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Dessy Syofianti, S.Sos.I, S. Pd, M. Pd

Putri Wahyuliandri
Nim: 160502016

University of Muhammadiyah RIAU

Thank God we pray to the presence of God Almighty for giving strength and capabilities so that this
journal can be completed on time. The purpose of the preparation of this journal is to fulfill the task of
Course of Motor Development Children

The author realized that the journal is not perfect and requires a variety of improvements, therefore,
criticism and suggestions are needed.

Finally, I hope this journal can be useful for the readers and all parties.

Pekanbaru, January 27, 2017



Analysis of Development of Cognitive Ability In Children Group B TK Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar

Devantoro South City District Gorontalo. Thesis, Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of
Education, State University of Gorontalo. Supervisor I Dr. Hamid Isa, M.Pd and Advisor II Irvin Novita
Arifin, S. Pd, M.Pd. The problem in this research is how the development of cognitive abilities in children
in group B at TK Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar Devantoro South City Gorontalo. As for the purpose of this
research is to investigate the development of cognitive abilities in children in group B at TK Negeri
Pembina Ki Hajar Devantoro South City District Gorontalo. This research was conducted in group B TK
Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar Devantoro South City District Gorontalo. The method used is descriptive
qualitative. Some of the things that must be considered by parents and teachers, to stimulate children
from an early age so that the development of cognitive abilities of children can thrive. Based on the
results of research and discussion on the development of cognitive abilities seen from indicators of
development Auditory, visual development, the development of tactile, development of science starters
can be concluded that the development of cognitive abilities in children in group B TK Negeri Pembina Ki
Hajar Devantoro District of South City Gorontalo entered in both categories

Keywords: Cognitive Ability, Kids

Cognitive development in early childhood is a very important aspect to be developed. Wherein

the cognitive abilities, the child will be able explored their surroundings through the senses so with the
knowledge that has been received will help the child to survival and become a complete human being in
the future, (Susanto, 2011: 48). With cognitive abilities possessed by the child, the child will be able to
recognize, differentiate, compare and feel well anything that has been seen, nothing around it and
anything in the environment.

Developing a child's cognitive ability on top could not be separated from the role of parents and
teachers. As a place of education is first and foremost of course parents should always guide and guide
children in their children's growth. When children start asking questions that never dropped out on
anything seen and felt then as parents must be ready and able to give an answer that does not harm
their own children. Fallacy of parents in providing answers would largely affect children in the future.
This is because the child will remember well what they had heard and seen at that age

The fact that there are still commonly found in the field kindergarten age children who
experience problems in their cognitive abilities, especially children in group B. The issues included the
development of auditory associated with a child's ability to listen to a good story, the development of
visual abilities of children that includes vision, observation, attention, response , and the child's
perception of the environment around the child was still fairly low at which children in distinguishing and
making conclusions about what they have received is still not good, then the development of tactile
covering children in distinguishing texture developments involving the sense of touch. In this case to
distinguish between objects texture smooth and rough handling of children still need more teaching to
be able to receive as well as the development of science starters involving experimentation or trial is still
not good. Some of these problems still widely seen in several places, and of course it is very worrying
because the child should have been able to age group and passed well but in fact has not been in line
with expectations. The same situation is found in TK Negeri Pembina Kihajar Devantoro South City
district of Gorontalo. Once the researchers conducted observations in kindergarten it was found that the
percentage of the number of children in group B were 30 children there are nine children who have
problems against the development of cognitive abilities. From these explanations can be put forward
identification of problems: 1. There is a ninth child of 30 children in group B TK Negeri Pembina Kihajar
Devantoro South City District Gorontalo city that cognitive ability is low .. 2. There is still a lack of
stimulus in the development of cognitive abilities in children.

The formulation of the problem posed in this essay is: How Cognitive Ability Development in
Children Group B at TK Negeri Pembina Kihajar Devantoro South City Gorontalo City ?. The purpose of
this study was to determine the development of cognitive abilities in children Group B At Pembina State
Tk Kihajar Devantoro South City Gorontalo. The benefits to be obtained in this study are as follows:
Theoretically this research is expected to provide and capable of being that ideas and add insight to the
world of education in general and useful for educators and parents, especially regarding the
development of cognitive abilities of children in group B. Practical namely: 1. For educators this research
is expected to provide valuable input and a great deal about the development of cognitive abilities of
children in group B. 2. For parents are expected to memeberikan understanding on matters relating to
the development of children's cognitive abilities so that later the parents will pay more attention,
support, and always memeberikan good stimulus to help children in the development of cognitive
abilities. 3. For researchers this research may help researchers in developing the potential of writing
scientific papers provide information on the development of children's cognitive kemmampuan in group

1. Definition of Childhood

Fadlilah in his book (2012, 18) states that the National Education System Law No. 20/2003,
paragraph 1, stated that include early childhood is children who fall into the age range of 0-6 years.
According to Mansur (2005: 88) early childhood is a group of children who are in the process of growth
and development that is unique. They have a pattern of growth and development that is specifically
suited to the level of growth and development.

