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he teaci ng of the weave. A Campaign Adventure for Characters of Levels 4-7 Richard Baker Bruce R. Cordell David Noonan Matthew Sernett James Wyatt Duscnons & Deacons’ Camraran Accrssony Destanrns: RicHarp Baker, Bruce R.Coxpett, — - Davin Noonan, Marruew Szxnerr, James WeATT “ “ Error: Joun THomson Epmxe Manacra: Kim Moan, “Destes Manacer: Gunistormer PeRKiNs Devenorment Manacen: Jesse. Deoxen Seton Awr Director D&D: Stacy Lonasraeer Dmecron ov RPG R&D: Brut Staviesex Propucrion Manacnrs: Jost Fisczer, RANDALL Cxews Foxcorfex Rrats Axr Dinector: Kare Inwin Cover Anvist: Wizttam O’Coxor TyreRIOR Agrists: WILLIAM O'Connor, Jim PavELzc, Cunis Dex Grarmc Desiannk: Rowert RAPER - Carroor apne: Ronexr Lazzarertt Tactical Mar Desicn: Niex Isaac Gkavnic Propuctioy Sractatist: ANGELIKa Loxorz, Inace-Tecuwictan: Sven Bouen or asl othe xigina Dungeons & Dragons ules eee by Gary Gygax and Dave Arscion andthe new Dangeams & Dragons ge ig y ‘Tonatan Tet, Monte Cook, Sp Willan, Richacd Bakes and Peter Akon. ‘This product wes uplated materi frm the «FF evn ex dsgn fc ue wth the Bourn Rea." Campa Sein y P2 Greenwood, si Stig, Sean Reynolly Skip Wilms and Rob Heiwoo. ‘his Wizard ofthe Cont game prot contains no Open Gane Content, No portion of this wrk may he repre in ay form ithe writen pasion | ‘To leun more abou the Open Gaining License andthe #20 scm Lana pase rt wwnivizardscon0 US, CANADA, ASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Winans of the Goa, Ine 20. Box 707 Renan, WA 98057-0707 (Cxsstiont) 1-800-524-0496 620-95688720-001-EN 937654324 First Ponting: Mare 2007 ISHN: 7rRO7Ks9 119.3 EUROFEAN HMADQUARTERS * Hasro UX Lad Cael Way Newport, Gwent NDS OYE, GREAT ERUTALN Doxains & Deans, DD, Duna Maso, Foam Tt, 20, 20 Sr, Wit Ca hry The Tera ofthe Weare Pliers Hat ‘Dane Mt Gl, eter Marsa al eter Wrancfe Cote prods anes i pce ings a tears of Wed he Co Te Inthe US aadothe cane This mats rote unt he ope ta he Unite ate of Amr Ay nine asthe othe ose hei el ‘ith he rue won pina Wien he Coa Toe Ts aie wok itn yy oll epi py fet i ey cota Via ur mins iwrizrdcoaorgeio ne nn Wheloon, 2 city known for its vibrant green state / roof, nev temple to Mystra is in the of construction. But something rings false among the Iravenly splicres—or at least among, those who mouth the p= re ee temple doors. = ‘Ad that's just the beginning... Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave isan adventare designed for four Aebvlevel Duncnows & Daacons® characters. Player cliracters will advance through Sth level and into 6th level during the course of the adventure, and pechaps rach 7th or fc evel by its conclusion. preparation As Dungeon Master, you need four books 19 run this adver {ure the Player's Handbook (PHT), the Dungeon Masters Gnide (DMG), the Monster Manual (MM), and the Foscorrex Rist Campaign Seating (FRCS), ‘Review the information presented on pages 111-116 of the Poncorrex Reats® Campaign Setting and the information aout southeastern Cormyr in the appendix of this produc. Otherwise, fel free to modify the adventure to Suita location other than Coxnys ‘Unless you decide otherwise, eis adventure rakes place dong the fll of 1374 DR. This adventure ses the tactical encounter format to describe areas where PCs are likely to enter melee How To use the Tactical encounter Format Encounters unlikely to end in combat use traditional keyed ad- venture text. Bue if a keyed area indicates combat is expected, the eatsy directs the DM to an asocisted tactical encounter The cradvonal keyed entries remain your flowehart of the dveuture—they tell you when to refer toa tactical encounter, fd o-mhac'page nainber you should turn, ol emu The most ena ‘ach tactieal encounter isthe snap for that area A.yarity of information accompanies exch ‘map—ereature deserptions inital position, creature tats, tects, rap if ang and other related information. ‘The encounter in this adventure are designed for use with * Dunckows & Dr-scoxs Miniatures. In most cases, D&D® ‘miniature can represent a charactor or ereature perfectly; other ‘times you'll have to improvise How to User Excousrrr Mars As described on DIMG 59, if » map feature covers more then hhalf of a given square, the featnre is considered to extend into ‘that square. If it covers less than half of a square, it docsn’t extend! into that square. For example, if an area of light undergrowth skirts aroun the edyes.of a square, but the rest of the square is clear, then, there’ no extra movement cost to enter that square, If che undergrowth reaches past the middle of the square, the square costs ? squares to move into. The same rule applies to diagonal walls. We've drawn diago- nnal walls on the maps so they cut through the centers of square edges instead of running corner to corner. This way} is easy to tell whether a character can stand in a given square or uot, since every square that a diagonal wall passes throngh is either Jngely