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Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta

The Malta Government Gazette
Il-imga, 15 ta Settembru, 2017 Pubblikata bAwtorit
Friday, 15th September, 2017 Published by Authority


Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern.............................................................................................. 10,521 - 10,532

Government Notices.......................................................................................................... 10,521 - 10,532

Avvii tal-Pulizija............................................................................................................. 10,532 - 10,534

Police Notices................................................................................................................... 10,532 - 10,534

Opportunitajiet ta Impieg................................................................................................. 10,534 - 10,567

Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 10,534 - 10,567

Avvii tal-Gvern................................................................................................................ 10,567 - 10,584

Notices............................................................................................................................... 10,567 - 10,584

Offerti................................................................................................................................ 10,584 - 10,596

Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 10,584 - 10,596

Avvii tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 10,596 - 10,600

Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 10,596 - 10,600
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,521


Nru. 998 No. 998



IL-PRESIDENT ta Malta goobha tapprova t-trasferiment THE President of Malta has been pleased to approve the
tal-Logutenent Kurunell Wallace Camilleri mill-Forza transfer of Lieutenant Colonel Wallace Camilleri from the Regular
Regolari tal-Forzi Armati ta Malta gall-Forza tar-Rierva Force of the Armed Forces of Malta to the Individual Reserve
Individwali, meta rtira, bse mit-13 ta Ottubru, 2017. Force, on retirement, with effect from 13th October, 2017.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Nru. 999 No. 999



IL-MINISTRU gall-Intern u s-Sigurt Nazzjonali gobu THE Minister for Home Affairs and National Security is
japprova l-promozzjoni tal-Logutenet Ivan Marmara, gar- pleased to approve the promotion of Lieutenant Ivan Marmara,
rank ta Kaptan bse mit-8 Jannar, 2012. to the rank of Captain with effect from 8th January, 2012.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Nru. 1000 No. 1000



HUWA avat gall-informazzjoni enerali illi l-Abbozz IT is notified for general information that the following
ta Lii li ej huwa ppubblikat fis-Suppliment li jinsab ma Bill is published in the Supplement to this Gazette:
din il-Gazzetta:

Abbozz ta Lii Nru 7 imsejja Att tal-2017 li jemenda Bill No. 7 entitled the Competition (Amendment) Act 2017.
l-Att dwar il-Kompetizzjoni.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Nru. 1001 No. 1001



Is-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Ministeru gall- THE Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for the Economy,
Ekonomija, Investiment u Negozji gar approva l-atra Investment and Small Businesses has approved the following
temporanja li ejja: acting appointment:



Is-Sa Michelle Bonello Direttur enerali Kummer 11 - 15.9.2017

Director General Commerce
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017
10,522 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Nru. 1002 No. 1002


reistratur qrati TA GAWDEX U GENERAL/Registrar gozo courts and
tribunali tribunals

Is-SEGRETARJU Permanenti fil-Ministeru gall- THE Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Justice,
ustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali approva l-atra temporanja Culture and Local Government has approved the following
li ejja: acting appointment:



Is-Sa Maria Dolores Fenech Aent Direttur enerali/Reistratur Qrati tal-ustizzja 14.9.2017
Qrati ta Gawdex u Tribunali Courts of Justice
Acting Director General/Registrar
Gozo Courts and Tribunals

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Nru. 1003 No. 1003


NGARRFU bdin illi l-Ministru gall-Ekonomija, IT hereby is notified that the Minister for Economy,
Investiment u Intraprii gar rea atar il-Bord tal-Malta Investment and Small Businesses has re-appointed the board
Enterprise Corporation gal perjodu ta sentejn mill-1 ta of the Malta Enterprise Corporation for a period of two years
Settembru, 2017, kif gej: with effect from 1st September, 2017, as follows:

Chairman Chairman
Is-Sur William Wait Mr William Wait

Vii Chairman Deputy Chairman
Is-Sur Peter Borg Mr Peter Borg

Membri Members
Is-Sur Michael Grech Mr Michael Grech
Is-Sur Victor Carachi Mr Victor Carachi
Is-Sur Paul Abela Mr Paul Abela
Is-Sur Frank V. Farrugia Mr Frank V. Farrugia
Is-Sa Dana Farrugia Ms Dana Farrugia
Is-Sa Deborah Schembri Ms Deborah Schembri
Is-Sa Marisa Ciappara Ms Marisa Ciappara

L-1 ta Settembru, 2017 1st September, 2017

Nru. 1004 No. 1004


(KAP. 55) (CAP. 55)

Nomina ta Nutar Delegat/Konservatur Appointment of Notary Delegate/Keeper

NGARRFU bdin illi bis-saa tas-setgat mogtijin IT is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers
bl-Artikolu 20 tal-Att dwar il-Professjoni Nutarili u Arkivji conferred by Article 20 of the Notarial Profession and
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,523

Nutarili, il-Qorti ta Revijoni tal-Atti Nutarili nnominat lin- Notarial Archives Act, the Court of Revision of Notarial
Nutar Dr Reuben Collins bala Nutar delegat u konservatur Acts has appointed Notary Dr Reuben Collins to be Notary
tal-atti tan-Dr Elsa Debono u dan gall-perjodu bejn l-14 ta delegate and keeper of the Acts for Notary Dr Elsa Debono
Settembru, 2017 u l-21 ta Settembru, 2017. for the period between the 14th September, 2017 and the
21st September, 2017.

Illum, it-12 ta Settembru, 2017 Today, the 12th day of September, 2017.

Gar-Reistratur, Qorti tar-Revijoni tal-Atti Nutarili For the Registrar, Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

Nru. 1005 No. 1005


(KAP. 55) (CAP. 55)

Nomina ta Nutar Delegat/Konservatur Appointment of Notary Delegate/Keeper

NGARRFU bdin illi bis-saa tas-setgat mogtijin IT is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers
bl-Artikolu 20 tal-Att dwar il-Professjoni Nutarili u Arkivji conferred by Article 20 of the Notarial Profession and
Nutarili, il-Qorti ta Revijoni tal-Atti Nutarili nnominat lin- Notarial Archives Act, the Court of Revision of Notarial
Nutar Dr Reuben Collins bala Nutar delegat u konservatur Acts has appointed Notary Dr Reuben Collins to be Notary
tal-atti tan-Dr Reuben Debono u dan gall-perjodu bejn l-14 delegate and keeper of the Acts for Notary Dr Reuben
ta Settembru, 2017 u l-21 ta Settembru, 2017. Debono for the period between the 14th September, 2017
and the 21st September, 2017.

Illum, it-12 ta Settembru, 2017 Today, the 12th day of September, 2017.


Gar-Reistratur, Qorti tar-Revijoni tal-Atti Nutarili For the Registrar, Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

Nru. 1006 No. 1006


(KAP. 46) (CAP. 46)

IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgarraf illi, fid- THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that, on
data li tidher hawn tat, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver on
huma bbaati l-valutazzjonijiet magmulin mill-Konslu which valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths and
gall-addiema d-Deheb u l-addiema l-Fidda ie ffissat Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of
gall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 tal-imsemmi Att kif ej: article 14 of the said Act as follows:

Data Deheb Pur Fidda Pura

Gramma Gramma
Date Pure Gold Pure Silver
Grams Grams

15.9.2017 36.105 0.511

Il-15ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,524 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Nru. 1007 No. 1007



Notifika dwar l-Eenzjoni minn Dikjarazzjoni dwar Notification of Exemption from Environmental
l-Ippjanar Ambjentali Planning Statement

Bi qbil mar-Regolament 3(8) tar-Regolamenti tal-2007 In conformity with Regulation 3(8) of the Environmental
dwar l-Istima tal-Impatt fuq l-Ambjent (L.S. 549.46) fir- Impact Assessment Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 549.46)
rigward tal-applikazzjoni msemmija hawn tat, l-Awtorit with respect to the application mentioned hereunder, the
gall-Ambjent u r-Riorsi jidhrilha li l-proposta mhux Environment and Resources Authority has determined that
probabbli li tirriulta f impatti ambjentali li jistgu the proposal is unlikely to result in environmental impacts
jiu indirizzati bmod effettiv fl-Istudju dwar l-Impatt that can be effectively addressed in an Environmental Impact
Ambjentali. Galhekk, id-Direttur tal-Ambjent u r-Riorsi Assessment. Therefore, the Director of Environment and
jaqbel li l-proposta ma tetix Dikjarazzjoni dwar l-Ippjanar Resourses agrees that the proposal does not require the
Ambjentali (EPS). Dan huwa mingajr preudizzju gall- preparation of an Environmental Planning Statement (EPS).
obbligi ambjentali li huma speifikati fil-kundizzjonijiet This is without prejudice to the environmental obligations
tal-proett propost. being specified in the proposed project conditions.

Id-Deskrizzjoni tal-Proett (PDS) li iet ippreentata The Project Description Statement (PDS) presented as part
bala parti mill-applikazzjoni kkunsidrat bmod suffijenti of the application has considered the environmental issues
l-kwistjonijiet li jolqtu l-ambjent u galdaqstant it-tejjija in a sufficient manner such that the preparation of an EPS
ta Dikjarazzjoni dwar l-Ippjanar Ambjentali mhux se id would not add any new information and the Environment
informazzjoni dida peress li l-Awtorit gall-Ambjent u and Resources Authority has all the necessary information
r-Riorsi gandha l-informazzjoni kollha metiea sabiex to determine the application, as concluded in the project
tiddeiedi dwar din l-applikazzjoni, kif ie konklu fl- screening according to Schedule IB of the same Regulations.
iscreening tal-proett skont l-Iskeda IB tal-istess Regolamenti.

ustifikazzjoni dettaljata tinstab hawn tat: A detailed justification is presented below:

Numru ta Referenza: PA 00126/17 (EA 00019/17) Reference Number: PA 00126/17 (EA 00019/17)
Lokalit: Sit fi Triq it-Tara, Il-Magtab, Location: Site at Triq it-Tara, Magtab,
In-Naxxar, Malta Naxxar, Malta
Proposta: Proposta gall-bdil fl-uu minn Proposal: Proposed change of use from
tined gall-baqar/maen gal existing cow shed/stores to light
industrija afifa klassi 5a u klassi industry class 5a and class 6b
6b boatyard. boatyard.

Dawn l-effetti potenzjali fuq l-ambjent, flimkien ma The following potential environmental impacts were
numru ta miuri biex jittaffa l-impatt, ew identifikati identified and mitigation measures proposed in the Project
fid-Deskrizzjoni tal-Proett (PDS). Il-PDS flimkien mal- Description Statement (PDS). The PDS and the justification
ustifikazzjoni gall-eenzjoni mill-Istudju dwar l-Impatt for exemption from carrying out an Environmental Impact
Ambjentali ew sottomessi lill-Awtorit gall-Ambjent u Assessment (EIA) were submitted to the Environment and
r-Riorsi fid-9 ta Mejju, 2017, u t-18 taAwwissu, 2017, Resources Authority on the 9th May, 2017, and on the18th
rispettivament. August, 2017, respectively.

Impatti potenzjali Rimarki fuq miura biex jittaffa l-impatt, e.

Potential Impact Remarks on mitigation measures, etc.
Kwalit tal-arja, storbju Waqt il-kostruzzjoni, storbju, vibrazzjonijiet u trab minn tindif, taffir tas-sit u kostruzzjoni
u vibrazzjonijiet huma mistennija. L-ebda impatt sinifikanti ma huwa previst meta wieed iqis l-iskala tal-
proett propost u dment li jiu osservati r-Regolamenti dwar l-Immaniar Ambjentali tas-Siti
tal-Kostruzzjoni, 2007 (L.S. 552.09).
Waqt l-operat, l-emissjonijiet se jiddependu fuq l-attivitajiet li se jitwettqu fkull maen. Il-
fai operattiva tal-proett mhix probabbli li tirriulta fvolum ta traffiku goli.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,525

Air quality, noise During construction, noise, vibrations and fugitive dust from site clearance, excavation, and
and vibrations construction are expected. No significant impact is envisaged given the scale of the proposed
project and as long as the Environmental Management Construction Site Regulations (S.L
552.09) are adhered to. During operation, emissions will depend on the activities to be carried
out within each storage unit. The operational phase of the project is not likely to result in
high traffic volumes.

Immanijar tal-iskart L-ammont ta skart solidu li xaktarx se jii enerat mill-proett waqt il-kostruzzjoni mhux
probabbli li jkunu sinifikanti, meta tqis in-natura tal-proett u li kwalunkwe impatt probabbli
waqt il-kostruzzjoni jista jii mmitigat biejjed permezz ta prattiki tajba ta kostruzzjoni skont
ir-Regolamenti dwar l-Immaniar Ambjentali tas-Siti tal-Kostruzzjoni, 2007 (S.L. 552.09).

Skart muniipali se jii enerat waqt l-operat, imma dan jista jii mmaniat permezz tal-
mekkanimu tal-immaniar tal-iskart nazzjonali. Konformit mar-regolamenti tal-estjoni
tal-iskart u l-adozzjoni tal-ajar prattika fir-rigward tal-estjoni tal-iskart operattiv se jiguraw
l-inqas skart possibbli.

Waste management The amount of solid waste likely to be generated by the project during construction is not likely
to be significant, considering the nature of the project and that any possible impacts during
construction may be sufficiently mitigated through the provisions laid down in the Environmental
Management Construction Site Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 552.09).

Municipal waste will be generated during operation, however this can be absorbed by the
existing national waste management mechanisms. Compliance with the relevant waste
management regulations and the adoption of best practice in relation to operational waste
management will ensure minimisation of waste.

Impatt viiv Il-proposta mhux mistennija li tienera impatti viivi sinifikanti minabba l-kuntest tas-sit u
peress li l-applikazzjoni hija gall-konverzjoni ta maen di eistenti fuq is-sit.

Visual amenity The proposal is not likely to generate significant visual impacts given the site context and the
fact that the application seeks to convert units already existing on site.

L-idroloija, Prattiki ta kostruzzjoni tajba skont ir-Regolamenti dwar l-Immaniar Ambjentali tas-Sit tal-
l-idroeoloija u Kostruzzjoni, 2007 (S.L. 552.09) se jiu implimentati sabiex jii mnaqqas kwalunkwe impatt
kontaminazzjoni tal-art probabbli matul il-kostruzzjoni. L-ebda impatt sinifikanti mhu mistenni matul l-operat meta
jii kkunsidrat li kwalunkwe impatt probabbli jista jii mitigat bl-implimentazzjoni ta miuri
ta mitigazzjoni li jinkludu l-art tal-konkrit impermeabbli, separatur ta-ejt u tal-ilma, bir ta
jut u batteriji o bunded pallets u spill kits fuq is-sit fka ta emerenza.

Hydrology, hydrogeology Good construction practices in accordance with the Environmental Management Construction
and land contamination Site Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 552.09) will be followed to minimise any potential impacts during
construction. No significant impacts are envisaged during operation when considering that any
possible impacts may be sufficiently mitigated through the application of mitigation measures
including impermeable concrete flooring, an oil/waste separator, collection of spent oils and
batteries in bunded pallets and the keeping of spill kits on site in case of emergencies.

Minkejja dak li jissemma hawn fuq, l-Awtorit gall- Notwithstanding the above, the Environment and
Ambjent u r-Riorsi omm id-dritt li titlob lill-applikant li Resources Authority reserves the right to request the applicant
jissottometti informazzjoni ora kif jista jkun metieg biex to submit additional information as may be necessary to
tinforma l-proess tad-deijoni. inform the decision making process.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,526 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Nru. 1008 No. 1008



Notifika dwar l-Eenzjoni minn Dikjarazzjoni dwar Notification of Exemption from Environmental
l-Ippjanar Ambjentali Planning Statement

Bi qbil mar-Regolament 3(8) tar-Regolamenti tal-2007 In conformity with Regulation 3(8) of the Environmental
dwar l-Istima tal-Impatt fuq l-Ambjent (L.S. 549.46) fir- Impact Assessment Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 549.46)
rigward tal-applikazzjoni msemmija hawn tat, l-Awtorit with respect to the application mentioned hereunder, the
gall-Ambjent u r-Riorsi jidhrilha li l-proposta mhux Environment and Resources Authority has determined that
probabbli li tirriulta f impatti ambjentali li jistgu the proposal is unlikely to result in environmental impacts
jiu indirizzati bmod effettiv fl-Istudju dwar l-Impatt that can be effectively addressed in an Environmental Impact
Ambjentali. Galhekk, id-Direttur tal-Ambjent u r-Riorsi Assessment. Therefore, the Director of Environment and
jaqbel li l-proposta ma tetix Dikjarazzjoni dwar l-Ippjanar Resourses agrees that the proposal does not require the
Ambjentali (EPS). Dan huwa mingajr preudizzju gall- preparation of an Environmental Planning Statement (EPS).
obbligi ambjentali li huma speifikati fil-kundizzjonijiet This is without prejudice to the environmental obligations
tal-proett propost. being specified in the proposed project conditions.

Id-Deskrizzjoni tal-Proett (PDS) li iet ippreentata The Project Description Statement (PDS) presented as part
bala parti mill-applikazzjoni kkunsidrat bmod suffijenti of the application has considered the environmental issues
l-kwistjonijiet li jolqtu l-ambjent u galdaqstant it-tejjija in a sufficient manner such that the preparation of an EPS
ta Dikjarazzjoni dwar l-Ippjanar Ambjentali mhux se id would not add any new information and the Environment
informazzjoni dida peress li l-Awtorit gall-Ambjent u and Resources Authority has all the necessary information
r-Riorsi gandha l-informazzjoni kollha metiea sabiex to determine the application, as concluded in the project
tiddeiedi dwar din l-applikazzjoni, kif ie konklu fl- screening according to Schedule IB of the same Regulations.
iscreening tal-proett skont l-Iskeda IB tal-istess Regolamenti.

ustifikazzjoni dettaljata tinstab hawn tat: A detailed justification is presented below:

Numru ta Referenza: PA 03779/16 (EA 00008/17) Reference Number: PA 03779/16 (EA 00008/17)
Lokalit: Sit fi Triq tal-Ibra, L-Ibra, Is- Location: Site at Triq tal-Ibra, Ibra, Swieqi,
Swieqi, Malta Malta
Proposta: Biex jii inklu sit maenb di Proposal: To include adjacent committed
wieed marbat mamaen eistenti site to existing open storage
approvat bPA 4400/10, biex jii approved by pa4400/10, to relocate
rilokat skema ta landscaping di approved landscaping scheme,
approvata, proposta gal tinda gall- proposed lightweight shed for
vetturi tqal, proposta gal xatba heavy vehicles, proposed new gate
dida gal aess sigur gas-sit u for a safer access to site plus other
idiet u bidliet ora. additions and alterations.

Dawn l-effetti potenzjali fuq l-ambjent, flimkien ma The following potential environmental impacts were
numru ta miuri biex jittaffa l-impatt, ew identifikati identified and mitigation measures proposed in the Project
fid-Deskrizzjoni tal-Proett (PDS). Il-PDS flimkien mal- Description Statement (PDS). The PDS and the justification
ustifikazzjoni gall-eenzjoni mill-Istudju dwar l-Impatt for exemption from carrying out an Environmental Impact
Ambjentali ew sottomessi lill-Awtorit gall-Ambjent u Assessment (EIA) were submitted to the Environment and
r-Riorsi fil-11 ta Mejju, 2017 u fil-21 taAwwissu, 2017, Resources Authority on the 11th May, 2017 and on the 21st
rispettivament. August, 2017, respectively.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,527

Impatti potenzjali Rimarki fuq miura biex jittaffa l-impatt, e.

Potential Impact Remarks on mitigation measures, etc.
Kwalit tal-arja, storbju Waqt il-kostruzzjoni, storbju, vibrazzjonijiet u trab minn tindif, taffir tas-sit u kostruzzjoni
u vibrazzjonijiet huma mistennija. L-ebda impatt sinifikanti ma huwa previst meta wieed iqis l-iskala tal-
proett propost u dment li jiu osservati r-Regolamenti dwar l-Immaniar Ambjentali tas-Siti
tal-Kostruzzjoni, 2007 (L.S. 552.09). Matul l-operat, l-impatti mhux mistennija li jidiedu meta
tikkunsidra li l-proposta a tera torganizza s-sit u mhux tintensifika l-operat.
Air quality, noise During construction, noise, vibrations and fugitive dust from site clearance, excavation, and
and vibrations construction is expected. No significant impact is envisaged given the scale of the proposed
project and as long as the Environmental Management Construction Site Regulations (S.L
552.09) are adhered to. During operations, impacts are unlikely to increase when considering
that the proposal will reorganise the site and not intensify operations.

Uu tal-art Is-sit huwa di marbat u galhekk l-ivilupp propost inklu l-operat tiegu mhux mistenni
li jalli impatt sinifikanti fuq il-kundizzjonijiet fiii tas-sit.

Land use The site is already disturbed, therefore the proposed development including its operations is not
expected to exert any significant environmental impacts on the physical properties of the site.

Immanijar tal-iskart L-ebda impatt sinifikanti mhuwa mistenni meta tikkunsidra li kwalunkwe impatt probabbli
jista jkun mitigat bil-prattii ta kostruzzjoni tajba skont ir-Regolamenti dwar l-Immaniar
Ambjentali tas-Siti tal-Kostruzzjoni, 2007 (S.L. 552.09). Skart muniipali u skart perikolu se
jii enerat waqt l-operat, imma dan jista jii mmitigat permezz tal-mekkanimu eistenti
tal-immaniar tal-iskart nazzjonali.

Waste management No significant impacts are envisaged when considering that any possible impacts may be
sufficiently mitigated through the provisions laid down in the Environmental Management
Construction Site Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 552.09). Municipal and hazardous waste will be
generated during operation, but this can be absorbed through the existing national waste
management mechanisms.

L-idroloija, Prattiki ta kostruzzjoni tajba skont ir-Regolamenti dwar l-Immaniar Ambjentali tas-Sit tal-
l-idroeoloija u Kostruzzjoni, 2007 (S.L. 552.09) se jiu implimentati sabiex jii mnaqqas kwalunkwe impatt
kontaminazzjoni tal-art probabbli matul il-kostruzzjoni. L-ebda impatt sinifikanti mhu mistenni matul l-operat meta
jii kkunsidrat li kwalunkwe impatt probabbli se jii mitigat bl-implimentazzjoni ta miuri
ta mitigazzjoni li jinkludu l-art tal-konkrit impermeabbli, separatur ta-ejt u tal-ilma, bir ta
jut u batteriji o bunded pallets u spill kits fuq is-sit fka ta emerenza.

Hydrology, hydrogeology Good construction practices in accordance with the Environmental Management Construction
and land contamination Site Regulations, 2007 (S.L. 552.09) will be followed to minimise any potential impacts during
construction. No significant impacts are envisaged during operation when considering that any
possible impacts may be sufficiently mitigated through the application of mitigation measures
including impermeable concrete flooring, an oil/waste separator, collection of spent oils and
batteries in bunded pallets and the keeping of spill kits on site in case of emergencies.

Minkejja dak li jissemma hawn fuq, l-Awtorit gall- Notwithstanding the above, the Environment and
Ambjent u r-Riorsi omm id-dritt li titlob lill-applikant li Resources Authority reserves the right to request the applicant
jissottometti informazzjoni ora kif jista jkun metieg biex to submit additional information as may be necessary to
tinforma l-proess tad-deijoni. inform the decision making process.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,528 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Nru. 1009
Nru. No.No.


BIS-SAA tal-poteri mogtija bl-artikolu 115 tal- IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 115 of the
Kodii tal-Liijiet tal-Pulizija (Kap. 10), il-Prim Ministru Code of Police Laws (Cap. 10), the Prime Minister has been
gobu jordna illi n-numri/ismijiet ta bibien fit-triq pleased to order that the numbers/names of the doors in the
imsemmija fir-Rabat, Malta, hawn tat elenkati u speifikati undermentioned streetsat Ir-Rabat, Malta, specified in the
fdin l-iskeda, gandhom jinbidlu kif jidher fl-iskeda subjoined schedule, be altered as stated in the said schedule.



In-naa tax-xellug meta tidol minn In-naa tal-lemin meta tidol minn
Triq Santa Rita Triq Santa Rita
Left side entering from Triq Santa Rita Right side entering from Triq Santa Rita
Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did
Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number
60 (Garaxx) 1 1 (Garaxx) 2
59 3 2, Massabielle 4
58 (Garaxx) 5 3 6
57 7 4 8
56 (Garaxx) 9 5 10
55 11 6 (Garaxx) 12
54, La Maison Du Repos 13 7, Lourdes 14
53 (Garaxx) 15 8, Sacred Heart 16
52, Aldo House 17 10/11, Cor Jesu 18
51 19 Bieb bla numru (Dar) 20
50 (Garaxx) 21 12 (Garaxx) 22
49 (anut) 23 Bieb bla numru (Dar) 24
48 25 13 26
anut 27 14 (anut) 28
anut 29 15 30
Garaxx 31 16 32
Garaxx 33 17 34
45 (Grada) 35 18 (anut) 36
44, Kulle Missjunarju ta San Pawl 37 19 (Garaxx) 38
43, Dar SantAgatha 39 Garaxx 40
20, St. Mary 42
21, St. Joseph 44
Garaxx 46
22, St. Paul 48
23, Izmir House 50
Garaxx 52
25 54
Garaxx 56
26, Galea House 58
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,529

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number
27, Josanth 60
Garaxx 62
28 (Flettijiet) 64
30 (Garaxx) 66
31, Regina Pacis 68
32, California House 70
33 (Garaxx) 72
34/34A Lasaniv Flats 74
35 (Garaxx) 76
36 (Garaxx) 78
37 (Garaxx) 80
38, La Fontaine 82
39, Tamarisk 84
40 (Garaxx) 86
41 (Garaxx) 88
42, Wistaria 90
Il-15 Settembru,
Settembru, 2017
2017 15th
15th September,
September, 2017

Nru. 1010
Nru. No.No.


BIS-SAA tal-poteri mogtija bl-artikolu 115 tal-Kodii tal- IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 115 of the Code
Liijiet tal-Pulizija (Kap. 10), il-Prim Ministru gobu jordna illi of Police Laws (Cap. 10), the Prime Minister has been pleased to
n-numri/ismijiet ta bibien fit-triq imsemmija fSanta order that the numbers/names of the doors in the undermentioned
Venera, hawn tat elenkati u speifikati fdin l-iskeda, street at Santa Venera, specified in the subjoined schedule, be
gandhom jinbidlu kif jidher fl-iskeda msemmija. altered as stated in the said schedule.


In-naa tax-xellug meta tidol minn In-naa tal-lemin meta tidol minn
Triq Fleur-De-Lys Triq Fleur-De-Lys

Left side entering from Triq Fleur-De-Lys Right side entering from Triq Fleur-De-Lys

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number
anut 1 Bieb bla numru 2
Bieb bla numru (Dar) 3 Bank 4
Bieb bla numru (Dar) 5 Bieb bla numru 6
3 7 34, St. Elena 8
Bieb bla numru (Dar) 9 Garaxx 10
5, Corwen 11 Annunciata 12
6, Carbis 13 31, Aida 14
10,530 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number
Rydal 15 30, Tosca 16
Garaxx 17 29 18
10 19 28 20
12 21 27, Old Trafford 22
Garaxx 23 26, Padre Pio 24
Hornet 25 25, Eva 26
Dala gall-garaxxijiet 27 24, Rosa 28
Garaxx 29 Mador 30
Mon Reve 31 23 32
Sion 33 Garaxx 34
Margod 35 21, Lina 36
Ricordi 37 20, St. Rita 38
anut 39 19 40
Medusa 41 18, Shannon 42
La Place 43 17, Carmen House 44
Norma 45 16, Rayrose 46
Garaxx 47 15C 48
Garaxx 49 15B, Conny 50
Garaxx 51 anut 52
Garaxx 53 15, Yahweh-Yireh 54
Sciberras Flats 55 Garaxx 56
Garaxx 57 SantAntnin 58
Dala gall-garaxxijiet 59 Lauretana 60
Garaxx 61 Iris 62
Garaxx 63 Bieb bla numru (Dar) 64
Garaxx 65 Gwendolyn 66
Casa Micallef 67 Petite Fleur 68
Sesame 69 Sacred Heart 70
Fleurette 71 Grada 72
Casa Pisani 73 Kulle Santa Terea 74
Garaxx 75 Grada 76
anut 77
Ernestina (Flettijiet) 79
Garaxx 81
Garaxx 83
St Jude 85
Garaxx 87
Dala gall-garaxxijiet 89
Holy Family 91
Mariposa 93
Notre Dame 95
Madonna tad-Dmug 97
Mark (Flettijiet) 99
Garaxx 101
anut 103
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,531

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number
Garaxx 105
Zerafa Flats 107
Garaxx 109
Garaxx 111
2017 15th September,
15th 2017
September, 2017

1011 No.
Sanzjonar Sanctioning
BIS-SAA tal-poteri mogtija bl-artikolu 115 tal-Kodii tal- IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 115 of the Code
Liijiet tal-Pulizija (Kap. 10), il-Prim Ministru gobu jordna illi of Police Laws (Cap. 10), the Prime Minister has been pleased to
n-numri/ismijiet ta bibien fit-triq imsemmija fir-Rabat, order that the numbers/names of the doors in the undermentioned
Malta, hawn tat elenkati u speifikati fdin l-iskeda, streetsat Ir-Rabat, Malta, specified in the subjoined schedule, be
gandhom jiu sanzjonati kif jidher fl-iskeda msemmija. sanctioned as stated in the said schedule.



