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Ilmu gizi berdiri tahun 1926, oleh Mary Swartz Rose saat dikukuhkan
sebagai profesor ilmu gizi di Universitas Columbia, New York, AS. Sejak zaman
purba, manusia telah mengetahui bahwa makanan penting untuk kelangsungan
hidup. Sedangkan pada zaman Yunani, tahun 400 SM ada teori Hipocrates yang
menyatakan bahwa makanan sebagai panas yang dibutuhkan manusia, artinya
manusia butuh makan.

Berikut beberapa penelitian yang menegaskan bahwa ilmu gizi sudah ada
sejak dulu :

a) Penelitian tentang Pernafasan dan Kalorimetri

Pertama dipelajari oleh Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794). Mempelajari hal-
hal yg berkaitan dengan penggunaan energi makanan yang
meliputi proses pernafasan, oksidasi dan kalorimetri. Kemudian
berkembang hingga awal abad 20, yang memunculkan adanya penelitian
tentang pertukaran energi dan sifat-sifat bahan makanan pokok.
b) Penemuan Mineral
Sejak lama mineral telah diketahui dalam tulang dan gigi. Pada tahun 1808
ditemukan kalsium. Tahun 1808, Boussingault menemukan zat besi
sebagai zat esensial. Ringer (1885) dan Locke (1990), menemukan cairan
tubuh perlu konsentrasi elektrolit tertentu. Awal abad 20, penelitian Loeb
tentang pengaruh konsentrasi garam natrium, kalium dan kalsium klorida
terhadap jaringan hidup.
c) Penemuan Vitamin
Awal abad 20, vitamin sudah dikenal. Sejak tahun 1887-1905 muncul
penelitian-penelitian dengan makanan yang dimurnikan dan makanan
utuh. Dengan hasil: ditemukan suatu zat aktif dalam makanan yang tidak
tergolong zat gizi utama dan berperan dalam pencegahan penyakit (Scurvy
dan Rickets). Pada tahun 1912, Funk mengusulkan memberi nama
vitamine untuk zat tersebut. Tahun 1920, vitamine diganti menjadi vitamin
dan diakui sebagai zat esensial.
d) Penelitian Tingkat Molekular dan Selular
Penelitian ini dimulai tahun 1955, dan diperoleh pengertian tentang
struktur sel yang rumit serta peranan kompleks dan vital zat gizi dalam
pertumbuhan dan pemeliharaan sel-sel. Setelah tahun 1960, penelitian
bergeser dari zat-zat gizi esensial ke inter-relationship antara zat-zat gizi,
peranan biologik spesifik, penetapan kebutuhan zat gizi manusia dan
pengolahan makanan thdp kandungan zat gizi.
e) Keadaan Sekarang
Muncul konsep-konsep baru antara lain: pengaruh keturunan terhadap
kebutuhan gizi; pengaruh gizi terhadap perkembangan otak dan perilaku,
kemampuan bekerja dan produktivitas serta daya tahan terhadap penyakit
infeksi. Pada bidang teknologi pangan telah ditemukan cara mengolah
makanan bergizi, fortifikasi bahan pangan dengan zat-zat gizi esensial,
pemanfaatan sifat struktural bahan pangan, dsb. FAO dan WHO
mengeluarkan Codex Alimentaris (peraturan food labeling dan batas

(Suryani, 2010)
Kode Etik Ahli Gizi di Indonesia


Ahli Gizi yang melaksanakan profesi gizi mengabdikan diri dalam upaya
memelihara dan memperbaiki keadaan gizi, kesehatan, kecerdasan dan
kesejahteraan rakyat melalui upaya perbaikan gizi, pendidikan gizi,
pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi gizi, serta ilmu-ilmu terkait. Ahli Gizi dalam
menjalankan profesinya harus senantiasa bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
menunjukkan sikap dan pebuatan terpuji yang dilandasi oleh falsafah dan nilai-
nilai Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 serta Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran
Rumah Tangga Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia serta etik profesinya.

