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Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researchers determined the " Overcoming lack of confidence over

competitor to gain unique change in Daet ." As shown in the paradigm there are (3) components

which are input, process and output. Conceptual framework comprises of the respondents in

terms of age, sex, civil status, occupation/position and monthly income. Self-confidence of

entrepreneur over competitor in business and the difficulties encountered by the business owner's

confidence with regards to the formulation of " Overcoming lack of confidence over competitor

to gain unique change in Daet.

The process used by the researchers includes formulating questionnaire, data gathering,

organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting the data gathered which help to determine the

overcoming lack of confidence over competitor to gain unique change in Daet.

The output is the product of the accomplishment which can refers to the positive or negative

result of entrepreneur. In this research, the output is the measures to strengthen the self-

confidence of entrepreneur.

Feedback mechanism determines whether the expected output was obtained and it looks back

until system meets the desired output. This shows the success and failure of the system.
Chapter 2

Review Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

This chapter presented the researcher obtained related literatures, and studies which started

concepts, ideas, discussion and findings relevant to the main theme of this present study which

was centered by overcoming lack of confidence over competitors to gain unique change. Related

Literature The following were the researcher's gathered related literatures which posed

discussion and citation relevant to this present research.

Albert Bandura (1994) in his article asserts that, in a responsive environment that rewards

performance achievement, the outcomes people expect depend heavily on their self-confidence

that they can perform the skill. However, in an environment in which outcomes are fixed at a

minimum level of performance or in which a social condition restricts people's ability to perform

successfully or control their circumstances, outcomes and confidence expectation would not be

casually linked. For instance, people who believe that their physical health is personally

determined but find it is failing despite their efforts to improve it would experience low self-


According to Linda Ugelow (2016) , when you are confident in your abilities you are

happier due to your successes. Also when you are feeling better about your capabilities, the more

energized and motivated you are to take action and achieve your goal.

According to Ron Kurtus (2007) , having confidence concerning a competition means that

you are sure you can win. It is a combination of a judgement of your skills, success record, and
the skills of the component. Confidence applies to performance, head to head and predatory

competitions. Lacking confidence or having to much confidence can result in defeat.

According to Christopher Hann (2013), an entrepreneur should be confident and take risks,

because if youre not going to, someone else is, and someone will beat you to it.

According to Chris W. Dunn (2016), Building a successful business requires a thick skin

and unshakable confidence in your ability to overcome obstacles.

From Lior Arussy's 3 keys destroying your competition (2013), Figure out exactly why your

competition is desperate and make sure they're lacking in is the area your business exceptional


According to Michael's 8 reasons why your business needs strong competition (2016), Your

own success might be depend on how well your competition are doing. In many cases, a strategic

partnership without stealing each other customer might have a positive impact on each player's


According to Stephen S. Bonhams Actionable strategies through integrated performance,

process, project and risk management (2008) , To jump into the game as an industry shaper, a

company should have a high level of confidence, its customer, its competition and its


From Kheras Business Competition: How to come out on Top (1998), It is rare for small

business to have no competition. From local to global business competition, you must study the

competitors in order to be able to place yourself in a position to take them on. In some cases, it

will be impossible fir you beat the price of some of your global competitors. That doesnt mean
that you cant compete with those businesses, it just means you'll have to find creative ways to


According to Derek Halpens How to learn from your Competition (2008), No matter

business you're in, you will benefit greatly from studying your competition. The entrepreneur

make studying their competition is part of their routine. In competition you must know what to

look for. Its not copying their ideas, its about figuring out their study and why they do things

they do.

Related Studies

To gain insights, concepts and ideas related to the study, the researcher reviewed and

recommendation as well as methodology and design that gave inputs to the present study.

In the study of Jasleen Kaur Kathuria (2014) entitled: Managerial performance in relation

to emotional maturity, self-confidence and leadership skill. To overcome the various hurdles in

achieving challenges, one needs to be emotionally mature and self-confidence and at the same

time being a manager, he must have a leadership skill to lead the group working under him for

inspiring teamwork for the accomplishment of the objective of the enterprise. It is hypothesized

that if a manager tends to be highly emotionally mature in handling various problems of the

organization and confident enough about his own decisions and get the work done from the

people in a channelized manner and possess the ability to lead the group working under him/her,

then he/she might face the challenges with enthusiasm and work with positive attitude to achieve

them, which ultimately will enhance their performance.

