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Determining the Order of Differencing in Autoregressive

a a
David A. Dickey & Sastry G. Pantula
Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695-8203
Published online: 02 Jul 2012.

To cite this article: David A. Dickey & Sastry G. Pantula (1987): Determining the Order of Differencing in Autoregressive
Processes, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 5:4, 455-461

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O 1987 American Statistical Association Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, October 1987, Vol. 5, No. 4

Determining the Order of Differencing in

Autoregressive Processes
David A. Dickey and Sastry G. Pantula
Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8203

One way of handling nonstationarity in time series is to compute first differences and fit a model
to the differenced series unless the differenced series also looks nonstationary. In that case,
second- or higher-order differencing is done. To decide if the current degree of differencing is
sufficient, one can look at the autocorrelation function for slow decay. A formal statistical test
for the need to difference further is available if one is willing to assume that at most one more
difference will render the series stationary. In this article, we present a proper sequence of
statistical tests that allows the practitioner to handle cases in which a high order of differencing
may be needed. The proper sequence is not the traditional sequence, which begins with a test
for a single unit root.
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KEY WORDS: Nonstationarity; Unit root tests.

1. INTRODUCTION the relationship of unit roots to the effect that monetary

disturbances have on macroeconomic series.
The question of how much differencing is appropriate The order of differencing is often determined in prac-
in time series modeling has received quite a bit of at- tice by visual inspection of the autocorrelation function
tention recently. On one hand, there is a series of ar- (ACF) and data plots. The usual procedure is to dif-
ticles that say that if one fits a model in which the data ference if the ACF dies off slowly, then to inspect the
have not been properly differenced, then the effect on ACF of the differenced series for indications of re-
forecasts is not very serious. For example, the results maining unit roots. Recently statistical tests for unit
of Dickey and Fuller (1979) and Tiao and Tsay (1983) roots, sometimes referred to as Dickey-Fuller tests,
indicated that distributional properties of autoregres- have been developed [see Dickey, Bell, and Miller (1986)
sive estimates are the same in the limit whether unit for a review and list of references]. These tests assume
roots are differenced out of the model or simply esti- that there is at most one unit root in the process. The
mated. Fuller and Hasza (1980) showed the same type relationship of the tests to visual inspection of the ACF
of results for short-term forecasts, and Fuller (1986) is analogous to the relationship between regression tests
gave an algorithm for estimation that did not depend of linear dependence and visual inspection of scatter-
on the location of the roots. Chan and Wei (1986) also plots. The tests simply make the procedure less sub-
discussed this general case. Harvey (1981, p. 181) sug- jective without eliminating visual inspection as a useful
gested that overdifferencing is not a problem as far as tool. The tests are helpful in deciding close-call situa-
forecasting is concerned. Harvey discussed theoretical tions.
models, however, and did not address the effects of Suppose a practitioner uses a sequence of unit-root
estimating the parameters. Essentially these articles tests in the same order as with visual inspection of the
say that overdifferencing is compensated by moving- ACF. He would first test for a unit root in the series
average parameters and underdifferencing by auto- levels. If the hypothesis of the presence of a unit root
regressive parameters. Overdifferencing a series with were not rejected, he would then test the differences
stationary autoregressive parts, however, leads to a non- for the presence of a second unit root and so on. We
invertible mixed model and thus to potential for refer to this as the "standard" testing sequence. Since
convergence problems in the estimation algorithms. the Dickey-Fuller test is based on the assumption of at
Although determining the correct order of differenc- most one unit root, at least the first few tests in this
ing is not crucial for forecasting, there appear to be uses sequence would not be theoretically justified if the se-
for unit-root tests in investigating some economic hy- ries had more than one unit root. We will show that
potheses. Unit-root tests have been used to investigate performing the tests in a different order allows one to
an equilibrium hypothesis for wage movements (Altonji stand on a firm theoretical ground.
and Ashenfelter 1980). Meese and Singleton (1982) ap- To study the practical effect of using the Dickey-
plied unit-root tests to exchange rates and discussed the Fuller test in the presence of additional unit roots, we
importance of unit-root testing in the theory of linear- considered a third-order autoregressive process. In a
ized expectations. Nelson and Plosser (1982) discussed simulation study, we have generated 10,000 series, each
456 Journal of Business & ~conomicStatistics, October 1987