A. Kewajiban Umum
1. Ahli Gizi berperan meningkatkan keadaan gizi dan kesehatan serta
berperan dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan dan kesejahteraan rakyat.
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban menjunjung tinggi nama baik profesi
denganmenunjukkan sikap, perilaku, dan budi luhur serta tidak
mementingkan diri sendiri.
3. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjalankan profesinya menurut
standar profesi yang telah ditetapkan.
4. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjalankan profesinya bersikap jujur,
tulus, dan adil.
5. Ahli Gizi berkewajiabn menjalankan profesinya berdasarkan prinsip
keilmuan, informasi terkini, dan dalam menginterpretasikan informasi
hendaknya objektif tanpa membedakan individu dan dapat menunjukkan
sumber rujukan yang benar.
6. Ahli gizi berkewajiban senantiasa mengenal dan memahami
keterbatasannya sehingga dapat bekerjasama dengan fihak lain atau
mebuat rujukan bila diperlukan.
7. Ahli Gizi dalam melakukan profesinya mengutamakan kepentingan
masyarakat dan berkewajiban senantiasa berusaha menjadi pendidik dan
pengabdi masyarakat yang sebenarnya.
8. Ahli Gizi dalam bekerjasama dengan para professional di bidang
kesehatan maupun lainnya berkewajiban senantiasa memelihara
pengertian yang sebaik-baiknya.

B. Kewajiban Terhadap Klien

1. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban sepanjang waktu senantiasa berusaha memelihara
dan meningkatkan status gizi klien baik dalam lingkup institusi pelayanan
gizi atau di masyarakat umum.
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjaga kerahasiaan klien atau
masyarakat yang dilayaninya baik pada saat klien masih atau sudah tidak
dalam pelayanan, bahkan juga setelah klien meninggal dunia kecuali bila
diperlukan untuk keperluan kesaksian hukum.
3. Ahli Gizi dalam menjalankan profesinya senantiasa menghormati dan
menghargai kebutuhan unik setiap klien yang dilayani dan peka terhadap
perbedaan budaya, dan tidak melakukan diskriminasi dalam hal suku,
agama, ras, status sosial, jenis kelamin, usia, dan tidak menunjukkan
pelecahan seksual.
4. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memberikan pelayanan gizi prima,
cepat, dan akurat.
5. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memberikan informasi kepada klien dengan tepat
dan jelas, sehingga memungkinkan klien mengerti dan mau memutuskan
sendiri berdasarkan informasi tersebut.
6. Ahli Gizi dalam melakukan tugasnya, apabila mengalami keraguan dalam
memberikan pelayanan berkewajiban senantiasa berkonsultasi dan
merujuk kepada ahli gizi lain yang mempunyai keahlian.

C. Kewajiban Terhadap Masyarakat

1. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban melindungi masyarakat umum khususnya tentang
penyalahgunaan pelayanan, informasi yang salah dan praktek yang tidak
etis berkaitan dengan gizi, pangan termasuk makanan terapi gizi/diet. Ahli
Gizi hendaknya senantiasa memberikan pelayanan sesuai dengan
informasi faktual, akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
2. Ahli Gizi senantiasa melakukan kegiatan pengawasan pangan dan gizi
sehingga dapat mencegah masalah gizi di masyarakat.
3. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa peka terhadap status gizi masyarakat
untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah gizi dan meningkatkan status gizi
4. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memberi contoh hidup sehat dengan pola makan
dan aktifitas fisik yang seimbang sesuai dengan nilai praktek gizi individu
yang baik.
5. Dalam bekerja sama dengan professional lain di masyarakat, Ahli Gizi
berkewajiban hendaknya senantiasa berusaha memberikan dorongan,
dukungan, inisiatif, dan bantuan lain dengan sungguh-sungguh demi
tercapainya status gizi dan kesehatan optimal di masyarakat.
6. Ahli Gizi dalam mempromosikan dan mengesahkan produk makanan
tertentu berkewajiban senantiasa tidak dengan cara yang salah atau
menyebabkan salah interpretasi atau menyesatkan masyarakat.

