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Submission is in Unreal Engine 4

Project contains content folder, config folder, and .uproject file
Submission contains enough primary assets
Folder hierarchy is structured correctly
First tier folders are named for asset type
All files in perspective folders
Project is free of unused folders and assets
Naming conventions present, consistent, and acceptable
Assets names are in English and Alpha-Numeric
Assets names identify asset types
Assets names are consistant
Pack contains Maps
Pack contains Overview Map
Overview Map is set up appropriately and named correctly
Lighting has been built on all maps
All maps are free of errors and/or warnings
No Z fighting or overlapping polygons in maps
Pack contains Demo Map
Demo Map is set up appropriately and named correctly
Displays functionality effectively
In editor tutorial/documentation included
Assets are free of visibly obvious discrepancies
Assets function without detriment to performance
All assets are complete and function as intended
Assets are not easily reproduced
Pack contains overall good design and concepts
Seller owns rights to distribute content
Does not contain copyrighted or trademarked content
Pack is free of stolen/pirated content
Epic/Unreal content is used for display/example only
Public Domain Content meets guideline requirements
Project is self-sustained
Additional requirements are available on the Marketplace
Pack does not contain assets that could be considered offensive
Pack contains Textures
Textures are set to Power of 2
All textures are appropriate resolutions for their respective assets
Maximum texture size is 8192 for general use and/or 2048 for mobile textures in either dimension
All textures use the correct texture group based on purpose
Pack contains Materials
All Materials are PBR (contain BaseColor, Roughness, and metallic nodes)
Material instances used where appropriate
Mobile material assets use only BaseColor, Roughness, and Normal from textures
Specular is not specified unless used
Pack contains Meshes
LOD's are set up correctly
Assets are modular
Modular pieces are adaptable for repurposing
Assets snap cleanly on 10 cm grid
Has collision
Collision set up correctly
PhysicsAssets correctly set up
If less than 5 assets, all assets are rigged and animated
No overlapping UVs
Assets scaled correctly
Pack contains Blueprints
Blueprints use comments appropriately
Blueprints are clean and easy to read
Casts contain both a pass and fail condition
Custom Blueprint nodes contain "Static" prefix
Custom Blueprint nodes from plugins categorized with plugin name as preface
Functions, variables, and events use names that reflect intended purposes
No loose Blueprint nodes
Blueprint is free of errors and/or warnings
Pack contains Audio
All wav files have sound cues attached
Audio is clean and not bitcrunched
Audio sample rate is 44100 Hz or 22050 Hz
Sound cues and wavs in separate "Cue" and "Wave" folders
Pack contains Characters
Humanoid assets rigged to Epic skeleton
Bones are not renamed
Character is not weighted to any IK joints
Epic Skeleton IK Joints are in skeleton hierarchy
Joint orientations remain intact
Skeleton is not scaled
Pack contains Animations
All animations imported from individual .FBX files
Animations are clean, consistent, and function as intended
Pack contains Weapons
Weapons are scaled to epic skeleton and appear relatively scaled as intended when imported into a new project
Weapons with moving parts are rigged and animated
Particle Effects
Pack contains Particle Effects
Emitter names are accurate and relevant to their displayed effects
Particle systems meant to be viewed at multiple distances have correct LODs
Effects optimized for their intended use
Pack utilizes Plugins
Required plugins in project are available on UE Marketplace
Unnessecary/Unused plugins are disabled
Notes From Reviewer
Changes have previously been requested
Requested Changes Have Been Implimented

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