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Motion : THW forbid smoking in campus area.

Parameter : Smoking is forbidden in every college in Indonesia.

Affirmative Negative
Definition :
forbid: to order (someone) not to do
Smoking is a practice in which a substance is
burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to
be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream.
Assertion : Smoking give negative impacts Assertion :
for human and environment.
Reason : Reason :
1. Health .
Smoking does not only harm one's
health but also other people's health.
Don't be too selfish, think of others
too. That is the problem of most of us
today we only think about ourselves.
If you want to live a healthy life, if
you don't want your sisters, brothers
or anyone you love to suffer, then
stop smoking. Remember, you can
choose to do all the things that you
want to do, but you can not choose
the consequences of your acts.

2. Law.
In our country Indonesia, smoking in
learning process area is not allowed.
except in smoking area or we call it
Kawasan tanpa rokok (KTR).
3. Environment.
Smoking also give bad impacts for
environment. Pollution of the
cigarette can make our earth
becoming more dangerous or
increasing the risk of global warming.
Not to mention fires in trash cans
happen because people throw a lit
cigarette in the trash can. Then you
have to call the fire department. Also
you see cigarette buds all over the
ground and makes the campus look
Evidence : Evidence :
1. health.
- According to WHO, The number
of smokers in Indonesia is ranked
3rd in the world, more than 80
million Indonesians smoke. Death
from smoking in Indonesia
reaches 427,948 people every
year or 1,172 per day. Most of
them are productive age.
2. Law.
- Undang-Undang No. 36 Tahun
2009 Pasal 115 about learning
process area is a non-smoking
- Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun
2010 about Smoking ban.
Smokers who commit smoking in
the area are prohibited from
smoking, as intended Pasal 5 ayat
(2) shall be punished with
imprisonment for a maximum of 2
(two) years and a fine amount to
Rp 200.000.000,00 (two hundred
million rupiah).
3. Environtment.
- Regional Police of South and
West Sulawesi recorded forest
fires in 2015 hit 1,264 hectares,
caused by throwing cigarette
- The warehouse in Binawan
Campus, Jalan Dewi Sartika,
Cawang, East Jakarta, was burnt
because of cigarette in April 11th

Link back : We are strongly agree that Link back :

smoking is forbidden in campus area because
smoking give negative impacts in health
perspective, law and environment.

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