D. Kewajiban Terhadap Teman Seprofesi dan Mitra Kerja

1. Ahli Gizi dalam bekerja melakukan promosi gizi, memelihara dan
meningkatkan status gizi masyarakat secara optimal, berkewajiban
senantiasa bekerjasama dan menghargai berbagai disiplin ilmu sebagai
mitra kerja di masyarakat.
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memelihara hubungan persahabatan
yang harmonis dengan semua organisasi atau disiplin ilmu/profesional
yang terkait dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi, kesehatan, kecerdasan
dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
3. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban selalu menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan dan
ketrampilan terbaru kepada sesama profesi dan mitra kerja.

E. Kewajiban Terhadap Profesi dan Diri Sendiri

1. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban menaati, melindungi dan menjunjung tinggi
ketentuan yang dicanangkan oleh profesi.
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memajukan dan memperkaya
pengetahuan dan keahlian yang diperlukan dalam menjalankan profesinya
sesuai perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi terkini serta peka terhadap
perubahan lingkungan.
3. Ahli Gizi harus menunjukkan sikap percaya diri, berpengetahuan luas,
dan berani mengemukakan pendapat serta senantiasa menunjukkan
kerendahan hati dan mau menerima pendapat orang lain yang benar.
4. Ahli Gizi dalam menjalankan profesinya berkewajiban untuk tidak boleh
dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan pribadi termasuk menerima uang selain
imbalan yang layak sesuai dengan jasanya, meskipun dengan pengetahuan
klien/masyarakat (tempat dimana ahli gizi dipekerjakan).
5. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban tidak melakukan perbuatan yang melawan hukum
dan memaksa orang lain untuk melanggar hukum.
6. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memelihara kesehatan dan keadaan gizinya agar
dapat bekerja dengan baik.
7. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban melayani masyarakat umum tanpa memandang
keuntungan perseorangan atau kebesaran seseorang.
8. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban selalu menjaga nama baik profesi dan
mengharumkan organisasi profesi.

F. Penetapan Pelanggaran
Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan kode etik ini diatur tersendiri dalam Majelis
Kode Etik Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia.

G. Kekuatan Kode Etik

Kode etik Ahli Gizi ini dibuat atas prinsip bahwa organisasi profesi
bertanggung jawab terhadap kiprah anggotanya dalam menjalankan praktek
Kode etik ini berlaku setelah hari dari disahkannya kode etik ini oleh siding
tertinggi profesi sesuai dengan ketentuaan yang tertuang dalam anggaran
dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga profesi.




The clinical dietitians work involves responsibility towards all different

parties concerned. The most important responsibility for the clinical dietitian is
always towards the patient. The clinical dietitian fulfills this responsibility in
various ways, for example by basing the treatment on scientific evidence and
proven experience and by following scientific developments in the field. The
clinical dietitian provides treatment and gives information in an environment that
requires co-operation and respect between various professional groups and where
all involved work towards a common goal.

The clinical dietitian must also fulfill professional demands for quality of
care. All of these demands responsibilities towards parties concerned as well as
professional demands for quality are justified and meeting them, as far as is
possible, characterizes an ethically correct care. They may, however, conflict
making it necessary for the clinical dietitian to weigh them against each other
when deciding further action. This English version of the Code of ethics for
Clinical Dietitians has been translated from Swedish by Jenny McGreevy.


The clinical dietitian encounters various ethical problems in his or her

daily work. The Swedish Association of Clinical Dietitians has prepared this Code
to serve not only as a guideline for the individual clinical Dietitian, but also to
clarify which principles the Association considers should characterise the work of
the clinical dietitian. In addition, the purpose of the code is to raise attention to
ethical issues and problems in the clinical dietitians work, thereby contributing to
lively discussion of such ethical issues amongst clinical dietitians. The Swedish
Association of Clinical dietitians regards an ethical code as a step towards a
common system of values within the profession. The professional Code of Ethics
of the Swedish Association of Clinical Dietitians has the following structure.