From the above description investigators could be developed that early childhood is the age
range of 0-6 years, which is still in need of growth and development is very rapid, so it is given a very
precise stimulus to grow and develop to the maximum. The stimulation should be given by lingungan
family, early childhood non-formal pathways such as daycare (TPA) or group play (KB) and early
childhood formal channels such as TK and RA.
2. Characteristics of Early Childhood

According to Aishah, et al (2010: 1.4-1.9) characteristic of early childhood, among others; 1.

Have a great curiosity, 2. Is a unique, 3. Like fantasy and imagination, 4. Masa most potential for learning,
5. Shows egocentric attitude, 6. Have a short concentration span, 7. As part from social creatures.
Meanwhile, According Syamsur Mocthar (Syamsiyatun, 2012) discloses the characteristics of early
childhood are as follows: 1. Movement is more controlled, 2. The development of language is good
enough, 3. Can play and companionship, 4. Sensitive to social situations, 5.

Based on the characteristics that have been submitted it is known that children aged 5-6 years
(group B), they can perform coordinated movements, language development is already quite good, is
able to count, able to interact socially, like early childhood imagination and curiosity high, of some of the
characteristics of the child, the development of children's cognitive abilities terstimulus well.

3. Definition of Cognitive Ability

Cognitive development is one important aspect to be developed in early childhood. According

Fadlilah (2012: 102) is the act of cognitive recognize or think of a situation in which the behavior occurs.
According Sujiono (2004: 1.2), is a cognitive process of thinking, the ability of individuals to connect,
assess, consider an incident or event.

From the foregoing, it can be developed that early childhood is a child in the age range of 0-6 years who
are experiencing growth and development is very rapid, so we need proper stimulation in order to grow
and develop to the maximum. Opinions of experts concluded that children's cognitive is able to develop
his mind through pengalamapangalaman experienced and able to train ingatanya through
experimentation or trial events are obtained. And cognitive also has the characteristics: the current
thinking, flexible thinking, original thinking, and thinking in detail.

4. Characteristics of Cognitive Development

According to William, (Sujiono, et al, 2007: 1:20) gives an overview of behavioral traits kogntif
are: 1. Thinking smoothly, that generate a lot of ideas or answers that are relevant and current pemkiran
smooth, supple 2. Thinking, which produces gagasan- diverse ideas capable of changing a system or
approach and direction of thought different, 3. thinking original, that give answers that unusual or
different from the others who are rarely given most others, 4. Think detailed (elaboration), which
develops, add up, enriching an idea, elaborate the details and advance an idea. Meanwhile, according to
Fadlillah, (2012: 201), cognitive characteristics are as follows:

1. In the process of learning more wanted by the understanding of the rote, punishment, and reward

2. Learning more use insight to troubleshooting.

Based on the above theory about cognitive traits in children can be deduced spontaneous or quick
thinking when given immediately answer their questions karana what is in the mind immediately

5. Stages of Cognitive Development

According to Piaget in Suyadi, (2010: 87), detailing the stages of cognitive development in early
childhood into three stages, namely the sensorimotor stage, pre-operational and operational phases,
seen from the third stage of the targeted researcher is in the age range 5- 6 years or entered at the stage
of pre-operational.

6. The method of Cognitive Ability Development Strategy to do for the cognitive development of
children is by teaching methods that can build knowledge, including: Sujiono, et al., (2007: 5:14):

1. Method Direct Practice,

2. The method Stories or Tales,

3. Method FAQ,

4. Methods Project,

5. Method Role Playing,

6. The method of demonstration.

Meanwhile, According to the Ministry of Education (SEFI: 2012), the method used by the teacher
is one of the principal keys success of a learning activity. Selection of the method to be used should be
relevant to the objective of the control concept, transitions, and symbols with a variety of materials,
media and forms of activities to be carried out.

From the above it can be developed several methods that can be applied to the development of
cognitive abilities include question and answer method, assignments, playing method, the method of
conversing, method demonstrations. All of these methods can be used to develop the cognitive abilities
of children, so that children are able to develop cognitive abilities acquired at an early age.