clear (you can stand there) or just a small corner (you cai’t stand there), : | —— ‘Tante oF CONTENTS set adventure Background ‘The goddess Mystra provides for and tends the Weave, the. conduit through which most creatures in Toril access magical energy. Despite this central role, the worship of Mystra has declined over the years. Even so, new temples are sometimes commissioned. ‘Until recently, Cormyr did not have a single temple to the Mother of All Magic. Thar changed six months ago when & Mystran priestess named Lady of Mystery Naedaenya Arthas, convinced Lord Sarp Redbeard, leader of Wheloon and lord of rnc of che surrounding lands, that hosting & temple of Mystra was exactly the thing to bolster the city’s economy and create a trade destination for magical items, components, and lore. A good deal of bribe money also exchanged hands, but in the end, construction was sited and started. ‘The temple was located on the site of a ruined citadel atthe edge of Wheloon. With a foundation—albeit crunibling—already in place, along with the magic-aided constraction techniques available to those pledged to Mystra, tae temple was finished in mere months. The open central courtyard hosted nightly ser- vices to the Lady of Mysteries beneath her symbol of the seven, ‘When Tanaster Draaik, an itinerant cleric of Mystra, hap- _petied through Wheloon, te as astonished to discover a fullsized temple where for years had been a ruined citadel, Had he missed the church communigué concerning news of the opening? But it was glorious news nonetheless that Cormyr finally hosted a temple to Mystra, Tunaster entered the temple, jubilant and eager to co his fellow clergy in their new chapel “He barely escaped with his life—and his sanity. , adventure synopsis Ginnie pio casa cae sipetiee deere alls ce ete ese eee eee re Te wn cas oe a ty, te Pan a eh Sdn arp i the Vest Sun jute fom tert he Pie Sr deans Oavy cept ge ee ae ec ce ec ee Chapter 1: Temple of Mystra: The PCs must force or trick ‘their way into the well guauded temple to discover what is amiss. ‘They find ove that the clerics offer “Mystra’s Sacred Trust” 10, travelers through town and other folk who aren't likely to be missed, These folk are deyniveted after along ritual; those with ‘no magical talent are tortured to death dr fed to monsters: The others are taken from the ety to. location in the Vast Swamp. for an unknown purpo:e—one the PCs will have to discover for themselves. The temple’ “clerics of Mystra” are indeed cer: ‘es—hut they worship a far more malevolent goddess. ‘Chapter 2: Into the Vast Swamp: The PCs follow the trail of| the dominated victims to the Vast Swamp, encountéring both friends and focs on the way. At the edge of the swamp, an en- ‘counter with some loal lizardfolk reveals the existence of hordes of undead—once the: brethren of these same lizardfolk—and a castle in the swamp where the déminared victims enver, but never leave Chapter 3: Cormyr's Lost Refuge: The PCs must fight their ‘vay inside the castle to reveal the fate of the dominated residents ‘of Wheloon. Once inside the koop they battle various foes, icin ing the chieftain of the undead lizardfolk. Farther investigation leads the BGs to a few of the dispossessed Wheloonians—and a strange-looking portal to the Plane of Shadow where the otiaers ‘must have gone: Chapter 4: The Path of Shadows: Emerging from the portal intoa dark mirror of the Material Plane, the PCs haye a choice: set off in a magic boat across the dark waterway, or trek overland across te wide shadow swamp. A water journey is unnerving but ultimately uneventful, while choosing to walk across the swamp borings the PCs to the lair of the undead lizardfolk. Fentually the BCs arrive ar an ancient monastery where they meet agents of Cyric and learn that the combined clergies of Shar and are attempting to fear a hole in the Weave, creating a vast area of dead magic. Chapter J: The Black Rift: From the monastery, the PCs ‘mast journey ¢o the Black Rift, a huge canyon inexplicably set in the middle of the swamp. Here the strange, warped nature of the Plane of Shadow becomes very apparent as the PCs fight ‘their way drough strange locations linked by long bridges across the rift. At the end of the chain of fortifications, the PCs meet ————— : gathering mformation about the remple TF the FCs wart to ask around tow regarding the temple ~ of Mgstra, use the folowing Gather Information DC> to determine che results of their questioning of the Jocals.