The professional Code of Ethics of the Swedish Association of Clinical

Dietitians has the following structure. Firstly, the clinical dietitians profession I
described in terms of its aim and tasks. Secondly, a number of obligations are
specified; those that the clinical dietitian has to the profession itself as well as
those to the parties involved in the clinical dietitians work: the patient, the next-
of-kin, colleagues, the various professional groups that the clinical dietitian co-
operates with, the employer and society. It is important to emphasize that it is not
only respect for the different parties concerned that puts ethical demands on the
clinical dietitian. It is also unethical not to endeavor to meet the goals of the
profession or the specific demands of the profession for quality of care. In this
respect, the requirements for competence and quality are also ethical


A professional code of ethics can never be complete in the sense that all
the ethical issues that the clinical dietitian must consider are specified in the text
or formulated as rules. Reality is far too complex for this to be possible. In any
particular situation, different ethical requirements and obligations may come into
conflict with one another, whereby it may be impossible to meet them all. In such
cases the code cannot provide complete answers as to how to weigh up the
different demands. A general rule, however, is that consideration towards the
patient carries greater weight than that towards others concerned. Similarly, the
clinical dietitian must not ignore strictly professional obligations. However, in
specific cases the balancing of demands must be left to the clinical dietitians own
judgment. This doesnt imply that the formulation of the various considerations
and requirements of a code becomes unimportant. On the contrary, the
formulation of specific demands related to the parties concerned or and to the
profession constitutes a means of support and a good starting point when it comes
both to observing ethical problems in ones own work and to describing and
analyzing a problem in order to reach a solution.

A collection of examples giving common situations of different types

which involve ethical problems or conflicts in professional practice has been
produced to serve as help and guidance for training how to make good ethical

The Code of Ethics presumes that the clinical dietitian, in his or her work,
respects current laws and regulations. The Code is not a legal document. Its rules
should rather be seen as supplementing what is laid down in law. The term patient
is used throughout this Code to refer to the individual receiving treatment from
the clinical dietitian. In certain situations other terms may be commonly used and
more suitable. The ethical content of the Code can also be expressed using these

To provide treatment or information based on scientific evidence and

proven experience and actively represent this professional expertise in
contacts within health and medical care and society in general.
To endeavor at all times to adhere to the professions established an
accepted correct use of languages, in an understandable form, when
informing patients and staff, in written publications and in contacts with
the media.
To be aware of ones role as a representatives of the profession in official
situations, and in contact with the media, and to strive for objectivity and a
serious image.
To understand the complexity of illness processes and the limit of the
clinical dietitians own competence and role in the treatment of patients.
To seek advice and knowledge from colleagues as well as from other
professions when required.
To document the nutritional treatment.
To transfer relevant information to others involved in the treatment of the
Not allow the clinical dietitians duties and work to be used to meet other
needs of the patient.
To maintain personal levels of competence by continually following the
scientific and other literature within the nutritional and relevant medical
fields, as well as participating in further education.
To work using the nutritional care process as the overall structure
Not to allow thoughts of personal gain to influence the treatment and
information given.
To maintain a rational and critical position with regard to all forms of
marketing and information and to be aware of the commercial interests
behind parts of this information.