LOANS needs to be differenced, and hence we hope that the

188 (null) hypothesis HI will be rejected less than 5% of
the time (in favor of stationarity) when there are two
or more unit roots present. Our simulation study does
not support our intuition however. It is still somewhat
comforting to note that the empirical percentiles are
88 not too far above .05 (less than .I). More details on
the simulation study are given in Section 5.
In this article, we illustrate two sequential proce-
dures, based on extensions of the Dickey-Fuller t sta-
tistics and the Hasza-Fuller F statistics, that have over-
88 all rejection probability converging to the nominal test
size a as the sample size increases. The procedures are
valid for all d, the order of differencing, and a. We will
also compare the powers of these two sequential pro-
cedures using simulation methods.
48 As a motivating example, consider the data of Pank-
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I I I.
ratz (1983) consisting of 70 consecutive monthly vol-
umes of commercial bank real-estate loans, in billions
DATE of dollars, starting in January 1973. The data are graphed
Figure I. Real Estate Loans. in Figure 1. Regressing the first difference (DEL) on
the lagged level (Ll) and lagged first differences (DELI,
of length 50, for several parameter configurations. We DEL2) using the SAS (1982) system produces the out-
have recorded the number of times that a 5%-level put shown in Table 1. Now, using table 8.5.2 of Fuller
Dickey-Fuller criterion rejects the (null) hypothesis (HI) (1976), we conclude that the series is not stationary. In
of exactly one unit root and two stationary roots in favor fact, the t, statistic 1.265 is greater than even the tab-
of the (alternative) hypothesis (Ho) of three stationary ulated 99th percentile (.67 from the table), so we would
roots. When the process really had three unit roots (H3), strongly reject the unit-root hypothesis in favor of ex-
the Dickey-Fuller test rejected the null hypothesis (HI) plosive nonstationarity (a root greater than 1) if we were
in favor of stationarity (Ho)9% of the time. Moreover, willing to entertain that as a possibility. Sen (1985),
when the process had two unit roots and one stationary however, showed that if there really are two unit roots,
root (Hz), the 5%-level test rejected the hypothesis of then the 95th percentile of t, is 2.11 (Sen 1985, p. 147).
exactly one unit root (HI) in favor of stationarity (Ho) Thus if the process actually has more than one unit root,
between 5.5% and 7.7% of the time, depending on the the test that we have just performed is not valid. The
value of the stationary root. Thus the first test in a question now facing us is this: If we suspect that there
"standard" sequence can declare stationarity in the may be more than one unit root, is there a valid simple
original levels more than 5% of the time, when in reality procedure for testing? We will show that a sequential
second or third differencing is needed to achieve sta- test, using Fuller's tables, is valid, but that the order of
tionarity. [Similar results for a second-order autore- testing should begin with the highest (practical) degree
gressive process were studied in detail by Sen (1985).] of differencing and work down toward a test on the
We also studied a 5%-level test suggested by Hasza and series levels rather than starting, as we have just done,
Fuller (1979) for testing the (null) hypothesis (Hz) of with the levels test and working up through the differ-
two unit roots and one stationary root. This test rejected encing orders. In our real-estate example, we will start
the (null) hypothesis Hz [in favor of one unit root and with a test for a third difference and work our way down
two stationary roots (H,)] 9.2% of the time when the (see Sec. 4).
process really had three unit roots (H3). Intuitively, we In Section 2 we establish the general models and tests,
hope that if there are two or more unit roots, the test including both t- and F-type statistics. In Section 3 we
for one unit root will strongly indicate that the process present distributional properties of the tests and argue

Table 1. Regression Out~utfor Real Estate Data

Parameter Standard T for H,:

Variable df estimate error parameter = 0 Prob. > IT1

NOTE: DEL IS the dependent variable, and df represents degrees of freedom.

