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Student: Jam V.

Course: MAEd Mathematics
Subject: Human Resource Management
Professor: Dr. Linda Simon

Topic: CHAPTER 12- Employee Relations and Employee Discipline


Disciplinary actions are taken to remedy a problem and to help employees
achieve success in their work. The following are ways to handle misconduct and
violations by employees which are directly related to the performance of their
assigned duties.

A. Hot Stove Rule by Douglas McGregor

1. A warning system a good manager communicates the consequences
for undesirable behavior
2. An immediate burn if discipline is required, it must occur immediately
after the undesirable act is observed
3. Consistency any employee who performs the same undesirable act will
be disciplined similarly
4. Impersonal its not you, its your actions

B. Progressive Discipline
The goal is to build a discipline program that that progresses from less severe
to more severe in terms of punishment. Most employers apply this to entail
stronger penalties for repeated offenses. Its purpose is to instill in the
employee an opportunity for self-correction in order to avoid further

C. Positive/ Corrective Discipline

The goal of the advocates of this approach is to involve employee-employer
partnership in solving problem so problems do not occur again. The
discussion focuses on the problem and how it can be solved rather than on
who is to blame and why.

D. Negative Approach
This approach emphasizes the punitive effects of undesirable behavior.
However, it only motivates employees to achieve minimum acceptable
performance. Motivated by fear, they are motivated to just avoid failure and to
produce only minimum amount of work to avoid punishment.

E. Preventive Discipline
This approach encourages employees to follow standards and rules by letting
them know firsthand what the rules and regulations are.

F. Counseling Approach
The erring employee is counseled rather than progressively penalized. This
approach believes that employees can be constructively corrected without
First Offense- given a private discussion
Second Offense- entails a corrective approach
Third Offense- entails evaluation of the whole management schema,
focuses on fact-finding and guidance to encourage
desirable behavior instead of using penalties to discourage
undesirable behavior


A. Code of conduct- a handbook explaining what is expected and what is
C. Knowledge of Disciplinary Punishments- what penalties would occur with
certain offenses
D. Appeal Procedure-employees have the opportunity to voice out their side of
the story
E. Reservation of Right- includes a statement that the firm has the right to
modify the policy
F. Fair Discipline- discipline is applied consistently to all employees without any

The Disciplinary Process

1. Informal Talk applicable for minor misconduct

2. Verbal Warning- a comment to warn employees that certain acts are not
acceptable, letting them know what is expected of them

3. Verbal Reprimand
The supervisor informs the employee when situation is not acceptable,
encouraging the employee to be committed to improve, and discussions are
properly documented.

4. Written Reprimand
A written description of the problem and the disciplinary action, where the
supervisor prepares a written record that summarizes what has been said and
decided when the problem was is discussed to the employee. Both the
supervisor and the employee concerned should sign the reprimand.

5. Suspension
It is applied when employee fails to respond to the written reprimand and
persists in wrongdoing. The length of suspension should be considered in
light of the seriousness and type of offense.

6. Demotion
This step will occur when it becomes necessary to use against the employee
before termination.

7. Discharge/dismissal
If progressive discipline failed to correct the employee, termination will result.
It should be guaranteed that sufficient cause exists for it to be implemented. It
should only occur after all reasonable steps to rehabilitate employee has

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