Meta tidol minn Triq San Trofimu

Entering from Triq San Trofimu

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number
1, Oleander 1
2 (Garaxx) 2
3 (Garaxx) 3
4, Our Lady of Sorrows 4
La Mirage 5
6 (Garaxx) 6
7, Renjo 7
Garaxx 8
9, Notre Dame De Fourviere 9
10, Caraid 10
Garaxx 11
12, Fatima 12
13 (Garaxx) 13
14, St. Anna 14
15, Kangaroo 15
16 (Garaxx) 16
17 17
18 (Garaxx) 18
19, Rohag (Flettijiet) 19
20 (Garaxx) 20
21 21
Antoines (Garaxx) 22
2017 15th September,
15th 2017
September, 2017
10,532 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Nru. 1012
Nru. No.No.
Prolungament Prolongation
BRIFERENZA gan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. WITH reference to Government Notice No. 530, dated
530, tas-16 ta Lulju, 1999, tat it-titolu Numri odda ta 16th July, 1999, under the title Renumbering of Doors at Il-
Bibien fil-Fgura, gandu jsir dan il-prolungament kif Fgura, the following prolongation in bold should be made.
indikat btipi grassi.


In-naa tax-xellug meta tidol minn In-naa tal-lemin meta tidol minn
Triq il-Karmnu Triq il-Karmnu
Left side entering from Right side entering from
Triq il-Karmnu Triq il-Karmnu

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number

Jomar 116

gandu jidied
should be added

Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did Isem/Numru Qadim Numru did

Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number
Jomar 116
Bieb bla numru 118
2017 15th 15th
September, 20172017


Nru. 151 No. 151

Bis-saa tal-Artikolu 52 (1) tal-Ordinanza dwar ir- In virtue of Article 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance
Regolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the
jgarraf illi l-vetturi tas-sewqan ma jkunux jistgu jgaddu transit of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder will
mit-toroq imsemmija hawn tat fid-dati u l-inijiet indikati. be suspended up to the dates and times indicated.

Bormla Cospicua

Nhar il-add, is-17 ta Settembru, 2017, mis-7.00 a.m. On Sunday, 17th September, 2017, from 7.00 a.m. till
sas-2.00 p.m., mill-Wesga in-Nattivit, Triq Wii Rosato u 2.00 p.m., through Wesga in-Nattivit, Triq Wii Rosato
Triq San Franisk. and Triq San Franisk.

Il-Kalkara Kalkara

Nhar l-Erbga, l-20 ta Settembru, 2017, minn nofsinhar On Wednesday, 20th September, 2017, from noon
il quddiem, add ma jista jipparkja mir-rampa tal-Esplora onwards, no parking is allowed from Esplora ramp till the
sar-roundabout ta Triq il-Missjoni Taljana. roundabout of Triq il-Missjoni Taljana.

Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni ta dan l-avvi ikunu suetti li Any vehicles found parked in contravention to the order
jiu rmunkati. of this notice are liable to be towed away.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,533


Nru. 152 No. 152

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgarraf li skont l-Avvi Legali The Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that in terms
101/97 it-toroq li jidhru hawn tat se jiu kklassifikati bala of Legal Notice 101/97 the streets listed hereunder are to be
tow zones, hekk kif indikat. classified as tow zones on the date and times indicated.

Bis-saa tal-Artikolu 52(1) tal-Ordinanza dwar ir- In virtue of Article 52(1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance
Regolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the
jgarraf li l-passa u t-twaqqif ta vetturi huwa pprojbit fit- transit and stopping of vehicles through the streets mentioned
toroq imsemmija hawn tat fid-dati u inijiet indikati. hereunder is prohibited on the dates and times indicated.

Il-amrun amrun

Nhar il-imga, is-6 ta Ottubru, 2017 mis-6.00 p.m. On Friday, 6th October, 2017 from 6.00 p.m. till 9.30
sad-9.30 p.m. mill-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-amrun sa Triq p.m. through amrun Parish Church to Triq il-Kbira San
il-Kbira San uepp, Triq Villambrosa, Triq Fra Diegu, Triq uepp, Triq Villambrosa, Triq Fra Diegu, Triq Eldorado, Triq
Eldorado, Triq Brighella u Triq l-Annunzjata gal Triq il- Brighella and Triq l-Annunzjata to Triq il-Kbira San uepp.
Kbira San uepp.

al Luqa al Luqa

Bkonnessjoni mal-airshow li se jsir nhar is-Sibt, it-23 u In connection with the airshow on Saturday, 23rd and
l-add, l-24 ta Settembru, 2017, il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija Sunday, 24th September, 2017, the Commissioner of Police
jgarraf li skont l-Avviz Legali 101/97 it-toroq li jidhru hawn hereby notifies that in terms of Legal Notice 101/97, the streets
tat gandhom jiu klassifikati bala ona ta rmonk u one listed hereunder are to be classified as tow zones and one way
way kif indikat fid-dati msemmija. as indicated on the mentioned dates.

Kull moviment veikulari (passa u parke) huwa All traffic movement (transit or parking) is prohibited on
pprojbit nhar is-Sibt, it-23 u l-add, l-24 ta Settembru, 2017, Saturday, 23rd and Sunday, 24th September, 2017, between
bejn is-6.00 a.m. u s-7.00 p.m., fi Triq al Farru one way. 6.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m., in Triq al Farru one way. Entrance
Id-dul huwa minn fejn l-Express Trailers u mhemmx dul should be from near the Express Trailers and no entry from
minn Ta Kandja. Ta Kandja will be allowed.

Il-Furjana Floriana

Mill-5.00 a.m. tas-Sibt, is-16 ta Settembru, 2017 sas-2.00 From 5.00 a.m. of Saturday, 16th September, 2017 till 2.00
a.m. tal-Erbga, l-20 ta Settembru, 2017, minn Triq Sarria a.m. of Wednesday, 20th September, 2017, through Triq Sarria
bejn Triq V. Bugeja u Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Pjazza San Publiju between Triq V. Bugeja and Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Pjazza San
bejn Triq Sarria u Triq San Publiju, Triq San Publiju bejn Publiju between Triq Sarria and Triq San Publiju, Triq San
Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir u Triq il-Miratur, Triq J. Lopez bejn Publiju between Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir and Triq il-Miratur, Triq
Triq San Publiju u Triq SantAnna, Triq Isqof M. Caruana J. Lopez between Triq San Publiju and Triq SantAnna, Triq
bejn Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir u Pjazza Vilhena, Pjazza Vilhena Isqof M. Caruana between Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir and Pjazza
u Triq SantAnna. Vilhena, Pjazza Vilhena and Triq SantAnna.

Il-parke ta fuq il-fosos il-urnata kollha. The parking area on the Granaries all day.

Mill-5.00 p.m. tas-Sibt, is-16 ta Settembru, 2017 sas- From 5.00 p.m. of Saturday, 16th September, 2017 till 2.00
2.00 a.m. tal-Erbga, 20 ta Settembru, 2017 minn Pjazza a.m. of Wednesday, 20th September, 2017 through Pjazza
E.S.Tonna kantuniera ma Triq SantAnna, Triq Sarria E.S.Tonna corner with Triq SantAnna, Triq Sarria corner with
kantuniera ma Triq V. Bugeja, Triq San Publiju kantuniera Triq V. Bugeja, Triq San Publiju corner with Triq l-Assedju
ma Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Triq San Publju kantuniera ma Triq l-Kbir, Triq San Publju corner with Triq il-Miratur and Triq
il-Miratur u Triq J. Lopez kantuniera ma Triq SantAnna. J. Lopez corner with Triq SantAnna.
10,534 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Nhar il-amis, il-21 ta Settembru, 2017, mid-9.00 a.m. On Thursday, 21st September, 2017, from 9.00 a.m. till
sas-2.00 p.m., minn Triq Nazzjonali kantuniera ma Triq 2.00 p.m., through Triq Nazzjonali corner with Triq Robert
Robert Sammut, Triq Sarria kantuniera ma Pjazza San Sammut, Triq Sarria corner with Pjazza San Publiju, Triq
Publiju, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir kantuniera ma Triq Sant Anna, l-Assedju l-Kbir corner with Triq Sant Anna, Triq l-Assedju
Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir kantuniera mal-parke ta Hannibal l-Kbir corner with parking area of Hannibal Scicluna, Triq il-
Scicluna, Triq il-Mall kantuniera mal-Venda, Triq il-Mall Mall corner with Bus Terminus, Triq il-Mall corner with Triq
kantuniera ma Triq Vincenzo Dimech, Triq Vinenzo Dimech Vincenzo Dimech, Triq Vincenzo Dimech corner with Pjazza
kantuniera ma Pjazza San Kalidonju, Triq Sarria kantuniera San Kalidonju, Triq Sarria corner with Triq V. Bugeja and
ma Triq V. Bugeja u Pjazza E. S. Tonna kantuniera ma Triq Pjazza E. S. Tonna corner with Triq SantAnna.

Nhar il-amis, il-21 ta Settembru, 2017, mill-5.00 On Thursday, 21st September, 2017, from 5.00 a.m. till
a.m. sas-2.00 p.m., minn Triq il-Mall minn Triq Vinenzo 2.00 p.m., through Triq il-Mall from Triq Vinenzo Dimech till
Dimech sal-Venda, Triq ir-Re Edwardu minn Triq l-Assedju Bus Terminus, Triq ir-Re Edwardu from Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir
l-Kbir sal-Venda, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir minn Triq SantAnna till Bus Terminus, Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir from Triq SantAnna
sal-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni, Triq Sarria minn Pjazza San till Ministry for Education, Triq Sarria from Pjazza San Publiju
Publiju sa Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, il-parke tal-Arena tal- till Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, parking area of the Independence
Indipendenza, il-parke ta Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir u l-parke Arena, the parking area of Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir and the small
i-gir ta dejn il-Fosos. parking area near the Granaries.

Il-Belt Valletta Valletta

Nhar il-amis, il-21 ta Settembru, 2017, mis-1.00 p.m. On Thursday, 21st September, 2017, from 1.00 p.m. till
sal-11.00 p.m., mill-parke kollu tal-Bank entrali, Triq 11.00 p.m., through all parking area near Central Bank, Triq
ir-Repubblika minn Triq l-Arisqof sa Triq San Duminku u ir-Repubblika through Triq l-Arisqof till Triq San Duminku
Triq il-Merkanti minn Triq l-Arisqof sa Triq San Duminku. and Triq il-Merkanti from Triq l-Arisqof till Triq San

Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni ta dan l-avvi ikunu suetti li Vehicles found in contravention to the order of this notice
jiu rmunkati. will be liable to be towed.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Seja gal Promoturi tal-Litterimu permezz tal-Isport Call for Full-Time Enhancing Literacy through
(Enhancing Literacy through Sport Resource Leaders) Sport Resource Leaders within the National Literacy
mal-Aenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterimu Agency

Jobsplus: 438/2017 Jobsplus: 438/2017

L-Aenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterimu fi dan il-Ministeru The National Literacy Agency, within the Ministry for
gal-Edukazzjoni u Xogol, qiegda tilqa applikazzjonijiet Education and Employment, is seeking to recruit Enhancing
gal Promoturi tal-Litterimu permezz tal-Isport (Enhancing Literacy through Sport Resource Leaders to work within
Literacy through Sport Resource Leaders). state schools.

L-applikanti jrid ikollhom dawn ir-rekwiiti: The eligibility criteria for this post are:

Kwalifika ta coach marua minn organizzazzjoni Any coaching qualification by a registered sport
sportiva reistrata jew rikonoxxuta minn Sport Malta; organisation recognised by Sport Malta;

Mill-inqas 5 snin esperjenza ta coach fwieed jew At least 5 years coaching experience in one or more
aktar minn dawn id-dixxiplini sportivi: football, gawm, of the following sports: football, swimming, basketball,
basketball, innastika, fin, atletika u netball. Sport ieor gymnastics, dance, athletics, and netball. Other sports will
jii kkunsidrat ukoll. also be considered also.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,535

Mill-inqas 10 snin esperjenza ta atleta fwieed jew At least 10 years experience as an athlete in one or more
aktar minn dawn id-dixxiplini sportivi: football, gawm, of the following sports: football, swimming, basketball,
basketball, innastika, fin, atletika u netball. Sport ieor gymnastics, dance, athletics, and netball. Other sports will
jii kkunsidrat ukoll. also be considered also.

ertifikati ta-ES jew O Levels (Gradi 1 sa 5) fil-Malti, MATSEC or O Levels (Grades 1 to 5) certificates in
l-Ingli u l-Matematika, u suett ieor, preferibbilment Maltese, English and Maths and another subject, preferably
suett tax-xjenza, jew ekwivalenti. a science subject, or equivalent.

Kompetenza fl-uu tal-kompjuter fil-livell tal-ECDL, Competency in IT applications at ECDL level especially
bmod partikolari fil-Word u l-posta elettronika, jew Word and email, or equivalent.

akma tajba tal-lingwa Maltija u tal-lingwa Inglia. A good command of the English and Maltese languages.

ertifikat tal-Kors tal-First Aid. Dawk il-kandidati li ma A First Aid certificate course. Candidates who do not
jkollhomx dan i-ertifikat jiu kkonsidrati wkoll, imma possess this certificate will also be considered but they will
jkunu jridu jagmlu l-kors tal-First Aid fi mien sena minn have to undertake a First Aid course within one year of
meta jkunu impjegati. engagement.

Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu ittra ta applikazzjoni, Candidates should submit a letter of application, together
il-European Curriculum Vitae taghom u kopja wada with a summary of qualifications and experience in a
ta-ertifikati bil-posta elettronika u ertifikat rienti tal- European Curriculum Vitae Format, a copy of their relevant
kondotta maru mill-Pulizija lil (john.b.farrugia@gov.mt) scanned certificates and a recent Police certificate of conduct
jew bil-posta lis-Sur John Farrugia, is-Segretarju Eekuttiv, by email to (john.b.farrugia@gov.mt) or by post to Mr John
i-entru Nazzjonali tal-Kurrikulu, Triq Joseph Abela Farrugia, Executive Secretary, National Curriculum Centre,
Scolaro, il-amrun HMR 1304, sa mhux aktar tard mill- Triq Joseph Abela Scolaro, amrun HMR 1304, by not later
imga, it-22 ta Settembru, 2017. than Friday, 22nd September, 2017.

Applikazzjonijiet bil-posta gandhom jintbagtu rreistrati Applications by post should be sent by registered mail,
u kmieni biejjed biex jaslu qabel id-data tal-geluq. allowing for sufficient time to ensure delivery by the above
L-applikanti jiu mgarrfa li tkun waslet l-applikazzjoni fi deadline. Applications will be acknowledged in writing
mien sebat ijiem. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiux within seven days. Late applications will not be considered.
ikkunsidrati. Aktar informazzjoni jew kjarifiki jistgu jinkisbu Further information may be obtained from Mr John Farrugia
mingand is-Sur John Farrugia fuq 2598 2997 jew permezz on 2598 2997 or via email (john.b.farrugia@gov.mt).
ta ittra elettronika lil (john.b.farrugia@gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Resident Academic (TR5) Post fil-Brokering Resident Academic (TR4) Post in Brokering
Excellence u Industry Outreach Excellence and Industry Outreach
Dipartment tal-Management Department of Management
Fakult tat-Ekonomija, Management u Accountancy Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy

Jintlaqgu applikazzjonijiet gal Resident Academic Applications are invited for a Resident Academic
(TR4) Post fil-Brokering Excellence u Outreach fl- (TR4) Post in Brokering Excellence and Industry Outreach
Industrija fi dan il-Fakult tal-Ekonomija, Management u in the Department of Management within the Faculty of
Accountancy, fl-Universit ta Malta. Din il-atra hija fuq Economics, Management and Accountancy (FEMA) of the
bai indefinit, suetta gal prova ta sena, sal-et statutorja University of Malta. The appointment will be for a definite
tal-irtirar. period of three years with the possibility of renewal, subject
to a one-year probationary period.

Min jinatar ikun mistenni li jiddedika erba sessjoni fil- The appointee will be required to devote four sessions
imga gat-taglim, rierka, amminsitrazzjoni u attivitajiet per week to the teaching, research, administration and other
10,536 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

ora tad-Dipartiment tal-Management, fi dan il-Fakult tal- activities of the Department of Management within the
Ekonomija, Management u Accountancy u skont dak li huwa Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, and
metie mill-Universit. as may be required by the University.

Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom PhD jew dottorat ekwivalenti Candidates must be in possession of a PhD or equivalent
bbaat fuq ir-rierka. Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom element li research based doctorate. Candidates must be in possession
jkopru ir-rierka fit-taglim u garfien kummnerjali li of the elements covering research teaching and commercial
jinkludi esperjenza fit-taglim fuq livell terzjarju fl-Istrateija knowledge including teaching experience at tertiary level in
Imprenditorjali u esperjenza professjonali fil-Management. Corporate Strategy and professional experience in Management.
Il-kandidat preferut idealment ikun jista jgaqqad rekord The preferred candidate will ideally be able to combine a
ippruvat ta esperjenza industrijali u espoizzjoni gal proven track record of industrial experience and exposure to
Negozju Internazzjonali mal-oqsma ta taglim magula. International Business with the selected areas of teaching.

Dawk li gadhom esperjenza fl-immaniar, Past experience in handling, coordinating and developing
kordinazzjoni u ivilupp ta programmi kif ukoll links executive programmes as well as strong industrial links will
industrijali tajba tkun ferm mfittxija. Il-persuna magula be highly sought. The selected candidate will be required
tkun ukoll responsabbli gall-ftehimiet akkademii to conduct tracer studies on FEMA graduate careers and
internazzjonali tad-Dipartiment u tkun kompetenti wkoll will also be responsible for the international academic
biex tgallem u tiviluppa kurrikuli fis-sett ta oqsma agreements of the Department. The selected candidate must
elenkati hawn tat bala qasam ta spejalizzazzjoni: be competent to teach and develop curricula in the set of
areas listed below as an area of specialisation:

Brokering Excellence Brokering Excellence

Industry Outreach Industry Outreach
Organisational Performance Organisational Performance
Financial Management Financial Management

Il-Faxxa tal-Akkademii Residenti hija magmula minn The Resident Academic Stream is composed of four
erba gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assojat, Lettur grades, these being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior
Anzjan u Lettur. Biex wiehed jilaq il-grad ta Lettur jew Lecturer and Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer
gradi aktar golja, irid ikollu PhD jew Dottorat li jkun or above shall only be open to persons in possession of a
ibbaat fuq ir-rierka skont linji gwida stretti approvati mill- PhD or an equivalent research-based doctorate within strict
Universit. guidelines established by the University.

Is-salarji annwali gall-2017 marbuta ma dawn il-gradi The annual salary for 2017 attached to the respective
fir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ej: grades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:

Professur: 18,379 flimkien ma Academic Supplement Professor: 18,379 plus an Academic Supplement of
ta 12,802 u Professorial Allowance ta 1,000 12,802 and a Professorial Allowance of 1,000
Professur Assojat: 16,870 flimkien ma Academic Associate Professor: 16,870 plus an Academic
Supplement ta 9,808 u Professorial Allowance ta 1,388 Supplement of 9,808 and a Professorial Allowance of
Lettur Anzjan: 15,272 flimkien ma Academic Senior Lecturer: 15,272 plus an Academic Supplement
Supplement ta 7,017 of 7,017
Lettur: 12,614 bidiet annwali ta 282 sa 13,460 Lecturer: 12,614 with an annual increment of 282 to
flimkien ma Academic Supplement ta 5,772 13,460 plus an Academic Supplement of 5,772

L-Universit ta Malta tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademiku The University of Malta will provide academic staff
bir-riorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biex with financial resources through the Academic Resources
tappoja l-ivilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-godda Fund to support continuous professional development and
u r-riorsi metiea mill-istaff akkademiku biex jissodisfa to provide the tools and resources required by an academic
it-taglim u l-impenn tal-Academic Research fi dan to adequately fulfil the teaching and academic research
l-Universit. commitments within the University.

L-Universit ta Malta tista tappunta kandidati The University of Malta may also appoint promising and
ppromettenti u eenzjonali fi grad ta Assistent Lettur, jekk exceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,537

ikunu lesti li jibu l-kwalifiki neessarji biex jidlu fil-- provided that they are committed to obtain the necessary
Faxxa tal-Akkademii Residenti. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu qualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Such
jew abu riultati eezzjonali fil-livell tal-undergraduate, candidates will either have achieved exceptional results at
jew ikollhom di kwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu undergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevant
di fil-pussess jew fil-proess li jkollhom il-PhD. Masters qualification, or would have been accepted for or
already in the process of achieving their PhD.

Assistent Lettur bil-Masters: 11,766 bidiet annwali Assistant Lecturer with Masters: 11,766 with an annual
ta 262 sa 12,552 ma Academic Supplement ta 2,046 increment of 262 to 12.552 and an Academic Supplement
of 2,046
Assistent Lettur: 10,947 bidiet annwali ta 234 sa Assistant Lecturer: 10,947 with an annual increment of
11,649 u Academic Supplement ta 1,947 234 to 11,649 and an Academic Supplement of 1,947

Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu l-ittra tal-applikazzjoni Applicants should submit their letter of application by
bemail (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt), flimkien ma kopja email to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt) together with their
tal-curriculum vitae, kopja wada ta ertifikati u isimijiet u curriculum vitae, certificates and names and emails of three
emails ta tliet referees. referees.

L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgu sa nhar tal-Erbga, l-20 ta Applications should be received by Wednesday, 20th
Settembru, 2017. September, 2017.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiux Late applications will not be considered.

Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb mis-sit elrrtroniku (http:// Further information may be obtained from the website
www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies). (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Post Akkademiku Residenti Full-time Resident Academic Full-time Post

fir-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali in International Relations
Dipartiment tar-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali Department of International Relations
Fakult tal-Arti Faculty of Arts

Jintlaqgu applikazzjonijiet gall-Post Akkademiku Applications are invited for a Resident Academic full-
Residenti full-time fir-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjoni fid- time post in the Department of International Relations within
Dipartiment tar-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali fl-Universit the Faculty of Arts of the University of Malta.
ta Malta.

Il-atra tkun fuq kuntratt definit ta erba snin li tista tii The appointment will be on a four year definite contract
medda, suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta sena. which may be renewed, subject to a one-year probationary

Min jinatar ikun mistenni li jipparteipa fit-taglim, The appointee will be required to contribute to the
rierka, u attivitajiet ora tad-Dipartiment tar-Relazzjonijiet teaching, research and other activities of the Department
Internazzzjonali u kif ikun metie mill-Universit. of International Relations, and as may be required by the

Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom PhD jew dottorat ekwivalenti Candidates must be in possession of a PhD or an
bbaat fuq ir-rierka. Il-kandidat magul huwa mistenni equivalent research-based doctorate. The selected candidate
li jkun kompetenti biex jgallem foqsma differenti is expected to be fully competent to teach in different
tar-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali, bmod partikolari areas of International Relations, in particular International
l-Ekonomija Politika Internazzjonali u l-politika tar-rejun Political Economy and the politics of the Middle East
tal-Lvant Nofsani u l-Afrika ta Fuq. Il-matur jkun metie and North Africa region. The successful applicant will be
10,538 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

li jee u jua l-kompetenza tiegu biex jikkonsolida required to foster and use his/her expertise to consolidate the
l-attivitajiet internazzjonali tad-Dipartiment. It-taglim Departments international activities. Teaching is conducted
jitmexxa kompletament bl-Ingli. entirely in English.

Il-Faxxa tal-Akkademii Residenti tikkonsisti ferba The Resident Academic Stream is composed of four
gradi, li huma Professur, Professur Assojat, Lettur Anzjan grades, these being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior
u Lettur. Id-dul fil-grad ta Lettur jew ogla jkun biss gal Lecturer and Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer
persuni li jkollhom PhD jew dottorat ekwivalenti bbaat fuq or above shall only be open to persons in possession of a
rierka skont linji gwida stretti stabbiliti mill-Universit. PhD or an equivalent research-based doctorate within strict
guidelines established by the University.

Is-salarji fis-sena gall-2017 li jingataw lill-gradi The annual salary for 2017 attached to the respective
rispettivi fil-Faxxa tal-Akkademii Residenti huma kif ej: grades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:

Professur: 41,771 flimkien ma Academic Supplement Professor: 41,771 plus an Academic Supplement of
ta 29,095 u Professorial Allowance ta 2,273 29,095 and a Professorial Allowance of 2,273
Professur Assojat: 38,341 flimkien ma Academic Associate Professor; 38,341 plus an Academic
Supplement ta 22,292 u Professorial Allowance ta 1,388 Supplement of 22,292 and a Professorial Allowance of
Lettur Anzjan: 34,709 flimkien ma Academic Senior Lecturer: 34,709 plus an Academic Supplement
Supplement ta 15,947 of 15,947
Lettur: 28,668 bieda fis-sena ta 641 sa 30,591 Lecturer: 28,668 with an annual increment of 641 to
flimkien ma Academic Supplement ta 13,118 30,591 and a plus an Academic Supplement of 13,118

L-Universit ta Malta tforni lill-istaff akkademiku The University of Malta will provide academic staff
bir-riorsi permezz tal-Fond tar-Riorsi Akkademii biex with financial resources through the Academic Resources
tappoja l-ivilupp professjonali kontinwu u biex tipprovdi Fund to support continuous professional development and
l-mezzi u r-riorsi metiea minn akkademiku biex to provide the tools and resources required by an academic
jesegwixxi sewwa l-impenji tat-taglim u r-rierka fi dan to adequately fulfil the teaching and academic research
l-Universit. commitments within the University.

L-Universit ta Malta tista tatar kandidati promettenti The University of Malta may also appoint promising and
fil-grad ta Assistent Lettur, bil-kundizzjoni li juru impenn exceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,
biex jiksbu l-kwalifiki metiea biex jidlu fil-Faxxa provided that they are committed to obtain the necessary
tal-Akkademii Residenti. Dawn il-kandidati jridu jew qualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Such
ikunu kisbu riultati eezzjonali fil-livell tal-ewwel grad candidates will either have achieved exceptional results at
universitarju, jew ikollhom kwalifika fil-livell ta Masters, undergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevant
jew ikun ew aettati gal jew fil-proess li jiksbu l-grad Masters qualification, or would have been accepted for or
taghom fil-PhD. already in the process of achieving their PhD.

Assistent Lettur bil-Masters: 26,740 bieda fis-sena Assistant Lecturer with Masters: 26,740 with an annual
ta 596 sa 28,528 flimkien ma Academic Supplement ta increment of 596 to 28,528 and an Academic Supplement
4,650 of 4,650
Assistent Lettur: 24,879 bieda fis-sena ta 531 sa Assistant Lecturer: 24,879 with an annual increment of
26,472 flimkien ma Academic Supplement ta 4,424 531 to 26,472 and an Academic Supplement of 4,424

Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu l-ittra tal-applikazzjoni Applicants should submit their letter of application by
bemail (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt), flimkien email to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt) together with their
curriculum vitae, kopja ta-ertifikati u isimijiet u emails ta curriculum vitae, copy of their certificates and names and
tliet referees. emails of three referees.

L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgu sal-Erbga, l-20 ta Applications should be received by Wednesday, 20th

Settembru, 2017. September, 2017.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiux Late applications will not be considered.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,539

Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku (http:// Further information may be obtained from the website
www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies). (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Post ta Aerosol Systems Manager II Post of Aerosol Systems Manager II

Dipartiment tal-eoxjenzi Department of Geosciences
Failit tar-rierka tal-Fanal ta Giordan, ibbaat fil- Giordan Lighthouse research facility at University Gozo
Kampus Universitarju ta Gawdex Campus
Fakult tax-Xjenza Faculty of Science

Id-Dipartiment tal-eoxjenzi jetie Aerosol Systems The Department of Geosciences requires an Aerosol
Manager II gall-failit tar-rierka tal-Fanal ta Giordan, systems manager for the Giordan Lighthouse research
ibbaat fil-Kampus Universitarju ta Gawdex. Is-Systems facility, based at the University Gozo Campus. This systems
Manager ikun metie li jwettaq rierka indipendenti u manager will be required to undertake independent research
evalwazzjoni tad-data mill-istazzjon tal-monitora tal- and data evaluation from the Giordan Lighthouse Climate
Klima u t-Tniis tal-Fanal ta Giordan li huwa parti mis- and Pollution monitoring station which is part of the World
sistema tal-World Atmosphere Watch tal-Organizzazzjoni Meteorological Organisation Global Atmosphere Watch
Meteoroloika Dinjija li tirrapporta lura lill-WMO, inevra. system reporting back to WMO, Geneva.

