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Data Structures One Mark Questions

1. What is Data Structure?
2. Need of Data Structure with suitable example.
3. State the different types of data structures.
4. State the basic operations performed on Data Structures.
5. Differentiate primitive and non-primitive data structures.
6. Differentiate linear and non-linear data structures.
7. What is abstract data type? Name any four abstract data types.
8. List the benefits of ADTs.
9. What do you mean by linked list?
10. Differentiate arrays and linked lists.
11. Give the structure of a node in linked list.
12. State the use of data field and link field in a linked list.
13. List the various type of addresses used in linked lists.
14. State the use of head pointer in a linked list.
15. List the various types of linked lists.
16. List the various operations performed in a linked list.
17. Advantages and disadvantages of linked lists.
18. Give any four applications of linked lists.
19. What is single linked list?
20. Draw the node representation of single linked list.
21. Limitations of single linked list.
22. Advantages of single linked list.
23. What is double linked list?
24. Advantages of Double linked list.
25. Disadvantages of double linked list.
26. Compare single, double and circular linked lists.
27. What is the structure of node for storing polynomial equations.
28. Define Algorithm. Characteristics of an algorithm.
29. What do you mean by asymptotic notation? Name any four.
30. What are the factors to be considered for analysis of an algorithm?
31. Define big-oh,big-omega and big-theta.
32. Differentiate time complexity and space complexity.

1. What is stack data structure? Is stack a linear or non-linear data structure?

2. How stack is different than array.
3. Mention the Applications of Stack Data Structure.
4. List the operations that can be performed on a stack.
5. What do you mean by Stack overflow, underflow and empty?
6. What do you mean by polish notation?
7. Features of postfix notation (reverse polish or suffix notation).
8. What are different notations to represent a mathematical expression? Which notation is
most suitable for use in computers?
9. What do you mean by infix, postfix and prefix notation?
10. Convert the infix expression (a+(b+c/d*e)^f-g) into post fix.
11. Evaluate 5,1,7,+,*3,4,-,^12,/
12. Define delimiter. List any four.
13. What do you mean by delimiter matching? Pattern matching.
14. Define Queue. Give the basic Structure of a queue.
15. Types of Queue.
16. Basic features of a Queue.
17. List the operations that can be performed on a Queue.
18. When we say that the stack and queue is empty.
19. Define Circular Queue. Give the basic structure.
20. How circular queue is different than Linear Queue.
21. Limitations of a linear queue. How to overcome.
22. Applications of a linear queue.
23. Give the conditions for inserting/deleting elements to/from queue.
24. Advantages of circular queue.
25. Define sorting. Name any four sorting techniques.
26. What are the factors to be considered while choosing a sorting technique?
27. What is the necessity of sorting technique?
28. Types of sorting techniques.
29. Differentiate internal and external sorting techniques.
30. Give the purpose of pivot element in quick sort.
31. What are the different ways to select pivot element in quick sort?
32. Limitations of insertion sort over shell sort.
33. Differentiate quick and merge sort techniques.
34. When is sorting method is said to be stable? Name any four stable sorting techniques.
35. Limitations of quick sort.
36. Limitations of merge sort.
37. What is the time complexity of merge and quick sort?
38. Which is the fastest internal sorting technique & why?
39. What do you mean by divide and conquer?
40. How shell sort is performed?
41. How merge sort is performed?
42. How quick sort is performed?
43. Sort the following 30,5,95,6,3,15 using quick sort.

1. Define tree with an example.

2. Define a path in tree.
3. Differentiate terminal and no-terminal nodes in a tree.
4. Define a binary tree.
5. Differentiate normal and binary tree.
6. List the various binary trees.
7. State the properties of a binary tree.
8. Difference between full and complete binary tree.
9. Define left and right skewed binary trees.
10. What is meant by binary tree traversal?
11. What are the different binary tree traversal techniques?
12. Define level and height of a tree.
13. What are the different ways of representing a binary tree?
14. What are the tasks performed while traversing binary tree?
15. Difference between internal and external nodes.
16. State the merits and demerits of linear representation of binary trees.
17. State the merits and demerits of linked representation of binary trees.
18. Define a binary search tree.
19. What are the basic operations performed in a binary search tree?
20. Draw backs of BST.
21. Difference between binary and binary search tree.
22. Give any four applications of trees.
23. Define expression tree. Give its purpose.
24. Give the purpose of binary trees.
25. Construct expression tree for (a+b)*(c-d).
26. Construct binary search tree for 12,34,45,65,21,67,32,89,20.
27. Construct binary tree for the following:
Pre order: A,B,D,E,C,F,G
28. What do you mean by leaf node in a tree?
29. What are the various positions from which nodes can be deleted in binary search tree?
30. Define extended binary tree with an example.
31. Define balance factor of a node in an AVL tree.
32. How many nodes are there if binary tree contains n levels?
33. Define an AVL tree.
34. What are the various ways of balancing an unbalanced tree?
35. When do you apply left-to-left rotations in an unbalanced tree?
36. When do you apply left-to-right rotations in an unbalanced tree?
37. When do you apply right-to-left rotations in an unbalanced tree?
38. When do you apply right-to-right rotations in an unbalanced tree?
39. Give advantages and disadvantages if AVL tree.
40. Applications of AVL tree.

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