Dickey and Pantula: Order of Differencing 457

for the correct testing sequence. In Section 4 we dem- Their criterion was to reject H2 (which is usually taken
onstrate the correct testing procedure on the real-estate to mean in favor of H,) if the regression F statistic,
loans example, and in Section 5 we compare the various F2,,(3), for testing 0, = O2 = 0 is greater than F2,,(2,
proposed tests in terms of power. Section 6 is a sum- a),the empirical 100(1 - a ) percentile of the Fstatistic
mary. under the hypothesis H2. The values of F2,,(2, a ) were
given by Hasza and Fuller (1979).
2. MODELS AND HYPOTHESES As mentioned in Section 1, Sen (1985) observed em-
Let the time series {Y,} satisfy pirically that under the hypothesis H2 of exactly two
unit roots, the Dickey and Fuller (1979) criterion rejects
Hl with probability slightly greater than a . That is, we
are more likely to conclude that the process is stationary
when there are really two unit roots present than when
where {eJ is a sequence of iid random variables with there is exactly one unit root. Thus we want to avoid
mean 0 and variance a2.For the statistics considered testing for one unit root (d = 1) before we test for a
in this article, without loss of generality, we assume that higher number (d > 1) of unit roots; that is, we do not
a2 = 1 and that Y-,+, = ... = Yo = 0. To keep the want to test for a single unit root until we have elimi-
presentation simple, we restrict ourselves to the case nated the possibility of a higher number of unit roots.
p = 3. Extensions for p > 3 are immediate.
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Of course, we can only test for this possibility, not

Let ml, rn,, and m3 denote the roots of the charac- eliminate it with certainty. Pantula (1986a) observed
teristic equation similar results for the t and the F statistics under the
hypothesis H,. Pantula (1986b) derived the asymptotic
distributions for each of the regression F statistics, F1,,(3),
Assume that 1 r lmll r Im21 2 Im31. Consider the fol- F2,,(3), and F3,,(3) under the hypothesis H, (i = 0, 1,
lowing four hypotheses: (a) Ho: lmll < 1; (b) HI: ml = 2,3), where Fl,,(3) denotes the regression F statistic for
1, Im21 < 1; (c) H2: m1 = mz = 1, Im31 < 1; and (d) testing 0, = .-.= Bi = 0 in a third-order autoregressive
H3:rn, = rn, = rn, = 1. That is, under the hypothesis process. He showed that, under the hypothesis H, of
Hd, the dth difference of Y, is essentially stationary. exactly d unit roots, (a) the F statistic F,,,(3) converges
Now consider a reparameterization of model (2.1): in distribution to a random variable F,(d) for i 5 d, and
(b) it diverges to infinity for i > d. Based on these
results he suggested testing the hypotheses sequentially
where Z, = Y, - Y ,-,, W, = Z, - Z,-l, and X, = W, in the order H3, HZ,and HI:
- W,-,. Note that Z,, W,, and X, are first, second, and
third differences of the sequence Y,, respectively. It is 1. Reject H3: el = OZ = O3 = 0 and go to step 2 if
easytoseethat a, = 3 + 8, + J2 + & , a 2 = -(3 + F3,,(3) > F3,,(3, a); otherwise, conclude that H3is true.
e2 + 2e3), and a, = 1 + e3and that 8, = - (1 - ml)(l 2. Reject Hz: el = e2 = 0, O3 < 0 and go to step 3
- m2)(1 - m3), O2 = -2e1 - (1 - ml)(l - rn2) - if, in addition to F3,,(3) > F3,,(3, a), you also find that
(1 - m2)(l - rn3) - (1 - rn3)(l - ml), and e3 = F2,,(3) > F2.,(2, a); otherwise, conclude Hz.
rn,rnzm3 - 1. Therefore, the hypothesis H3 becomes 3. Reject HI: el = 0, 0, < 0 in favor of Ho: 8, < 0
H3: 0, = 8, = 0, = 0; the hypothesis Hz becomes HZ: (and some restrictions on 8, and 0,) if Fi,,(3) > FJi,
8, = O2 = 0, O3 < 0; the hypothesis H1becomes H1:81 a ) for i = 1, 2, 3, where Fi,,(i, a ) are the empirical
= 0, OZ < 0 (and - 2 < e3 < 0, 0 < 4 + B2 + 203); percentiles given by Pantula (1986a). Note that the
and the hypothesis Ho becomes H,: el < 0 and some regression F statistics can be computed using the se-
restrictions on O2 and e3(e.g., - 12 < 82 + 201 <0, -2 quential sums of squares in the regression of X, on w,- t ,
< e3 < 0, etc.). The reparameterization (2.3) is useful 21-19 yr-1.
in the sense that the hypotheses regarding the unit roots
can be tested using the usual regression tests for the 6' For testing the hypothesis H,: 8, = e2 = d3 = 0
parameters in (2.3). against the alternative H,: 8, = e2 = 0, B3 < 0, the
Given n observations, regress X, on Ye,, AZ,-l, and criterion based on the F statistic F3,,(3) does not take
W,-t to get the least squares estimates e l , 82, and e3 into account the one-sided nature of the alternative
and the corresponding t statistics t1,,(3), t2,,(3), and t3.,(3). hypothesis. Similarly, the F statistics for testing H2ver-
Dickey and Fuller (1979) considered the problem of sus Hl and Hl versus H,, are two-sided in nature. Be-
testing the hypothesis H1of exactly one unit root. Their cause of the one-sided nature of the alternatives, we
criterion was to reject H1in favor of Hoif the regression may be able to increase the power by considering a one-
t statistic, t1,,(3), for testing 0, = 0 is less than r,,,, the sided criterion.
empirical 1 O O a percentile of the t statistic under H1. In Section 3, we indicate why the use of the regression
The values of r,,, are given in table 8.5.2 of Fuller t statistics ti,,(3) (i = 1, 2, 3), in the regression of X,
(1976). Hasza and Fuller (1979) considered the problem on Y,-I , Z,-, , and W,-, may not be appropriate, and
of testing the hypothesis Hz of exactly two unit roots. we suggest a sequential procedure based on pseudo t
458 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, October 1987

