Martians had more power than

earth human had.

After analyzing the process of oppression toward Milos mother, the

researcher concluded that the process of oppression that was gained by Milos

mother which was done by Supervisor were, marginalized her by observing her,

after marginalization she got powerlessness, and the last process that was gained by

her was violence. She did not get exploitation because her child, Milo succeeded to

save her.

4.1.4. The Process of Oppression of Gribbles Mother

After the analysis above, the researcher found four faces of oppression that

were experienced by Gribbles mother. The oppressions that had been experienced

by Gribbles mother were exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and

violence. The process of oppression that was experienced by Gribbles mother was

began by Marginalization. Gribbles mother had been marginalized by supervisors

assumption that she was capable to nurture the Martians baby. According to

Crespis (see in pages 23) that gender roles of earth women could not easily change

because it had been rooted and spread through information which is received by

media. This stereotype of women had been rooted and spread throughout Mars,

because Supervisor (the leader of Martian) observed and stalked human life. It was

proven when Ki told Milo that she found the secret document,

Ki : Two quarters ago I was working in the administration

block. The Supervisor was talking with 113-Elder-331.

They were viewing some top-secret Earth documents.

When they left, I wanted to check out what was

making the weird light. (Ki sees the monitor)

Human 1 : What's going on here?

Human 2 : It's a chrysanthemum, baby.

Human 3 : A chrysanthemum?

Human 4 : That's not a chrysanthemum.

Ki : And it was......amazing! So I copied all I could. The way

that light vibrated and sang! Nothing in my world has

ever made me feel like that! It was like my eyes were

open for the first time. (Wells 20)

The script told about Ki (Martian soldier) who found Earth secret document.

This document was top secret document, even the Martian was forbidden to see it.

The contains of the secret document was human life. It proved that Supervisor had

stalked every single detail of human life. Further, the result of the reconnaissance

that Supervisor also believe with the stereotype of Earth women. It was proven

when she observed the chosen mother (Gribbles mother) who would be taken, it

could be seen in the data number 12/O/M. The data shows on how Supervisor only

chose the mother who had motherhood character that could control the child. She

defined Gribbles mother that she lacked of capability in technology and had more

capability to nurture the children. It was why Supervisor chose Gribbles mother to

extract her soul to nurture the children, not to help Martians to build their


The next oppression that was gained by Gribbles mother after

marginalization was powerlessness. Similar with Milos mother, Gribbles mother

was abducted when she was sleeping and Martians utilized her. The reason that

Martians (under supervisor order) utilized earth woman was because Martians had

more power to do it toward human. According to Batanchiev male usually tries to

misuse their power and take the advantage to dominate the female or their

subordinate (4). In this case Supervisor had what usually had by male, it was power.

Despite she is a female, she still misused her power to Earth woman. She abducted

Earth woman (Gribbles mother) who was assumed as powerless creature when she

was sleeping. So that earth woman would not go against the abduction and abuse

of power by Martians (under Supervisor order). Besides that, Supervisor also

realized Martians (under her leadership) had more power in technology so that she

objectified Gribbles mother using Martians technologies.

After gaining the powerlessness, Gribble mother experienced the violence.

Since in the first time, Gribbles mother has been abducted, bound, and extracted

by Martians. This action was literally an act of violence. According to FRA,

violence against women means any act of gender-based that result in, or is likely to

result in physical, sexual or psychological harm. Similar with Milos mother, the

Martians do these action toward Gribbles mother because the Supervisor believed

that earth woman had capability to nurture the children. Despite she was a female

and she could not nurture the children, she still took the action to extract Gribbles

mother into the Nanny-bots. The supervisor treated and harmed the woman

basically because of the gender reason and she had a power to do violence.

The last oppression was exploitation, the researcher believed that supervisor

do it consciously. UNHCR stated that exploitation constitute with coercion and

violence (7), similar with Marxist, exploitation is a process that enacts people work

to prosper other people or group (see in pages 15). In this circumstances she

exploited Gribbles mother capability in nurturing Martians baby. She replaced

Gribbles mother capability to Nanny-bots resulting in her death. Supervisor

believed that earth women born with womanhood character. It was why she chose

Gribbles mother to be extracted into Nanny-bots. After the extraction, Gribble

mother died. Her body disappeared and her soul was transferred to Nanny-bots. The

loss of her body was categorized as exploitation, because it was included as using

Gribbles mother capability without compensation, even made her died.