Obligations towards parties concerned apply independent of their sex, age,

ethnicity, colour of skin, sexual orientation, religion, political and social


To regard the patient as autonomous, i.e. to see the patient as having the
capability to make decisions concerning his/her own life.
To keep informed at all times; of the patients diagnosis, treatment and
needs and of various factors concerning the patients situation that may
influence the formulation of the nutritional treatment.
To give advice and propose treatment based on ones own professional
knowledge and experience as well as on knowledge of the patients wishes
and situation and to establish goals together with the patient.
To respect the patients wishes as far as possible considering the demands
of the profession.
To balance the consequences of the nutritional treatment against those of
other treatment of the patient so that an overall positive outcome has
To take into consideration that there may be situations where the correct
course of action is to end or not to start a nutritional treatment.
To actively support and encourage the patient in the nutritional treatment
and, as far as can be considered realistic, try to motivate the patient by
means of information to carry out and complete the treatment.
To make sure that the treatment is carried out with patients informed
consent. This means that the patient is capable of making decisions,
understands the information and is under no form of compulsion when
accepting the treatment. If the patient is a child the informed consent must
be obtained from its guardian. When the child is mature enough to give its
own consent it must be obtained together with that of the guardian. Where
the patient is an adult incapable of making decisions, understands the
information and is under no form of compulsion when accepting the
treatment. If the patient is a child the informed consent must be obtained
from its guardian. Where the patient is an adult incapable of making
decisions, an informed consent must be obtained from the patients next-
of-kin or guardian. In the absence of a guardian or next-of-kin, or if a
certificate exists for compulsory admission to a psychiatric hospital in
accordance with the law regulating compulsory psychiatric care,
responsibility for deciding proper treatment rests with the clinical dietitian
and physician.
To treat patient information confidentially and to observe legally binding
professional secrecy. Transfer of information over and above professional
obligations may occur only after having obtained the patients consent.
To ensure that documentation is factual, relevant and observes the
patients integrity and dignity. The dietitian has a legal obligation to keep
documented records.

To be explicit to the next-of-kin that the clinical dietitian represents the

To inform the next-of-kin concerned of the treatment only after having
obtained the patients consent.
To involve the next-of-kin in the treatment only after having obtained the
patients consent.



To work for a trustful co-operation towards common goals.

To work jointly with colleagues or other professional groups in order to
promote the interests of the patient in the best way possible.
To explain ones own field of competence an to fulfill the obligations
associated with the position.
To respect the competence and field of responsibility of other
To assist other clinical dietitians or representatives of other professions by
giving advice and sharing knowledge and experience as requested. It is
particularly important to introduce and support new and less experienced


To adhere to the employers guidelines and to show loyalty towards the

employer as far as this is consistent with other demands of professional ethics.


To take responsibility towards society, mainly through providing

information on matters concerning nutrition and nutritional treatment, using ones
own competence based on scientific evidence and proven experience.


When the clinical dietitian pursues research, he/she is bound by the law
concerning vetting of the ethics of research involving humans and by the
ethical rules and guidelines that govern medical and social science
research in Sweden.
When research is carried out in connection with care, the patients
wellbeing and rights must all times precede research demands.
When research is carried out as part of training, the final responsibility for
adherence to research ethics rests with the supervisor.

1. Professional Competence

The New Zealand Registered Dietitian (NZRD):

a) Practise of Dietetics is informed by evidence and management principles.

b) Honours the principles of partnership, protection and participation as an
affirmation of the Treaty of Waitangi.
c) Assumes responsibility and accountability for personal competence in
practice. Holds a current Annual Practising Certificate and demonstrates
commitment to professional development through participation in the
dietetic professions Continuing Competency Programme.
d) Recognises and exercises professional judgement within the limits of
her/his competence and seeks counsel and makes referrals as appropriate.

2. Relationships with Patients and Clients

The New Zealand Registered Dietitian (NZRD):

a) Provides services that are evidence informed and professional with

objectivity and respect for the unique needs and values of all individuals
without discrimination.
b) Maintains confidentiality of patient/client information and maintains
records that are objective, comprehensive, accurate and current.
c) Provides sufficient information to enable the patient/client to make their
own informed decisions and act as the patients/clients advocate or agent if
d) Conducts her/himself with honesty, integrity and fairness with no physical,
sexual, financial or emotional exploitation of clients, and acts to prevent
conflicts of interest.
e) Does not advertise in a false or misleading manner.
f) Dietitians are responsible for setting fees at the value of service and should
be prepared to discuss the fees with the patients/clients.