Ix-xogol jinvolvi kejl ta konentrazzjonijiet atmosferii ta The work involves measurement of atmospheric
aerosols kif ukoll studji assojati ta meteoroloija u mudellar concentrations of aerosols as well as associated meteorology
bl-uu tal-istrumentazzjoni li gadha kif iet installata. and modelling studies using the newly installed instrumentation.

Il-kandidat ideali gandu jkun gradwat fix-xjenza jew fl- The ideal candidate should be a science or engineering
ininerija: graduate:

Ikollu PhD fix-xjenza tal-aerosol jew ekwivalenti. Holding a PhD in aerosol science or equivalent.
Ikollu garfien fil-fond tal-hardware u s-software tal-IT Have in-depth knowledge of IT hardware and software
metie gall-kontroll tal-istrumenti u l-analii tad-data bl- necessary for instrument control and data analysis using a
uu ta varjet ta tekniki statistii; variety of statistical techniques;
Ikollu l-abbilt li jwaqqaf u jomm website; Have the ability to set up and maintain a website;
Ikun kapai li jmexxi kwalunkwe kompitu ta ininerija Be able to carry out any reasonable mechanical, electrical
mekkanika, elettrika u elettronika fpost remot; and electronic engineering tasks in a remote location;
Iwettaq soluzzjoni elettronika ta problemi dwar Be able to carry out electronic troubleshooting on
l-istrumenti li qed jintuaw; instruments being used;
Ikollu garfien sod tal-Fiika u l-Kimika u abbilt Have a sound knowledge of Physics and Chemistry and
raonevoli fil-Matematika; reasonable ability in Mathematics.;
Ikun familjari mal-fotokimika; Be familiar with photochemistry;
Ikollu profijenza golja fl-ilsien Ingli; Have high proficiency in the English language;
Ikun lest li jgallem tekniki odda uati fil-Kimika u Be willing to learn new techniques used in Atmospheric
l-Fiika Atmosferika; Chemistry and Physics;
Ikollu garfien jew esperjena fil-Meteorology; Have knowledge of, or experience in, Meteorology;
Ikollu lienzja tas-sewqan u vettura proprju gall-uu ta Possess a driving licence and own vehicle for everyday
kuljum. use.
Ikun lesti li joqgod Gawdex u jgaddi minn tari ta Be willing to reside on Gozo and undergo three months
tliet xhur fLeipzig, il-ermanja. training in Leipzig, Germany.

Is-salajru marbut ma dan il-post huwa ta 26,658 The salary attached to the post is 26,658 rising by
bidiet annwali ta 641 sa massimu ta 30,504. annual increments of 641 up to a maximum of 30,504.

Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu l-ittra tal-applikazzjoni Applicants should submit their letter of application by
bemail lil (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt), flimkien mal- email to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt) together their
curriculum vitae, ertifikati u ismijiet u emails ta tliet curriculum vitae, certificates and names and emails of three
referees. referees.
10,540 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgu sal-amis, il-21 ta Applications should be received by Thursday, 21st

Settembru, 2017. September, 2017.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiux Late applications will not be considered.

Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku (http:// Further information may be obtained from the website
www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies). (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Post/Postijiet Full-time jew Part-time ta Uffijal ta Post/s of Full-time or Part-time Research Support
Sostenn tar-Rierka IV Officer IV

Proett MARCAN Horizon 2020: MARCAN PROJECT Horizon 2020:

Kunsill Ewropew gar-Rierka European Research Council
Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater
An important geomorphic agent An important geomorphic agent

Grupp ta Starri gal eoloija Marina u ta Tat Marine Geology and Seafloor Surveying Group
il-Baar Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science
Dipartiment tal-Geosciences, Fakult tax-Xjenza

1. Qed jiu milquga applikazzjonijiet gal Uffijal ta 1. Applications are invited for a Research Support
Sostenn tar-Rierka biex j/tadem fuq Topographicall- Officer to work on the Topographically-driven meteoric
driven meteoric groundwater An importat geomorpic groundwater An important geomorphic agent
agent (MARCAN), proett iffinanzjat mill-Horizon 2020: (MARCAN), a project financed by Horizon 2020: European
Kunsill Ewropew gar-Rierka. Research Council.

2. L-applikanti jridu jkunu fil-pussess ta grad ta 2. Applicants must be in possession of a doctorate degree
dottorat fil-eoloija. L-Uffijali ta Sostenn tar-Rierka IV in geology. The Research Support Officer IV should also:
gandhom ukoll:
Ikollhom sfond qawwi fuq idroloija u idroeoloija; Have a strong background in hydrology and
Ikollhom garfien tajjeb fil-kimika; Have a good knowledge of chemistry;
Ikunu esperjenzati fl-applikazzjoni ta tekniki Be experienced in the application of numerical techniques,
numerici, partikolarment fimmudellar ta element finit u in particular finite element modelling and parallelisation,
parallelazzjoni, biex jindirizzaw problemi fl-idroloija u to address problems in hyrology and hydrogeology; since
idroeoloija; peress li PGEOFE (Parallel GEOlogic Finite PGEOFE (Parallel GEOlogic Finite Elements) will be the
Elements) se jkun il-mudell uat waqt il-proett MARCAN, model used during the MARCAN project, experience in the
esperjenza fl-uu ta dan s-software tkun ikkunsidrata bala use of this software will be considered an advantage;
Ikollhom sens waqqi ta responsabbilt, abbilt li Have a strong sense of responsibility, ability to contribute
jikkontribwixxu fxogol ta tim u iliet interpersonali to teamwork and effective interpersonal skills;
Ikollhom esperjenza fil-komunikazzjoni tax-xjenza Have experience in communicating science via
permezz ta pubblikazzjoni furnali xjentifii l-iktar publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals and
riveduti u konferenzi internazzjonali. international conferences;
Juru abbilt ta bir ta fondi minn sorsi internazzjonali Demonstrate ability to raise funds from international
ta ffinanzjar; funding sources;
Ikunu kapai jadmu tat supervijoni minima. Be able to work under minimum supervision.

L-Universit ta Malta hija Equal Opportunity Employer. The University of Malta is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

3. Dan il-post hu gal perjodu ta 24 xahar li jibda minn 3. The post is for a period of 24 months starting in
Ottubru 2017 u jorr remunerazzjoni inizjali ta 41,600 fis- October 2017 and carries an initial remuneration of 41,600
sena jew 20 fis-siega. per annum or 20 per hour.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,541

4. Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu ittra tal-applikazzjoni, 4. Candidates should submit their letter of application, a
kopja tal-curriculum vitae u kopja ta-ertifikati permezz copy of their curriculum vitae and copies of their certificates.
ta email lil (projects.hrmd@um.edu.mt) u jintlaqgu mhux Applications must be sent by email to (projects.hrmd@
aktar tard minn nofsinhar tal-Erbga, l-20 ta Settembru, um.edu.mt) and should be received by not later than noon of
2017. Wednesday, 20th September, 2017.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiux Late applications will not be considered.
5. Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku (http:// 5. Further information may be obtained from the website
www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies). (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Finanzjat minn Horizon 2020
Qafas ta Programm tal-Unjoni Ewropea

Funded by the Horizon 2020

Framework Programme of the European Union


Post/Postijiet Full-time ta Uffijal Post/s of Full-time Research

ta Sostenn tar-Rierka III Support Officer III
UNFCC - Is-7 Komunikazzjoni Nazzjonali ta Malta UNFCCC Malta 7th National Communication

Istitut gall-Bidla fil-Klima u l-Ivilupp Sostenibbli Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development

1. Applikazzjonijiet qed jiu milquga gal Uffijal ta 1. Applications are invited for a Research Support Officer
Sostenn tar-Rierka III biex j/tadem fuq it-tfassil tas-7 III to work on the drafting of the 7th Malta Communication
Komunikazzjoni ta Malta lill-UNFCCC ikkummissjonata to the UNFCCC commissioned by the Malta Resources
mill-Awtorit ta Malta dwar ir-Riorsi lill-Istitut gall- Authority to the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable
Bidla fil-Klima u l-Ivilupp Sostenibbli. Development.

2. L-applikanti jridu jkunu fil-pussess ta PhD fsuett 2. Applicants must be in possession of a PhD in a subject
relatat max-Xjenza tal-Klima jew il-Bidla fil-Klima. related to Climate Science or Climate Change. Experience in
Esperjenza fil-qasam tkun ikkunsidrata bala assi. the field will be considered an asset.

L-Universit ta Malta hi Equal Opportunity employer. The University of Malta is an Equal Opportunity

3. Il-post full-time ta Uffijal ta Sostenn tar-Rierka 3. The full-time post of Research Support Officer III
III qed jii offrut gal perjodu ta 5 xhur u gandu is being offered for a period of 5 months and carries a
remunerazzjoni ta 31,200 fis-sena. remuneration of 31,200 per annum.

4. Il-kandidati gandhom jibagtu ittra tal-applikazzjoni, 4. Candidates should submit their letter of application, a
kopja tal-curriculum vitae u ertifikati. L-applikazzjonijiet copy of their curriculum vitae and copies of their certificates.
iridu jintbagtu permezz ta email lil (projects.hrmd@ Applications may be sent by email to (projects.hrmd@
um.edu.mt). um.edu.mt).

Applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgu mhux aktar tard minn Applications should be received by not later than noon of
nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 19 ta Settembru, 2017. Tuesday, 19th September, 2017.

Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Late applications will not be considered.

5. Aktar tagrif jista jinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku (http:// 5. Further information may be obtained from the website:
www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies). (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,542 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima Development and Climate Change

Post ta Junior Veterinary Officer/Veterinary Officer Post of Junior Veterinary Officer/Veterinary

fid-Divijoni gar-Regolazzjoni Veterinarja Officerin the Veterinary and Phytosanitary
u Saa tal-Pjanti Regulation Division

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the
femminil. female gender.

1. Id-Direttur gar-Riorsi Umani, fisem is-Segretarju 1. The Director Human Resources, on behalf of the
Permanenti, Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable
Tibdil fil-Klima jilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-post ta Junior Development and Climate Change invites applications for
Veterinary Officer/Veterinary Officer fid-Divijoni gar- the post of Junior Veterinary Officer/Veterinary Officer in the
Regolazzjoni Veterinarja u Saa tal-Pjanti. Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet Terms and Conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta 2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period
tnax-il (12) xahar. of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Is-salarju ta Junior Veterinary Officer huwa ta Skala 2.2 The salary for the post of Junior Veterinary Officer
ta Salarju 9 (li fis-sena 2017 huwa ta 19,946 fis-sena, li is Salary Scale 9 (which in the year 2017 is 19,946 per
jidied b447.33 fis-sena sa massimu ta 22,630). annum, rising by annual increments of 447.33 up to a
maximum of 22,630).

2.3 Persuna fil-grad ta Junior Veterinary Officer tii 2.3 A Junior Veterinary Officer will be promoted to the
promossa gall-grad ta Veterinary Officer fi Skala 8 grade of Veterinary Officer in Scale 8 (21,276 x 486.83 -
(21,276 x 486.83 - 24,197) wara sentejn (2) servizz 24,197) on completion of two (2) years service in the grade
fil-grad ta Junior Veterinary Officer dejjem jekk ikollha of Junior Veterinary Officer subject to being in possession of
l-warrant biex tipprattika bala Veterinary Surgeon u tkun a warrant to practice as Veterinary Surgeon and satisfactory
qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti. performance.

2.4 Persuna magula li jkollha l-warrant biex tipprattika 2.4 A selected applicant in possession of a warrant to
bala Veterinary Surgeon u li gandha mhux inqas minn practice as a Veterinary Surgeon and who has not less that
sentejn (2) prattika professjonali wara l-kisba tal-warrant two (2) years professional practice after obtaining warrant
tinatar Veterinary Officer fi Skala 8 (21,276 x 486.83 will be appointed Veterinary Officer in Salary Scale 8
- 24,197). (21,276 x 486.83 - 24,197).

2.5 Persuna fil-grad ta Veterinary Officer (Skala 8) titla 2.5 A Veterinary Officer (Scale 8) will progress to Scale
fi Skala 7 (22,728 x 531.17 - 25,915) wara sitt (6) 7 (22,728 x 531.17 - 25,915) on completion of six (6)
snin prattika professjonali wara l-kisba tal-warrant, jekk years professional practice after obtaining the warrant, subject
tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti, filwaqt li -mien to satisfactory performance, provided that the qualifying
kwalifikanti ta sitt (6) snin jitnaqqas gal erba (4) snin period of six (6) years will be reduced to four (4) years in the
fil-ka ta Veterinary Officers li jkollhom kwalifika post- case of Veterinary Officers in possession of an approved and
graduate fLivell 7 tal-MQF approvata u rikonoxxuta. recognized post-graduate qualification in MQF Level 7.

2.6 Il-persuna nnominata tkun intitolata gal benefiji 2.6 The appointee will be entitled to such other benefits
ora u suetta gall-kundizzjonijiet u obbligi li jkunu and subject to such other conditions and obligations as
mnilin fi kwalunkwe ftehim rilevanti bejn il-Gvern ta may be stipulated in any pertinent agreement between the
Malta u l-Unions kompetenti. Government of Malta and the competent Union.

Dmirijiet Duties

3. Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Junior Veterinary 3. The duties of Junior Veterinary Officer/Veterinary
Officer/Veterinary Officer jinkludu li: Officer include:
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,543

(i) Iomm mar-responsabbiltajiet li jingataw lilha mill- (i) Keeping to the responsibilities that have been delegated
kapijiet tagha, u twettaq dmirijietha bl-akbar kompetenza; to him/her by his/her Senior and carrying out tasks with the
greatest competence;

(ii) Twettaq ix-xoglijiet assenjati lilha sakemm dawn ma (ii) Attaining to tasks assigned to him/her as long as they
jiksrux l-etika tal-professjoni veterinarja u tkun responsabbli do not breach the ethics of the veterinary profession and
wkoll gas-saa u s-sigurt fuq il-post tax-xogol tal-istaff shall be responsible for the occupational health and safety of
li jassistiha; his/her support staff;

(iii) Il-possibbilt li tingata mill-kapijiet tagha inkarigi (iii) The possibility of being assigned by his/her superior,
barra mill-funzjonijiet ta rutina u barra mill-ambitu tal- tasks which are out of the routine functions and out of the
istess Dipartiment, fka ta nuqqas ta staff; remit of the same department in case of shortage of staff;

(iv) Fkaijiet ta emerenza, tista tii assenjata inkarigi (iv) In case of emergency situations, being assigned tasks
li galihom tingata direzzjoni mingand uffijali orajn, where he/she would be directed by other officers to carry
sakemm dawn ix-xoglijiet ma jiksrux il-kodii ta etika them out, as long as these activities do not breach the code
skont kif imfassla mill-Kunsill tal-Kirurgi Veterinarji, u of ethics produced by the Veterinary Surgeons Council and
sakemm il-kap dirett ta fuqha jkun infurmat bil-miktub that his/her direct superior is informed in writing on his/her
dwar dan i-aqliq temporanju tal-post; temporary new post;

(v) Ir-responsabbiltajiet li jingataw lilha mill-kap tagha (v) The responsibilities conferred to the Veterinary
gandhom jinammu biss fil-qafas tal-funzjoni mogtija Officer by his/her superior, which shall lie solely within the
lilha fuq livell dipartimentali; functions assigned to him/her at a departmental level;

(vi) Tinforza l-leilazzjoni kollha, kemm Maltija u kif (vi) Enforcing all Maltese and European legislations
ukoll Ewropea, u standards internazzjonali fis-settur fejn and international standards in the sector to which he/she is
tkun assenjata; assigned;

(vii) Tibor l-evidenza u tippreentaha fil-Qorti kif, fejn (vii) Collecting evidence and presenting it in court as,
u jekk metie; when and if necessary;

(viii) Dmirijiet ora skont kif ikun metie mis-Segretarju (viii) Any other duties as may be required by the Permanent
Permanenti (MESDC), id-Direttur enerali (Regolazzjoni Secretary (MESDC), the Director General (Veterinary and
Veterinarja u Saa tal-Pjanti) u/jew ir-rappreentant/a/i Phytosanitary Regulation) and/or their representatives;

(ix) Dmirjiet ora skont l-eienzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku (ix) Any other duties according to the exigencies of
skont struzzjonijiet mogtija mis-Segretarju Permanenti the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent
Ewlieni Secretary.

Rekwiiti tal-Eliibbilt Eligibility Requirements

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall- 4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew (i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li (b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni tal- matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles tal- provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or
addiema; jew

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd (c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to
gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji employment by virtue of the application to that country of
10,544 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
aqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal (d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment
trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma' terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status (e) third country nationals who have been granted long-
ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been
membri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007.
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet The advice of the Department of Citizenship and
ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
Malta skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispoizzjonijiet be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above
imsemmija hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)
fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tii kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

(ii) ikunu kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u dik (ii) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese and
Inglia; English languages;

(iii) persuna ggradwata li gandha l-warrant fil-mediina (iii) a warranted graduate in veterinary medicine;

Il-warrant mitlub hawn fuq huwa skont kif definit fl-Att The above-mentioned required warrant is as defined in
dwar is-Servizzi Veterinarji (Kap. 437). the Veterinary Services Act (Cap. 437).

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub 4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified
hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilt, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba. they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained
msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
basta jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal- considered, provided that they submit evidence that they
kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella jkunu lestew bsuess have been approved for the award of the qualifications in
il-krediti metiea tal-ECTS/ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, question, or successfully completed the necessary ECTS/
meuda bala parti minn programm ta studju ta livell ECVETS credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a recognized
tal-MQF rikonoxxut, kif mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliibilit ta MQF level program of study, as required in the afore-
hawn fuq jew ogla, sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is- mentioned eligibility criteria or higher, by the closing time
seja ghall-applikazzjonijiet. and date of the call for applications.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,545

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi 4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,
partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of a
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a higher
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades open
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla bl- to officers holding such higher grade within the stream that
istess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale. carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale status.

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra The years of service since the effective date of
bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet. purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in
jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet. terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa 4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to
gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1) from the date of application and state whether they have ever
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux been in Government Service, giving details).
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra 4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due
fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
wkoll fid-data tal-atra. the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw id- 4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to
dispoizzjonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below).
l-link aktar l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be
gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati. sent electronically are acceptable.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom, mingajr 5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be
eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proeduri tal-Gala Selection Procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn bord tal- 6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a selection
gala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Il- board to determine their suitability for the post. The
marka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala hija mija (100) maximum mark for this selection process is one hundred
u l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija amsin (50). (100) and the pass mark is fifty (50).
6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,
10,546 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.4, gandhom 6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,
esperjenza ta xogol rilevanti u ppruvata. besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4,
have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

7. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien mal-curriculum vitae li juru 7. Applications, together with a curriculum vitae showing
l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu mid-Direttur gar-Riorsi qualifications and experience, will be received by the
Umani (Attn: Assistent Direttur, Riorsi Umani) fil-Ministeru Director Human Resources (Attn: Assistant Director, Human
gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima, 6, Triq Resources) in the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable
al Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301, sa mhux aktar tard minn Development and Climate Change, 6, Triq al Qormi, Santa
nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar it-Tnejn, it-2 ta Venera SVR 1301, by not later than noon (Central European
Ottubru, 2017. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu jiu sottomessi Time) of Monday, 2nd October, 2017. Applications can also
wkoll permezz tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal be submitted through the Online Government Recruitment
(http://recruitment.gov.mt) sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din Portal (http://recruitment.gov.mt) by the said closing time
is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar and date of this call for applications, as indicated above.
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid- Further details concerning the submission of applications
dispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel. are contained in the general provisions referred to below.

Dispoizzjonijiet enerali Ora Other General Provisions

8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gall- 8. Other general provisions concerning this call for
applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar il- submission of recognition statements in respect of
kwalifiki; qualifications;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat; publication of the result;
eami mediku; medical examination;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details;
amma ta dokumenti, retention of documents,

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u may be viewed by accessing the website of the People
Standards (https://publicservice.gov.mt/en/people/Pages/ and Standards Division (https://publicservice.gov.mt/
PeopleResourcingandCompliance/FormsandTemplates. en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/
aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat gar-Riorsi Umani (Attn: FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the
Assistent Direttur, Riorsi Umani) fil-Ministeru gall- Human Resources Directorate (Attn: Assistant Director,
Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima, 6, Triq al Human Resources), Ministry for the Environment,
Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301. Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 6, Triq al
enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala parti integrali minn din is- Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301. These general provisions are
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. to be regarded as an integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Direttorat The website address and email address of the receiving
huma (http://www.environment.gov.mt) u (humanresources. Directorate are (http://www.environment.gov.mt) and
mesdc@gov.mt). (humanresources.mesdc@gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,547

Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima Development and Climate Change

Post ta Quantity Surveyor fid-Divijoni tal-Operat Post of Quantity Surveyor in the Operations Division

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the
femminil. female gender.

1. Id-Direttur gar-Riorsi Umani, fisem is-Segretarju 1. The Director Human Resources, on behalf of the
Permanenti, Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the Environment,
u Tibdil fil-Klima jilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-post ta Sustainable Development and Climate Change invites
Quantity Surveyor fid-Divijoni tal-Operat. applications for the post of Quantity Surveyor in the
Operations Division.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet Terms and Conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta 2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period
tnax-il (12) xahar. of twelve (12) months.

2.1 Is-salarju ta Quantity Surveyor huwa ta Skala ta 2.2 The salary for the post of Quantity Surveyor is Salary
Salarju 9 (li fis-sena 2017 huwa ta 19,946 fis-sena, li Scale 9 (which in the year 2017 is 19,946 per annum,
jidied b447.33 fis-sena sa massimu ta 22,630). rising by annual increments of 447.33 up to a maximum
of 22,630).

2.2 Persuna fil-grad ta Quantity Surveyor titla fi Skala 8 2.3 A Quantity Surveyor will progress to Scale 8 (21,276
(21,276 x 486.83 - 24,197) wara sentejn (2) servizz fil- x 486.83 - 24,197) on completion of two (2) years service
grad, jekk tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti. in the grade, subject to satisfactory performance.

2.3 Persuna fil-grad ta Quantity Surveyor titla fi Skala 2.4 A Quantity Surveyor will progress to Scale 7
7 (22,728 x 531.17 - 25,915) wara tal-inqas gaxar (22,728 x 531.17 - 25,915) on completion of at least
(10) snin ta prattika professjonali fil-grad ta Quantity ten (10) years professional practice in the grade of Quantity
Surveyor dejjem jekk tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti, Surveyor subject to satisfactory performance, or eight (8)
jew tmien (8) snin jekk ikollha kwalifika post-graduate years if in possession of a recognised and appropriate post-
xierqa u rikonoxxuta, dejjem jekk tkun qdiet dmirha bmod graduate qualification, subject to satisfactory performance.

2.4 Il-persuna nnominata tkun intitolata gal benefiji 2.5 The appointee will be entitled to such other benefits
ora u suetta gall-kundizzjonijiet u obbligi li jkunu and subject to such other conditions and obligations as
mnilin fi kwalunkwe ftehim rilevanti bejn il-Gvern ta may be stipulated in any pertinent agreement between the
Malta u l-Unions kompetenti. Government of Malta and the competent Union.

Dmirijiet Duties

3. Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Quantity Surveyor 3. The duties of Quantity Surveyor include:
jinkludu li:

(i) Tassisti fil-preparazzjoni ta stimi dwar budgets, (i) Assisting in the drawing up of budgetary estimates,
tabbozza speifikazzjonijiet u kundizzjonijiet partikolari drafting specifications and particular conditions of contract
ta kuntratti u tipprepara stimi ta materjal, tax-xogol u and preparing bills of quantities of material, labour and
s-servizzi metiea; services required;

(ii) Tassisti fl-evalwazzjoni ta tenders u l-abbozzar ta (ii) Assisting in evaluating tenders and drafting technical
rapporti teknii; reports;

(iii) Tkejjel fuq is-siti ta proetti u tua software gall- (iii) Measuring on site of executed projects and usage of
kejl ta xoglijiet; works measurement software;
10,548 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

(iv) Tipprepara evalwazzjonijiet perjodii gall- (iv) Preparing periodic evaluations for payments;

(v) Tassisti fl-analizzar ta prezzijiet konernati gal (v) Assisting in analysing prices for agreements with
ftehim ma kuntratturi; contractors;

(vi) Tipprovdi gajnuna biex jiu ffinalizzati kontijiet u (vi) Providing support in the settlement of final accounts;

(vii) Tiekkja, tevalwa u tassisti fit-tejjija ta rapporti (vii) Checking, evaluating and assisting in reporting on
dwar talbiet magmula minn kuntratturi dwar xogol li extra-contractual claims submitted by contractors;
mhux inklu fil-kuntratt;

(viii) Tattendi fdiskussjonijiet meta metie ma (viii) Attending, on request, discussions with local and
kumpaniji lokali jew barranin; foreign firms;

(ix) Tipprovdi gajnuna fit-tejjija ta sommarji tal-fatti (ix) Providing support in preparing briefs for legal
metiea mill-avukati u tagti xhieda kif metie fi Qrati counsel and giving evidence, as required, in Courts of Law
fkaijiet fejn ikun hemm litigazzjoni; in cases of litigation;

(x) Tassigura li tagmir ta saa u sigurt fuq il-post tax- (x) Ensuring the availability, accessibility and use of
xogol ikun provdut, aessibbli u uat mill-impjegati kollha Health and Safety equipment and apparel by all employees
tat ir-responsabbilt tagha, u tigura li r-regolamenti u under own charge, and that the laws and regulations in this
l-liijiet tas-Saa u Sigurt jkunu marsa minn kuladd; regard are strictly adhered to by all;

(xi) Twettaq supervijoni tal-istaff kif metie biex ikun (xi) Supervising staff as required to ensure that
assigurat li l-programmi tax-xogol jiu osservati; programmes of work are adhered to;

(xii) Tidentifika, fejn hu possibbli, aspetti fejn jista jii (xii) Identifying, where possible, areas of improvement
mtejjeb il-cost management; as regards cost management;

(xiii) Tagmel xogol ieor kif metie minn mien gal (xiii) Carrying out other duties as may be determined from
mien minn superjuri fid-Divijoni gall-Operat u/jew is- time to time by superiors within the Operations Division
Segretarju Permanenti, MSDEC; and/or the Permanent Secretary, MESDC;

(xiv) Twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-eienzi tas-Servizz (xiv) Any other duties according to the exigencies of
Pubbliku skont struzzjonijiet mogtija mis-Segretarju the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent
Permanenti Ewlieni. Secretary.

Rekwiiti tal-Eliibbilt Eligibility Requirements

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall- 4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew (i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li (b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni tal- matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles tal- provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or
addiema; jew

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd (c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to
gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,549

ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji employment by virtue of the application to that country of
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
aqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal (d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment
trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status (e) third country nationals who have been granted long-
ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been
membri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007.
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet The advice of the Department of Citizenship and
ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
Malta skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispoizzjonijiet be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above
imsemmija hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)
fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tii kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

(ii) kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u dik Inglia; (ii) able to communicate in the Maltese and English

(iii) fil-pussess ta kwalifika Bachelors rikonoxxuta (iii) in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification
fLivell 6 tal-MQF (suetta gall-minimu ta 180 ECTS/ at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/
ECVET credits, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta programmi ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
mibdija minn Ottubru 2003) fil-Quantity Surveying, jew commencing as from October 2003) in Quantity Surveying
kwalifika professjonali kumparabbli. or a comparable professional qualification.

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub 4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified
hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilit, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba. Kwalifika Masters fLivell they meet any specified subject requirements. A Masters
7 tal-MQF, jew ekwivalenti, gandha tinkludi minimu ta 60 qualification at MQF Level 7, or equivalent, must comprise
ECTS/ECVET credits, fir-rigward ta korsijiet li bdew minn a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits with regard to
Ottubru 2008. programmes commencing as from October 2008.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally
msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, obtained any of the above-mentioned qualifications will
basta jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal- still be considered, provided that they submit evidence that
kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella jkunu lestew bsuess they have been approved for the award of the qualifications
il-krediti metiea tal-ECTS/ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, in question, or successfully completed the necessary
meuda bala parti minn programm ta studju ta livell tal- ECTS/ECVETS credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a
MQF rikonoxxut, kif mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliibbilt ta recognized MQF level program of study, as required in the
10,550 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

hawn fuq jew ogla, sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is- afore-mentioned eligibility criteria or higher, by the closing
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. time and date of the call for applications.