After analyzing the process of oppression toward Gribbles mother, the

researcher concluded that the process of oppression that was gained by Gribbles

mother were; marginalization, the Supervisor observed her, after marginalization

she got powerlessness, after that she gained the violence, and the last was


4.2 The Moral Issue in Mars Needs Mom Movie

Children literature usually become a media to educate the children several

values and norms in society (Rahiem and Maila 454). Trough the story, children is

expected to know which is good and bad character in their life. Therefore, they

can copy the depiction of good behavior in the story and they would know the bad

behavior will impact their life badly as a form of punishment from parents,

society, or even the God.

Wells, the director of Mars Needs Mom movie also does not left behind to

put the moral issue in this movie. Even, the moral issue, become the main theme

in the movie. In order to help the development of children character, Wells put the

child as a mind character in this movie. He potrayed the development of Milo (a

son) since the beginning until the end of the story.

The portrayal of Milos character development is wished can be a clear

depiction of children behavior. According to Rahiem, stories are effective in

providing role models, opportunities to discuss moral dilemmas, and have the

potential to contribute significantly to the moral education of children and adults

(455). In this movie, Milos dilemma become an enormous energy to influence the

children character development.

Milo, as son is actually a good boy but he think his mother always give him

many order. Whereas, actually in this movie her mother teach him to be a

responsible person. He should clean up his own clothes, throw the rubbis etc. These

activities, is a depiction of good behavior which shoud be had by children. Similar

with Almerico The benefits of character education are multifaceted going beyond

the apparent outcomes of being a good person and responsible citizen (2). Here,

Milos mother teaches Milo to be a responsible in little scale (her own life) before

become a responsible citizen.

Besides the the responsible issue, in this movie, the children was also taught

to respect their parents. Because actually their parents always want a best thing

toward their children. This story showed, on how the roles of parents is priceless. It

is a roles that can not be replaced by other thing such as robot. For example, the

Martians who were abducted by Nanny-bots did not develop well. It was how,

Wells as a director depicted the childrens need of their parents.

Based on those explanation, the researcher believes that there were moral

issues that appeared in Mars Needs Mom movie. Therefore, this movie could be

taken as a good children literature to be watched by children.



5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the two characters of Mothers (Milos mother and Gribbles

mother) using Youngs theory and Isabella Crespis journal, the researcher

concluded that:

Milos mother got three faces oppression from Supervisor, those three

oppression are marginalization, powerlessness and violence. Whereas Gribbles

mother got four faces oppression. The four faces of oppression are exploitation,

marginalization, powerlessness, and violence.

After analyzing the process of oppression that was gained by two mothers,

the researcher concludes that the process of oppression which is firstly done by

Supervisor (female) are, Supervisor observes them, abducts them and extracted

them using solar extraction machine. The different process from both of them is

Martians succeed to extract Gribbles mother, whereas Milos mother, the

extraction was failed because Milo was successful in saving her mother.

Based on those analysis, the researcher concludes that the oppression toward

women can be done by women. Therefore, the researcher believes that the

oppression toward women is not always caused by gender assumption that male is

superior rather than women, but the oppression can be happened due to the power

which is had by the prepetators (men and women) of oppression.

5.2 Suggestion

After analyzing and discussing the Mars Needs Mom Movie, the researcher

believes that there are several suggestions which can be taken from this research.

The first suggestion is for society, especially women, by reading this study,

the researcher suggests that women should be aware when they are oppressed by

other. Therefore, they should protect themselves in order to keep their body save.

Somehow women do not know that they are being oppressed, therefore by reading

this study the researcher hopes that women can realize if they are under oppression.

For the children, the researcher suggests that they should give more

appreciation toward what their mother do for them. After watching this movie,

hopefully children will respect her mother and realize that they are nothing without

their mother.

For English Literature students, the researcher suggests that this study should

be read in the library as the additional knowledge in order to develop their skill,

especially in literature skill and feminism issue. The researcher wants that English

literature students can take the good of this thesis, such as the theories that is used,

as a reference to do the assignment which similar with the ground theories of this


For other researchers, the researcher suggests to continue the examination of

this film in various feminist or another ground approach. Because there are so many

issues that can be elaborated in Mars Needs Mom Movie. Another researcher can

use this research as reference.

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