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Laudato Si Encyclical Paper of Pope Francis

In his encyclical paper, the Pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible

development, laments environmental degradation and global warming and calls all
people of the world to take swift and unified global action.

The Pope calls the earth our common home, which is like our sister and our
mother but yet we are damaging this familial relationship as we harm the
environment , Pope Francis describes the environment as the home for the human
family which is in severe danger and needs immediate protection and healing and
that the threatened state of the environment is a universal challenge affecting us all
and those most in danger are our poorest brothers and sisters.

The specific issues Pope Francis had cited are: pollution or our throwaway
culture, water issue, climate change, loss of biodiversity, decline in the quality of
human life and breakdown of society, global inequality and weak responses.

These issues are calling us for the challenge specifically posed by Pope
Francis in his encyclical are: the approach to an integral ecology in relation to the
lack or inadequate responsibilities, complacency or recklessness of our society.
These problems are not separate and distinct from each other, but rather, one
complex crisis, which is both social and environmental. Hence, the very question is,
how can we human beings be of help to the ecological crisis we are facing today?
And how can our society balance out business profit and sustainable development?

As Pope Francis, emphasizes the approach of integral ecology, the

relationship of God, human and the environment is challenged, there is a need to
bring together people from different fields of knowledge, in the service of a more
integral vision. We can address this crisis and help locally by: 1. A continued
progress and practice of school campus and office sustainability to reduce energy
use and religiously practice CLAY GO even in our own homes; 2. Hosting a school
symposium, with regards to issues related to the environment, its effects and the
possible solutions; and 3. Work with the local government to conduct a regional
sustainability summit.

Nationally, by: 1. Environmental initiatives can be imposed by our

government or government agency specifically the DENR, such as a. tree planting
activities by students in all schools and some representatives of all business
companies; b. imposing log bans, and strict penalties for violators 2.Promoting
environmental advocacies in all forms of media; 3. The DENR must conduct free
symposiums in communities to raise environmental awareness and all cities Solid
Waste Management, must strictly enforce the proper waste segregation; and 4. Ban
the use of plastics in the country and encourage the use of eco-friendly materials.

And globally: 1. Engage in a global environmental summit to discuss how to

integrate physical, and financial priorities to develop more sustainable
infrastructure; 2. Encourage everyone to participate in earth hour; and
3.Encourage all countries to stop the use of plastics and to use eco-friendly

However, all these must start with the self, we in ourselves must be willing to
change our lifestyle, to contribute in reducing activities which adds fuel to the fire
of climate change and take part in the calling of God to be the steward of all His

Because everything is connected, thus, we start by gaining peace within

ourselves, and it then follows and affects how we see the world and the people
around us. As Pope Francis reiterates, peace, justice and the preservation of creation
are three absolutely interconnected themes. If we are in deep communion with
ourselves, then we open our hearts and minds to what is truly good for the society,
the environment and the world.

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