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi 4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,
partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of a
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a higher
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades open
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla bl- to officers holding such higher grade within the stream that
istess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale. carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale status.

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra The years of service since the effective date of
bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet. purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in
jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet. terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa 4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to
gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1) from the date of application and state whether they have ever
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux been in Government Service, giving details).
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra 4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due
fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
wkoll fid-data tal-atra. the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw id- 4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to
dispoizzjonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below).
l-link aktar l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be
gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati. sent electronically are acceptable.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom, mingajr 5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be
eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proeduri tal-Gala Selection Procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn bord tal- 6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a selection
gala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Il-marka board to determine their suitability for the post. The
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,551

massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala hija mija (100) u maximum mark for this selection process is one hundred
l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija amsin (50). (100) and the pass mark is fifty (50)

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,
minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.4, gandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4,
esperjenza ta xogol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

7. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien mal-curriculum vitae li 7. Applications, together with a curriculum vitae

juru l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu mid-Direttur gar- showing qualifications and experience, will be received by
Riorsi Umani (Attn: Assistent Direttur, Riorsi Umani) fil- the Director Human Resources (Attn: Assistant Director,
Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil- Human Resources) in the Ministry for the Environment,
Klima, 6, Triq al Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301, sa mhux Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 6, Triq al
aktar tard minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar Qormi Road, Santa Venera SVR 1301, by not later than
it-Tnejn, it-2 ta Ottubru, 2017. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu noon (Central European Time) of Monday, 2nd October,
jiu sottomessi wkoll permezz tal-Online Government 2017. Applications can also be submitted through the
Recruitment Portal (http://recruitment.gov.mt) sal-in u Online Government Recruitment Portal (http://recruitment.
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, gov.mt) by the said closing time and date of this call for
kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni applications, as indicated above. Further details concerning
tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali the submission of applications are contained in the general
msemmija hawn isfel. provisions referred to below.

Dispoizzjonijiet enerali Ora Other General Provisions

8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gall- 8. Other general provisions concerning this call for
applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar il- submission of recognition statements in respect of
kwalifiki; qualifications;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat; publication of the result;
eami mediku; medical examination;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details;
amma ta dokumenti, retention of documents,

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u may be viewed by accessing the website of the People
Standards (https://publicservice.gov.mt/en/people/Pages/ and Standards Division (https://publicservice.gov.mt/
PeopleResourcingandCompliance/FormsandTemplates. en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/
aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat gar-Riorsi Umani (Attn: FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the
Assistent Direttur, Riorsi Umani) fil-Ministeru gall- Human Resources Directorate (Attn: Assistant Director,
Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima, 6, Triq al Human Resources), Ministry for the Environment,
Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301. Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 6, Triq
enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala parti integrali minn din is- al Qormi Road, Santa Venera SVR 1301. These general
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. provisions are to be regarded as an integral part of this call
for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Direttorat The website address and e-mail address of the receiving
huma (http://www.environment.gov.mt) u (humanresources. Directorate are (http://www.environment.gov.mt) and
mesdc@gov.mt). (humanresources.mesdc@gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,552 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima Development and Climate Change

Post ta Principal Scientific Officer fid-Dipartiment Post of Principal Scientific Officer in the Fisheries
tas-Sajd u l-Akkwakultura and Aquaculture Department

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the
femminil. female gender.

1. Id-Direttur gar-Riorsi Umani, fisem is-Segretarju 1. The Director Human Resources, on behalf of the
Permanenti, Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable
u Tibdil fil-Klima jilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-post ta Development and Climate Change invites applications for
Principal Scientific Officer fid-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u the post of Principal Scientific Officer in the Fisheries and
l-Akkwakultura fil-Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Aquaculture Department in the Ministry for the Environment,
Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima. Dan il-post qed jii kkunsidrat Sustainable Development and Climate Change. This post is
gall-kofinanzjament tat il-Programm Operattiv Marittimu being considered for co-financing under the European Maritime
u tas-Sajd 2014-2010. Fisheries Fund Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet Terms and Conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta 2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period
tnax-il (12) xahar. of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Is-salarju ta Principal Scientific Officer huwa ta 2.2 The salary for the post of Principal Scientific Officer
Skala ta Salarju 6 (li fis-sena 2017 huwa ta 24,308 fis- is Salary Scale 6 (which in the year 2017 is 24,308 per
sena, li jidied b596.33 fis-sena sa massimu ta 27,886). annum, rising by annual increments of 596.33 up to a
maximum of 27,886).

2.3 Il-persuna nnominata tkun intitolata gall-benefiji 2.3 The appointee will be entitled to such other benefits
l-ora u suetta gall-kundizzjonijiet l-ora stabbiliti and subject to such other conditions as may be stipulated in
fi kwalunkwe ftehim rilevanti bejn il-Gvern ta Malta u any pertinent agreement between the Malta Government and
l-Unions kompetenti. the competent Unions.

Dmirijiet Duties

3. Id-dmirijiet ta Principal Scientific Officer jinkludu: 3. The duties of Principal Scientific Officer include:

i. Tissorvelja u timmanija l-addiema u tikkordina i. Supervising and managing employees and coordinating
l-attivitajiet, biex tigura il-kwalit u l-preentazzjoni fwaqtha activities, in order to ensure the quality and timely submission
tal-informazzjoni xjentifika, rapporti, mistoqsijiet, dokumenti u of scientific data, reports, documents and any other queries
talbiet orajn relatati mal-bir ta informazzjoni xjentifika dwar related to scientific fisheries data collection as required by
is-sajd hekk kif mitluba mill-EC Fisheries Data Collection the EC Data Collection Multi-Annual Programme (DC-
Multi Annual Programme (DC-MAP), GFCM u ICCAT; MAP), GFCM and ICCAT.

ii. Tissorvelja l-bir ta informazzjoni bijoloika li jsir ii. Overseeing the on-board and market collection of
abbord il-bastimenti tas-sajd u mill-pixkerija, kif ukoll il-bir biological data, as well as the implementation of the fisheries
ta informazzjoni indipendenti mis-sajd (MEDITS/MEDIAS); independent data collection surveys (MEDITS/MEDIAS);

iii. Tadem flimkien ma sezzjonijiet ora tad-Dipartiment iii. Liaising with other sections within the Department in
sabiex tii aertata l-kwalit tal-informazzjoni mibura order to improve the quality of data collected from the sales
mill-irevuti tal-bejg, l-osservazzjonijiet tal-ibarki, il- vouchers, landing observations logbooks and the VMS;
logbooks u l-VMS;

iv. Tikkalkula l-parametri bijoloii u parametri ora iv. Calculating biological parameters and other fisheries-
relatati mas-sajd, kif metiea mid-DC-MAP tal-KE; related parameters required under the EC DC-MAP;

v. Tagmel monitora u tissorvelja l-laboratorju tad- v. Monitoring and supervising the Departments
Dipartiment u x-xogol li jsir fih; laboratory and work carried out therein;
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,553

vi. Tipprovdi l-informazzjoni metiea gall-Pjanijiet ta vi. Providing the necessary data for the Fisheries
estjoni tas-Sajd, rapporti u pariri ora hekk kif metiea Management Plans, and other reports and advice as required
mid-Dipartiment; by the Department;

vii. Tagti pariri u kontribut fir-rigward tal-bir ta vii. Providing advice and input as may be required
informazzjoni xjentifika dwar is-sajd, li jistgu jkunu with regard to data collection, including the preparation of
metiea gall-preparazzjoni ta noti ta istruzzjonijiet, instruction notes, reports, draft EU non-papers, proposals for
rapporti, abbozzi ta non-papers tal-UE, proposti gal council regulations and various working papers;
Regolamenti tal-Kunsill u working papers varji;

viii. Tibni u tmantni reistru ta Standard Operating viii. Building and maintaining a register of Standard
Procedures fir-rigward tal-bir ta informazzjoni bijoloika Operating Procedures with regard to biological Data
dwar is-sajd; Collection;

ix. Tibni u tmantni repoitorju tal-informazzjoni xjentifika ix. Building and maintaining a repository of all the
kollha li tkun inabret mid-Dipartiment; scientific fisheries data collected by the Department;

x. Tikordina l-ivilupp u l-manutenzjoni ta database x. Coordinating the development and maintenance of a

(FIS) gall-bir ta informazzjoni xjentifika dwar is-sajd; database (FIS) for the collection of fisheries scientific data;

xi. Tikordina studji pilota u studji ora dwar sajd xi. Coordinating pilot studies and experimental fishery
sperimentali kif metie; studies as required;

xii. Tissorvelja l-proess biex tingata l-informazzjoni xii. Supervising the provision of biological data to end-
bijoloika mitluba mill-utenti aarin kif ukoll tibni u tmantni users and building and maintaining a library of reports
librerija tar-rapporti li jirriultaw mill-informazzjoni li tingata; emanating from such data requests;

xiii. Tipprovdi t-tari metie fir-rigward tal-bir ta xiii. Providing the necessary training to staff working on
informazzjoni bijoloika dwar is-sajd. It-tari jista jinkludi biological data collection. Training may include on the job
tari fuq il-post waqt osservazzjonijiet abbord kif ukoll fil- training during onboard observations and at the fish market
pixkerija (barra mill-inijiet normali tal-uffiju); (outside normal office hours);

xiv. Tirrappreenta lid-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u xiv. Representing the Department of Fisheries and
l-Akkwakultura fkonferenzi lokali u internazzjonali, waqt Aquaculture at local and international conferences, meetings
laqgat u workshops kif meie; and workshops as required;

xv. Twettaq dmirijiet ora skont struzzjonijiet mogtija xv. Performing other duties as may be deemed appropriate
mis-Segretarju Permanenti (MESDC), id-Direttur enerali by the Permanent Secretary (MESDC), the Director General
(Sajd u Akkwakultura) u/jew ir-rappreentant/a/i taghom; (Fisheries and Aquaculture) and/or their representative/s;

xvi. Twettaq dmirjiet ora skont l-eienzi tas-Servizz xvi. Any other duties according to the exigencies of
Pubbliku skont struzzjonijiet mogtija mis-Segretarju the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent
Permanenti Ewlieni. Secretary.

Rekwiiti tal-Eliibbilt Eligibility Requirements

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall- 4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew (i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li (b) citizens of other Member States of the European
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni tal- in matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and
UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles tal- treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;
addiema; jew or

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd (c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to
gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
10,554 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji employment by virtue of the application to that country of
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
aqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal (d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment
trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status (e) third country nationals who have been granted long-
ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been
membri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007.
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet The advice of the Department of Citizenship and
ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
Malta skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispoizzjonijiet be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above
imsemmija hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)
fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tii kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

(ii) kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u dik Inglia; (ii) able to communicate in the Maltese and English

(iii) a) Uffijali Pubblii fil-grad sostantiv ta Senior (iii) a) Public Officers in the substantive grade of Senior
Scientific Officer li l-atra taghom fdan il-grad iet Scientific Officer and whose appointment in such grade has
konfermata; jew been confirmed; or

b) Uffijali Pubblii fil-grad sostantiv ta Scientific b) Public Officers in the substantive grade of Scientific
Officer, li l-atra taghom fdan il-grad iet konfermata, u li Officer, whose appointment in such grade has been confirmed,
gandhom mill-anqas ames snin prattika xierqa, jew erba and who have at least five years appropriate practice, or four
snin jekk gandhom kwalifika rikonoxxuta fil-livell 7 tal- years if in possession of a recognised qualification at MQF
MQF (suetta gall-minimu ta 60 ECTS/ECVET credits, Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits, or
jew ekwivalenti, rigward programmi mibdija minn Ottubru equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as from
2008) fix-xjenzi naturali jew fdixxiplini xjentifii relatati, October 2008) in the natural sciences or related scientific
jew kwalifika professjonali kumparabbli; jew disciplines, or a comparable professional qualification; or

c) Persuni li gandhom kwalifika post-graduate ogla c) Persons who are in possession of a pertinent recognised
(eempju PhD jew ekwivalenti), pertinenti u rikonoxxuta higher post-graduate qualification (such as PhD or
fLivell 8 tal-MQF, jew kwalifika rikonoxxuta, xierqa, equivalent) at MQF Level 8, or an appropriate, recognised,
komparabbli. comparable qualification.

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub 4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified
hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilit, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba. they meet any specified subject requirements.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,555

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained
msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
basta jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal- considered, provided that they submit evidence that they
kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella jkunu lestew bsuess have been approved for the award of the qualifications in
il-krediti metiea tal-ECTS/ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, question, or successfully completed the necessary ECTS/
meuda bala parti minn programm tastudju ta livell tal- ECVETS credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a recognized
MQF rikonoxxut, kif mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliibbilt ta MQF level program of study, as required in the afore-
hawn fuq jew ogla, sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is- mentioned eligibility criteria or higher, by the closing time
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. and date of the call for applications.

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi 4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,
partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta a Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal higher grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla bl- open to officers holding such higher grade within the stream
istess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale. that carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra The years of service since the effective date of
bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet. purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor taeliibbilt gall-post irid Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in
jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet. terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa 4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to
gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1) from the date of application and state whether they have ever
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux been in Government Service, giving details).
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra 4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due
fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
wkoll fid-data tal-atra. the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw id- 4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to
dispoizzjonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below).
l-link aktar l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be
gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati. sent electronically are acceptable.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom, mingajr 5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be
eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.
10,556 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Proeduri tal-Gala Selection Procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn bord tal- 6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a selection
gala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Il-marka board to determine their suitability for the post. The
massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala hija mija (100) u maximum mark for this selection process is one hundred
l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija amsin (50). (100) and the pass mark is fifty (50).

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,
minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.4, gandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4,
esperjenza ta xogol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

7. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien mal-curriculum vitae li juru 7. Applications, together with a curriculum vitae showing
l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu mid-Direttur gar-Riorsi qualifications and experience, will be received by the
Umani (Attn: Assistent Direttur, Riorsi Umani) fil-Ministeru Director Human Resources (Attn: Assistant Director, Human
gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima, 6, Triq Resources) in the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable
al Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301, sa mhux aktar tard minn Development and Climate Change, 6, Triq al Qormi, Santa
nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar it-Tnejn, it-2 ta Venera SVR 1301, by not later than noon (Central European
Ottubru, 2017. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu jiu sottomessi Time) of Monday, 2nd October, 2017. Applications can also
wkoll permezz tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal be submitted through the Online Government Recruitment
(http://recruitment.gov.mt) sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din Portal (http://recruitment.gov.mt) by the said closing time
is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar and date of this call for applications, as indicated above.
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid- Further details concerning the submission of applications
dispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel. are contained in the general provisions referred to below.

Dispoizzjonijiet enerali Ora Other General Provisions

8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gall- 8. Other general provisions concerning this call for
applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar il- submission of recognition statements in respect of
kwalifiki; qualifications;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat; publication of the result;
eami mediku; medical examination;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details;
amma ta dokumenti, retention of documents,

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u may be viewed by accessing the website of the People
Standards (https://publicservice.gov.mt/en/people/Pages/ and Standards Division (https://publicservice.gov.mt/
PeopleResourcingandCompliance/FormsandTemplates. en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/
aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat gar-Riorsi Umani (Attn: FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the
Assistent Direttur, Riorsi Umani) fil-Ministeru gall- Human Resources Directorate (Attn: Assistant Director,
Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima, 6, Triq al Human Resources), Ministry for the Environment,
Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301. Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 6, Triq al
enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala parti integrali minn din is- Qormi, Santa Venera SVR 1301. These general provisions are
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. to be regarded as an integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Direttorat The website address and e-mail address of the receiving
huma (http://www.environment.gov.mt) u (humanresources. Directorate are (http://www.environment.gov.mt) and
mesdc@gov.mt). (humanresources.mesdc@gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,557

MINISTERU GAS-SAA Ministry for Health

Poizzjoni ta Amministratur tal-Proett gall-Proett: Position of Project Administrator for the Project:
EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security
Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020
fil-Ministeru gas-Saa in the Ministry for Health

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the
femminil. female gender

Ir-responsabilt wadanija ta din il-pubblikazzjoni hija The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the
tal-awtur. L-Unjoni Ewropeja mhix responsabbli gal xi author. The European Union is not responsible for any use
uu li jista isir mill-informazzjoni fil-pubblikazzjoni. that may be made of the information contained therein.

1. Id-Direttur (Resourcing and Employee Relations) 1. The Director (Resourcing and Employee Relations),
tilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-poizzjoni ta Amministratur invites applications for the position of Project Administrator
tal-Proett gall-Proett EESSI Electronic Exchange of for the Project EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social
Social Security Information Connecting Europe Facility Security Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-
2014-2020 fil-Ministeru gas-Saa. 2020 in the Ministry for Health.

Tul tal-idma u Kundizzjonijet Duration of Assignment and Conditions

2.1 Persuna magula tidol fassignment ta sentejn 2.1. A selected candidate will enter into a two (2) year
(2) bala Amministratur tal-Proett gall-Proett EESSI assignment as a Project Administrator for the Project EESSI
Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information Connecting Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information Connecting
Europe Facility 2014-2020 fil-Ministeru gas-Saa. Europe Facility 2014-2020 in the Ministry for Health.

2.2 Il-poizzjoni ta Amministratur tal-Proett gall-Proett 2.2 The position of Project Administrator for the Project
EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information
Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 fil-Ministeru gas- Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 in the Ministry for
Saa hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta sena. Health is subject to a probationary period of one (1) year.

2.3 Din il-poizzjoni se tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata 2.3 This position may be part-financed by the European
mill-Unjoni Ewropea tat il-Connecting Europe Facility Union under the Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020.
2014-2020. Peress li l-poizzjoni ta Amministratur tal- Since the position of Project Administrator for the Project
Proett gall-Proett EESSI Electronic Exchange of EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information
Social Security Information Connecting Europe Facility Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 in the Ministry
2014-2020 fil-Ministeru gas-Saa hi marbuta ma terminu for Health is time-barred or linked to the completion of a
ta mien fiss jew tkomplija ta bia xogol speifika, din specific task, such constitutes an objective reason in terms
tikkostitwixxi rauni oettiva skont Regolament 7(4) of Regulation 7(4) of Subsidiary Legislation 452.81 entitled
tal-Lii Sussidjarja 452.81 intitolat Regolamenti dwar Contracts of Service for a Fixed term Regulations.
Kuntratti ta Servizz gal mien Fiss.

Salarju Marbut mal-Poizzjoni Salary Pegged to the Position

3.1 Is-salarju gall-poizzjoni ta Amministratur tal- 3. The salary attached to the position of Project Administrator
Proett gall-Proett EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social for the project EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social
Security Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 Security Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-
fil-Ministeru gas-Saa huwa ekwivalenti gal massimu ta 2020 in the Ministry for Health is equivalent to the maximum
Skala ta Salarju 7, (balissa 25,915.00 fis-sena). of Salary Scale 7 (currently 25,915.00 per annum).

Dmirijiet Duties

EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security
Skambju Elettroniku ta Informazzjoni tas-Sigurt Sojali) hija Information) is an IT system that will help social security
sistema tal-IT li tgin lill-istituzzjonijiet tas-sigurt sojali fl- institutions across the EU exchange information electronically
Unjoni Ewropea jagmlu skambju ta informazzjoni elettronika and securely as required by EU regulations 883/04 and
10,558 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

u sikura kif mitlub mir-regolamenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea Implementing Regulation 987/09. In Malta, EESSI is to be
883/04 u Regolament tal-Implementazzjoni 987/09. FMalta, implemented by two ministries: The Ministry for Health
l-EESSI se tkun implimentata minn ew ministeri: il-Ministeru and the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity, with
gas-Saa u l-Ministeru gall-Familja u s-Sigurt Sojali, the former being responsible of coordinating the activities
btal-ewwel ikun responsabbli biex jikkordina l-attiviatajiet li which will lead to the successful implementation within both
se jwasslu gall-implimentazzjoni bsuess fi-ew ministeri. ministries.

Gan Prinipali ta Din il-Poizzjoni Overall Purpose of the Position

Persuna fil-atra tal-Amministratur tal-Proett tirrispondi The Project Administrator is accountable to the EESSI
lis-Senior Project Executive EESSI u hija responsabbli li Senior Project Executive and is responsible to provide
tipprovdi assistenza tal-proett matul l-implementazzjoni Project assistance during the implementation of the EESSI
tal-proett EESSI kif metie mill-benefijarju ma liema project as required by the beneficiary to whom he/she will be
tkun imqabbda, skont l-attivitajiet u -minijiet speifikati attached, in accordance with the activities and the indicative
fil-Kuntratt. timelines specified in the Agreement.

4. Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Amministratur 4. The duties of Project Administrator for the Project
tal-Proett gall-Proett EESSI Electronic Exchange of EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information
Social Security Information Connecting Europe Facility Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 in the Ministry for
2014-2020 fil-Ministeru gas-Saa jinkludu li: Health include:

a) tirrispondi lis-Senior Project Executive u ultimament a) being accountable to the Senior Project Executive and
lill-Project Leader gall-fini li tissapportja u tikkordina ultimately to the Project Leader for the purpose of supporting
r-riorsi u x-xogol metie mill-proett, sabiex tigura and co-coordinating the resources and work entailed by the
li l-objettivi u r-riultati mfassla gal dan il-proett ikunu project, ensuring that the objectives and outcomes set for
miluqa fil-qafas ta-mien stipulat; this project are attained in the time frames established;

b) tissapportja x-xogol tal-uffiju u klerikali ta kuljum b) supporting the day-to-day office and clerical work
gall-Proett EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security for the EESSI Electronic Exchange of Social Security
Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020; Information Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020;

c) tipparteipa fix-xogol amministrattiv u klerikali u c) participating in the administrative and clerical work
fattivitajiet relatati mal-proett; and activities related to the project;

d) tgin fil-kordinament ta attivitajiet relatati ma rierka d) helping with the coordination of the related research
sabiex tikseb ir-riultati pproettati u konsenji; activities in order to achieve the projected results and

e) tgin fil-preparazzjoni ta rapporti regolari miktuba u e) helping with preparation of regular written reports and
t-tqassim taghom lill-imsieba kollha rilevanti; their distribution to all the relevant stakeholders;

f) tgin bmod attiv fil-monitora tar-riultat aari ta f) actively assisting in monitoring the outcome of this
dan il-proett u l-kisba tar-riultati mmirati; project and the attainment of the targeted results;

g) tniel u omm lista aornata ta benefijari g) inputting and maintaining an updated list of potential
potenzjali; beneficiaries;

h) tassigura konformit mar-regoli tal-Unjoni Ewropea u h) ensuring compliance with European Union and national
nazzjonali, mal-Manwali ta Proeduri jew dokumentazzjoni rules, Manual of Procedures and other documentation related
ora relatata mal-implimentazzjoni tal-EESSE Programm to the implementation of EESSE project -Connecting
Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020; Europe Facility 2014-2020;

i) iomm ruha aornata btibdiliet u viluppi, tattendi i) keeping abreast with any amendments and
laqgat u taixxi biex tkun infurmata sew dwar viluppi fuq developments, occurring during the whole duration of the
obbligazzjonijiet li jooru mir-regoli u r-regolamenti tal- project as well as attending meetings and be well informed
Unjoni Ewropea; with regard to developments about obligations arising under
the European Union rules and regulations;
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,559

j) tikkollabora mal-aenziji neessarji kollha, istituzzjonijiet j) liaising with all the necessary agencies, institutions and
u korpi involuti gas-suess tal-implimentazzjoni ta dan il- bodies involved for the successful implementation of this
proett; project;

k) tmantni u omm dokumentazzjoni xierqa relatata k) maintaining and keeping proper documentation related
mal-proett; to the project;

l) tirrekordja, tazen u tipprovdi informazzjoni lill-korpi l) recording, storing and providing information to
ta monitora; monitoring bodies;

m) tikkordina u tieu l-minuti ta laqgat skont il-tiea; m) co-ordinating and taking minutes of meetings as

n) tipparteipa frierka tas-suq u inizjattivi ta n) participating in market research and public relations
relazzjonijiet pubblii u eerizzji konnessi mal-proett; initiatives and exercises connected to the project;

o) twettaq kwalunkwe dmirijiet ora neessarji gall- o) performing any other duties necessary for the successful
implimentazzjoni bsuess ta dan il-proett u hekk kif jista implementation of this project and as may be assigned by the
jii assenjat mill-Project Leader u/jew is-Senior Project Project Leader and/or the Senior Project Executive;

p) tkun ippreparata li ttejjeb il-iliet permezz ta tarig p) willing to improve ones skills through internal and
intern u estern u tkun kapai taddatta gall-impenji varji external training and be able to keep up with the various
relatati madan ix-xogol; commitments related to the job;

q) iomm lis-Senior Project Executive u lill-Project q) keeping the Senior Project Executive and the Project
Leader infurmat fuq il-progress li jkun qed isir lejn it-tlestija Leader informed about the progress being made towards the
tal-Proett skont il-medda ta mien speifikat; completion of the Project according to the specified timeframe;

r) tagmel monitora tal-progress tal-proett u tipparteipa r) monitoring the progress of the Project and participating
fix-xogol metie biex tipprovdi aornamenti bil-miktub in the work required to provide quarterly written updates of
ta kull tliet xhur tal-istatus u r-riultati mill-Project Leader; the status and deliverables by the Project Leader;

s) taqdi dmirijiet ora skont l-eienzi tas-Servizz kif s) any other duties according to the exigencies of the
mitlub mis-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni; Service as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary;

t) tagmel uu mis-sistemi tat-Teknoloija tal-Informatika t) making use of the Information Technology systems
li jkunu qed jintuaw fil-Ministeru gas-Saa. which may be in operation within the Ministry for Health.

Rekwiiti tal-Eliibbilt Eligibility Requirements

5.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall- 5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew (i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li (b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni tal- matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles tal- provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or
addiema; jew

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd (c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to
gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji employment by virtue of the application to that country of
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
aqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew movement of workers; or
10,560 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal (d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment
trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status (e) third country nationals who have been granted long-
ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been
membri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007.
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet The advice of the Department of Citizenship and
ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
Malta gandu jii mfittex skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above
tad-dispoizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)
fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tiikkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja. necessary on this Issue.

(ii) kapai jikkomunikaw bil-Lingwa Inglia dment (ii) able to communicate in the English Language given
li tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-applikanti li jkunu that due consideration will also be given to applicants who
kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija; also have the ability to communicate in the Maltese language;

(iii) (a) fil-pussess ta kwalifika rikonoxxuta Masters (iii) (a) in possession of a recognised Masters qualification
fLivell 7 tal-MQF (suett gal minimu ta 60 ECTS/ at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/
ECVET credits jew ekwivalenti fir-rigward ta programmi ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
li bdew minn Ottubru 2008) fil-Management, jew Project commencing as from October 2008) in Management, or
Management jew Finance jew European Studies jew Project Management or Finance or European Studies or a
kwalifika professjonali kumparabbli, flimkien ma sena (1) comparable professional qualification, plus one (1) year
esperjenza ta xogol rilevanti; relevant work experience;


(b) fil-pussess ta kwalifika Baellerat rikonoxxuta (b) in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification
fLivell 6 tal-MQF (suett gal minimu ta 180 ECTS/ at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/
ECVET credits jew ekwivalenti fir-rigward ta programmi ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
li bdew minn Ottubru 2003) fil-Management, jew Project commencing as from October 2003) in Management, or
Management jew Finance jew European Studies jew Project Management or Finance or European Studies or a
kwalifika professjonali kumparabbli, flimkien ma tlett (3) comparable professional qualification plus three (3) years
snin esperjenza ta xogol rilevanti. relevant work experience.

5.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub 5.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified
hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilita, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba. Kwalifika ta Masters they meet any specified subject requirements. A Masters
flivell 7 tal-MQF, jew ekwivalenti, gandha tinkludi qualification at MQF Level 7, or equivalent, must comprise
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,561

minimu ta 60 ECTS/ECVET credits, fir-rigward ta korsijiet a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits with regard to
li bdew minn Ottubru 2008. programmes commencing as from October 2008.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained
msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
basta jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal- considered, provided that they submit evidence that they
kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella jkunu lestew bsuess have been approved for the award of the qualifications in
il-krediti metiea tal-ECTS/ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, question, or successfully completed the necessary ECTS/
meuda bala parti minn programm tastudju ta livell tal- ECVETS credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a recognized
MQF rikonoxxut, kif mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliibilita ta MQF level program of study, as required in the afore-
hawn fuq jew ogla, sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is- mentioned eligibility criteria or higher, by the closing time
seja ghall-applikazzjonijiet. and date of the call for applications.