3. Relationship with Colleagues

The New Zealand Registered Dietitian (NZRD):

a) Provides a supportive environment in the workplace and in professional

organisations which encourages and promotes ethical behaviour, high
professional standards and provides opportunities for career development.
b) Acts as a role model and supports the particular needs of the newly
qualified dietitians.
c) Makes all reasonable efforts to avoid bias in any professional evaluation,
recognising legitimate differences of opinion.
d) Provides full disclosure when a real or potential conflict of interest arises.
e) In inter-professional relationships the dietitian has respect for practice
within the professional bounds of competence and exercises objectivity in
respecting differences of professional opinion demonstrated by other
registered health professionals.

4. Provision of Service in a Competitive Environment

The New Zealand Registered Dietitian (NZRD):

a) Accepts responsibility to provide the best standards of service possible for

patients/clients with the available resources.
b) Does not compromise standards of practice to meet commercial targets.
c) Dietitians do not allow their professional standing to be used in the direct
endorsement of commercial products. Scientific evidence is the only basis
on which a positive health statement should be made for the general
principles the product or services exemplifies.
d) When dietitians are acting as agents for, or have a financial interest in a
commercial organisation, their interest must be declared to patients/clients.
e) Does not accept inducements, gifts or hospitality that may affect or be seen
to affect judgement when making referrals or arranging treatment or

5. Legal and Social Responsibilities

The New Zealand Registered Dietitian (NZRD):

a) Complies with the Dietitians Act 1950, to be replaced by the Health

Practitioners Competence Assurance Act and all other relevant laws and
b) Accepts the obligation to conduct her/himself in accordance with the
ethical principles espoused in this code.
c) Reports to the Registrar of the Dietitians Board if she/he becomes aware
that their professional competence, expertise, personal health status,
circumstances or ability to practise may be impaired and needs to
withdraw from or limit practice.
d) Accepts the obligation to raise any issues about breaches of the code
and/or complaints about breaches of this code with the Registrar of the
Dietitians Board.
e) Complies with the responsibilities set out in the Code of Consumers

Indonesia Swedia New Zealand

Mengatur kewajiban Mengatur kewajiban Mengatur kewajiban
umum sebagai ahli umum sebagai ahli umum sebagai ahli
gizi. gizi. gizi.
Mengatur kewajiban Mengatur kewajiban Mengatur kewajiban
ahli gizi terhadap ahli gizi terhadap ahli gizi terhadap
klien, masyarakat, pasien, kolega, pasien dan klien,
mitra kerja, profesi masyarakat, mitra kolega, ketentuan
dan diri sendiri. kerja, pelajar, pelayanan, serta
Berlandaskan nilai- masyarakat, dan etika tanggung jawab
nilai Pancasila, UUD penelitian. sosial seorang ahli
45, AD-ART Berdasarkan Annual gizi.
PERSAGI serta etik General Meeting of Berdasarkan
profesinya. the Swedish ketetapan Dietitians
Ahli gizi lebih Association of Act 1950 dan
dituntut untuk Clinical Dietitians ketentuan New
mengabdikan diri (DRF) Zealand Registered
kepada masyarakat. Lebih menekankan Dietitian.
kewajiban seorang Ahli gizi tidak hanya
ahli gizi terhadap dituntut untuk
pasien. mengabdikan diri
kepada masyarakt
namun juga
ilmu dan kompetensi
di bidang gizi.

Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No.

347/MENKES/SK/III/2007 (online) bpmpt.jabarprov.go.id (diakses tanggal
1 Februari 2016).

New Zealand Dietitians Board. 2003. Code of Ethics for Dietitians. (online)
www.dietitiansboard.org.nz (diakses tanggal 1 Februari 2016).

Suryani, Nany. 2010. Konsep Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Bahan Ajar (PPT) Program Studi
DIV Bidan Pendidik dan Klinik : STIKES Husada Borneo Banjarbaru.

Swedish Association of Clinical Dietitians. 2009. Code Of Ethics For Clinical

Dietitians. (online) www.drf.nu (diakses tanggal 1 Februari 2016).

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