statistics t&(p), where t,?,(p) is the regression t statistic infinity. It is possible, however, that 8, = 0 for some i
for the coefficient of (1 - B)'-'Y,-, in the regression > d, in which case the t statistic ti,J3) converges in
of (1 - B)PYl on (1 - B)i-lYl-l, (1 - BYY,-,, . . . , distribution to N(0, 1). For example, if m, = m2 = m3
(1 - B)P-'Y,-, and B is the back-shift operator. Note = -.5, then B1 = -3.375, B2 = 0, and e3 = -1.125,
that under the (null) hypothesis Hi and the (alternative) and the t statistic t2,n(3)converges in distribution to N(0,
hypothesis H,-,, we have 8, = -.- = Oi-, = 0, so we 1). Moreover, if m, = m2 = m3 = -.75, then 8, =
compute the t statistics by restricting el, . . . , 8,-, to - (1.75)3, O2 = .5(1.75)2, and O3 = - 1 - (.75)3. In
be 0. this case, the process is stationary and the t statistic
t2,,(3) diverges to + infinity. These two examples in-
3. MAIN RESULTS dicate that a sequential procedure based on the t sta-
We consider the ordinary least squares regression of tistics ti,J3) will not be consistent.
X, on Y,-,, 2,-,, and W,-I for the model (2.3). In the As a motivation for our next theorem, consider test-
following theorem, we present the asymptotic distri- ing the null hypothesis H3: 8, = O2 = $ = 0 against
bution of the usual t statistics under various possible the alternative Hz:8, = O2 = 0, d3 < 0. Note that under
hypotheses. the null and the alternative hypotheses we have 8, =
8, = 0. This suggests that an appropriate test is obtained
Theorem 1. Suppose that the model (2.3) holds with by considering the t statistic t 3 3 ) in the regression of
Downloaded by [University of Barcelona] at 05:47 01 May 2013