5.3 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa 5.3 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate
gall-poizzjoni li l-persuna qed tapplika galiha (applikanti to the position applied for (applicants who are already in
li dia qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu the Malta Public Service must produce a Service and Leave
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); Record Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the
ertifikat rienti tal-Kondotta maru mill-Pulizija jew Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1)
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1) month from the date of application and state whether they
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux have ever been in Government Service, giving details).
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

5.4 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall- 5.4 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due
atra fdin il-poizzjoni, skont 5.1 sa 5.3 hawn fuq, mhux appointment, in terms of 5.1 to 5.3 above, not only by the
biss sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall- closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
applikazzjonijiet, ida wkoll fid-data tal-atra. the date of appointment.

5.5 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw id- 5.5 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to
dispoizzjonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below).
l-link aktar l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documentation

6.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 6.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be
gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati. sent electronically are acceptable.

6.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom, mingajr 6.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be
eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proeduri tal-Gala Selection Procedure

7.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord tal- 7.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection
Gala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Il- Board to assess their suitability for the position. The
marka massima ghal dan il-process tal-Gala hija 100% u maximum mark for this selection process is 100% and the
l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 50%. pass mark is 50%.

7.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 7.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,
minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafu 5.1 sa 5.2, gandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.2,
esperjenza ta xogol rilevanti u ppruvata kif ukoll track have proven relevant work experience as well as a good
record tajjeb fil-management, u li jipprovdu evidenza track record in management, and who have substantiating
10,562 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

sostanzjali minn esperjenzi ta xogol preedenti, matul evidence from previous work experiences during which
li akkwistaw esperjenza fl-implimentazzjoni ta proetti they have achieved experience in the implementation of EU
ffinanzjati mill-UE. funded projects.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

8. L-applikazzjonijiet, flimkien ma currciculum vitae 8. Applications, together with a detailed curriculum vitae
dettaljat li juru l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu mid- showing qualifications and experience, will be received by
Direttorat tar-Resourcing and Employee Relations, Ministeru Resourcing and Employee Relations Directorate, Ministry
gas-Saa, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il- for Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti,
Belt Valletta VLT 1171, sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar Valletta VLT 1171 by not later than noon (Central European
(in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar it-Tnejn, it-2 ta Ottubru, Time) of Monday, 2nd October, 2017. Applications can also
2017. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu jiu sottomessi wkoll be submitted through the Online Government Recruitment
permezz tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal (http:// Portal (http://recruitment.gov.mt) by the said closing time
recruitment.gov.mt) sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is- and date of this call for applications, as indicated above.
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar Further details concerning the submission of applications
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu are contained in the general provisions referred to below.
fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel.

Dispoizzjonijiet enerali Ora Other General Provisions

9. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gall- 9. Other general provisions concerning this call for
applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar il- the submission of recognition statements in respect of
kwalifiki; qualifications;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat; the publication of the result;
eami mediku; medical examination;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
aess gall-formoli tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details;
amma ta dokumenti, retention of documents,

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u may be viewed by accessing the website of the People
Standards (https://publicservice.gov.mt/en/people/Pages/ and Standards Division (https://publicservice.gov.mt/
PeopleResourcingandCompliance/FormsandTemplates. en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/
aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat tar-Resourcing and FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the
Employee Relations, Ministeru gas-Saa, Palazzo Resourcing and Employee Relations Directorate, Ministry
Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1171. for Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta
Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala VLT 1171. These general provisions are to be regarded as an
parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku tal-Ministeru gas-Saa huwa (https:// The Ministry for Health website is (https://
deputyprimeminister.gov.mt), in-numru tal-fax huwa +356 deputyprimeminister.gov.mt), the fax number is +356 2299
2299 2604 u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Direttorat huwa 2604 and the email address of Directorate is (recruitment.
(recruitment.health@gov.mt). health@gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,563

Parlament ta Malta PARLIAMENT OF MALTA

atra ta Usher Parlamentari I fil-Kamra Post of Parliamentary Usher I in the House

tad-Deputati, Parlament ta Malta of Representatives, Parliament of Malta

Seja Nru. HR 1/17 datata 12/09/2017 Call No. HR 1/17 dated 12/09/2017

1. L-Iskrivan tal-Kamra tal-Parlament ta Malta jilqa 1. The Clerk of the House, Parliament of Malta, invites
applikazzjonijiet gall-kariga ta Usher Parlamentari I fil- applications for the post of Parliamentary Usher I in the
Kamra tad-Deputati, Parlament ta Malta. House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta.

2. Termini u Kundizzjonijiet 2. Terms and Conditions

2.1 Il-persuna li tingata l-atra ta Usher Parlamentari I 2.1 The selected applicant will be appointed Parliamentary
ser tkun impjegata mas-Servizz Parlamentari kif imwaqqaf Usher I with the Parliamentary Service, as established by
tat l-Att dwar is-Servizz Parlamentari, fuq bazi ta impjieg the Parliamentary Service Act, on an indefinite basis. The
indefinit. Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta position of Parliamentary Usher I is subject to a probationary
tnax-il (12) xahar. period of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Is-salarju ta Usher Parlamentari I huwa ta 12,791 2.2 The salary for the post of Parliamentary Usher I
fis-sena, li jitla bidiet ta 315.60 fis-sena sa massimu ta is 12,791 per annum, rising by annual increments of
14,369 wara ames (5) snin fil-grad, jekk il-persuna tkun 315.60 up to a maximum of 14,369 on completion of
qdiet dmirijietha bmod sodisfaenti. L-Usher Parlamentari 5 years in grade, subject to satisfactory performance. The
I jibbenefika minn kull ieda pprovduta tat il-fteim Parliamentary Usher I will benefit from any increase in
kollettiv fis-se li jirregola l-impjegati fi skala ta salarju 16 salary in accordance with the current collective agreement
tas-Servizz Pubbliku. for employees in the public service in salary scale 16.

3. Dmirijiet 3. Duties

3.1 Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Usher Parlamentari 3.1 The duties of Parliamentary Usher I include the
I jinkludu li: following:

(a) taqdi d-dmirijiet ta Usher Parlamentari kif stabbiliti (a) duties of Parliamentary Usher as established by the
mill-Ordnijiet tal-Kamra tad-Deputati; Standing Orders of the House;

(b) tagmel qadjiet u kummissjonijiet gall-Kamra tad- (b) carrying out errands and commissions, which may include
Deputati, li jistgu jinkludu sewqan; driving duties, on behalf of the House of Representatives;

(c) iorr u taddem apparat tal-uffiju fil-binjiet tal- (c) handling and operating of office equipment within the
Kamra tad-Deputati; precincts of the House of Representatives;

(d) twettaq id-dmirijiet ta marixxall waqt seduti tal- (d) undertaking marshalling duties during parliamentary
Parlament u laqgat tal-kumitati Parlamentari li jinkludu, sittings and parliamentary committee meetings, which
fost affarijiet ora, tassisti fit-tejjijiet tal-Kamra tad- include, amongst others, assisting in the preparation of the
Deputati u l-kmamar tal-kumitati u tara li huma attrezzati plenary chamber and committee rooms and ensuring that
bdak kollu li hu metie gat-tmexxija ta dawn il-laqgat; these are adequately provided with all the amenities required
for the orderly management of parliamentary business;

(e) tipprepara dokumenti tas-seduti tal-Parlament, tal- (e) preparation of documentation pertaining to plenary
laqgat tal-kumitati parlamentari u attivitajiet ora li jsiru sittings, committee meetings, and other events hosted by the
mill-Parlament ta Malta; Parliament of Malta;

(f) twettaq id-doveri ta reception li jinkludu t-taddim (f) performing reception duties, which include the
tas-sistema tal-IP telephony, l-electronic access control card managing of the IP telephony system, the electronic access
system, it-tqassim tal-posta u l-kordinazzjoni tal-uu tal- control card system, the handling of mail and the coordination
karozzi uffijali; of the Parliamentary Service car fleet;

(g) tikkoordina talbiet gal jarat fil-Parlament u tiggwida (g) coordinating of requests for visits to Parliament and
persuni li juru l-binja; u conducting tours around the building; and
10,564 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

(h) taqdi kull dmir u dover ieor, skont il-tiea tas- (h) any other duties according to the exigencies of the
Servizz Parlamentari, kif inkarigat mill-Ispeaker jew mill- Parliamentary Service as directed by the Speaker or the
Iskrivan tal-Kamra. Clerk of the House.

3.2 Fil-qadi ta dmirijietu, Usher Parlamentari gandu: 3.2 In the performance of their duties, Parliamentary
Ushers should:

iib ruu sew u juri manjieri tajba mal-Membri display courtesy and good manners towards Members of
Parlamentari, mas-superjuri u l-kollegi tiegu, u ma dawk Parliament, their superiors and colleagues, and visitors to the
li juru l-Parlament; Parliament;

iib ruu bmod gaqli u diskret, kif ukoll ikun kapai display tact and discretion, as well as be able to work in
jaqdi dmirijietu bmod imparzjali u mhux partijan; an impartial and non-partisan manner;

ikun kapai jibqa kalm tat pressjoni u li jua udizzju have the ability to remain calm under pressure and
tajjeb; exercise good judgement;

ikun kapai jadem inijiet twal u imprevedibbli, xi drabi be able to work long and sometimes unpredictable hours,
wara l-in normali tal-uffiju; u including after office hours; and

jaqdi dmirijiet erimonjali ta livell goli. be able to carry out high profile ceremonial duties.

4. Rekwiiti tal-Eliibbilt 4. Eligibility Requirements

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall- 4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

(a) (i) ittadini ta Malta; jew (a) (i) citizens of Malta; or

(ii) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li (ii) citizens of other Member States of the European Union
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni tal- matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles tal- provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or
addiema; jew

(iii) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd (iii) citizens of any other country who are entitled to
gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji employment by virtue of the application to that country of
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
aqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew movement of workers; or

(iv) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal trattament (iv) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment
ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg permezz to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma persuni msemmija f(i), terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
(ii) jew (iii), skont kif hemm fil-lii jew fil-leilazzjoni tal- treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati msemmija hawn fuq; jew with persons mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii); or

(v) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status ta residenti (v) third country nationals who have been granted long-
li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat ir-regolament 4 tar- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta Residenti li joqogdu Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii Terzi), jew li jkunu Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-regolament 18 (3) tal- permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
istess regolamenti, flimkien mal-membri tal-familja ta ittadini members of such third country nationals who have been
ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir- granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regolamenti tal-2007 dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji. Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment ta-ittadinanza The advice of the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate
u Expatriates fka ta tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad- Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should be sought as
dispoizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq. necessary in the interpretation of the above provisions.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,565

Il-atra ta applikanti msemmija f(ii), (iii), (iv) u (v) The appointment of applicants referred in (ii), (iii), (iv)
hawn fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il- and (v) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
kaijiet fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
u leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Jobsplus gandha tii and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
kkonsultata fka ta tiea dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

(b) ta karattru tajjeb; (b) of good character;

(c) kapai jikkomunikaw sew bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingli; (c) able to communicate fluently in the Maltese and
English languages; and

(d) ikollhom lienja valida tas-sewqan Kategorija B (d) in possession of a valid Category B Driving Licence
(kemm gas-sewqan ta vetturi manwali u awtomatii). (manual and automatic transmissions).

4.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-applikanti 4.2 Applicants who, besides the requisites indicated in
li, minbarra r-rekwiziti indikati fparagrafu 4.1, juru li paragraph4.1, have proven relevant work experience and/or
gandhom esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u/jew gandhom have basic computer literacy, will be given due consideration.
garfien baiku tal-uu tal-kompjuter.

4.3 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta tajba u gandhom 4.3 Applicants must be of good conduct and must
jippreentaw ertifikat rienti tal-kondotta maru mill- produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Malta Police
Pulizija mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data ta din is- not earlier than one (1) month from the date of this Call for
Seja gall-Applikazzjonijiet. Huma gandhom jindikaw Application. Applicants must state whether they have ever
jekk qatt kinux impjegati tal-Gvern u jagtu d-dettalji. been in Government Service, giving details. Applicants who
Applikanti li huma impjegati fis-Servizz Pubbliku jridu are in the Malta Public Service must produce a Service and
jippreentaw Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47). Leave Record Form (GP 47).

4.4 L-applikanti gandhom ikunu eliibbli sabiex jiu 4.4 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due
matura skont paragrafu 4.1 hawn fuq mhux biss fid-data appointment, in terms of paragraph 4.1 above, not only by
tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet ida wkoll the closing time and date of this call for applications but also
fid-data tal-atra. on the date of appointment.

5. Sottomissjoni ta Dokumentazzjoni 5. Submission of Supporting Documentation

5.1 Kopja ta-ertifikati u/jew evidenza li jikkonfermaw 5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed in support of
il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza indikati, kemm relatati mal- the requirements set out in this call or in any related field,
kriterji ta eliibbilt kif ukoll ma kriterji ora, gandha must be backed by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. which should be attached to the application.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom, mingajr 5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to
eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. Fejn metie, be invariably produced for verification at the interview.
l-applikanti gandhom jissottomettu dikjarazzjonijiet ta Applicants should note the requirement, where applicable,
rikonoxximent mingand l-MQRIC fir-rigward ta kwalifiki to produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
taghom, jew minn awtoritajiet pertinenti ora. qualifications, or other designated authorities.

6. Proedura tal-Gala 6. Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn bord tal- 6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a selection
gala biex jiddetermina applikanti adattati gal din il-atra. board to determine their suitability for the post. The
Il-marka massima fdan ilproess tal-gala hija 100 (mija) maximum mark for this selection process is 100 (hundred)
u l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 50 (amsin). marks and the pass mark is 50 (fifty) marks.

6.2 L-applikanti eliibbli jistgu jiu mitluba joqogdu 6.2 Eligible applicants may be required to undertake a
gal test prattiku fil-lingwa Maltija u fil-lingwa Inglia. practical assessment test in both the Maltese and English
10,566 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

7. Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni 7. Submission of Applications

7.1 L-applikazzjonijiet, flimkien mal-curriculum vitae 7.1 Applications, together with a curriculum vitae
li juru l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu mill-Kap showing qualifications and experience, will be received by
tat-Taqsima Finanzi u Amministrazzjoni tal-Kamra tad- the Head, Finance and Administration Section at the House
Deputati, Parlament ta Malta, Pjazza elsien, Il-Belt of Representatives, Parliament of Malta, Freedom Square,
Valletta VLT 1111, jew jintbagtu bmod elettroniku lil Valletta VLT 1111, or submitted electronically to (dcs@
(dcs@parlament.mt) sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar parlament.mt) by not later than noon (12.00 p.m.) of Friday,
(12.00 p.m.) tal-imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017. 29thSeptember, 2017.

7.2 Din is-seja gal applikazzjonijiet gall-atra ta 7.2 This Call for Applications for the filling of the post
Usher Parlamentari I fil-Kamra tad-Deputati, Parlament ta of Parliamentary Usher I in the House of Representatives,
Malta qiegda titqieged fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-Parlament Parliament of Malta, is being posted on the website of the
ta Malta (www.parlament.mt). In-numru tat-telefown tat- Parliament of Malta (www.parlament.mt). The telephone
Taqsima Rizorsi Umani u Finanzi tal-Kamra tad-Deputati number of the Finance and Administration Section of the
huwa: +356 2559 6352. House of Representatives is: +356 2559 6352.

8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali 8. General Provisions

Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora li jikkonernaw din is- Other general provisions concerning this call for
seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal: applications, with particular reference to:

akkomodazzjoni rajonevoli gall-persuni bdiabbilt reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
rreistrati; disability;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details;
sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjonijiet ta rikonoxximent dwar submission of recognition statements in respect of
il-kwalifiki; qualifications;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat; publication of the result;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
eami mediku; u medical examination; and
amma ta dokumenti, retention of documents,

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tal-Parlament ta Malta may be viewed by accessing the website of the Parliament
(www.parlament.mt) jew jinkisbu mit-Taqsima Finanzi u of Malta (www.parlament.mt) or may be obtained from the
Amministrazzjoni tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, Parlament ta Head, Finance and Administration Section at the House
Malta. Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gandhom jitqiesu of Representatives, Parliament of Malta. These general
bala parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet. provisions are to be regarded as an integral part of this call
for applications.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Seja gal Servizzi ta Disinn u Komunikazzjoni Fond Call for Design and Communication Services Asylum,
gall-Asil, Migrazzjoni u Integrazzjoni 2014 - 2020 Migration and Integration Fund 2014 - 2020

Il-Kunsill Lokali Tas-Sliema qed joro seja gal Servizzi The Tas-Sliema Local Council is issuing a call for Design
ta Disinn u Komunikazzjoni gal proett edukattiv li huwa and Communication Services of an educational project
parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Fondi tal-Unjoni Ewropea tat which is part-financed through EU funds under the Asylum,
il-Fond gall-Asil, Migrazzjoni u Integrazzjoni Miuri ta Migration and Integration Fund Integration Measures
Integrazzjoni 2014 - 2020. 2014 - 2020.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,567

Gal aktar informazzjoni l-persuni interessati jistgu For further information interested applicants are to send
jibagtu email lil (stefania.friggieri@gov.mt) sa mhux aktar an email to (stefania.friggieri@gov.mt) by not later than noon
tard minn nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, is-26 ta Settembru, 2017. of Tuesday, 26th September, 2017.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Dan l-avvi se jkun parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea

Fond gall-Asil, Migrazzjoni u Integrazzjoni (2014 - 2010)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 75% Fondi tal-UE; 25% Fondi Benefijarji
estjoni Sostenibbli tal-Flussi ta Migrazzjoni

This advert is being part-financed by the European Union

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2014 - 2010)
Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% Beneficiary Funds
Sustainable Management of Migration Flows


(KAP. 363) (CAP. 363)

Avvi Notice

Bis-saa tar-regolament 88 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att dwar By virtue of regulation 88 of the Third Schedule of the
Kunsilli Lokali (Kap. 363), il-Kummissjonarji Elettorali Local Councils Act (Cap. 363), the Electoral Commissioners
bdan javaw illi se ssir elezzjoni kawali biex jimtela l-post hereby notify that a casual election is being held to fill the
ta Kunsillier gall-Kunsill Lokali ta Is-Swieqi. vacancy of a Councillor for the Local Council of Is-Swieqi.

J. Church J. Church
Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinipali Chief Electoral Commissioner

Uffiju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali, Office of the Electoral Commission,

Evans Building, Evans Building,
Triq il-Merkanti, Merchants Street,
Il-Belt Valletta. Il-Belt Valletta.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


(KAP. 363) (CAP. 363)

Avvi Notice

Skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tar-regolament 89 tat-Tielet Skeda In accordance with the provisions of regulation 89 of the
tal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap. 363), il-Kummissjonarji Third Schedule of the Local Councils Act (Cap. 363), the
Elettorali javaw illi huma se jkunu fl-Uffiju tal-Kummissjoni Electoral Commissioners notify that they will be in attendance
Elettorali, Evans Building, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta, at the Office of the Electoral Commission, Evans Building,
nhar it-Tnejn, it-18, it-Tlieta, id-19 u l-Erbga, l-20 ta Merchants Street, Il-Belt Valletta, on Monday, 18th, Tuesday,
Settembru, 2017 mill-10.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar biex jirievu 19th and Wednesday, 20th September, 2017 from 10.00 a.m.
nominazzjonijiet ta kandidati gall-elezzjoni kawali ta to noon to receive nominations of candidates for the casual
Kunsillier gall-Kunsill Lokali ta Is-Swieqi. election of a Councillor for the Local Council of Is-Swieqi.

Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinipali Chief Electoral Commissioner

Uffiju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali, Office of the Electoral Commission,

Evans Building, Evans Building,
Triq il-Merkanti, Merchants Street,
Il-Belt Valletta. Il-Belt Valletta.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,568 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864


segretarjat parlamentari PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIAT

AVVI 15 ta Settembru, 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT 15th September 2017

Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes
Open Rolling Calls Cut-off dates Open Rolling Calls Cut-off dates

Programm Operattiv I Politika ta Koejoni 2014-2020 Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
It-Trawwim ta ekonomija kompetittiva u sostenibbli Fostering a Competitive and Sustainable Economy
li tilqa l-isfidi tagna to Meet Our Challenges

Il-Measures and Support Division fi dan il-Ministeru The Measures and Support Division within the Ministry
gall-Affarijiet Ewropej u Djalogu Sojali (MEAE), for European Affairs and Equality, designated by the
matura mill-Awtorit ta estjoni fMalta gall-Politika ta Managing Authority for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 as the
Koejoni 2014-2020 biex isservi bala l-Korp Intermedjarju Intermediate Body responsible for administering aid schemes
responsabbli mill-amministrazzjoni tal-iskemi ta gajnuna for enterprises under the European Regional Development
gall-intraprii tat il-Fond ta vilupp Rejonali Ewropew Fund (ERDF) 2014 2020 would like to announce further
2014-2020, tava il-cut-off dates li jmiss tas-sena 2018 gas- cut-off dates for 2018 for submission of applications under
sottomissjoni ta applikazzjonijiet tat l-erba skemi indikati. the four identified grant schemes.

Il-cut-off dates jiskadu fnofsinhar tal-ranet msemmija The cut-off dates are set at noon of the dates listed in the
hekk kif elenkati hawn tat: table below:
SME Diversification and SME Internationalisation SME Consultancy Services e-Commerce Grant Scheme
Innovation Grant Scheme Grant Scheme Grant Scheme
Il-31 ta Jannar/31st January Il-31 ta Jannar/31st January Il-31 ta Jannar/31st January
It-28 ta Frar/28th February It-28 ta Frar/28th February It-28 ta Frar/28th February
It-30 ta Marzu/30th March It-30 ta Marzu/30th March
It-30 ta April/30th April It-30 ta April/30th April It-30 ta April/30th April It-30 ta April/30th April
Il-31 ta Mejju/31st May Il-31 ta Mejju/31st May
It-28 ta unju/28th June It-28 ta unju/28th June It-28 ta unju/28th June
Il-31 ta Lulju/31st July Il-31 ta Lulju/31st July Il-31 ta Lulju/31st July

Minn mien gal mien ser jiu organizzati sessjonijiet Information sessions will be organised for prospective
ta informazzjoni gall-applikanti prospettivi. Dati u post ta applicants periodically. Dates and venues will be notified
fejn ser isiru dawn is-sessjonijiet ser ikunu pubblikati fil-futur. accordingly.

Aktar tagrif u dokumentazzjoni dwar dawn is- Further information on these calls including the respective
sejiet, inklui n-Noti Gwida rispettivi u l-Linji Gwida Guidance Notes and the Guidelines for Implementation, as
tal-Implimentazzjoni, kif ukoll informazzjoni dwar is- well as on the information sessions may be obtained from
sessjonijiet ta informazzjoni jistgu jinkisbu minn fuq (https://businessenhance.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Programm Operattiv I Fondi Strutturali u ta Investiment Ewropej 2014-2020

It-Trawwim ta Ekonomija Kompetittiva u Sostenibbli li tilqa l-Isfidi Tagna
Avvi parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali (FEZR)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 80% Fondi mill-UE; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali

Operational Programme I European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020

Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges
Advert part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing rate: 80% European Union; 20% National funds
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,569


segretarjat parlamentari PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIAT

AVVI 15 ta Settembru, 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT 15th September 2017

Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes
SME Growth Grant Scheme, SME Growth Grant Scheme,
Start-up Investment Grant Scheme Start-up Investment Grant Scheme
It-Tieni Seja Estensjoni tad-Deadline Call 2 Extension of Deadline

Programm Operattiv I Politika ta Koejoni 2014-2020 Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
It-Trawwim ta ekonomija kompetittiva u sostenibbli Fostering a Competitive and Sustainable Economy
li tilqa l-isfidi tagna to Meet Our Challenges

Il-Measures and Support Division fi dan il-Ministeru The Measures and Support Division within the Ministry
gall-Affarijiet Ewropej u Djalogu Sojali (MEAE) tixtieq for European Affairs and Equality (MEAE) would like to
tinforma lill-applikanti prospettivi li d-deadline gas- inform prospective applicants that the deadline for the
sottomissjoni ta applikazzjonijiet tat dawn i-ew sejiet submission of applications under the following two calls for
iet estia kif elenkat: applications has been extended as follows:

It-Tieni Seja SME Growth Grant Scheme Call 2 SME Growth Grant Scheme

Ass Prijoritarju 3 It-titjib tal-kompetittivit permezz Priority Axis 3 Enhancing Maltas competitiveness
tal-investimenti fl-SMEs through investment in SMEs

It-Tieni Seja Start-up Investment Grant Scheme Call 2 Start-up Investment Grant Scheme

Ass Prijoritarju 3 It-titjib tal-kompetittivit permezz Priority Axis 3 Enhancing Maltas competitiveness
tal-investimenti fl-SMEs through investment in SMEs

Dawn is-sejiet jaglqu nhar il-imga, is-27 ta These calls will close on Friday, 27th October, 2017 at
Ottubru, 2017 fnosfsinhar. noon.

Aktar tagrif dwar dawn is-sejiet, inklui n-Noti Gwida Further information on these calls including the respective
rispettivi u l-Linji Gwida tal-Implimentazzjoni jistgu Guidance Notes and the Guidelines for Implementation may
jinkisbu minn fuq (https://businessenhance.gov.mt). be obtained from (https://businessenhance.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Programm Operattiv I Fondi Strutturali u ta Investiment Ewropej 2014-2020

It-Trawwim ta Ekonomija Kompetittiva u Sostenibbli li tilqa l-Isfidi Tagna
Avvi parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali (FEZR)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 80% Fondi mill-UE; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali

Operational Programme I European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020

Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges
Advert part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing rate: 80% European Union; 20% National funds
10,570 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ministeru gall-ustizzja, Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local

Kultura u Gvern Lokali Government

Bora ta Studju L-Ewwel Seja Scholarship Scheme First Call

Il-Ministeru gall-ustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali The Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government
jgarraf lill-pubbliku li iet imnedija l-ewwel seja gal informs the public that the first call for applications for a
applikazzjonijiet gal bora ta studju li twassal gal scholarship leading to a Doctoral Research Degree in
Research Degree flivell ta Dottorat fuq bai part-time dwar Notarial Bindings in Malta has been launched. This scheme
Legatura ta Volumi ta Atti Nutarili fMalta. Din l-iskema is being financed by the Office of the Notary to Government
qed tii ffinanzjata mill-Uffiju tan-Nutar tal-Gvern u and Notarial Archives.
Arkivji Nutarili.

Gall-iskop ta din is-seja, jistgu japplikaw dawk li jkunu For the purposes of this call, applications may be
uffijalment magula jsegwu programm ta studju fil-livell received from applicants who are officially chosen to follow
MQF 8 li jwassal gal Research Degree fuq bai part-time a programme of study on a part-time basis at MQF Level
dwar Legatura ta Volumi ta Atti Nutarili fMalta fChelsea 8 in Notarial Bindings in Malta at Chelsea Camberwell
Camberwell Wimbledon Graduate School fil-University of Wimbledon Graduate School at University of the Arts
the Arts London, 5th Floor, The Granary Building, 1, Granary London, 5th Floor, The Granary Building, 1, Granary
Square, Kings Cross, Londra, N1C 4AA, fl-Ingilterra. Ir- Square, Kings Cross, London, N1C 4AA, England. The
regolamenti marbuta ma din l-iskema huma aessibbli mis- applicable regulations are accessible through the website
sit elettroniku (www.ntg.gov.mt). (www.ntg.gov.mt ).

L-applikazzjonijiet gal din l-iskema jaglqu nhar il- The closing date for submission of applications is Friday,
imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017, fnofsinhar (in lokali). 29th September, 2017, at noon (local time).