In the study of Francis Dao (2008) entitled: Without confidence, there is no leadership.

Leadership is about having the confidence to make decision if someone is afraid to make and
commit to decisions, all of the communication and empowerment of the world wont make a

squat of difference.

In the study of Tether et. Al (2013) entitled: Business and entrepreneurship skills and

experience. Entrepreneurship skills are required for creating and running new business ventures

or innovative project in existing firms. They include risk assessment, strategic thinking, self-

confidence, the ability to make the best of personal networks, motivating others to achieve a

common goal and the ability to deal with other challenges and requirements.

In the study of Dr. Guillermo G. Gomez (2012) titled: The art of customer service onboard.

A key element of success will be the competence of manager who are supposed to be motivated

and self-conditioned for team success exercising intuition and dedication to ensure customer


The study of Geoff Gannon (2016) titled: How are we doing ?: A second look of Amerco

(UHAL). Operating in a specialty niche, where our success is dependent more on how we treat

our customer than on competitive or market condition. Further, management that explicitly state

their guiding principles and stick to them. It shows self-confidence and provide a clear yardstick

for measuring performance.

In the study of Jodyanne Kirkwood (2014) titled: Is a lack of self-confidence hindering

women entrepreneurs. Self-confidence affect entrepreneur in their start up decision and even less

is understand about how it affects entrepreneur decision and action in their ongoing business.

In the study of Amy Anderson (2014) titled: The business of Self-esteem. Our self-esteem

can be traced to a number of factors and although we may not be able to pinpoint just one as the

root of trouble, its worth taking a look of what might be driving us to lose confidence.
In the study of CFNC (2001) titled: Self-confidence: a key to success. Self-confidence is an

important ingredient success. But if its lacking, it is possible to fake it. Putting on a false front

will allow a person to get through a variety of swenty palm inducing situations.

In the study of Noel Tichy and Ram Charan (1989) titled: Speed, simplicity; self-

confidence. People must have the self-confidence to be clear, precise, to be sure that every

person in their organization-highest to lowest-understand what the business is trying to achieve.

In the study of Jack Welch (2016) titled: Why your business needs strong competition. In

reality you will never succeed in completely eliminating a competitor. No matter how good your

offering, you cannot please everyone (nor should try). There will be customer who will choose

your competitor for various (rational and irrational reason.)


Bandura, A (1994) Learning, remembering, believing: Enhancing human resources. (National

Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC)

Ugelow, L (2016) Building self-confidence: The how, when and whys. (Positive Psychology

Program, Netherlands)

Kurtus, R (2007) Tole of confidence in a competition, Missouri.

Hann, C (2013) Lessons from successful entrepreneur on how to beat the competition.

(Entrepreneur Media, United states)

Dunn, C. W (2016) 10 Things you can do to boost self-confidence (Entrepreneur Media, United

states) 6. Arussy, L (2013) 3 keys destroying your competition (Business Insider).

Michael (2016) 8 reasons why your business needs strong competition. Toronto, Canada.

Bonham, S. S (2008) Actionable strategies through integrated performance, process, project and

risk management. (Library of Congress Cataloging-in Publication data, Boston, London).

Khera, C (1998) Business competition: How to come out on top. (University of Mayland).

Halpern, D (2008) How to learn from your Competition. Austin, Texas.

Kathuria, J. K (2014) Managerial performance in relation to emotional maturity, self-confidence

and leadership skills. (Faculty of Business Studies, Punjahi University, Patiala)

Dao, F (2008) Without Confidence, There is no leadership, Arabia.

Tether et al (2013) Business and Entrepreneurship skills and experience. (Work Bank & OECD).
Gomez, G. G (2016) The art of customer service onboard (Pass Christian University, US)

Gannon, G (2016) How are we doing : A second look of Amerco. (Punch Card Research.)

