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Curso de ingls gratis nivel principiante (CEF A1)

Clase 1
1. Saludos: good morning, good afternoon etc
2. Frases tiles: whats your name? nice to meet you etc
3. Pases: Mexico, The United States etc
4. Conversacin de practica: where are you from? etc
5. Ejercicios de prctica: whats your name? where are you from? etc
6. El abecedario: A,B,C etc
7. Verbo be y pronombres personales: am, is are, I, you he etc
8. Ejercicios de prctica: ejercicios para practicar el verbo be y los pronombres
9. Das de la semana: Monday, Tuesday etc
10. Nmeros 1-20: one, two, three etc
11. Vocabulario edificios y lugares: airport, bank, church etc
12. Adios: goodbye, goodnight etc

Clase 2
1. Pases y nacionalidades: Mexico, Mexican, Columbia Columbian etc
2. Verbo be preguntas y negativos: I am not, you are not, are you? etc
3. Palabras para formar preguntas: what, when, where etc
4. Verbo be preguntas y negativos practica: Ejercicios para practicar el verbo be
preguntas y negativos
5. Nmeros 20-100: twenty, thirty, forty etc
6. Vocales y sonidos de vocales: fish, tree, cat, boot, train, bike etc
7. Vocabulario ropa: boots, cap, coat dress, gloves etc

Clase 3
1. Conversacin: Whats your first name?, Where are you from?, How old are you? etc
2. Adjetivos posesivos: my, your, his, her, its, our y their
3. Adjetivos posesivos practica: my, your, his, her, its, our y their practica
4. Pronunciacin vocales: car, box, Thursday, bread, bone air
5. Artculos indeterminados: a y an
6. Vocabulario comida y bebidas: bread, meat, fish, pork etc

Clase 4
1. Presente simple introduccin: I live, I work, I play etc
2. Presente simple gramtica: I live, he lives etc
3. Presente simple practica: I live, he lives practica
4. Adverbios de frecuencia: always, usually, often, sometimes etc
5. Adverbios de frequencia practica: always, usually, often, sometimes practica
6. Pronunciacin sonidos de vocales: how, sofa, put, toy, floor, here etc
7. Vocabulario partes del cuerpo: ankle, arm, back, belly, bones etc
Clase 5
1. Presente simple negativo introduccin: I dont live, I dont like, I dont play etc
2. Presente simple negativo gramtica: I dont live, he doesnt live etc
3. Presente simple negativo practica: I dont live, he doesnt live practica
4. Adjetivos demostrativos: this, these, that those etc
5. Adjetivos demostrativos ejercicios: this, these, that those practica
6. Hablando en la tienda de ropa: can I help you?, what size? what colour? etc
7. Vocabulario en la cocina: cupboard, cooker, microwave, knife etc

Clase 6
1. Presente simple preguntas introduccin: where do you work?, where do you live?
2. Presente simple preguntas gramtica: where do you work? where does he work? etc
3. Presente simple preguntas ejercicios de practica: where do you work? where does
he work? practica
4. Nmeros 100+: one hundred, two hundred, one thousand etc
5. Vocabulary dinero: cash, credit card, owe, pay etc
6. Hablando de dinero: how much is it? how much are they? theyre $10 etc
7. Dinero en la cafetera: can I help you? large or small? anything else? etc

Clase 7
1. Presente continuo introduccin: theyre talking, hes eating introduccin etc
2. Presente continuo gramtica: they are talking, he is eating gramtica
3. Presente continuo ejercicios de practica: they are talking, he is eating practica
4. Presente simple y presente Continua comparado: I work y Im working etc
5. Que hora son? Como decir la hora: what time is it? its 7 0clock etc
6. Vocabulario en la recamara y bao: bed, mirror, shower, soap etc

Clase 8
1. Vocabulario la familia: brother, cousin, mother, uncle etc
2. El caso posesivo: Johns car, Steves wife etc
3. Los adjetivos colores etc: black, red, green big small, fat, thin etc
4. El verbo auxiliar can: I can speak English etc
5. La fecha: first, second, third, January, February, 1999, 2000 etc
6. Preposiciones de tiempo (IN ON AT): in summer, on Monday, at 2 oclock etc

Clase 9
1. El pasado del verbo be: I was, you were, I wasnt, you werent, Were you? etc
2. Was y were continuado y ejercicios de practica: I was, you were, I wasnt, etc
3. Pronombres objetos: me, you, him, her, it, us and them
4. Pronombres posesivos: mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs
5. Vocabulario en el hotel: arrival, bellboy, bath, breakfast etc
6. Conversacin en el hotel: Good afternoon Sir, Can I have your passport please etc
Clase 10
1. El pasado simple introducin: decided, travelled, visited etc
2. El pasado simple gramtica y pronunciacin: I had, you did, you made, we started
3. El pasado simple preguntas y negativos: What did you do?, Where did you go? I
didnt do it. etc
4. El pasado simple ejercicios: I worked, Did you work?, I didnt work. etc
5. There is y There are Hay: There is a laptop, There are two laptops. etc
6. Vocabulario trabajos y profesiones: accountant, actor, artist

Clase 11
1. How Much y How Many Sustantivos Contables y Incontables: how much, how
many, a lot of etc
2. Going to Planes en el futuro: Im going to visit, Im not going to see, are you going
to run etc
3. Going to Ejercicios de practica:
4. Superlativos y comparativos: fast, faster, the fastest good, better, the best etc
5. Vocabulario en la sala: armchair, chair, rug, carpet, lamp etc

Clase 12
1. Like mas gerundio: I like running, I like cooking, I like listening to music etc
2. Id like to learn English: I would like, Id like to learn English, Id like to run a
marathon etc
3. I like y Id like ejercicios de practica: he likes learning English, hed like to learn
4. Preposiciones de lugar in on at: in the room, on the table, at the door etc
5. Preposiciones de lugar next to beside in front of etc: next to, beside, between,
opposite, above, below, in front of, behind etc
6. Preposiciones de lugar ejercicios: in, on, at next to, beside etc ejercicios de practica
7. El articulo determinado the: the man, the men, the woman, the women etc

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