¢ Beating a specific DC aio reveals the information provided — "by lower rests, = DC 10: “The few temple wene up real fast. They didn’t spare {ay magic when building i chars for sure But I suppose that’s ‘what te should expec from clerics of Mystra” DC 15; “Lord Redbeard said the temple will bring in moro people and more trade—pornson the map as it were: Te seems to be doing that At lea hs priests of Myst apend 2 fe amount of coin on supplies that otherwise woul have been spent” DC 20% “the Purple Dragons investigated the place after some folk complained of weird lights and of noises at night. Tagine tha! Odd ose and lights ata tenple devoted to the tse of magi! OF vourse the Dragoas dit find anychig” DC 25." hear thatthe eleres of Mystra haven't been too fiienly with our tovn’s rational church, the Harvest Hall und God's Grove. Tha’ protaby de to bigeity church rivalry, Once the Matane gt seed i, they ome to understand there al friends here” Tstratin 8s lla Pree Despayr, the dragon behind i all. IF they suceeed in defeating him, the rip in the Weave that Despayr has started ‘sll heal self. Ifthe PCs fail, great ‘woe will befall Cormyr. combat in the pack Page 164 of the Players Handbook covers the ‘opie of vison and fight, but the information is vorth resamining beeause many combats in this Adventure occur in eonitons of dasknes or stadowy illumination In an area of bright illumination, all characters can see clearly. A il cseatare can't vse Hide in an area of bright illumination unless i i Jnvistle, has cover or concealment, or has ‘he hie in plain sight ability In an arca of shadowy illumination, a luracter can see dimly. Greatores within this area have concealment relative fo thar character, if he or ste doesn’ aye darkvison, Concealment has ovo main effects The subject of a successfil attack has a 20% miss chance, and creatures can make 8 Hide check to conceal themselves. Tn areas of dashes, creatures that lack darkvision are fectively blinded. In addition to the obvious effects, a blinded creature has 2 50% miss chance in combat (all opponents have total concealment, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, takes a penalty to AC, moves at half speed, and takes a —# penalty con Search checks and most Strength and Devterty-based skill ches Characters who have lovelight vision (ves, gnomes, and halls) can Sec objects twice as far away asthe given distance Double the effective radius of bright light and of shadowy i Jomination for such characters. For example, torch provides Brig illumination out ro 40 fect (father than 20 feet for Character with low light vision, and it provides shadowy illu tation aut to WO fet (rather than 40 Feet). Characters who have Superior low-light yision can ses objets four times as faraway ts the given distance. Quadruple the effective radius of bright humiation and of shadowy ilamination for such characters. Characters who have darkvision uch as dwarves and halForss) can sec lit sivas normally a8 well as dark areas within 60 fet. A create canfe nse Hide within 60 feet of a character wha Jas dashvision ualess i invisible bas coves, oF has the bide sn plain sight abi: combat in water Sora ekcounters in dhs adventure feature bois of water that 3PCor NPC might eater. The pertinent les fiom the Playé Hapdbiok and the Dungeon Maser Guide are gathered here Jar your convenience Wet new temple of yttra sine rightly under the munday. the water in chis adventure should be treated as calm. Creatures in the water must sueceed on a DC 10 Swim check to move one-quarter their normal land speed. A failure by 5 Or more results in a ereature going underwater and needing to hold its breath. Creatures without a swim speed cor freedam of movement that fail a swim check are considered off balance; they love cheir Dexterity bonus to AC and foes gain +2 bons to hit them. Holding Your Breath: A creature can hold its breath for 2 ‘number of rounds equal to twice ts Constitution score, but only if taking move actions or free actions. A creature holding is breath that tzkes a standard action has the number of rounds thats breath can be hel reduced by 1. After tha, the creature ‘must make a miecessful DC 10 Constitution checks each round, the DC ofthis check inereases by 1. A failed Constitution check ure to fall unconscious Inthe Following round, the ereature is reduced.to ~1 hit points. Tn the round after that, che creature dis, ‘Water and Cover: A creature immersed in water has total ‘caver from attacks on land. A erearue standing in water ae least, tual its eight in depth has cover (4 to AC, 3 on Reflex saves) from land attacks, and it cam crouch as a-move action to gain improved vover (8 to AG, +4 on Reflex saved). Creatures sw ‘ming, bue breaking the surface, have improved cover against attacks from land (8 to AG, +4 on Reflex save) ‘Water and Attacks: Ranged attacks take a2 penalty oi the attack roll fox each 5 feet of water they pass through; saehing ‘and bladgeoning melee attacks take a ~2 penalty on the attack roll when underwater as well. The surface of the water stops —— —— Tante oF GonTENTS oa! , line of effect for fre spells and spllcaters in the water must sce on a Spelleraft check (DC 20 + spel level), or the spell fails and'is wasted. Adventure Hooks (Characters cen become entangled in this adventure through a wide variety of methods, Read through the information sbout ‘Wheloon in the appendix to get an understanding of the setting for the first part of the