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Namecheck: She started her speech by giving a namecheck to all the people who had

helped her.
Namecheck(v): The songs namecheck other artists and bands.
The book was namechecked in today's paper.
Take attendance
Roll call: Roll call will be at 7 a.m.
The guest list reads like a roll call of the nation's heroes. see here: lineup.
Call/ take the roll
Call the register
Headcount: to do a headcount
What's the latest headcount?
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015

Calender: This is one of the biggest weeks in the racing calendar.

a major festival in the churchs calendar
These days the tennis calendar has become so crowded.

Blacklist: a blacklist of countries where illegal copying of software is thought

to be widespread
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015

Menu: to ask for/look at the menu

What's on the menu (= for dinner) tonight?
Catalogue= catalog: a mail-order catalogue (= a book showing goods for sale to be
sent to peoples homes)
to consult the library catalogue
An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition.
an online catalogue
Index: Look it up in the index.
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
Inventory: an inventory of the museums contents
Stocktaking: closed for stocktaking
Who does the stocktaking?
COMPARE inventory
Who's who: The list of delegates attending read like a who's who of the business
Register(n): a parish register (= of births, marriages and deaths)
to be on the electoral register/register of voters
Could you sign the hotel register please, sir?
(British English) The teacher called the register (= checked who was present at
Roll(n8): the electoral roll (= a list of all the people who can vote in an
The chairman called/took the roll (= called out the names on a list to check that
everyone was present).
SEE ALSO payroll
Table(3): a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a
book, usually at the front of the book)
Table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years.
SEE ALSO periodic table
Schedule(4): tax schedules
Shopping list: (figurative) The union presented a shopping list of demands to the
Roster(1): SYNONYM rota
a duty roster
Rota: SYNONYM roster
Dave organized a cleaning rota.
We share out the babysitting on a rota basis.
Ive been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.
Roster(v): The driver was rostered for Sunday.

Laundry list: a laundry list of problems

Line-up(2): SYNONYM programme
A horror movie completes this evening's TV line-up.
Listing: a comprehensive listing of all airlines
Hot list
Active list: Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors.
Shortlist: to draw up a shortlist
a shortlist for a literary prize
She is on my shortlist of great singers.
Shortlist(v): Candidates who are shortlisted for interview will be contacted by
the end of the week.
Her novel was shortlisted for the Booker Prize.
Slate(3): a slate of candidates
the Democratic slate
Checklist: The following is a checklist of points to look for when choosing a
a checklist for proofreaders

Line-up: an impressive line-up of speakers

Jones has not been included in the quarter-final line-up.
the starting line-up (= the players who will begin the game)
Honour roll. see: payroll
Payroll(1): We have 500 people on the payroll.
Payroll(2): The firm is growing fast with a monthly payroll of $1 million.
Ranking: He is currently 16th in the world rankings.
Standing(3): He remains at the top of the championship standings.
Table(4): If Arsenal win this game they'll go to the top of the table.
school performance league tables
See: sequence: placing etc

Invoice: SYNONYM bill

to send/issue/settle an invoice for the goods
an invoice for 250
Waiting list =waitlist: There are no places available right now but I'll put you
on a waiting list.
There's a waiting list to join the golf club.
(British English) The government has promised to cut hospital waiting lists.
wait-list(v): He's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford.

Item(1): What's the next item on the agenda?

Itemize: The report itemizes 23 different faults.
an itemized phone bill (= each call is shown separately)
Down(7): Did you get that down?
I always write everything down.
Have you got me down for the trip?
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015

Hit list: Which services are on the government's hit list?

She was at the top of the terrorists' hit list for over two years.

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