{eJ a sequence of iid(0, 02) random variables. Let ti,,(3) X, on W,-,. Similarly, if we wish to test the hypothesis
(i = 1, 2, 3) denote the regression t statistic for testing Hz: 8, = 8 2 = 0, 8, < 0 against the alternative H I : 8,
the hypothesis that 8, = 0. Then, under the hypothesis = 0, 82 < 0, we regress X, on 2,-Iand W,-l and use
Hd the t statistic t;,,(3) for testing that the coefficient of
tl,,(3) ti(d) for i Id 2,-,is 0. Moreover, let t1,,(3) = tl,J3), where tl,J3) is
as defined in Theorem 1.
and We now present the asymptotic distributions of the t
n-1'2ti,n(d)+ cOi, i > d, statistics t 3 3 ) under the hypothesis Hdfor d = 1, 2, 3
and i = 2, 3.
where c is a positive constant,
Theorem 2. Suppose the process Y,satisfies the con-
f;(d) = ~d-i+l(~~-i+l)1'2, ditions of Theorem 1. Then (a) under the hypothesis
- Hi, &(3) 2 f = t,(l) = Slzfi"' (i = 1,2,3); (b) under
0, = ith element of xi1r d , the hypothesis H3, tZn(3) -, f3tp(oH)1'2; and (c) under
oi = (i, i)th element of x;', the hypothesis Hd, n-1'2tfn(3) + a negative constant,
for i > d, where 8; = the last element of Z1'T2, o:, =
Ed = ((ojj)) : d x d matrix, the (2,2)th element of x ~ land r2
, Z2and are as defined
in Theorem 1.
Proof. See Pantula (1986b).
We now propose the following sequential procedure
for testing the hypotheses:
1. Reject the hypothesis H3of three unit roots and
go to step 2 if t;,,(3) If ,,,, where ?,,, was given by
Fuller (1976).
2. Reject the hypothesis Hzof exactly two unit roots
and go to step 3 if in addition to t;,,(3) 5 ?, you also
find that t;,, (3) 5 f,.,.
3. Reject the hypothesis H, of exactly one unit root
and Ho(t) is a standard Brownian motion. in favor of the hypothesis Hoof no unit roots if tjrn(3) 5
Proof. See Pantula (1986b). ?, (i = 1, 2, 3).
The problem with applying this result is that the t From Theorem 2 it follows that
statistic tl,#) for testing one unit root has different lim PHd[rejectingthe hypothesis Hi]
asymptotic distributions depending on the number of n--
unit roots present. We will now indicate why a sequen-
tial procedure based on the t statistics, in which we test
the hypothesis H3 first, then the hypothesis Hz, and
finally the hypothesis H,, is not consistent. Note that
under the hypothesis Hd, the coefficient Od+l is negative
and hence the t statistic td+,,J3) diverges to negative Therefore, the sequential procedure suggested previ-
Dickey and Pantula: Order of Differencing 459

ously is a consistent level-a procedure. Moreover, if we we stopped before even considering Model 5, the pos-
let 2, be the estimator of do = the true number of unit itive coefficient (.0062) and t statistic (1.265) of which
roots present, where 2, is obtained from the preceding might have misled us to believe that the process is ex-
sequential procedure, then 'it follows from Theorem 2 plosive. As for the inclusion of an intercept term, we
that suggest always including the intercept when the alter-
native is stationarity in the levels (Model 5), because
lim P,,[& = d] = 1 - a, d = do
n- p
most real data are either nonstationary or have a non-
zero mean. For this data set there is little evidence of
drifting once a first difference is taken [see Dickey and
Fuller (1981) for a discussion of the distribution of the
intercept term in the presence of a unit root], so we
for do > 0 and pH,,[da= 0] converges to 1. In the real- prefer Models 2 and 4 to Models 1 and 3. Moreover,
estate loan example, we will reject the hypothesis d = if one uses the sequential F procedure suggested in
3 but not the hypothesis d = 2, so 2, = 2. Section 3, one gets F3,,(3) = 47.29 and F2,70(3)= 1.19,
In Section 5 we compare the sequential P procedure and hence one arrives at the same conclusions as the
with the sequential F procedure given in Section 2. sequential t* procedure.
The model finally chosen is model (4), which can be
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written as
The following regression models are fit to the real-
V2 Y, = - .36V2Y,-1 + e,.
estate loan data from Section 1. Note that the inclusion
or exclusion of an intercept affects the choice of critical Notice that in fact we could have used V2Y, as the de-
values for the test statistic. Use the T tables of Fuller pendent variable in Models 3 and 4 and VY, in Model
(1976) if no intercept is used and the t, tables if the 5 without changing the computed t statistics that are
model includes an intercept. The fitted models, with t used for testing stationarity. Some of the other t statis-
statistics listed below the parameter estimates are as tics would be changed under this reparameterization.
follows: For this example, both the "standard" procedure (not
allowing for explosive roots) and our procedure would
Model 1.
lead to the same final model. But, under the hypothesis
V3 Y, = .0233 - 1.3633 V2Y,-1.
of two unit roots, the first test (in the levels) of the
test statistic = (.645)(- 11.762)
"standard" procedure is not valid.
Model 2.
V3 Yr = -1.3596 V2Yr-1. 5. POWER STUDY
test statistic = ( - 11.795) In Section 2 we developed sequential testing proce-
Model 3. dures based on t- and F-type statistics. In this section,
V 3 Y r = .0690 -.799VY,-I we report the results of a Monte Carlo power study in
test statistic = (1.265) ( - 1.091) which 10,000 series, each of length 50, were generated
-1.3180 V2 Yr-1. for each of several parameter configurations. The pa-
( - 10.718) rameters are computed from the triplets of roots listed
in the left column of Table 2. The number of rejections
Model 4. of various sets of hypotheses using 5%-level tests are
V3 Y, = -.0098 VYt-l -1.3532 V2 Yr-i. reported in the body of the table. To see how the table
test statistic = ( - .206) ( - 11.251) is interpreted, consider the roots 1, 1, and .7 used in
Model 5. the fifth and sixth rows of the table. Here a correct
V 3 Y r = -.2845 + .0062Yr-, decision would be that the series has two unit roots.
test statistic = ( - .999) (1.265) The F-type test rejected H35,696 times, but t* rejected
- .799 VY,-, - 1.3180 V2 Y,-l. it 9,504 times. Since H3is false, this shows t* to be more
( - 1.616) ( - 10.349) powerful than F. Of the 5,696 rejections of H3, 293 of
them also rejected Hzusing the F test. This left 5,696 -
Following the approach outlined in Section 3, we 293 cases in which F caused the correct decision (two
begin the testing procedure at step 1 or 2. In either unit roots) to be made. The t* test gave the correct
case, compared to the 7 or the r, tables of Fuller (1976), decision 9,041 times. The number of rejections of both
the hypothesis that the third difference is nonstationary H2 and Hj was 463 for t*, which is fairly close to the
is rejected. Third differencing has produced stationar- 500 rejections we would expect from result (3.1) for
ity, but can we get by with less than a third difference? large n. For this particular line of the table, the t* sta-
To answer this, we move to Model 3 or 4 to test the tistic caused overdifferencing and underdifferencing
second differences. Here we do not reject the null hy- about equally often, but the F caused overdifferencing
pothesis and the testing stops. The crucial point is that 4,304 times and underdifferencing only 293 times.
460 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. October 1987