adventure, and then consider using one of the following adventure hooks (6 get things going: Suggested hooks include the following: Tunaster Dranik: Au itinerant priest of Mystra coneacts the player characters, who by this time Cie level) have just started to make a name for themselves. Alternatively, the PCs sce a notice posted on a focal tavern wall or town job board. The letter or posted announcement simply reads: To Those of Strong Arm, Keen Mind, and Quriesity Selucations! See the man in blue at the Wyvern Watch Inn before the 23rd if you wish to ear a peculiar riddle, land are willing to undertake a commission to discover its answer ID. ‘The letter is delivered to the POs or is posted in Wheloon, for a rovin chosen by the DM appropriate to the characters? location. IF the PGs travel to the Wyvern Watch Inn (or one substituted by the DM) before the indicated date, they indeed find a white-hearded man wearing a simple bloe robe trimmed » with white, accented by 2 cloak of deep blue. He also wears a bi skulleap, Tf approached, the man i initially nervous, as if ready to bol However if the PCs put him at ease, he indicates he is indeed ‘TD? Tanaster Dranik, cleric of Mystra (LLG male Chondathin ‘human cleric 3). PCs interested in hearing his ride nd taking the commission offered can speak with Tunastcr at length and learn the details of his predicament and offer. The following bits of information are imparted to the Cs naturally, a8 part of conversation: “Lander, a5 many MYstean clergy doy seeking sources of old ‘magic. Pe been in tombs, dangerous rains—Pve even skirted the lair of « foul lich, But none of these holds a candle to the sight I saw a tenday past—a newly built temple of Mystra, here in Wheloon”™ “Seems normal enough, eh? But there are no other temples fof Mystra in Cormyr. This is big news! Pm a long-time cleric of the chuck, Tin in yearly contact with the organization. Hows is ie Tide know I finda temple of Mystra here? Why don't 1 eric in good standing, know more of this ‘Lady Archae who supposedly ordered the temple's construction, an sited it cn the ruins of the old citadel?” “Astonished, I immediately entered the temple, looking for answers. I made i tothe outer courtyard, bt was rebuffed from entering the inner areas; Iwas told to wait for Lady Arthas After an bhour’s wait, « man appeared, sosicone named Fembry, and asked me to accompany him back to the middle courtyard He wore the garb of a Mystran cleric, as Td, but something” about him wasn't right. I cat explain it to you, but something made me... run.” “And they chased me! Why would they do that?Someone on the temple walls fred arrows at me! But I escaped. What in the Nine Hells is going on in there? I need to fina oxt, of failing that, go to the nearest lgitimate temple of Mystra and ask for aid. hae now you'ee ere. Ca you help me? “Dive already spoken to the authorities about the subject. Constal Tholl assures me that the Purple Dragons have inves- ‘gated the temple and found nothing amiss. Lasked him what they discovered, and it seemed they made only a cursory check of the place after hearing about strange lights and noses. T sensed his reluctance to lagk deeper into it has mare to do with Lord Rediard’s pleasure at the business and taxes the temple brings ‘aa with a firm understanding of what is happening within.” Tunaster offers the Fs sum of 2,000 gp if they penetrate the temple; find out if a profanity to Mysera is being commie ted, and the purpose behind it and eliminate the blasphimers He'll pay the PCs $00 gp now, with the rest coming upon the completion of the quest. For his part, he's going t© travel to Snerloon to meet with his superiors at the Tower of Mystery, and he will not accompany the PCs. Tunaster hopes to find faith: ful there who can tell him what might be going on or wo will return with him. Tunaster is fairly certain that someowe there ox nearby will be able to teleport him back, hut if he cae it will take him nearly a tenday to return. If the PCs seem hestans, ‘Tunaster offers to write them a promissory note that has his ‘personal arcane mark, which the PCs can redeem at any temple ‘of Mystra (except the one in Wheloon, of course) for payment after they submit to diserw fies spells ‘Missing Bookacller: Amnie Basult, a Wheloon bookseller, has gone missing, His wife, Mela is hysterical, The Wheloon Watch doesn't look into such matters—but peels Mela can interest the PC? i ‘Amnic was last seen in his bookshop. A succesful DC 1+ Search check reveals the signs of a scuffs a successful DC 18 Search check reveals « pamphlet to the city’s now temple of ‘Mystra that has fallen into a crack between the floorboards On it is written (in Amnic’s handwriting), “Do they really hold ‘Mystra’s Sacred Trust?” Looking for « Temple: The characters axe looking for a nearby temple for healing, advice, or some other service and discover the newly built temple of Mystra

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