Fka ta diffikult, wieed jista jempel 2247 9820 gal In case of difficulty, one may phone on 2247 9820 to
aktar tagrif jew jibgat email lil (notarial.archives@gov. obtain further information or send an email to (notarial.
mt). archives@gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th Sepember, 2017


(KAP. 117) (CAP. 117)

Regolamenti tal-1975 dwar entri tas-Swieq Agricultural Marketing Centres

ta Prodotti tal-Biedja Regulations, 1975

Avvi ta inijiet ta Ftu Notice of Opening Hours

Fil-qadi tad-dmirijiet tiegu skont ir-regolament 4 tar- In exercise of his duties in terms of regulation 4 of the
Regolamenti tal-1975 dwar entri tas-Swieq ta Prodotti Agricultural Marketing Centres Regulations, 1975, the
tal-Biedja, id-Direttur responsabbli gas-swieq bl-ingrossa Director responsible for wholesale markets hereby notifies
jgarraf illi billi l-amis, il-21 ta Settembru, 2017, hija that given that Thursday, 21st September, 2017, is a public
festa pubblika, i-entru tas-swieq ta prodotti tal-biedja (il- holiday the agricultural marketing centre (Pitkalija) shall be
Pitkalija) gandu jinamm miftu gan-negozju nhar it-Tnejn, kept open for business on Monday, 18th September, 2017
it-18 ta Settembru, 2017 u l-amis, il-21 ta Settembru, 2017, and Thursday, 21st September, 2017, during normal hours.
matul il-inijiet normali.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,571


Lista ta Direct Orders mogtija minn Projects Malta Ltd Lists of Direct Orders awarded by Projects Malta Ltd
matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta Jannar, 2017 u t-30 ta unju, during the period between 1st January, 2017 and 30th June,
2017 ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 111 (2) tar-Regolamenti 2017 published in terms of Article 111 (2) of the Public
dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblici (LN 352/2016) u -irkolari Procurement Regulations (LN 352/2016) and of Circular
02/2017 tat-23 ta Jannar 2017, marua mid-Dipartiment 02/2017 of 23rd January, 2017, issued by the Department
tal-Kuntratti. of Contracts.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ref. Nru. Isem id-Direct Order/Suett Data tal- Isem Valur tal-Kuntratt
tad-Direct Order tad-Direct Order Approvazzjoni il-Kuntrattur esklua l-VAT
Direct Order Ref. Direct Order Name/Subject of Approval Date Contractors Name Contract Value
No. Direct Order Excl. VAT

DO2017/01 Provision of legal services 20/1/2017 Mifsud Bonnici 35,000

DO2017/02 Provision of taxation services 4/1/2017 BTI Management 5,850
DO2017/03 Provision of legal services 19/1/2017 Mifsud Bonnici 6,000
DO2017/04 Provision of consultancy services 19/1/2017 PwC 6,720
in connection with a feasibility
DO2017/05 Provision of consultancy services 24/1/2017 KPMG 9,200
in connection with a feasibility
DO2017/06 Provision of financial assistance 4/1/2017 Grant Thornton 8,750
DO2017/07 Provision of legal services 4/1/2017 Camilleri Preziosi 5,750
DO2017/08 Provision of consultancy services 22/2/2017 Nexia BT 15,000
DO2017/09 Provision of consultancy services 22/2/2017 Ernst & Young 12,000
DO2017/10 Procurement of Engineering 18/5/2017 Gauff Consultants 351,125
Capacity Building Services
DO2017/11 Assistance in the preparation of 7/3/2017 Grant Thornton 9,500
operational and administrative
policies and manuals
DO2017/12 Provision of architectural 5/4/2017 Perit Duncan 13,800
consultancy services Polidano
DO2017/13 Provision of financial assistance 4/4/2017 EY 6,500
DO2017/14 Provision of legal services 20/4/2017 Camilleri Preziosi 8,500
DO2017/15 Branding of Engineering Capacity 11/4/2017 Brandcast Media 63,030
Building Services
DO2017/16 Provision of consultancy services 25/4/2017 Paulino Schembri 26,400
DO2017/17 Provision of legal services 25/4/2017 Bird & Bird 19,523
DO2017/18 Business case justification and 18/5/2017 Beat 52,000
programme blue print
DO2017/19 Provision of legal services 18/1/2017 Mifsud Bonnici 6,000
10,572 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864


u Proetti Kapitali and Capital Projects

Lista ta offerti mogtija mill-Ministeru gat-Trasport, List of tenders awarded by the Ministry for Transport,
Infrastruttura u Proetti Kapitali mill-1 ta Jannar, 2017 sat- Infrastructure and Capital Projects between 1st January,
30 ta unju, 2017, ippubblikata skont Artikolu 20(2) tar- 2017 and 30th June, 2017 published in terms of Article 20(2)
Regolamenti tal-2010 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblii. of the Public Procurement Regulations 2010.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ref. Nru. Isem tal-offerta/Suett Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tal-Offerta tal-offerta esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
Tender Ref. Tender Name/Subject of Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
No. Tender Name Excl. VAT Authority

057/2016 Period contract for supply 20/01/17 JMP 6,525.00 Works and
and delivery of floor Infrsatructure
detergent and disinfectant for Department
the Cleansing Directorate
059/2016 Period contract for the 13/01/17 Tekne DellArch 114,875.00 Works and
construction of rubble walls Renda Infrsatructure
(sejjieh) at various sites in Department
Malta 2016-2018
062/2016 Supply and delivery of 07/04/17 Environmental 29,484.00 Works and
irrigation water to Dock 1, Landscapes Infrsatructure
Cospicua Consortium Ltd Department
063/2016 Period contract for 26/01/17 Environmental 46,843.00 Works and
landscaping and irrigation Landscapes Infrsatructure
systems maintenance in an Consortium Ltd Department
environmentally friendly
manner at Dock 1 and Xatt
ir-Rizq, Cospicua
067/2016 Landscaping works in an 08/02/17 Environmental 28,994.00 Works and
environmentally friendly Landscapes Infrsatructure
manner and practices at Ex Consortium Ltd Department
Military Cemetry, Kalkara
068/2016 Period contract for the supply 11/04/17 Falzon Fuel 26,436.00 Works and
and delivery of hydraulic, Services/Mizzi Infrsatructure
engine and transmission oils Automative Department
to MSD 2016-2018 Services
070/2016 Period contract for supply 15/02/17 Blokrete Ltd 26,170.00 Works and
and delivery of precast Infrsatructure
hollow concrete blocks 2016- Department
071/2016 Period contract for supply, 06/01/17 Joseph Caruana 19,370.00 Works and
delivery and stacking of Co. Ltd Infrsatructure
galvanized pipes to MTI Department
073/2016 Period contract for supply 06/03/17 Schembri 31,196.92 Works and
and delivery of starter Batteries Ltd/ Infrsatructure
batteries to MSD 2016-2018 Melita Marine Ltd Department
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,573

Ref. Nru. Isem tal-offerta/Suett Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tal-Offerta tal-offerta esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
Tender Ref. Tender Name/Subject of Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
No. Tender Name Excl. VAT Authority

074/2016 Period contract (twenty 22/02/17 PF Services Ltd 83,199.00 Works and
four months) for supply and Infrsatructure
delivery of environmentally Department
friendly winter and summer
uniforms to Cleansing
Directorate 2017 - 2019
075/2016 Installation of a passenger lift 09/01/17 Groffe Elevator 24,395.56 Works and
at the NFRP Administration Services Ltd Infrsatructure
Block, Mosta Department
076/2016 Supply and installation of a 17/02/17 Richard Cauchi 45,478.45 Works and
lighting system for Herbert Infrsatructure
Ganado Garden, Floriana Department
077/2016 Period contract (twenty 14/03/17 Raydon 107,394.00 Works and
four months) for the hire of Excavators Infrsatructure
hydraulic excavators to MTI Department
078/2016 Period contract (twenty four 22/05/17 WM 39,985.00 Works and
months) for hire of refuse Environmental Infrsatructure
collection vehicle for the Ltd Department
collection of waste from
various localities in Malta in
an environmentally friendly
manner (2017-2019)
079/2016 Supply and lay external 28/02/17 Halmann Vella 27,533.50 Works and
terrazzo tiles and laying only of Ltd Infrsatructure
cubetti at open space fronting Department
Triq il-Maghkuba, Mgarr
001/2017 Period Contract for the supply, 20/03/17 Joseph Caruana 85,161.00 Works and
delivery and stacking of mild Ltd Infrsatructure
steel sections 2017-2019 Department
002/2017 Period Contract for 27/03/17 Camray Company 122,235.00 Works and
construction and finishing Infrsatructure
works in various localities in Department
Malta 2017-2018
004/2017 Manufacture, supply and 2/05/2017 SBG Holding Ltd 16,170.00 Works and
laying of pedestrals/corner Infrsatructure
pedestals and vases in franka Department
stone at Herbert Ganado
Garden, Floriana.
006/2017 Construction of softstone 8/06/2017 V & M Turnkey 98,039.34 Works and
retaining wall and Ltd Infrsatructure
reconstruction of various Department
parapett walls at Gnien
Herbert Ganado, Floriana
008/2017 Period contract for supply 13/04/2017 J Lautier Co. Ltd 103,239.30 Works and
and delivery of aluminium Infrsatructure
profiles and accessories for Department
MSD 2017-2019
10,574 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ref. Nru. Isem tal-offerta/Suett Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tal-Offerta tal-offerta esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
Tender Ref. Tender Name/Subject of Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
No. Tender Name Excl. VAT Authority

009/2017 Period contract (twenty 10/05/2017 General Cleaners 14,213.00 Works and
four months) for supply and Co. Ltd Infrsatructure
delivery of wide sweep and Department
channel brushes for mechanical
sweepers 2017 - 2019
013/2017 Supply and fixing of 23/05/2017 Calleja Ltd 101,789.55 Works and
decorative lamp-posts for Infrsatructure
Bugibba-Qawra Promenade, Department
San Pawl il-Baar
015/2017 Repair of passage way at 22/05/2017 Peter Plant Ltd 64,908.00 Works and
alley in N/S in Triq Attard, Infrsatructure
a-ebbu Department
017/2017 Supply and Installation of 2/05/2017 General 23,256.00 Works and
a soft-fence system at the Maintenance Ltd Infrsatructure
BBua Football Ground. Department
022/2017 Period contract for supply 1/06/2017 Pace & Mercieca 6,487.50 Works and
& delivery of chipboards & Infrsatructure
fibreboards sheets for MSD Department


u Proetti Kapitali and Capital Projects

Lista ta kwotazzjonijiet mogtija mill-Ministeru gat- List of quotations awarded by the Ministry for Transport,
Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proetti Kapitali mill-1 ta Jannar, Infrastructure and Capital Projects between 1st January,
2017 sat-30 ta unju, 2017, ippubblikata skont Artikolu 2017 and 30th June, 2017 published in terms of Article 20(2)
20(2) tar-Regolamenti tal-2010 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblii. of the Public Procurement Regulations 2010.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ref. Nru. Isem tal-Kwotazzjoni/ Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tal-Kwotazzjoni Suett esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
Quotation Ref. Quotation Name/Subject Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
No. of Quotation Name Excl. VAT Authority

013/2016 Period contract for 19/01/17 Multi Gas Ltd 5,910.40 Works and
supply of bottled oxygen, Infrsatructure
acetylene and carbon Department
dioxide cylinders to MSD
of WID 2017-2019
LA_002-2017 Service of Commercial 13/01/17 Boat Maintenance 8,200.00 Works and
Divers in connection with Malta Infrsatructure
the Repair Works of the Department
Quay along Triq tas-Sally
Port, Birgu
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,575

Ref. Nru. Isem tal-Kwotazzjoni/ Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tal-Kwotazzjoni Suett esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
Quotation Ref. Quotation Name/Subject Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
No. of Quotation Name Excl. VAT Authority

LA_021-2017 Purchase of Mild Steel 03/03/17 Joseph Caruana 5,832.84 Works and
(B) Items for the Manufacture Co. Ltd Infrsatructure
of Railings at Bieb Department
il-Bombi on behalf of
Transport Malta
LA_039-2017 Car Rental to Mr Hector 22/02/17 Sterling Car Hire 5,397.67 Office of the
Chetcuti (PDCU) for Permanent
1 Year 01/01/2017- Secretary
LA_051-2017 Request for Audio 21/03/17 MAD Promotions 5,000.00 Office of the
Equipment - Logistics Permanent
(Stakeholders Meeting on Secretary
Maritime/Road Safety -
EU Presidency 2017)
LA_093-2017 Request for Quotation 30/05/17 Clean Away 5,000.00 Works and
for the Purchase of Water Service Ltd Infrsatructure
Pressure Pump Department


u Proetti Kapitali and Capital Projects

Lista ta direct orders mogtija mill-Ministeru gat- List of direct orders awarded by the Ministry for
Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proetti Kapitali mill-1 ta Jannar, Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects between 1st
2017 sat-30 ta unju, 2017, ippubblikata skont Artikolu January, 2017 and 30th June, 2017, published in terms of
20(2) tar-Regolamenti tal-2010 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblii. Article 20(2) of the Public Procurement Regulations 2010.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ref. Nru. Isem tad-Direct Order/ Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tad-Direct Order Suett esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
tad-Direct Order
Direct Order Direct Order Name/ Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
Ref. No. Subject of Direct Order Name Excl. VAT Authority

LA_006-2017 Service Contract 11/01/2017 Mr Anthony Borg 41,658.75 Office of the

Agreement with Permanent
Mr Anthony Borg Secretary
(19/01/2017 - 18/01/2018)
LA_007-2017 Provision of Services 25/01/2017 Lynx Information 29,070.00 Continental
for Scanning of Oil Systems Ltd Shelf
Exploration Records Department
10,576 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ref. Nru. Isem tad-Direct Order/ Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tad-Direct Order Suett esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
tad-Direct Order
Direct Order Direct Order Name/ Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
Ref. No. Subject of Direct Order Name Excl. VAT Authority

LA_008-2017 Transplanting of Pruned 26/01/2017 Schembri Barbros 9,900.00 Office of the

Mature Ficus Trees from Permanent
Valletta City Gate to Ta Secretary
LA_009-2017 Provision, Removal and 3/02/2017 Solar Solutions 10,414.55 Office of the
Installation of One (1) Permanent
Charging Pillar at Triq il- Secretary
Pijunieri, St Pauls Bay
LA_010-2017 Triton Fountain - 7/02/2017 Mediacoop Ltd 48,680.00 Office of the
Provision of Public Permanent
Relations and Secretary
Information Material
LA_016-2017 Legal Consultancy 1/02/2017 Dr Ingrid Zammit 26,000.00 Office of the
- Service Contract Young Permanent
Agreement with Secretary
Dr Ingrid Zammit
Young (01/02/2017 -
LA_022-2017 Restoration of the Dome 17/02/2017 Vaults Co. Ltd 79,185.00 Works and
and Lantern of the Infrsatructure
Annunciation Church Department
Call for Quotations for 6/03/2017 C & F Building 77,763.00 Works and
Works related to the Contractors Ltd Infrsatructure
replacement of roof Department
slab (timber beams
with limestone slabs),
replacing of broken
limestone slabs and other
finishing works at No.25,
Triq San Anton, Attard
LA_031-2017 Supply and Delivery of 13/03/2017 Infracore 5,595.00 Works and
Spill Containment Seals Infrsatructure
LA_032-2017 Request for Quotation 14/03/2017 Environmental 8,540.50 Works and
for Upgrading Works in Landscapes Infrsatructure
Turf Areas, Sand Dunes Consortium Ltd Department
Dock 1, Bormla
LA_035-2017 Service Contract 29/01/2017 Mr Pierre Cachia 20,094.92 Office of the
Agreement with Mr Permanent
Pierre Cachia (Manager Secretary
- Media & Information
Cleansing Awareness
Campaign) 29/01/2017 -
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,577

Ref. Nru. Isem tad-Direct Order/ Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tad-Direct Order Suett esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
tad-Direct Order
Direct Order Direct Order Name/ Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
Ref. No. Subject of Direct Order Name Excl. VAT Authority

LA_036-2017 Service Contract 15/02/2017 Arch. Carmel 22,858.13 Office of the

Agreement with Arch. Mifsud Borg Permanent
Carmel Mifsud Borg Secretary
to provide services as
Advisor on projects
15/02/2017 - 14/02/2018
**Please see remarks
LA_038-2017 Software Modification 10/03/2017 Darttek Ltd 5,634.00 Works and
(mobile app) to serve as Infrsatructure
another medium for the Department
Garby & Tidy Campaign
in line with Government
Mobile App Strategy
LA_060-2017 Stationery for Printing 4/04/2017 Galaxy Ltd 5,923.00 Strategy
of Pressure Sealed and Support
Cheques: Ex-Gratia Car Services
Grant Scheme - 2017
LA_062-2017 Direct Order for 7/04/2017 iLabMalta Ltd 11,391.00 Works and
Simplifaction Measure Infrsatructure
- Online Payment for Department
the Renewal of Masons
LA_063-2017 Direct Order to provide 7/04/2017 Pricewaterhouse 5,400.00 Works and
assistance in carrying out Coopers Infrsatructure
a revision of the financial Department
feasibility study (FFS)
for the new Rain WiiN
Project application
LA_065-2017 Direct Order for 17/04/2017 C&F Building 9,660.00 Works and
Supply and Installation Contractors Ltd Infrsatructure
of Galvanised Steel Department
Perforated Plates for
Birzebbugia Football
LA_069-2017 Contract for Service 14/03/2017 Mr Kenneth 32,200.00 Office of the
with Mr Kenneth Cauchi Cauchi Permanent
for the provision of Secretary
consultancy services in
relation to the restoration
of the bronze and
travertine elements of the
Triton Fountain, Valletta
for a period of eight (8)
10,578 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ref. Nru. Isem tad-Direct Order/ Data tal-Gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt Awtorit
tad-Direct Order Suett esklua l-VAT Kuntrattwali
tad-Direct Order
Direct Order Direct Order Name/ Award Date Contractors Contract Value Contracting
Ref. No. Subject of Direct Order Name Excl. VAT Authority

LA_070-2017 Direct Order for the 27/04/2017 Terracore Ltd 12,740.12 Office of the
Sediment Compositional Permanent
and Leachate Analysis Secretary
and production of the
Interpretation Report on
the analysis, in relation
to Marsaskala Water Polo
Pitch Investigation
LA_071-2017 Direct Contract for 28/04/2017 Sea Fountain 62,918.17 Office of the
the Construction of One JV Permanent
Retaining Wall in Secretary
relation to Triton
Fountain Restoration
Project, Valletta
LA_073-2017 Direct Contract for the 8/05/2017 Sea Fountain 8,050.00 Office of the
Shifting of the Hoarding One JV Permanent
around the fountain Secretary
in relation to Triton
Fountain Restoration
Project, Valletta
LA_079-2017 Service Contract 4/04/2017 Anthony 5,297.08 Office of the
Agreement with Mr Camilleri Permanent
Anthony Camilleri Secretary
re: Advisor on
Initiatives regarding
Communications with
the Public (04-04-2017
to 03-04-2017)
LA_082-2017 Direct Contract for the 22/05/2017 Gutenberg 7,000.00 Office of the
Printing of Publication Press Ltd Permanent
LA_088-2017 Direct Contract for the 25/05/2017 Magro Paul 18,600.00 Works and
Supply and Delivery of Water Transport Infrsatructure
Second Class Water to Department
Mdina Ditch
LA_089-2017 Direct Contract for 25/05/2017 Three Eight 9,100.00 Works and
the Shifting and Nine Ltd Infrsatructure
Reinstatement of Department
Artificial Turf at Kalkara
Football Club, Triq il-
Missjoni Taljana, Kalkara
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,579


u Proetti Kapitali and Capital Projects

Lista ta varjazzjonijiet mogtija mill-Ministeru gat- List of variations awarded by the Ministry for Transport,
Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proetti Kapitali mill-1 ta Jannar, Infrastructure and Capital Projects between 1st January,
2017 sat-30 ta unju, 2017, ippubblikata skont Artikolu 2017 and 30th June, 2017 published in terms of Article 20(2)
20(2) tar-Regolamenti tal-2010 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblii. of the Public Procurement Regulations 2010.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Numru ta Isem tal- Data Isem % ta Valur Varjazzjoni Kuntratt finali

Referenza Kuntratt/Suett Approvata il-Kuntrattur varjazzjoni tal-Kuntratt fammont bvalur am-
tal-Kuntratt tal-Kuntratt mill-kun- oriinali esk- fesklua mont esklua
tratt lua l-VAT l-VAT l-VAT
Contract Contract Name/ Approval Contractors % varia- Original Con- Variation in Final
Reference Subject of Date Name tion from tract Value Excl. VAT Contract
Number Contract original Excl. VAT Value Excl.
contract VAT

MCMP/ Service for December, Malta 5.26 3,319,352.01 174,703.00 3,494,055.01

MAR/11/ Transport of 2016 to Motorways
2006 Goods to be March, of the Seas
WID 351/ provided by 2017 Ltd
2015 ship between the
island of Malta
and anyone part
lying between
the parts of
Genoa and
Reggio Calabria
and Palermo or


Kuntratti mogtija mid-Dipartiment tad-Dwana matul il- Contracts awarded by the Customs Department during
perjodu bejn l-1 ta Lulju, 2017 u l-31 ta Diembru, 2017, the period between 1st July, 2017 and 31st December, 2017
ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 20 (2) tar-Regolamenti dwar published in terms of Article 20 (2) of the Public Procurement
dwar l-Akkwist Pubbliku, 2010. Regulations 2010.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ref. Nru. Suett tal-Offerta Data tal-gotja Isem il-Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt
esklua VAT
Ref. No. Subject of Tender Award Date Contractors Contract Value Excl.
Name VAT

547/2017 Procurement of vehicle Kia Rio Ex 1.2 1st August, 2017 Motors Inc. 11,853.39
DMPT 5MT 5 Doors
10,580 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Korporazzjoni gar-Rienerazzjoni Grand Harbour Regeneration

tal-Port il-Kbir PLC Corporation PLC

Lista ta kuntratti, direct orders u varjazzjonijiet mogtija List of tenders, direct orders and variations awarded by
mill-Korporazzjoni gar-Rienerazzjoni tal-Port il-Kbir plc the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation plc during
matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta Jannar, 2017 u t-30 ta unju, 2017, the period between 1st January, 2017 and 30th June, 2017
ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 111(2) tar-Regolamenti dwar published in terms of Article 111(2) of the Public Procurement
il-Kuntratti Pubblii (A.L. 352/2016) u -irkolari 02/2017 Regulations (L.N. 352/20160) and Circular 02/2017 of the
tat-23 ta Jannar, 2017, marua mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti. 23rd January, 2017, issued by the Department of Contracts.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Numru ta referenza Isem tal-Offerta/Suett Data tal-Gotja Isem Valur tal-Kuntratt

tal-offerta tal-Offerta tal-Kuntrattur esklua l-VAT

Tender Reference Tender Name/Subject Award Date Contractors Contract Value

Number of Tender Name Excl.

GHRC/030/2016- Supply, Delivery and Installation of an 21/01/17 A Falzon Energy 17,120

TP 88Kva Sound Attenuated Generator Projects
Set and Balancing of Existing
Distribution Boards Circuits at Tal-Pilar,
Marsamxetto, Valletta
GHRC/031/2016- Cleaning, Restoration and Conservation 14/02/17 BAVA Holdings 63,508
CG Works of the City Gate Arcades Facade, Ltd
GHRC/033/2016- Supply and Laying of Hardstone Paving 14/02/17 Agius Marble 63,670
CS Slabs and Hardstone Cladding to Works Ltd
Monument at St.James Orillon, Valletta
GHRC/036/2016- Substructure Works at Triton Fountain 14/2/17 Rockcut Ltd 1,663,295
TS Square
GHRC/038/2016- Substructure Works at City Gate 28/2/17 Rockcut Ltd 670,186
TSD Landfront Ditch, Valletta
GHRC/039/2016- Removal and Re-laying of Hardstone 27/1/17 LBV Ltd 34,640
VPP Slabs at Mikiel Anton Vassalli Street,
GHRC/040/2016- Reinstatement of Hardstone Paving and 27/1/17 LBV Ltd 10,500
VPP Replacement of Metal Grilles at Old
Treasurey Street, Valletta
GHRC/041/2016- Landscaping and Irrigation Works at 25/05/17 Sicilville 257,541
TS Triton Fountain Square, Valletta Landscaping
GHRC/042/2016- Lanscaping and Irrigation Works, 21/04/17 ELC Ltd 682,688
TS Valletta Landfront Ditch, Valletta
GHRC/003/2017- Finishing and Paving Works at Triton 29/05/2017 BBSV JV 3,301,021
TS Fountain Square, Valletta
GHRC/004/2017- Mechanical and Electrical Works at 25/07/2017 CE Installations 500,130
TS Triton Fountain Square, Valletta Ltd
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,581

Direct orders

Numru ta referenza Isem tal-Offerta/Suett Data Approvata Isem Valur tal-Kuntratt

tad-Direct order tad-Direct order tal-Kuntrattur esklua l-VAT

Direct order Direct order Name/Subject Approval Date Contractors Contract Value
Reference Number of Direct order Name Excl. VAT

GHRC/001/2017- Embellishment of Central Strip at St. 17/01/2017 E & L Enerprises 7,000

DO Elmo Street - Lamp Posts Ltd
GHRC/002/2017- Embellishment of Central Strip at St. 17/01/2017 ELC Ltd 5,525
DO Elmo Street - Landscaping
GHRC/003/2017- Directional Drilling - Nelson Street - 17/01/2017 Rockcut Ltd 8,500
DO in Connection with the Triton Square
GHRC/004/2017- Artistic Lightning for the New Peoples 22/01/2017 Brighter Solutions 26,819
DO Monument at Central Bank Area
GHRC/005/2017- Traffic Enforcement Officers at Triton 8/02/2017 Guard & Warden 63,458
DO Square Project
GHRC/006/2017- Design, Supply and Installation of 21/02/2017 B. Grima & Sons 42,501
DO Environmentally Sound Traffic Signs Ltd
and Road Markings
GHRC/008/2017- Top and Bottom Enclosures for the 6/03/2017 Panta Marketing 27,465
DO inclined lift situated at Valletta entrance Ltd
GHRC/009/2017- Strada Stretta Lanterns 6/03/2017 Brighter Solutions 38,725
DO Ltd(Option 2)
GHRC/010/2017- Land Surveying Services for GHRC 6/03/2017 Matsurv Ltd 30.00 p/hr
DO Projects


Numru ta Isem Data Isem % Valur Varjazzjoni Valur

Referenza tal-Kuntratt/ Approvata il-Kuntrattur tal-Varjazzjoni Oriinali f Finali
tal-Kuntratt Suett mill-Valur tal-Kuntratt Esklua tal-Kuntratt
tal-Kuntratt Oriinali Esklua l-VAT Esklua
tal-Kuntratt l-VAT l-VAT
Contract Contract Name/ Approval Contractors % Variation Original Variation Final
Reference Subject of Date Name from Original Contract in Contract
Number Contract Contract Value Excl. VAT Value
Value Excl. VAT Excl. VAT

GHRC/041/ Refitting of the 21.02.2017 De Valier 9.26% 643,688.01 59,623.07 703,311.08

2015-GMP Main Chamber Co. Ltd
at the Grand
Masters Palace
in Valletta to
function as the
Main Conference
Hall and Press
10,582 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Numru ta Isem Data Isem % Valur Varjazzjoni Valur

Referenza tal-Kuntratt/ Approvata il-Kuntrattur tal-Varjazzjoni Oriinali f Finali
tal-Kuntratt Suett mill-Valur tal-Kuntratt Esklua tal-Kuntratt
tal-Kuntratt Oriinali Esklua l-VAT Esklua
tal-Kuntratt l-VAT l-VAT
Contract Contract Name/ Approval Contractors % Variation Original Variation Final
Reference Subject of Date Name from Original Contract in Contract
Number Contract Contract Value Excl. VAT Value
Value Excl. VAT Excl. VAT

GHRC/043/ Finishing and 21.02.2017 BAVA 34.47% 347,194.00 119,666.43 466,860.43

2015-GMP Furnishing of Holdings Ltd
Media Centre
at the Grand
Masters Palace,
GHRC/009/ Refitting and 05.01.2017 De Valier 11.71% 174,896.15 20,473.91 195,370.06
2016-GMP Furnishing of Co. Ltd
Offices and
Lounges at the
Grand Masters
Palace, Valletta
GHRC/010/ Mechanical 11.01.2017 Megaline 44.38% 48,187.84 21,387.94 69,575.78
2016-GMP and Electrical (M&E) Ltd
for the MITA
Facilities at the
Grand Masters
Palace, Valletta
GHRC/012/ Supply, 24.02.2017 M.A. & A. 5.79% 592,735.75 34,317.99 627,053.74
2016-GMP Installation, and Services Ltd
of an HVAC
System at the
Grand Masters
Palace in Valletta
GHRC/016/ Restoration of 11.05.2017 MT.R 6.87% 139,786.00 9,606.82 149,392.82
2016-TSD the Old Railway Contracting
Bridge and City Ltd
Gate Bridge,
GHRC/019/ Embellishing 10.01.2017 Brands 14.64% 38,447.00 5,627.07 44,074.07
2016-GMP Works and International
Furniture for Ltd
the Jasmine
Courtyard at the
Grand Masters
Palace, Valletta
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,583

Numru ta Isem Data Isem % Valur Varjazzjoni Valur

Referenza tal-Kuntratt/ Approvata il-Kuntrattur tal-Varjazzjoni Oriinali f Finali
tal-Kuntratt Suett mill-Valur tal-Kuntratt Esklua tal-Kuntratt
tal-Kuntratt Oriinali Esklua l-VAT Esklua
tal-Kuntratt l-VAT l-VAT
Contract Contract Name/ Approval Contractors % Variation Original Variation Final
Reference Subject of Date Name from Original Contract in Contract
Number Contract Contract Value Excl. VAT Value
Value Excl. VAT Excl. VAT

GHRC/020/ Maintenance 13.02.2017 Brands 46.11% 29,335.20 13,526.35 42,861.55

2016-GMP of Timber International
Apertures at the Ltd
Grand Masters
Palace, Valletta
GHRC/021/ Additional 21.02.2017 BAVA 30.97% 150,349.00 46,557.31 196,906.31
2016-GMP Upgrading Holdings Ltd
Works including
Light Weight
Structure at the
Grand Masters
Palace, Valletta
CT2003/ Tender Call Off 10.07.2017 Schembri 49.52% 492,872.47 244,074.69 736,947.16
2013/4124 - Triq l-Assedju Barbros Ltd
l-Kbir c/w
Triq Francesco


Lista ta Direct Orders mogtija minn Yachting Malta Ltd Lists of Direct Orders awarded by Yachting Malta Ltd
matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta Jannar, 2017 u t-30 ta unju, during the period between 1st January, 2017 and 30th June,
2017 ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 111 (2) tar-Regolamenti 2017 published in terms of Article 111 (2) of the Public
dwar il-Kuntratti Pubblici (LN 352/2016) u -irkolari Procurement Regulations (LN 352/2016) and of Circular
02/2017 tat-23 ta Jannar, 2017, marua mid-Dipartiment 02/2017 of 23rd January, 2017, issued by the Department
tal-Kuntratti. of Contracts

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ref. Nru. Isem id-Direct Order/Suett Data tal- Isem Valur tal-Kuntratt
tad-Direct Order tad-Direct Order Approvazzjoni il-Kuntrattur esklua l-VAT
Direct Order Ref. Direct Order Name/Subject of Approval Date Contractors Name Contract Value
No. Direct Order Excl. VAT

MF 100/16/31 Gala dinner and awards ceremony 7/2/2017 Westin Dragonara 14,059
10,584 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

KUNSILL LOKALI AL GARGUR al gargur Local Council

Sospensjoni tat-Traffiku Traffic Suspension

Il-Kunsill Lokali al Gargur jgarraf li nhar il-imga, The al Gargur Local Council notifies that on Friday,
it-22 ta Settembru, 2017, mis-7.00 a.m. sas-6.00 p.m., Triq 22nd September, 2017, from 7.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m., Triq San
San wann se tkun magluqa gat-traffiku. wann will be closed for traffic.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Isla jgarraf li l-attivit Merba Seng- The Isla Local Council notifies that the activity Merba
leana se ssir nhar is-Sibt, is-16 ta Settembru, 2017, mill-10.00 Sengleana will be held on Saturday, 16th September, 2017,
a.m. sal-11.00 p.m. Galdaqstant Pjazza l-4 ta Settembru between 10.00 a.m. and 11.00 p.m. Therefore Pjazza l-4 ta
se tkun magluqa mid-9.00 a.m. sal-11.00 p.m. It-Trasport Settembru will be closed for traffic from 10.00 a.m. till 11.00
Pubbliku se jopera barra mill-Isla u Xatt Juan B. Azzopardo p.m. Public Transport will operate from outside Senglea and
se jkun magluq gat-traffiku mis-1.00 p.m. sal-11.00 p.m. Xatt Juan B. Azzopardo will be closed for traffic from 1.00
p.m. till 11.00 p.m.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

Il-Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil The Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable
fil-Klima jgarraf illi Preliminary Market Consultations Development and Climate Change notifies that Preliminary
elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in Market Consultations in respect of the following notice will
indikati hawn isfel: be received on the date and time indicated below:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017, Up to Friday, 29th September, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. PMC 1/2017. Preliminary Market Advt. No. PMC 1/2017. Preliminary Market Consultation
Consultation gat-teid ta livestock slurry/manure minn for the retrieval of livestock slurry/manure from cattle and
irziezet ta baqar u nieer u l-esportazzjoni sussegwenti pig farms and its subsequent export.

