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sustantivos nouns
Habitacin y comid room and board Service that is in hotels of passage
lentes de contacto contact lenses Are thin, transparent plastic discs that float on the surface of the eye
evaluacin evaluation When you make a diagnosis of someone or something
gastos expense It's the part when you're running out of money.
chisme gossip It's when they're taking your life.
tareas del hogar housework Is when you clean and order your house
instrumento musicamusical instrument Is an instrument that generates rhythmic sounds
personalidad personality Set of characteristics or pattern of feelings, emotions and thoughts
alfiler pin The pin is a nail which is usually made of metal with one end and one head on the other
intimidad privacy Is when you want to do something very discreet
Progreso progress is when you advance something
cuestionario questionnaire Series of questions to collect information
recordatorio reminder Is when you remember something or someone can be a speech, photo, news etc
alquilar rent Contract or lease is a contract by the means a party undertakes to temporarily transfer the use of a movable or immovable
reunin reunion Is when a group of people come together to talk, organize or plan something
safari safari Is when you have a tours through the jungle or desert
secreto secret They are things you keep or treasure
espacio del closet closet space Space left in your closet
suburbio suburb Is a neighborhood away from the city center
vegetal vegetable Is something that is related to plants
deseo wish Is when you ask for something to happen
Lista de deseos wish list Is a list where one organizes things that happen in the future
Ilusin wishful thinking Feeling of joy and satisfaction that produces the realization or the hope to achieve something that is intensely desired
Adjetivos adjectives
asustado afraid Is when something surprises you without warning
promedio average Result you get from doing different operations
brillante bright It is an object that shines
cmodo comfortable When it provides comfort, well-being or rest to the body
comn common Is when you have the same end
conveniente convenient Is when something is appropriate to do it
estrecho cramped When there is not much space
sucio dingy Is when something or someone is full of dust or dirt
enorme huge Is when something is larger
inconveniente inconvenient It is when a difficulty arises
moderno modern is when something is new a nowdays
abrumador overwhelming It is something that causes annoyance, anguish need
privado private Is when you do something locked or not in the eyes of others
separar separate It is when you separate two things or more
en mal estado shabby Is when something is in a state of deterioration
espacioso spacious Is when something or place has enough space
salvaje wild Who is not domesticated and lives in freedom
Verbos verbs

Alcanzar acheive Is when you can have something at the moment, now
aadir add Is when you integrate something more
romper un hbito break a habit That's when you leave the routine
esperar expect Is patience while you get something
hacer cambios make changes It is a necessity to do other things when the others do not work
Salir de casa move out / away Is the action of when you leave your house to another place
posponer put of Is when an event or activity is canceled
alquilar rent Contract or lease is a contract by the means a party undertakes to temporarily transfer the use of a movable or immovable
recompnsate reward yourself Is something that is earned or obtained by doing some work
residuos waste Are leftover from something that no longer serves as garbage
en el extranjero abroad And when are you out of your country
por per
vable or immovable

ensely desired
vable or immovable

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