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Calibrate pH meter by using standard buffer at two pH prices or three pH

2. Put 20 ml of oxalic acid into the beaker and put bar magnet into it. Place
the beaker on the magnetic stirrer, set the speed approximately 200 rpm.
3. Put NaOH into beaker, place the burette tip on the mouth of the beaker
containing oxalic acid.
4. Pair the pH electrodes until immersed in the liquid in the beaker. (always
do rinsing and drying each time the electrode put into the new liquid).
5. Note the pH read by pH meter.
6. Remove the NaOH ml, note the change of pH that occur, do addition each
1 ml and note the pH in every addition. (each pH indicates a stable price of
base. Record in the journal with the following format.
Pembuatan larutan Na dietilcarbamat
Menimbang 1 gram Na dietilcarbamat
Melarutkan dengan 100 ml aquadest

A. the making of of Na diethylcarbamate solution

weghing 1 gram of Na diethylcarbamate
Dissolve with 100 ml of aquadest

Pembuatan larutan amonia

Mengambil 50 ml amonia pekat
Melarutkan dengan 250 ml aquadest

B. the making of amonia solution

Take 50 ml concentrated amonia
Dissolve with 250 ml of aquadest

Penetapan kadar
1. Baku
Siapkan 6 buah labu takar 50 ml
Timbang Cu sebanyak 0,0125 gr
Larutkan dalam 50 ml aquadest
Buat deret baku Cu dengan konsentrasi 1-5 ppm
Tambahkan 5 ml amonia dan 1 ml Na dietilkarbamat
Kemudian tambah aquadest sampai tanda batas (50ml)
Biarkan selama 5 menit
Ukur serapannya menggunakan spektrofotometer dengan
panjang gelombang 480 nm

Determination of levels
1. Raw material
Prepare 6 50 ml flasks
Weigh Cu as much as 0.0125 gr
Dissolve in 50 ml of aquadest
Create a standard series of Cu with a concentration of 1-5 ppm
Add 5 ml of ammonia and 1 ml of Na diethylcarbamate
Then add aquadest to the limit (50ml)
Leave for 5 minutes
Measure the uptake by using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength
of 480 nm

2. Sampel
Siapkan labu takar 50 ml
Timbang CuSO4 sebanyak 0,0125 gram
Larutkan dengan aquadest
Tambahkan 5 ml amonia dan 1 ml Na dietilkarbamat
Tambahkan aquadest sampai tanda batas (50 ml)
Biarkan selama 5 menit
Ukur serapannya menggunakan spektrofotometer dengan
panjang gelombang 480 nm

Prepare a 50 ml flask
Weigh CuSO4 as much as 0.0125 grams
Dissolve with aquadest
Add 5 ml of ammonia and 1 ml of Na diethylcarbamate
Add aquadest to the limit (50 ml)
Leave for 5 minutes
Measure the uptake using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 480

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