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Devlyn "Badger" Folkore

An unusual name for an elf, Devlyn has had an unusual upbringing. Where he comes from is a mystery,
though it's possible he orginated from the Wealdath, the forest between Tethyr and Amn. It was there he
was found, as a babe, alone and naked, crying in the dusk, with only a strange pendant around his neck.
He was discovered there by an old gnome named Frug Longbottom. Not knowing how long the infant
wood elf had been there and afraid for his safety, Frug took him back to his village.

The village elders, kind, gentle people, immediately fell in love with the boy. While their people knew of
elves, there wasn't an elf village anywhere in the forest, so they had no way of knowing who he
belonged to. They decided to raise him as one of their own. Curious about him and his pendant, they
took what little knowledge they had of the elves and tried to determine if the symbol he wore was some
form of elven writing. The elders discovered the necklace couldn't be removed from around his neck. A
spell was cast onto it to try and determine its nature and properties. A blinding flash of light,
immediately followed by a wave of concussive force rocked the building, sending the elders flying back
into the walls, injuring many of them. They decided it was best to leave well enough alone, and perhaps
someday Devlyn would unlock its secrets.

Devlyn grew up without malice or fear. The other children teased him incessantly as he grew much taller
than they, and he found it challenging to accomodate his height to their small buildings. Frequently on
the receiving end of pranks, Devlyn took it all in good natured stride. It became apparant that his stature
offered him advantages over the gnomes, though he never lorded it over them.

There was danger at times. Wild animals and other creatures were a semi-constant threat, and Devlyn
grew into a capable hunter, first learning the ways of silence and stealth from his adoptive family. His
tenacity, ferocity and determination earned him the nickname "Badger."

Life was good for Devlyn. He and his best friend, Erky "Aleslosh" Nackle, took to the forest with ease,
both becoming prolific defenders and hunters of the village, even in their youth. They provided game,
herbs and fish. They kept the village safe from danger.

But as with all things, change comes, and often not in the form or time we want. One of the gnome
merchants who traded with human settlements beyond the forest brought rumors of war. A conflict was
arising between Amn and Tethyr, some kind of border dispute. Devlyn, naive and innocent to the ways of
the world, couldn't imagine such a harsh reality, though the elders whispered fearfully among

It was on a day Devlyn was hunting that he heard the call. The sound originated from the direction of the
village, unlike any he had ever heard before. Warily, he hastened back. As he got nearer, he heard the
sounds of steel on steel, cries of agonizing pain and bloodcurdling screams, angry shouts and shrieks of
terror. Soldiers were cutting down the very people who took him in, while teams of lumberers were
cutting down the trees that surrounded their homes. With an anguished cry of rage, he leapt into the
fray, savagely slashing at anyone in his way.

But these were not animals looking for food. These were hardened soldiers, battle trained and
organized. While Devlyn put up a good fight, he was no match for them. Just before he was knocked
unconscious, he saw Frug Longbottom, waving his hands in mystical gestures, struck by an arrow in his
torso, interrupting the spell. A look of sadness was on his face, and he looked Devlyn in the eyes right
before he was cut apart by the invaders. Then the world went black.

Devlyn awoke hours later, his skull cracked near his temple. It was dark, pouring rain, but his superior
vision showed him his immediate surroundings. Slowly standing, head throbbing worse than any
hangover, he surveyed the scene. Where he stood was a focal point for some kind of blast, radiating
outward in all directions. Walls of houses were knocked in, trees lay twisted and broken away from him,
and bodies of gnomes and humans alike were scattered about. He retched violently.

The sound alerted others. A call of "Over here!" drifted towards him. Relief flooded him when Erky came
running to him, and he dropped to his knees, sobbing. Erky was followed by Breena Beren, the spunky,
no nonsense herbalist; quiet, shy and sweet Ella Daergal, who always seemed to have her nose in a book;
and Brocc Ningel, the one who could always brighten up the darkest frown. But not today.

Breena asked Devlyn if he was hurt, and moved to look at his head. She muttered a few words, and a soft
blue light, barely visible in the stormy dark, penetrated Devlyn's skull. Bone shifted into its proper place,
and Devlyn screamed at the pain.

Breene said, "I'm sorry, Badger, but your skull will be fine. Your head will still hurt for a while. But it's all I
can do for you. Theres going to be a scar, and your hair probably won't grow there." Devlyn thanked her,
hugged her tightly, then asked if anyone else was alive.

Erky, his face wet with both rain and tears, slowly shook his head. Brocc said, "We thought you were
dead, too. Ella saw you get hit. The men were just about finished with us by then..." His voice caught in
his throat, but he managed to continue. "Some of them that were chopping down the trees started going
through our things, just taking what they wanted from us. They came to you, and then there was this
light and a loud boom, and then everything got knocked down."

"And now they're dead too," Ella spat through clenched teeth. "I hope they rot in whatever hell is
reserved for scum."

It was discovered much later, after their grieving, packing their belongings and leaving their home
forever, that the battle between the two nations was never resolved. Dignitaries signed treaties ending
the fighting, with no side a clear winner. But the damage to the forest was devastating. The forest had
been raided to build machines of war, and its inhabitants were simply collateral damage.
The companions seethed. Devlyn decided to learn as much as he could about humans, their strengths,
their weaknesses, and exploit every opportunity he could to harm them. The gnomes were all on board.

Throughout the course of their adventures, the five companions learned of the Cult of the Dragon. They
have been tracking their movements north. They have split up on several occasions, sometimes for
months on end, always with a rendezvous point. In those times, they have trained and grown stronger.
Erky kept on the path of the ranger, gaining the trust and loyalty of a furry companion. Ella, ever
studious, learned the ways of arcane magic. Brocc, the entertainer, expanded his musical repetoire in
towns and villages, finding new ways to encourage and inspire his friends, and steadfast Breena, devoted
to helping others, learned more about the healing arts.

As for Devlyn, while he has increased his skill at tracking and bringing down his foes, has turned to a new
path, a way of movement, shadow, and fighting without weapons, taught by his own kind, elves of the
Yuirwood. Not quite sure what to make of an elf who acted like a gnome, the elves tested him and found
him quite capable, and so agreed to train him. It was while he was at their monestary that he learned of
a certain Red Wizard with ties to the Cult, and made his way to Waterdeep.

While he has been in contact with Ella and Erky, word from Breena and Brocc have been long overdue.

Devlyn is forthright in his dealings with all peoples. He is uncomfortable in largely populated areas,
preferring to remain on the outskirts if possible, though he will stay if necessary. He is most at home in
the wild, away from the trappings of civilization. He treats most people he meets with the benefit of the
doubt, though he harbors no love for humans or orcs. (That is another story entirely.) But he does not
sugar coat his feelings or opinions.

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