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Arbiters of Oblivion: Facilitating Rhythms of Eidetic Writing

One of the main tasks confronting contemporary educators, is to maintain optimism and dynamic
activity amidst the technological bureaucracy and perfunctory processes of the university. Despite
the expectations to conform to institutional prescriptions, anti-conformist tactics can be invoked,
with a view to repurposing the legislation, policies and practices of the organisation. As such,
everyday life within the regulated space of curriculum and learning, produces and reveals a littering
of practices, which can be utilised to challenge and short-circuit the rules and expectations of the

The possibility of adapting and implementing dynamic learning spaces with creative pedagogical
tactics, means that the ossifying tendencies of the university, with its mausolea of ossified
knowledge, can be defibrillated and reinvigorated. Here the malleable imaginations of future hungry
learners-as-collaborators can be flexed and voiced. To do this, the creative tactician or dynamic
practitioner must strive to discover and architect spaces of possibility; as arbiters of oblivion, the
dynamic practitioner can dredge the murky channels of creative possibility, facilitate non-linear
excavations of memory, and enable anticipatory pangs and irruptions of potentiality.

The notion of Eidos which equates to seeing as revelation can usefully align with the notion of
non-linear and polyrhythmic creativities. For Husserl the experience of Eidos, or pregnant seeing,
equates to the waxed and morphing process of intuition, the subjective and fluctuant realm of
thought and imagination. Tactics for Eidetic revelations can incite fractured and creative
heterogeneities, and can be geared towards infiltrating and reclaiming the slumbering residue of
individual autonomy. Flexible pedagogical tactics such as Creative Autobiography, deep reflections,
and creative Expressions can incite inner-worlds and rhythms to emerge. Presented with spaces
and options to open-up and develop refracted ideas and possibilities, learning and engagement can
be liberated from the spiritless doppelganger of the routinised university.

Craig Hammond - LJMU

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