Id-data tal-geluq ta din l-offerta qed tii estia mis-7 The closing date of this tender has been extended from
ta Settembru, 2017. 7th September, 2017.

Id-dokumenti tal-PMC jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u PMC documents are free of charge and are to be viewed
jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mis-sit or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
elettroniku tal-e-tenders (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). website (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

Il-Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil The Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable
fil-Klima jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se Development and Climate Change notifies that electronic
jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel: tenders in respect of the following notice will be received on
the day and time indicated below:
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,585

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017, Up to Friday, 29th September, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. MESDC 64/2017 (Avvi 43/2017). Formulazzjoni Advt No. MESDC 64/2017 (Advert 43/2017). Formulation
ta business pan bkonnessjoni ma Ambjent Malta. of a business pan in connection with Ambjent Malta.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed
u jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mis-sit or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
elettroniku tal-e-tenders (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). website (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

L-Aenzija tal-Pagamenti Rurali u tal-Agrikoltura fi dan The Agriculture and Rural Payments Agency within the
il-Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil- Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and
Klima jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se Climate Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of
jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel: the following notice will be received on the day and time
indicated below:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, is-26 ta Settembru, 2017, gal: Up to Tuesday, 26th September, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC/PAY 243/2016 (Avvi 31/2017) Advt No. MSDEC/PAY 243/2016 (Advert 31/2017)
Akkwist ta Satellite Image Data. Acquisition of Satellite Image Data.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed
u jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mis-sit or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
elettroniku tal-e-tenders (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). website (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Id-data tal-geluq tal-offerta ta hawn fuq iet estia mill- The closing date of the above tender has been extended
amis, is-7 ta Settembru, 2017. from Thursday, 7th September, 2017.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

Id-Direttorat tal-PARKS u Inizjattivi fi dan il-Ministeru The PARKS and Initiatives Directorate within the Ministry
gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate
jgarraf illi offerti/kwotazzjonijiet elettronii dwar l-avvi li Change notifies that electronic tenders/quotations in respect
ej se jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel: of the following notice will be received on the day and time
indicated below:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017, Up to Friday, 29th September, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. PARK 7/2013/43 (Avvi 35/2017). Provvista, Advt No. PARK 7/2013/43 (Advert 35/2017). Supply,
konsenja u installazzjoni ta shelters tal-injam bil-bankijiet delivery and installation of timber shelters with benches at
fil-Park tal-Familja SantAntnin. Sant Antnin Family Park.

Id-data tal-geluq ta din l-offerta qed tii estia mis-7 The closing date of this tender has been extended from
ta Settembru, 2017. 7th September, 2017.

Avvi Nru. PARK 18/2013/5 (Advert 41/2017). Advt No. PARK 18/2013/5 (Advert 41/2017). Provision of
Provvediment ta servizzi ta manutenzjoni komprensiva lill- comprehensive maintenance services to the water features at
10,586 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

water features fl-Adventure Park fTa Qali gad-Direttorat the Adventure Park in Ta Qali for the PARKS and Initiatives
tal-PARKS u Inizjattivi. Directorate.

Avvi Nru. PARK 13/2017 (Advert 42/2017). Provvista u Advt No. PARK 13/2017 (Advert 42/2017). Supply and
konsenja ta reipjenti gar-riikla fid-Direttorat tal-PARKS delivery of recycle bins at PARKS and Initiatives Directorate,
u Inizjattivi, Ta Qali. Ta Qali.

Kwot. Nru. PARK 23/2017 (Quot 12/2017). Provvista u Quot. No. PARK 23/2017 (Quot 12/2017). Supply and
konsenja ta CCTV system gall-Boskijiet tal-Buskett. delivery of CCTV system for Buskett Woodlands.

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, is-6 ta Ottubru, 2017, gal: Up to Friday, 6th October, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

*Kwot. Nru. PARK/LIFE + 8/2016/1 (Quot 13/2017). *Quot. No. PARK/LIFE + 8/2016/1 (Quot 13/2017).
Disinn, provvista u konsenja ta materjal promozzjonali gall- Design, supply and delivery of promotional material for the
EU Life Saving Buskett Project. EU Life Saving Buskett Project.

*Kwotazzjoni li qed tidher gall-ewwel darba *Quotation appearing for the first time

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jistgu jinkisbu Tender/quotation documents are free of charge and are
mingajr las u jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the
BISS mis-sit elettroniku tal-e-tenders (http://www.etenders. e-tenders website (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

Il-Bierija fi dan il-il-Ministeru gall-Ambjent, The Public Abattoir within the Ministry for the
vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil-Klima tgarraf illi offerti Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change
elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in notifies that electronic tenders in respect of the following
indikati hawn isfel: notice will be received on the day and time indicated below:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, is-6 ta Ottubru, 2017, Up to Friday, 6th October, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

*Avvi Nru. F 139/2016 (Avvi 40/2017). Provvista u *Advt No. MSDEC/AGR 91/2016 (Advert 44/2017).
installazzjoni ta sistema industrijali gall-filtrazzjoni tal-ilma Supply and installation of an industrial water filtration system
u xoglijiet anillari ora fil-Bierija, Il-Marsa. and other ancillary works at the Public Abattoir, Marsa.

*Avvi li qed jidher gall-ewwel darba *Advertisement appearing for the first time

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/
u jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mis-sit downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
elettroniku tal-e-tenders (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). website (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

Id-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u l-Akkwakultura fi dan il-il- The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture within the
Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil- Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and
Klima jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se Climate Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of
jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel: the following notice will be received on the day and time
indicated below:
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,587

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017, Up to Friday, 29th September, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. F 139/2016 (Avvi 40/2017). Offerta gall- Advt No. F 139/2016 (Advert 40/2017). Supply tender
provvista ta (16, 250-tonne u 4, 50-tonne) boat hoist slings for (16, 250-Tonne and 4, 50-Tonne) boat hoist slings for the
gat-Taqsima tal-Immaniar tas-Sajd, Dipartiment tas-Sajd Fisheries Management Unit, Department of Fisheries and
u l-Akkwakultura Aquaculture.

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-3 ta Ottubru, 2017, gal: Up to Tuesday, 3rd October, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. EOI 8/2017. Provvediment ta servizzi gal Advt No. EOI 8/2017. Provision of services for Legal or
persuni Legali u Naturalizzati biex jipprovdu servizz bala Naturalised Persons to provide a service as landing officers
landing officers gad-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u l-Akkwakultura to the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/
u jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mis-sit downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
elettroniku tal-e-tenders (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). website (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

MINISTERU GALL-AMBJENT, VILUPP Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable

SOSTENIBBLI U TIBDIL FIL-KLIMA Development and Climate Change

Id-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u l-Akkwakultura fi dan il-il- The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture within the
Ministeru gall-Ambjent, vilupp Sostenibbli u Tibdil fil- Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development
Klima jgarraf illi Espressjonijiet ta Interess dwar l-avvi li and Climate Change notifies that Expressions of Interest in
ej se jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel: respect of the following notice will be received on the day
and time indicated below:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-3 ta Ottubru, 2017, gal: Up to Tuesday, 3rd October, 2017, at 10.00 a.m., for:

Avvi Nru. EOI 8/2017. Provvediment ta servizzi gal Advt No. EOI 8/2017. Provision of services for Legal or
persuni Legali u Naturalizzati biex jipprovdu servizz bala Naturalised Persons to provide a service as landing officers
landing officers gad-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u l-Akkwakultura to the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Dokumenti relevanti jistgu jiniebu mingajr las Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from
ms-Sezzjoni tax-Xiri u Provvisti, Uffiini tas-Segretarjat the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Permanenti Nru. 6 Triq al Qormi, Santa Venera SVR Secretariat Offices No. 6 Triq al Qormi, Santa Venera
1301, fkull urnata tax-xogol mit-8.30 a.m. sa nofsinhar SVR 1301, on any working day from 8.30 am to 12 noon
sad-data tal-geluq jew jitnilu mill-website tal-Ministeru till closing date or downloaded from the Ministrys website
(www.environment.gov.mt). (www.environment.gov.mt).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


L-Executive Chairman, Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal- The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation
Ilma jgarraf illi: notifies that:

Jintlaqgu offerti/kwotazzjonjiet fil-urnata u l-in Tenders/quotations will be received on the date and time
indikati hawn tat. L-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet gandhom indicated below. Tenders/quotations are to be submitted online
jintbagtu online BISS fuq (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). ONLY on (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).
10,588 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-imga, it-22 ta Settembru, 2017, Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 22nd September, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/32/2017. Provvista u konsenja ta Advt No. WSC/T/32/2017. Supply and delivery of
rubberised bitumen emulsion gall-Korporazzjoni gal rubberised bitumen emulsion for the Water Services
Servizzi tal-Ilma (bai ta ftehim). Corporation (framework agreement).

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/34/2017. Provvista u konsenja ta Advt No. WSC/T/34/2017. Supply and delivery of string-
string-wound cartridge filter elements gall-impjanti tar- wound cartridge filter elements for the reverse osmosis plants
reverse osmosis tal-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma. of the Water Services Corporation.

Id-dokumenti huma mingajr las. No participation fee is required.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jistgu Tender/quotation documents are obtainable from the

jinkisbu minn fuq l-Electronic Procurement System Electronic Procurement System (http://www.etenders.gov.
(http://www.etenders.gov.mt). Trid issir reistrazzjoni mt). Registration is required in order to make use of this
sabiex isir uu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi ekonomii Maltin website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
jetie ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis- More information is available from the FAQ section of the
sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit. same website.

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex Economic operators interested in participating in these
jipparteipaw fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
jiedu nota tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment being organized by the Department of Contracts. During
tal-Kuntratti. Fdawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomii these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar kif gandhom economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling and
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar submitting their tender online. More information is available
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta. in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u r-reistrazzjoni The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
tal-offerti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq. of tenders at the time and date specified above.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Ministeru GALL-edukazzjoni Ministry for Education

u x-xogol and Employment

Direttorat gas-Servizzi Edukattivi Educational Services Directorate

Id-Direttorat gas-Servizzi Edukattivi, Ministeru gall- The Directorate for Educational Services, Ministry for
Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol jgarraf illi: Education and Employment notifies that:

Sa nofsinhar, tal-Erbga, l-20 ta Settembru, 2017, Sealed quotations marked CM1-1718 Quotation for
jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet magluqin u mmarkati CM1- the supply and delivery of stationery will be deposited in
1718 Quotation for the supply and delivery of stationery, the quotations box at Sir M. A. Refalo Sixth Form, Triq
fil-kaxxa tal-kwotazzjonijiet fSir M. A. Refalo Sixth Fortunato Mizzi, Victoria, Gozo, by not later than noon
Form, Triq Fortunato Mizzi, Ir-Rabat, Gawdex, gal: of Wednesday, 20th September, 2017, for:

Kwot. Nru. CM1-1718. Provvista u konsenja ta materjal Quot. No. CM1-1718. Supply and delivery of cleaning
gat-tindif. material.

Din il-kwotazzjoji tassar dik ippubblikata fil-Gazzetta This quotation supersedes the one published in the
tal-Gvern tat-12 ta Settembru, 2017. Goverment Gazette of the 12th September, 2017.

Dokumenti rilevanti jistgu jinabru minn Sir M. A. Refalo Relevant documents may be collected from Sir M. A.
Sixth Form, Triq Fortunato Mizzi, Ir-Rabat, Gawdex, matul Refalo Sixth Form, Triq Fortunato Mizzi, Victoria, Gozo,
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,589

il-inijiet tal-uffiju mit-Tnejn sal-imga, bejn it-8.30 during office hours from Monday to Friday, between 8.30 a.m.
a.m. u n-12.30 p.m jew billi tintbagat email lil (smarefalo. to 12.30 p.m. or by sending an email to (smarefalo.sixthform@
sixthform@ilearn.edu.mt) attenzjoni s-Sa Colombia Cefai. ilearn.edu.mt) attention Ms Colombia Cefai.

Min hu interessat jista jattendi u jara l-ftu u l-iskedar Interested parties may attend and witness the opening
tal-offerti fid-data u l-in stipulati. and scheduling of the offers received on the appointed date
and time.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Id-Direttur tas-Servizzi Korporattivi tgarraf illi l-avvi The Director (Corporate Services) notifies that the
li ej rigward il-kwotazzjonijiet magluqin li ejjin qed jii notice in respect of the following sealed quotations is being
kkanellat. cancelled.

Kwot. Nru. MGOZ Q 99/2017. Fire safety u Occupational Quot. No. MGOZ Q 99/2017. Complete fire safety and
Health and Safety Risk Assessment ga-entru tal- Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment for the
Amministrazzjoni, Pjazza San Franisk, Ir-Rabat, Gawdex. Administration Centre, Pjazza San Franisk, Victoria, Gozo.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


L-Uffijal Kap Eekuttiv, Awtorit tal-Artijiet, jgarraf li: The Chief Executive Officer, Lands Authority, notifies

Offerti ssiillati gall-avvii li ejjin gandhom Sealed tenders in respect of the following
jintefgu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tal-Awtorit tal-Artijiet, advertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box
Bera tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal- at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by
amis, il-5 ta Ottubru, 2017, gal: 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 5th October, 2017, for:

*Avvi Nru. 1. Bejg ta sit fi Triq l-Istasija, Il-Manikata, *Advt No. 1. Sale of a site in Triq l-Istasija,
limiti tal-Melliea, muri bl-amar fuq pjanta P.D. 2017_0055. Manikata, limits of Melliea, shown edged in red on plan
L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall- P.D. 2017_0055. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-
ammont ta 5,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal- Bond for an amount of 5,000 as stipulated in the tender
offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta disga u amsin elf conditions. Offers below the amount of fifty nine thousand
ewro (59,000) ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Dan it-tender hu Euro (59,000) will not be considered. This tender is subject
suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. to a right of first refusal.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta, document.

*Avvi Nru. 2. Bejg tad-Dirett Dominju Temporanju u *Advt No. 2. Sale of the Temporary Directum
-ens relattiv ta erbga u erbgin entemi (0.44) fis-sena, Dominium and relative groundrent of forty four cents
ga-mien li fadal mill-perjodu li jintemm fit-8 ta Mejju, (0.44) per annum, for the remaining period which expires
2069, regolat skont kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Michele Luigi on the 8th May, 2069, as per deed in the acts of Notary
Casolani tad-9 ta Mejju, 1919, u s-sussegwenti assoluta Michele Luigi Casolani dated 9th May, 1919, and the
proprjeta wara li jintemm l-imsemmi ens temporanju, absolute ownership after the expiration of the said temporary
ta sit fil-Manikata, limiti tal-Melliea, muri bl-amar u emphyteusis, of the site in Manikata, limits of Melliea,
mmarkat 6C fuq pjanta P.D.2010_993. L-offerti gandhom shown edged in red and marked 6C on plan P.D.2010_993.
ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall-ammont ta 10,000 Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers
mill-ammont ta mija u tlieta u erbgin elf, erba mija u sitta below the amount of one hundred and forty three thousand
u erbgin ewro (143,446) fis-sena ma jiux ikkunsidrati. four hundred and forty six Euro (143,446) will not be
Dan it-tender hu suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. considered. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.
10,590 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 3. Bejg ta sit fil-Manikata, limiti tal-Melliea, *Advt No. 3. Sale of a site in Manikata, limits of
muri bl-amar u mmarkat 6B fuq pjanta P.D. 28_2004_C. Mellieha, shown edged in red and marked 6B on plan
L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall- P.D. 28_2004_C. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-
ammont ta 10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal- Bond for an amount of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender
offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta mija u wieed u sittin conditions. Offers below the amount of one hundred sixty
elf ewro (161,000) ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Dan it-tender hu one thousand Euro (161,000) will not be considered. This
suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. tender is subject to a right of first refusal.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta, document.

*Avvi Nru. 4. Bejg ta sit fi Triq il-Kabiri, Il-Qrendi, *Advt No. 4. Sale of a site in Triq il-Kabiri, Qrendi,
muri bl-amar u mmarkat D fuq pjanta P.D. 2017_0077. shown edged in red and marked D on plan P.D. 2017_0077.
L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall- Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
ammont ta 10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers
tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta erbga u goxrin below the amount of twenty four thousand Euro (24,000)
elf ewro (24,000) ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Dan it-tender hu will not be considered. This tender is subject to a right of
suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. first refusal.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 5. Bejg ta sit fi Triq Il-Kabiri, Il-Qrendi, *Advt No. 5. Sale of a site in Triq Il-Kabiri, Qrendi,
muri bl-amar u mmarkat B fuq pjanta P.D. 2017_0077. shown edged in red and marked B on plan P.D. 2017_0077.
L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall- Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
ammont ta 10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers
tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta tmienja u sittin elf below the amount of sixty eight thousand four hundred Euro
u erbga mitt ewro (68,400) ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Dan (68,400) will not be considered. This tender is subject to a
it-tender hu suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. right of first refusal.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 6 Bejg ta sit fi Triq il-Kabiri, Il-Qrendi, *Advt No. 6 Sale of a site in Triq il-Kabiri, Qrendi,
muri bl-amar u mmarkat C fuq pjanta P.D. 2017_0077. shown edged in red and marked C on plan P.D. 2017_0077.
L-offerti gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall- Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
ammont ta 10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers
tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta tnejn u erbgin below the amount of forty two thousand Euro (42,000)
elf ewro (42,000) ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Dan it-tender hu will not be considered. This tender is subject to a right of
suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. first refusal.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 7. Bejg ta sit fi Triq il-Marrubja kantuniera *Advt No. 7. Sale of a site in Triq il-Marrubja corner with
ma Triq Xet il-Forom, I-ejtun, muri bl-amar fuq pjanta Triq Xet il-Forom, ejtun, shown edged in red on plan P.D.
P.D. 7_80_83_1. Dan is-sit hu suett gal servitu ta aess 7_80_83_1. This site is subject to access servitude in favour
a favur tal-proprjeta adjaenti. L-offerti gandhom ikunu of adjacent property. Tenders are to be accompanied by a
akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall-ammont ta 3,000 skont Bid-Bond for an amount of 3,000 as stipulated in the tender
kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill- conditions. Offers below the amount of seven thousand Euro
ammont ta sebat elef ewro (7,000) ma jiux ikkunsidrati. (7,000) will not be considered. This tender is subject to a
Dan it-tender hu suett gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. right of first refusal.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,591

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 8. Kiri, tale quale, tal-Garaxx Nru. 2 fWesga *Advt No. 8. Lease, tale quale, of Garage No. 2 at Wesgha
Agostino Savell, Ta Giorni, San iljan, muri bl-amar fuq Agostino Savell, Ta Giorni, San iljan, shown edged in red on
pjanta P.D.2011_689. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta tmien plan P.D.2011_689. Offers below the amount of eight hundred
mija u amsin ewro (850) fis-sena ma jiux ikkunsidrati. and fifty Euro (850) per annum will not be considered.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document

*Avvi Nru. 9. Kiri tal-anut Nru. 26 Triq Santa Luija, Il- *Advt No. 9. Lease of Shop No. 26 Triq Santa Luija,
Belt Valletta, muri bl-amar fuq pjanta P.D.JO_15_2007_A. Valletta, shown edged in red on plan P.D.JO_15_2007_A.
Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta erbat elef u ames mitt ewro Offers below the amount of four thousand five hundred Euro
(4,500) fis-sena ma jiux ikkunsidrati. (4,500) per annum will not be considered.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 10. Kiri, minn sena gal sena, gal skop *Advt No. 10. Lease, on a year to year basis, for agricultural
ta agrikultura, ta sit fil-Wied ta Santa Marija, Ta- purposes, of a site in Wied ta Santa Marija, Ta-ellieqa,
ellieqa, limiti ta al Gargur muri bl-amar fuq pjanta limits of Gharghur, shown edged in red on plan P.D. 2013_402.
P.D.2013_402. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta tliet elef tmien Offers below the amount of three thousand eight hundred and
mija u amsin ewro (3,850) fis-sena ma jiux ikkunsidrati. fifty Euro (3,850) per annum will not be considered.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvi Nru. 11. Kiri, tale quale u fl-istat li jinsab fih, tal- *Advt No. 11. Lease, tale quale and in its present state,
Garaxx Nru. 9 fi Triq al Farru, al Farru, limiti ta al of Garage No. 9 at Triq al Farru, al Farru, limits of
Luqa, muri bl-amar fuq pjanta P.D.2014_136. Offerti anqas Luqa, shown edged in red on plan P.D. 2014_136. Offers
mill-ammont ta seba mitt ewro (700) fis-sena ma jiux below the amount of seven hundred Euro (700) per annum
ikkunsidrati. will not be considered.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 10 gal kull kopja tad-dokument A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender
tal-offerta. document.

*Avvii li qegdin jidhru gall-ewwel darba *Advertisements appearing for the first time

L-offerti gandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta, Tenders should be made only on the prescribed form,
li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relevanti u dokumenti ora which, together with the relevant conditions and other
jistgu jinkisbu mill-Awtorit tal-Artijiet, Bera tal-Baviera, documents are obtainable from the Lands Authority, Auberge
Il-Belt Valletta, fkull urnata tax-xogol bejn it- 8.30 a.m. de Baviere, Valletta on any working day between 8.30 a.m.
u n-11.45 a.m. and 11.45 a.m.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Breferenza gall-offerta elettronika CFT 021-6677/17. With reference to the electronic tender CFT 021-6677/17
Offerta gall-provvista ta Carbimazole 5mg tablets u CFT Tender for the supply of Carbimazole 5mg tablets and
021-6676/17. Offerta gall-provvista ta Human Tetanus CFT 021-6676/17 Tender for the supply of Human Tetanus
Immunoglobulin, ippubblikata fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern tas- Immunoglobulin, published in the Government Gazette
7 ta Settembru, 2017, id-data tal-geluq iet estia gat- dated 7th September, 2017, the closing date has been
Tlieta, it-3 ta Ottubru, 2017. extended to Tuesday, 3rd October, 2017.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,592 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864


Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti), fil-Ministeru gas- The CEO (Procurement and Supplies), in the Ministry for
Saa jgarraf illi: Health notifies that:

Jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet elettronii rigward l-avvi Electronic quotations in respect of the following
li ej sad-9.30 a.m. tal-amis, it-28 ta Settembru, 2017. notice will be received up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 28th
L-offerti gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq (www. September, 2017. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY
etenders.gov.mt) gall-provvista ta: online on (www.etenders.gov.mt) for the supply of:

CFQ 009-6066/17 (CPSU0691/17). Pressure Gauges CFQ 009-6066/17 (CPSU0691/17). Pressure Gauges
(Proedura Aellerata) (Accelerated Procedure)

Dan id-dokument tal-kwotazzjoni huwa mingajr las. This quotation document is free of charge.

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvi li ej sal- Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will
11.00 a.m. tal-imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017. L-offerti be received up to 11.00 a.m. on Friday, 29th September,
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders.gov. 2017. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www.
mt) gall-provvista ta: etenders.gov.mt) for the supply of:

CFT 022-6030/17. ob CFT 022-6030/17. Bread

Dan id-dokument tal-offerta huwa mingajr las. This tender document is free of charge.

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvii li ejjin Electronic tenders in respect of the following notices
sad-9.30 a.m. tal-amis, il-5 ta Ottubru, 2017. L-offerti will be received up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 5th October,
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders.gov. 2017. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www.
mt) gall-provvista ta: etenders.gov.mt) for the supply of:

CFT 020-6694/17. Nasopharyngeal airways and angled CFT 020-6694/17. Nasopharyngeal airways and angled
connectors connectors
CFT 020-6701/17. Primary infusion sets for use with CFT 020-6701/17. Primary infusion sets for use with
alaris GW pumps alaris GW pumps
CFT 020-6702/17. Items for use in anaesthesia CFT 020-6702/17. Items for use in anaesthesia
CFT 020-6703/17. Paediatric central venous cathster sets CFT 020-6703/17. Paediatric central venous cathster sets
single, double and triple lumen single, double and triple lumen
CFT 020-6704/17. Sterile peripheral long line catheters CFT 020-6704/17. Sterile peripheral long line catheters
sizes 24G (2Fr) & 28G (1Fr) sizes 24G (2Fr) & 28G (1Fr)
CFT 020-6705/17. High torque wires CFT 020-6705/17. High torque wires
CFT 020-6706/17. Items for ENT CFT 020-6706/17. Items for ENT
CFT 021-6696/17. Antacid chewable tablets CFT 021-6696/17. Antacid chewable tablets
CFT 021-6697/17. Cyclizine 50mg injections CFT 021-6697/17. Cyclizine 50mg injections
CFT 021-6698/17. Sodium chloride 0.9% x100-500ml CFT 021-6698/17. Sodium chloride 0.9% x100-500ml
solution for irrigation solution for irrigation
CFT 021-6699/17. Acetylcysteine 2g injections CFT 021-6699/17. Acetylcysteine 2g injections
CFT 021-6700/17. Diaoxin antibodies CFT 021-6700/17. Diaoxin antibodies
CFT 021-6707/17. Fludarabine 50mg vials CFT 021-6707/17. Fludarabine 50mg vials
CFT 021-6708/17. Docetaxel vials Lot 1: 80mg and lot CFT 021-6708/17. Docetaxel vials Lot 1: 80mg and lot
2: 20mg injections 2: 20mg injections
CFT 021-6709/17. Cytosine arabinoside preperations CFT 021-6709/17. Cytosine arabinoside preperations

Dawn id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma mingajr las. These tender documents are free of charge.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,593

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvi li ej sal- Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice
10.30 a.m. tal-imga, is-6 ta Ottubru, 2017. L-offerti will be received up to 10.30 a.m. on Friday, 6th October,
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders. 2017. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www.
gov.mt) gall-: etenders.gov.mt) for:

CFT 015-6013/17 (CPSU 0873/17). Kiri ta vettura CFT 015-6013/17 (CPSU 0873/17). Leasing of a low
bemissjonijiet baxxi gall-Ministeru gas-Saa. emission vehicle to the Ministry Health.

