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Simon Says: Orchestra Style

1. The purpose of this game is to show students the basics/fundamentals of playing and
using string instruments.
a. Students will be able to pluck and know individual strings on their instrument.
b. Students will be able to copy what the teacher plays.
c. Students will be able to know how to correctly hold a bow.
d. Students will be able to know how to play with dynamics.
a. I can identify string names.
b. I can echo music played before me.
c. I can correctly hold a bow.
d. I can play my instrument with dynamics.
e. I can match pitch.
4. Materials:
a. Bow
b. String Instrument
5. Steps Taken: (in chronological order)
a. Students will take out respected instruments.
b. Students will put their instruments in resting position (already learned)
c. Teacher will explain the game.
i. Ask if everyone knows the game of Simon Says, if not explain.
ii. Explain that it is with a twist: instead of using our bodies we will be using our
d. Start game.
6. I would make this experience longer by adding more Simon Says things to do.

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