Kirkwood, J (2009) Is a lack of self-confidence hindering women entrepreneur. (Department of

Management, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.)

Anderson, A (2014) The business of self-esteem. Missouri, Columbia.

CNFC (2001) Self-confidence: A key to success. (College Foundation of North Carolina.)

Tichy, J and Charan, R (1989) Speed, Simplicity, Self-confidence. (Harvard Business School,


Welch, J (2016) Why your business needs strong competition. Toronto, Canada.
Input Output
1. Profile of the Measures to
Data gathering
Respondents strengthen the self-
through the use of
survey, questionnaire confidence of
1.1 Age
and interview entrepreneur over
1.2 Sex competitor in business
1.3 Civil Status
Analysis and
Occupation/Position Interpretation of data
1.5 Monthly Income


Figure 2. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Albert Bandura

Harry Jansen
Kraemer Jr. Linda Ugelow

Overcoming Lack of Confidence over Competitors to Gain

Unique change in Daet

Enhanced and strengthen the self-confidence of

entrepreneur over competitiors

Figure 1. Theoritical Paradigm of the Study

Theoritical Framework

In this study anchors to the theory of Self-confidence by Albert Bandura.

Perceived self-efficacy is defined as people's beliefs about their capabilities to produce

designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. Self-

efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. Such beliefs

produce these diverse effects through four major processes. They include cognitive,

motivational, affective and selection processes.

A strong sense of efficacy enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many

ways. People with high assurance in their capabilities approach difficult tasks as challenges to be

mastered rather than as threats to be avoided. Such an efficacious outlook fosters intrinsic

interest and deep engrossment in activities. They set themselves challenging goals and maintain

strong commitment to them. They heighten and sustain their efforts in the face of failure. They

quickly recover their sense of efficacy after failures or setbacks. They attribute failure to

insufficient effort or deficient knowledge and skills which are acquirable. They approach

threatening situations with assurance that they can exercise control over them. Such an

efficacious outlook produces personal accomplishments, reduces stress and lowers vulnerability

to depression.

In contrast, people who doubt their capabilities shy away from difficult tasks which they

view as personal threats. They have low aspirations and weak commitment to the goals they

choose to pursue. When faced with difficult tasks, they dwell on their personal deficiencies, on

the obstacles they will encounter, and all kinds of adverse outcomes rather than concentrate on

how to perform successfully. They slacken their efforts and give up quickly in the face of
difficulties. They are slow to recover their sense of efficacy following failure or setbacks.

Because they view insufficient performance as deficient aptitude it does not require much failure

for them to lose faith in their capabilities.

Another theory of Harry Jansen Kraemer Jr. To him, leadership is a delicate balance of true

self confidence and genuine humility. It includes understanding the significant value and

influence that you, as an individual, can have in any position in an organization. It is the

knowledge that your opinions and views are important, leading you to make sure your supervisor

or team makes no decision without your input. You believe it is appropriate to challenge the

team in a respectful way, not driven by the need to "be right," but rather to "do the right thing."

Being truly self confident means recognizing that you may not be the brightest, quickest or most

articulate team member, but that you are nevertheless comfortable with who you see in the

mirror. This confidence is not egotistical or self-serving. It's grounded in a genuine desire to

make a powerful, constructive difference.

Balanced with self confidence is genuine humility. With it, leaders understand they are no better,

no more important, than any other team member. Leaders never forget where they came from or

take themselves too seriously. Instead of considering success a result of solitary efforts, leaders

recognize their teams' contributions, and maybe even those of a larger force, "upstairs."

Another theory of Linda Ugelow. Self-confidence also brings about more happiness.

Typically, when you are confident in your abilities you are happier due to your successes. Also,

when you are feeling better about your capabilities, the more energized and motivated you are to

take action and achieve your goals.

Self-confidence, then, is similar to self-efficacy in that it tends to focus on the individuals future

performance; however, it seems to be based on prior performance, so in a sense, it also focuses

on the past.

Many psychologists tend to refer to self-efficacy when considering an individuals belief about

their abilities concerning a specific task or set of tasks, while self-confidence is more often

referred to as a broader and more stable trait concerning an individuals perceptions of overall


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