Table 2. Power Study of 10,000 Replications, Series Length N = 50

- -- ---

Reject Reject Reject Conclude Conclude Conclude

Roots H3 Hz, H3 HI, Hz, H3 H1 Hz H3
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NOTE: The top line of each set represents the F-type test; the bottom line represents the t* test.

The general conclusion to be drawn is that the t* All tests display low power for the cases considered
procedure is quite a bit more powerful than F i n most with roots larger than 1. It is somewhat surprising that
cases; therefore, we suggest the use oft* rather than F the t* test has power exceeding that of F in some of
in practice. these cases. It is also somewhat disappointing that the
The significance levels are affected quite a bit by entry in column 1, row 2, is not closer to 500, since
nuisance parameters in the length-50 case. By this we there are no nuisance parameters involved here.
mean that the number of rejections of the true hypoth-
esis concerning d varies as a function of the other roots.
The entries of the table to which we refer are rows 1
and 2 of column 1, rows 3-8 and 35-36 of column 2, The results of this article are easy to summarize. Among
and rows 9-16,31-34, and 37-38 of column 3. In most several methods for sequential testing of unit roots,
cases the empirical levels drop below the .05 target, there is clearly an outstanding one. This is the t* test
getting as low as .0068 in one case with no roots outside that compares a null hypothesis of k unit roots with an
the unit circle and going even lower for roots exceeding alternative of k - 1unit roots. The test is a clear winner
1. Since the significance level gives the probability of in terms of both simplicity (it uses existing r tables) and
underdifferencing, the low values would be acceptable power. In the sequential procedure, one should start
to a practitioner who would rather overdifference (or with the largest k under consideration and work down;
correctly difference) than underdifference. that is, decrease k by one each time the null hypothesis
Dickey and Pantula: Order of Differencing 461

is rejected. Upon acceptance of a null hypothesis, the -(1986), "Using PROC NLIN for Time Series Prediction," in
procedure stops. Proceedings of SAS User's Group International, Cary, NC: SAS
Institute Inc., pp. 63-68.
Fuller, W. A., and Hasza, D. P. (1980), "Predictors for the First
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Order Autoregressive Process," Journal of Econometrics, 13,139-
We wish to thank Dennis Boos, Ron Schrimper, and Harvey, A. C. (1981), Time Series Models, New York: John Wiley.
the referees for their comments. This work was partially Hasza, D. P., and Fuller, W. A. (1979), "Estimation for Autore-
gressive Processes With Unit Roots," The Annals of Statistics, 7,
funded by National Science Foundation Grant DMS- 1106-1120.
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