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Lesson Plan

Date, time & Subject / Topic Curriculum Links Class / Set Room/Lab Total No. of
period Students
Monday 24/4/17 Using TextWindow 8.3 First Steps in Small Basic 8
P4 13:30 14:30

Pre Lesson preparation

Check AB Tutor is working and take control of all screens before pupils enter. Check IWB alignment and have small basic program open. Make 33 copies of
any worksheets.

Prior learning / Assessment to inform planning (Please also refer to class list and seating plan)
What happened in the last lesson to inform your planning? How has data for this group informed your planning to accommodate the needs and abilities of all of your learners?
This is the fourth lesson in SmallBasic. The first two lessons were spent on using the Graphics window and creating different sided polygons. Pupils were
introduced to variables and basic syntax. In the last lesson, pupils did the etch a sketch activity, where they learned how to control their programs using

Lesson Aim: (What do you want the pupils to achieve in broad terms?)
For example to be able to understand be able create
To be able to use the TextWindow object in SmallBasic and understand how data is stored into variables and then reused.

Learning Objective: (What are the pupils in the room to learn? make this an open, non-task based statement)
To Learn (about / how/ why/ when/ what happens when ..../ if etc.)
To learn how to use TextWindow to output simple lines of text to the screen
To learn how to read user input, store it in a variable and re-use that data
To learn SmallBasic terminology, such as objects, properties and operations

Differentiated Learning Outcomes: Past tenses as looking for evidence they will have hopefully produced

By the end of this lesson pupils will have.

1. Understood SmallBasic terminology - specifically Objects, Properties and Operations, comments
2. Understood how to use TextWindow to output simple text to the screen
3. Understood why variables are needed in their programs

Key Vocabulary
Small Basic, Statements, TextWindow, Objects, Operations, Properties, Comments, Variables

Numeracy Literacy Focus TEL Focus Most Able SEND Focus Health & Safety Role of Other
Focus - Risk Adult(s)
Pupils can create Copying code Use of SmallBasic Challenge 6 SEN Departmental H&S none
programs to accurately, without worksheet policy, check all
calculate numbers making mistakes. Will be given pupils can see
and produce the individual support whiteboard, note
output in the and only expected windows, classroom
program to do the easier lights, ventilation,
challenges. tripping hazards,
correct seating
position for
computer use.

Cross Curricular links - PHSEE, Citizenship, Enterprise, Global News, Innovative ideas & Creative student opportunities

Time Link to Teacher Activity Learner Activity Assessment Resources
Learning Objective & Outcomes, Identify the techniques Strategies Used to e.g. TEL,
Outcome Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & used to differentiate Ensure Progress Other Adults,
number Consolidation for ALL Learners of All Learners Materials and
Pupils greeted at the door. Powerpoint loaded Pupils will guess what is an Question pupils on
13.30 LO1 showing learning objectives on all screens object, what is a property different lines of code
13.40 Greet class Good afternoon 8E2 Wait for reply and what is an operation. and ask them to explain
Ensure seating plan. it.
Ask pupils to keep planners on top of computers.
Monitor Health and safety issues
Unlock computers and allow pupils to log on whilst
taking register.
Remind pupils of how they made programs to draw
shapes in the previous lesson. Remind them of the
GraphicsWindow object. Introduce the TextWindow
object. Explain difference between objects, properties
and operations.

13.45 Explain the task

13.50 LO1, LO2 1. Pupils will work through the worksheet and
complete Activity 1 and 2 Worksheet 3:
The text window
13.50 - LO1, LO2 Assist pupils with problems. Explain to pupils how to Pupils will follow the
14.05 read the error codes and identify the lines of codes worksheet, copy the code,
that have errors. attempt the challenges and
attempt to fix any problems
with their code.
14.05 LO3 Explain the use of variables Pupils will identify variable Question pupils on
14:10 names for the questions on suitable variable names.
the board.
14.10 LO1, LO2, Pupils continue on the worksheet and try to finish off Pupils to tick the All pupils will have done
14.25 LO3 Activity 2 challenges theyve at least one activity, and
completed on their some will have been

worksheets and hand them expected to the
in once theyve finished. extension
14.25 LO3 Plenary Test students knowledge of variables

Home Learning (to enhance prior, existing or potential knowledge and skills)


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