Dan id-dokument tal-offerta huwa mingajr las. This tender document is free of charge.

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvi li ej Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will
sad-9.30 a.m. tal-amis, it-12 ta Ottubru, 2017. L-offerti be received up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 12th October,
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders.gov. 2017. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www.
mt) gall-provvista ta: etenders.gov.mt) for the supply of:

CFT 009-6060/17 (CPSU 0387/17). Upholstery CFT 009-6060/17 (CPSU 0387/17). Environmentally
replacement li ma jagmlux sara l-ambjent fuq diversi tipi friendly upholstery replacement on various types of chairs at
ta siijiet fl-Isptar Mater Dei. Mater Dei Hospital

Dan id-dokument tal-offerta huwa mingajr las. This tender document is free of charge.

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet/offerti jinkisbu biss Quotation/tender documents are only obtainable from
mill-Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. the Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders.
gov.mt). Ir-reistrazzjoni hija metiea sabiex ikun jista gov.mt). Registration is required in order to make use of this
jintua s-sit elettroniku. Operaturi ekonomii Maltin gandu website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
jkollhom l-e-ID tal-organizzazzjoni taghom sabiex ikunu of their organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
jistgu jidlu fdan is-sit elettroniku. Aktar tagrif jinkiseb More information is available from the FAQ section of the
mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit. same website.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u l-iskedar tal- The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
kwotazzjonijiet/offerti fil-inijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn fuq. of quotations/tender at the times and dates specified above.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti), fil-Ministeru gas- The CEO (Procurement and Supplies), in the Ministry
Saa jgarraf illi: for Health notifies that:

Talbiet gall-Parteipazzjoni (RFP) rigward l-offerta li Requests for Participation (RFP) in respect of the
ejja jintlaqgu sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-imga, id-29 ta following notice will be received up to 10.00 a.m. of Friday,
Settembru, 2017. It-Talbiet gall-Parteipazzjoni gandhom 29th September, 2017. Requests for Participation are to be
jintbagtu BISS online bl-email (negotiation.cpsu@gov.mt). submitted ONLY via email (negotiation.cpsu@gov.mt).

RFP Nru. 021-14019/17. Bevacizumab 25mg/ml RFP No. 021-14019/17. Bevacizumab 25mg/ml

Talbiet gall-Parteipazzjoni (RFP) rigward l-offerta li Requests for Participation (RFP) in respect of the
ejja jintlaqgu sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-imga, is-6 ta following notice will be received up to 10.00 a.m. of Friday,
Ottubru, 2017. It-Talbiet gall-Parteipazzjoni gandhom 6th October, 2017. Requests for Participation are to be
jintbagtu BISS online bl-email (negotiation.cpsu@gov.mt). submitted ONLY via email (negotiation.cpsu@gov.mt).

RFP Nru. 021-14018/17. Lamotrigine tablets. RFP No. 021-14018/17. Lamotrigine tablets.

Is-Central Procurement and Supplies Unit Requests The Central Procurement and Supplies Unit Requests
for Participation jistgu jitnilu minn (https:// for Participation can be downloaded from (https://
deputyprimeminister.gov.mt/en/cpsu/Pages/Procurment/ deputyprimeminister.gov.mt/en/cpsu/Pages/Procurment/
Published-Calls.aspx). Published-Calls.aspx).

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

10,594 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Transport Malta Transport Malta

Transport Malta tgarraf li: Transport Malta notifies that:

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, id-19 ta Settembru, 2017, Electronic quotations will be received up to 9.30 a.m.
jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet elettronii gal: of Tuesday, 19th September, 2017, for:

Kwot. Nru. TM_Kwot038/2017. Irmunkar ta bastiment Quot. No. TM_Quot038/2017. Towing of vessel Capitan
Capitan San Marco mill-Port ta Marsaxlokk gall-Port il- San Marco from Marsaxlokk Port to Grand Harbour and
Kbir u rfig ta bastiment fuq l-art fi Flagstone Wharf. lifting of vessel on the hard at Flagstone Wharf.

Din il-parteipazzjoni hija mingajr las. Participation is free of charge.

L-offerti gandhom jintefgu online BISS fuq Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on
(http://www.etenders.gov.mt). (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Gandha ssir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu min dan is-sit. Registration is required in order to make use of this
Operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetieg ikollhom l-Organisation website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
e-ID biex jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
tinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit. More information is available from the FAQ section of the
same website.

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex Economic operators interested in participating in these
jipparteipaw fdin is-seja gal kwotazzjoni huma mea calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
jiedu nota gall-workshop organizzat mid-Dipartiment tal- being organised by the Department of Contracts. During
Kuntratti fejn se jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
kif gandhom jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-kwotazzjonijiet Economic Operators familiarise themselves with compiling
taghom online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument and submitting their tender online. More information is
tal-offerta. available in the tender document.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Transport Malta Transport Malta

Transport Malta tgarraf li: Transport Malta notifies that:

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-3 ta Ottubru, 2017, Electronic tenders will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of
jintlaqgu offerti elettronii gal: Tuesday, 3rd October, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. TM046/2017. Provvista u konsenja ta CISCO Advt No. TM046/2017. Supply, delivery of CISCO
network switches gall-Uffiji l-odda ta Transport Malta. network switches at Transport Malta new offices.

Din il-parteipazzjoni hija mingajr las. Participation is free of charge.

L-offerti gandhom jintefgu online BISS fuq Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on
(http://www.etenders.gov.mt). (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Gandha ssir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu min dan is-sit. Registration is required in order to make use of this
Operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetieg ikollhom l-Organisation website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
e-ID biex jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
tinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit. More information is available from the FAQ section of the
same website.
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,595

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex Economic operators interested in participating in these
jipparteipaw fdin is-seja gal kwotazzjoni huma mea calls for quotations are urged to take note of the workshops
jiedu nota gall-workshop organizzat mid-Dipartiment tal- being organised by the Department of Contracts. During
Kuntratti fejn se jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
kif gandhom jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-kwotazzjonijiet Economic Operators familiarise themselves with compiling
taghom online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument and submitting their quotation online. More information is
tal-offerta. available in the tender document.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Transport Malta Transport Malta

Transport Malta tgarraf li: Transport Malta notifies that:

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, it-3 ta Ottubru, 2017, Electronic tenders will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of
jintlaqgu offerti elettronii gal: Tuesday, 3rd October, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. TM071/2017. Disinn, provvista, installazzjoni, Advt No. TM071/2017. Design, supply, installation,
ittestjar u kkummisjonar ta movable pedestrain bridges gall- testing and commisioning of movable pedestrain bridges
ferry landing place ta Marsamxett li jinkludi decking li ma at Marsamxett ferry landing place which includes an
jagmilx sara l-ambjent. environmentally friendly decking.

Din il-parteipazzjoni hija mingajr las. Participation is free of charge.

L-offerti gandhom jintefgu online BISS fuq Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on
(http://www.etenders.gov.mt). (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).

Gandha ssir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu min dan is-sit. Registration is required in order to make use of this
Operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetieg ikollhom l-Organisation website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
e-ID biex jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
tinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit. More information is available from the FAQ section of the
same website.

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex Economic operators interested in participating in these
jipparteipaw fdin is-seja gal kwotazzjoni huma mea calls for quotations are urged to take note of the workshops
jiedu nota gall-workshop organizzat mid-Dipartiment tal- being organised by the Department of Contracts. During
Kuntratti fejn se jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
kif gandhom jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-kwotazzjonijiet Economic Operators familiarise themselves with compiling
taghom online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument and submitting their quotation online. More information is
tal-offerta. available in the tender document.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

Programm Operattiv I Fondi Strutturali u ta Investiment Ewropej 2014-2020

It-trawwim ta ekonomija kompetittiva u sostenibbli li tilqa l-isfidi tagna
Proett li jista jkun parzjalment finanzjat
mill-Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali (FER)
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 80% Fondi mill-UE; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali

Operational Programme I European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020

Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges
Project may be part-financed
by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing rate: 80% EU funds, 20% National funds
10,596 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864


Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Gira jgarraf illi: The Gira Local Council notifies that:

Sad-9.30 a.m. (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il- Tenders will be received through e-PPS up to 9.30 a.m.
imga, id-29 ta Settembru, 2017, permezz tal-e-PPS (Central European Time) of Friday, 29th September,
jintlaqgu offerti gal: 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. GLC21/LIT01/2017. Xiri ta reipjenti gall- Advt No. GLC21/LIT01/2017. Purchase of litter and doggy
iskart u doggy bins gall-Kunsill Lokali l-Gira. bins for the Gira Local Council.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla las u jiu mnila Tender documents are free of charge and may be
mill-e-PPS fuq (www.etenders.gov.mt). downloaded from the e-PPS at (www.etenders.gov.mt).

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgu fuq is- Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will
sit elettroniku u tista tarahom jew tniilhom mill-istess sit. be available to view and download from this same website.

Sottomissjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiux ikkunsidrati. Late submissions will not be considered.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017


Il-Kunsill Lokali Birebbua jgarraf illi: The Birebbua Local Council notifies that:

Jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet mill-Kunsill Lokali Quotations will be received at the Birebbua Local
Birebbua permezz tal-e-PPS sad-9.30 a.m. ta nhar it- Council through e-PPS, up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 25th
Tnejn, il-25 ta Settembru, 2017, gal: September, 2017, for:

Provvista ta bike racks. Supply of bike racks.

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjoni huma bla las u jiu Quotation documents are free of charge and are to be
miksuba/imnila u milquga BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the
(www.etenders.gov.mt). e-tenders website on (www.etenders.gov.mt).

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgu fuq Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will
is-sit elettroniku u wieed jista jarahom jew iniilhom be uploaded and available to view and download from this
mill-istess sit. same website.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer,
anke l-aktar wada vantaua. even the most advantageous.

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 15th September, 2017

AvviI tal-Qorti Court NoticeS


Permezz ta digriet mogti fid-29 ta Awwissu 2017 fl- It is hereby being notified that by means of a decree of the
atti tal-ittra uffijali numru 2624/2017, fl-ismijiet Alexander 29th August 2017, in the records of the judicial letter number
Vella vs Justin Lapira , mill-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ordnat is- 2624/2017, in the names Alexander Vella vs Justin Lapira, the
segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika fil-konfront First Hall of the Civil Courts ordered the following publication
tal-intimat Justin Lapira a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) tal-Kap. for the purpose of effecting service on the respondent Justin
12. Lapira in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.

Fil-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ivili In the First Hall of the Civil Courts

Illum 21 ta Lulju 2017 Today 21st July 2017

Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,597

Lil Justin Lapira (KI 461682M) ta Panarea, Triq Frans To Justin Lapira (ID 461682M) of Panarea, Triq Frans
Minuti, Xgajra, Malta. Minuti, Xgajra, Malta.

Permezz tal-preenti Alexander Vella ta Blue Waters By means of this present Alexander Vella of Blue Waters,
Blk B, Flat 9, Triq Piscopo Macedonia, San Pawl il-Baar Blk B, Flat 9, Triq Piscopo Macedonia, San Pawl il-Baar
jagmel referenza gall-inident illi se fit-22 ta Awwissu makes reference to the accident which occurred on the 22nd
2015 fl-akkwati tal-Crystal Lagoon fKemmuna gal abta August 2015 in the vicinity of Crystal Lagoon in Comino at
tas-sagtejn ta wara nofsinhar. about two in the afternoon.

Illi Justin Lapira kien qieged isuq bastiment gir That Justin Lapira was driving a small boat known as
magruf bala jetski meta dan baqa gaddej gal fuq jetski when he passed over on the interpellant, whilst the
il-mittent, waqt li l-istess mittent kien qieged jgum fis- same interpellant was swimming in the swimming zone
swimming zone tal-Crystal Lagoon. Illi bkonsegwenza ta at Crystal Lagoon. As a consequence of this accident, the
dan l-inident, il-mittent kellu jii ospitalizzat u sofra riei interpellant was hospitalised and suffered grievous and
gravi u permanenti fwiu, fgonqu u fi spaltu. permanent injuries to his face, neck and shoulder.

Din l-ittra uffijali qiegda tintagat lilek gall-finijiet This judicial letter is being sent for all the purposes and
u l-effetti kollha tal-lii, inklua l-interruzzjoni ta kull effects of law, including the interruption of each term of
terminu ta preskrizzjoni skont il-porvvedimenti tal-Artikolu prescription according to the proviso of Article 2128 of the
2128 ta Kodii ivili (Kap. sittax (16) tal-Liijiet ta Malta) Civil Code (Cap. 16 of the Laws of Malta) the interpellent
il-mittenti qieged fi-irkostanzi jinterpellak sabiex min- is in the circumstances soliciting you so that from the
notifika lilek ta dan l-att, inti tersaq gall-likwidazzjoni tad- notification of this act you come forward for the liquidation
danni subiti mill-mittent Vella. of damages suffered by the interpellant.

Fin-nuqqas, il-mittent sejjer jipproedi ulterjorment In default, the interpellant will proceed further against
kontrik skont il-lii u dan mingajr ebda pre-Avvi ieor. you according to law and this without any further notice.

Tant biex tagraf timxi u tevita spejje ulterjuri. So much so you may know to proceed and to avoid
further costs.

Bl-ispejje. With costs.

Reistru tal-Qorti Superjuri , illum 12 ta Settembru, Registry of the Superior Courts today 12th September,
2017 2017.

Alexandra Debattista Alexandra Debattista

Gar-Reistratur tal-Qrati ivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Bdigriet mogti mill-Qorti ivili (Sezzjoni Familja) By means of a decree given by the Civil Courts (Family
fl-atti tar-Rikors, fl-ismijiet Cutajar Mary vs Calleja Section) in the records of the Application in the names
Carmelo, Rikors numru 127/17 AL, iet ordnata s-segwenti Cutajar Mary vs Calleja Carmelo, Application number
pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika fil-konfront tal- 127/17 AL, the following publication was ordered for the
intimat Carmelo Calleja, a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et. purpose of service of the respondent Carmelo Calleja, in
sequitur tal-Kap. 12. terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

Permezz ta Rikors, ippreentat, fil-Qorti ivili (Sezzjoni By means of an Application, presented, in the Civil
Familja) fl-ismijiet Mary Cutajar (miewa Calleja)(ID Court (Family Section) in the names Mary Cutajar (married
572862M) vs Carmelo Calleja (ID 67663M)fit-30 ta Marzu Calleja) (ID 572862M) vs Carmelo Calleja (ID 67663M) on
2017, ir-rikorrenti Mary Cutajar talbet lil din l-Onorabbli the 30th March 2017, the applicant Mary Cutajar asked this
Qorti prevja kull dikjarazzjoni neessarja; Honourable Court saving any necessary declaration;
1. Tippronunzja d-divorzju bejn il-kontendenti u tilqa 1. To pronounce the divorce between the parties and
t-talbiet l-ora fir-rikors. uphold the other demands in the application .

Rikorrenti: Block B1, Flat 1, Triq is-Sifa, Melliea. Applicant: Block B1, Flat 1, Triq is-Sifa, Melliea.

Intimat: 151, St. Rocco Street, Bkara. Respondent: 151, St. Rocco Street, Bkara.
10,598 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864

Ir-Rikors fl-ismijiet Cutajar Mary vs Calleja Carmelo, The Application in the names Cutajar Mary vs Calleja
Rikors numru 127/17 AL, jinsab differit gas-smig gall- Carmelo, Application number 127/17 AL, has been deferred
Erbga 25 ta Ottubru 2017, fid- 9.15 a.m. for hearing to Wednesday 25th October 2017, at 9.15 a.m.

Reistru tal-Qrati ivili (Sezzjoni tal-Familja) illum 12 Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section) today 12 th
ta Settembru 2017. September 2017.

Av. Frank Portelli, LLD Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD.

Gar-Reistratur, Qrati ivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tat-28 ta April By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 28th
2017, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn April 2017, the publication of the following extract was
tat gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) tal- ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3)
Kodii ta Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12). of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap 12).

Go plc (C22334) ta Fra Diego Street, Marsa, MRS Go plc (C22334) of Fra Diego Street, Marsa, MRS 1501,
1501, ippreentaw Talba, fl-24 ta April 2017, fejn talbu lit- filed a Claim on the 24th April 2017 whereby they asked the
Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Varda Gude (KI 647254M) Tribunal to condemn Varda Gude (ID 647254M) of Victoria,
ta Victoria, Flat 5, Triq Testaferrata, Ta Xbiex, sabiex Flat 5, Triq Testaferrata, Ta Xbiex, to pay the plaintiff
tallas lis-sojet attrii s-somma ta 780.49 liema ammont company the sum of 780.49 which amount is due to the
huwa dovut lis-sojet attrii. plaintiff company.

Bl-ispejje u bl-imgaxijiet legali. With costs and legal interests.

Il-kawa (Avvi Nru 219/17CZ) hija differita gas-27 ta The case (Claim Number 219/17CZ) is deferred on the
Settembru 2017 fil-12.15p.m. 27th September 2017 at 12.15p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti Maistrati (Malta) illum 13 ta Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) today 13th
Settembru 2017. September 2017.

Alexandra Debattista Alexandra Debattista

Gar-Reistratur, Qrati ivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals.


Bdan l-Avvi ikun magruf illi brikors ippreentat fil- By means of an application filed in Civil Court of
Qorti Sezzjoni ta urisdizzjoni Volontarja fid-19 ta unju Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 19th June 2017,
2017, Rikors Numru 774/2017, minn Raymond Micallef, Application number 774/2017 by Raymond Micallef,
Vincent Micallef u Marlene Inguanez, fejn Spiridiona Vincent Micallef and Marlene Inguanez, whereby Spiridiona
Micallef, armla minn Carmelo, bint Lawrence Borg u Ganna Micallef, widow of Carmelo, daughter of Lawrence Borg and
ne Muscat, imwielda Birkirkara fl-14 ta Ottubru 1928 u Ganna ne Muscat, born in Birkirkara on the 14th October
residenti Birkirkara ta 88 sena li gandha l-Karta tal-Identit 1928 and residing in Birkirkara aged 88 holding identity
bin-numru 0614328(M), iet interdetta permezz ta digriet number 06142328(M) was interdicted by means of a decree
mogti fil-31 ta Awwissu 2017. given on the 31st August 2017.

Reistru tal-Qorti ivili (Sezzjoni ta urisdizzjoni Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction
Volontarja) Section)

Illum 13 ta Settembru 2017 Today 13th September 2017

Alexandra Debattista Alexandra Debattista

Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali For the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals

Bdigriet tat-Tribunal gal Talbiet gar, tat-23 ta Frar By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of 23rd
2017, iet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn February 2017, the publication of the following extract was
Il-15 ta Settembru, 2017 10,599

tat gall-finijiet ta notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(5) tal- ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(5)
Kodii ta Organizzazzjoni u Proedura ivili (Kap. 12). of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap 12).

Concorde International Freight Forwarders Limited (C Concorde International Freight Forwarders Limited (C
11393) ta Contir House, Galleon Street, Marsa, ippreentaw 11393) of Contir House, Galleon Street, Marsa, filed a Claim
Talba, fl-20 ta Diembru 2016, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex on the 20th December 2016 whereby they asked the Tribunal
jikkundanna lil Unique Imports Limited (C-52991) ta to condemn Unique Imports Limited (C-52991) of Unique,
Unique, Sir George Borg Street, Sliema, sabiex tallas lis- Sir George Borg Street, Sliema , to pay the plaintiff company
sojet attrii s-somma ta 1,577.95 liema ammont huwa the sum of 1, 577.95 which amount is due to the plaintiff
dovut lis-sojet attrii. company.

Il-kawa (Avvi Nru 598/16CZ) hija differita gas-27 ta The case (Claim Number 598/16CZ) is deferred on the
Settembru 2017 fin-12.05p.m. 27th September 2017 at 12.05p.m.

Reistru tal-Qorti Maistrati (Malta) illum 13 ta Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) today 13th
Settembru 2017. September 2017.

Alexandra Debattista Alexandra Debattista

Gar-Reistratur, Qrati ivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals.


Bdan l-Avvi ikun magruf illi brikors ippreentat By means of an application filed in Civil Court of
fil-Qorti Sezzjoni ta urisdizzjoni Volontarja fit-28 ta Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 28th March 2017,
Marzu 2017, Rikors Numru 426/2017, minn Mark Anthony Application number 426/2017 by Mark Anthony Bonavage
Bonavage u Michael Bonavage, fejn Maria sive Marlyn and Michael Bonavage, whereby Marlyn Bonavage, daughter
Bonavage, bint il-mejtin Giuseppe Mizzi u Giuseppa ne of the late Giuseppe Mizzi and Giuseppa ne Fenech, born
Fenech, imwielda Valletta fis-16 ta Jannar 1927 u residenti in Valletta on the 16th January 1927 and residing at Saint
San Vinenz de Paul, Luqa ta 90 sena li gandha l-Karta Vincent de Paule Luqa aged 90 holding identity number
tal-Identit bin-numru 73827(M), iet interdetta permezz ta 73827(M) was interdicted by means of a decree given on the
digriet mogti fil-31 ta Awwissu 2017. 31st August 2017.

Reistru tal-Qorti ivili (Sezzjoni ta urisdizzjoni Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction
Volontarja) Section)

Illum 13 ta Settembru 2017 Today 13th September 2017

Alexandra Debattista Alexandra Debattista

Gar-Reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali For the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals


Bdigriet tal-31 tAwwissu, 2017, mogti mill-PrimAwla By a decree given on the 31st August, 2017 by the Civil
tal-Qorti ivili, dina l-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal- Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder
estratt li jidher hawn tat biex iservi ta notifiki skont mentioned be published for the purpose of service according
l-artiklu 187 (3) tal-Kodii tal-Proedura u Organizzazzjoni to Article 187 (3) of the Code of Organization and Civil
ivili (Kap. 12). Procedure (Cap. 12).

Illi brikors prezentat minn Mark Gaffarena et fl-14 ta That by an application filed by Mark Gaffarena et on
unju, 2017, qed jintalab l-ibank fl-ammont ta 22,211.67 the 14th June, 2017, is asking for the withdrawal of the
depoitat bedola numru 811/17 depoitat minn Mark amount of 22,211.67 deposited by Schedule of Deposit
Gaffarena et wara l-bejg bl-irkant numru 58/10. Il-Qorti number 811/17, lodged by Mark Gaffarena et after the sale
ordnat in-notifika ta dan ir-rikors berbat ijiem mien gar- by auction 58/10. The Court ordered the notification of this
risposta. application with a four day period to file a reply.

Reistru tal-Qorti PrimAwla, illum l-Erbga, 13 ta Registry of the Civil Court First Hall, this Wednesday,
Settembru, 2017. 13th September, 2017.


Gar-Reistratur, Qrati ivili u Tribunali For The Registrar, Civil Courts And Tribunals
10,600 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,864



IKUN JAF KULADD illi bdigriet mogti fit-8 ta IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 08th
Settembru, 2017 mill-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta) bala September, 2017 given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta)
Qorti Struttorja (Magistrat Dr Joseph Mifsud LLD) as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Joseph
Kumpilazzjoni numru 385/2017 fil-kawa fl-ismijiet: Mifsud LL.D) Compilation Number 385/2017 in the case:

Il-Pulizija (Spettur Frank Anthony Tabone) The Police (Inspector Frank Anthony Tabone)
Kontra Versus:

MICHAEL AQUILINA, ta 44 sena, diokkuppat, iben MICHAEL AQUILINA, 44 years, unemployed, son
il-mejjet Andrew u Bernarda xebba Briffa, imwieled Piet of the late Andrew and Bernarda ne Briffa, born in Piet
Malta fl-4 ta Diembru 1972, residenti fil-fond bin-numru Malta on the 4th December 1972, residing at number 42,
42, Gaf Court, Flat 5, Triq Gaf, Mosta Malta u detentur Gaf Court, Gaf Street, Mosta Malta and holder of Maltese
tal-Karta tal-Identit Maltija bin-numru 534372(M); U Identity Card bearing number 534372(M); AND

GRETA GRASSI, ta 22 sena, diokkuppata, bint GRETA GRASSI, 22 years, unemployed, daughter of
Salvatore u Carla xebba Schiavone, imwielda Milan, Italja Salvatore and Carla ne Schiavone, born in Milan, Italy on
fl-01 ta Marzu 1995, residenti fil-fond Hillside, Appartment the 01st March 1995, residing at Hillside, Appartment 5,
5, Triq il-iebja, Swieqi Malta u detentrii tal-Karta tal- iebja Street, Swieqi, Malta and holder of Maltese Identity
Identit Maltija bin-numru 69635A u detentrii tal-Karta tal- Card bearing number 69635A and holder of Italian Identity
Identit Taljana bin-numru AR0501660. Card bearing number AR0501660.

ORDNAT is-sekwestru fidejn terzi persuni bmod ORDERED the attachment in the hands of third parties
enerali, tal-flejjes u l-proprjet mobbli kollha li huma in general of all monies and other movable property due
dovuti lil jew imissu lil MICHAEL AQUILINA u GRETA to or pertaining or belonging to MICHAEL AQUILINA
GRASSI , jew li huma proprjet taghom u pprojbiethom and GRETA GRASSI and prohibits the said accused from
milli jittrasferixxu, jagtu brahan, jipotekaw jew xortora transferring, pledging, hypothecating or otherwise disposing
jiddisponu minn xi proprjet mobbli jew immobbli, ai termini of any movable or immovable property and this according
tal-Artikolu 5 tal-Att kontra l-Money Laundering, Kapitlu to Article 5 of Cap. 373 of the Money Laundering Act of
373 tal-Liijiet ta Malta, ai termini tal-Artikolu 22A tal- the Laws of Malta, of Section 22A of the Dangerous Drugs
Ordinanza dwar il-Mediini Perikoluzi, Kap. 101 tal-Liijiet Ordinance, Cap. 101 of the Laws of Malta in accordance
ta Malta u l-Artikolu 23A tal-Kapitlu 9 tal-Liijiet ta Malta. with Article 23A of Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta.

Il-Qorti AWTORIZZAT lill-imsemmija akkuati jibqgu The Court AUTHORIZED the said accused to continue
jirievu bala salarju u/jew benefiji sojali li attwalment to receive as salary and/or social benefits which actually
qed jirievu sal-ammont li ma jeediex it-tlettax-il elf, disa he/she are receiving for the amount that does not exceed
mija u sitta u sebgin Ewro u erbga u goxrin entemu thirteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six Euros and
(13,976.24c) fis-sena. twenty-four cents (13,976.24c) per year.

Kull persuna li tagmel xi aa bi ksur tal-ordni tal-Qorti Any person who acts in contravention of the court order
msemmi fl-artikolu 22A tkun atja ta reat u teel meta tinsab mentioned in Section 22A referred to above shall be guilty of
atja multa ta mhux ijed minn dax-il elf, sitt mija u sitta an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa)
u erbgin ewro u sebga u tmenin entemu (11,646.87) jew not exceeding eleven thousand and six hundred and forty-six
priunerija gal mien ta mhux ijed minn tnax-il xahar, euro and eighty-seven cents (11,646.87), or to imprisonment
jew dik il-multa u priunerija flimkien. for a period not exceeding twelve months, or to both such
fine and imprisonment.

Kull trasferiment ieor jew tneija ora ta proprjet Any transfer or other disposal of any immovable property
immobbli li jsiru bi ksur ta dik l-ordni tal-Qorti jkunu nulli made in contravention of the said Court order shall be null
u ma jkollhom ebda effett fil-lii. and without effect at law.

Illum, 12 ta Settembru, 2017 Today, 12th September, 2017

Reistru tal-Qrati ta urisdizzjoni Kriminali (Malta) Registry of the Courts of Criminal Judicature (Malta)

Dr John Seychell Navarro Dr John Seychell Navarro

Dip.Hlth Science, Dip Mgmt Stud, Dip.Not. Dip.Hlth.Science, Dip Mgmt Stud, Dip.Not.
Pub., LLB, LL.D Pub.,LLB, LL.D
Assistent Reistratur Assistant Registrar
Qrati u Tribunali Kriminali Criminal Courts and Criminal Tribunals
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni (doi.gov.mt) Valletta Published by the Department of Information (doi.gov.mt) Valletta
Mitbug fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC certified paper

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