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First Good evening everyone you are going to apologize me for talking slowly because I am


Well let's start we have already heard about it is vitamin C what are its benefits to what
diseases helps us. But how much vitamin C do we need daily?

This is a question that put on two sides to researchers mainly those who follow the dose
recommended by health agencies and the doses raised by Linus Pauling Institute that are much
higher than the previous

Well we know that vitamin C is water soluble so an excessive intake is eliminated by the kidney.
That is, it can produce symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and headache but its
risk of toxicity is low.

Health agencies tell us that the dose depends on the age

Infants up to 6 months of age 40 mg

Infants 7 to 12 months old 50 mg

Children 1 to 3 years old 15 mg

Children 4 to 8 years old 25 mg

Children 9 to 13 years old 45 mg

Adolescents (males) 14 to 18 years old 75 mg

Adolescents (girls) 14 to 18 years old 65 mg

Adults (male) 90 mg

Adults (women) 75 mg

Pregnant Teens 80 mg

Pregnant women 85 mg

Nursing mothers 115 mg

Women who are breast-feeding 120 mg

Well most people get enough vitamin C from the foods and drinks they consume. However,
certain groups of people are more likely than others to have difficulty getting enough vitamin C:

Smokers and people exposed to cigarette smoke, in part because the smoke increases the
amount of vitamin C the body needs to repair the damage done. Smokers need 35 mg more of
vitamin C per day than non-smokers.
Babies fed on cow's milk, evaporated or boiled because cow's milk contains a very low
amount of vitamin C and heat can destroy this vitamin. Cow's milk is not recommended for
babies under 1 year of age. Breast milk and baby formula contain sufficient amounts of vitamin

People with certain health conditions, such as severe hypoabsorption (insufficient

absorption), certain types of cancer, and kidney disease requiring hemodialysis.

The doses indicated by the researcher Linus Pauling indicates that the sweets recommended by
health agencies are the doses not to die that is the minimum doses but he in his studies tells
us the dose to improve our health.

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