7. Classification of Cognitive Development

According to Susanto (2012: 60.63), the classification of cognitive development is done with the
intention to facilitate teachers and other adults in stimulating children's cognitive abilities, so it will be
achieved optimization of the potential of each child. The purpose of cognitive development in early
childhood is to direct the child to the development of auditory abilities, visual, tactile, kinesthetic,
arithmetic, geometry, and science starters. Cognitive development has a very important role in helping
to lay the basis of ability and character formation of children dikehidupan later, therefore, should be the
child's cognitive and must often be sharpened by an assortment of activities to develop children's
cognitive optimally. The learning activities are given to children in kindergarten Ki Hajar Devantoro
Pembina State must conform to the characteristics and age of the child so that the material disampakan
easily understood by children. learning activities conducted on children in group B TK Negeri Pembina in
cognitive development focuses on the research on the development of auditory abilities, the ability of
visual, tactile ability, scientific ability starters.

Auditory ability to rely on hearing to understand and remember. According Kanguut (2012),
children who have auditory learning can learn more quickly by using verbal discussions and listening to
what the teacher says. Auditory learning in TK Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar Devantoro were made, but there
are some children who are still slow in mengigatnya, it is seen as the teacher to learn and see the
response given child. While visual development, according Elthifa (2013), is a visual media which involve
the sense of sight. While the development of tactile abilities associated with the development of the
texture (sense of touch). Learning science conducted on children in group B can help children develop
cognitive abilities. According Juwita (Yulianti, 2010: 42), science is a product and process. As a product, a
stem growing science of well-organized knowledge regarding the physical and natural world. As a
process, science is an activity of searching, observing and experimenting


This research was conducted by selecting a research site in TK Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar
Devantoro South City District, Gorontalo. This research was conducted to obtain a real picture of the
analysis of the development of cognitive abilities in children in group B. The subjects in the study were
teachers and parents. This research uses descriptive and qualitative approach. In this study, researchers
act as observers involved directly in the field with the aim to collect the data to be accurate. The data in
this study is qualitative data namely descriptive picture of the atmosphere in the classroom when the
child is in the process of learning. Analysis of the development of cognitive abilities in children in group B
at TK Negeri Pembina Kihajar Devantoro South City District Gorontalo. As for the source of the data in
this study are: 1. The primary data source that teachers, parents and children in group B at TK Negeri
Pembina Kihajar Devantoro South City District Gorontalo. 2. Secondary data sources are books,
references that can support the primary data source. The procedure of collecting data in this study are,
observation, interviews and documentation.

Data analysis techniques used in this research is qualitative descriptive. In which the data
analysis done by non-statistical basis, the research done by describing the data obtained by words or
phrases that are separated in categories for the conclusion. While checking the validity of data in this
research is to use three criteria namely credibility, predictability, and dependability. Stages of the
research is as follows: 1. Hold the initial observation to observe the reality of what happened in the field
and the problems that occur related to the analysis of the development of cognitive abilities of children
in group B at TK Negeri Pembina Kihajar Devantoro South City District Gorontalo. 2. Prepare an interview
guide was made not structured with reference to the previous observation, 3. Conducting interviews
with the research repeatedly to obtain precise and accurate data, 4. Getting perifikasi against data
collected as a result of the interview, 5. Hold triangulation or checking the validity of the data to obtain
accurate data, 6. Conducting conclusions to things observed in the field for research, research 7. Make a
final report

Based on observations made that the development of cognitive abilities in children in group B
entered in both categories. Based on the results of research conducted through capacity auditory with
several stages of assessment, namely children in group B able to determine where the sound of it
running as expected in accordance with the observations that two children in group B are already able to
listen to the sound being asked by the teacher, then with observations the third in group B children have
been able to follow verbal commands asked by the teacher. In accordance with the results of interviews
with parents, children are able to respond to questions on the catapult, then interviews with the
teachers and the tuaberperan active in training children to write their own name work as expected.
While the results of the interview with the mother of teachers through the development of tactile
teachers introduce children through the distinctive thick-thin, long-short it is seen the child is able to
distinguish, the next in an effort to guide children to do a simple experiment teachers directly involved it
is seen that the children are able to do it alone.


1. Development of Early Childhood Auditory Capabilities

The result showed that the development of auditory abilities have been implemented properly.
Parents and teachers play an important role in the development of auditory abilities in children. Auditory
are skills related to sound or sense of hearing children. Learning begins with determining a theme,
subthemes easy for teachers to give lessons. Learning is done on children in group B in the development
of auditory abilities media used was simply that teachers take advantage of thrift as a medium.

2. Development of Early Childhood Visual Capabilities

In accordance with the findings that the visual ability is the ability to capture the world exactly
the visual space and the ability to recognize shapes and objects appropriately and have appropriate
power of imagination. Parents and teachers play an important role in the development of visual abilities
of children, from interviews with parents about the introduction of objects in the environment around
parents should play an active role in the cognitive development of children. Kids spend more time
playing at home. This is not out of the important role of teachers in the cognitive development of
children, teachers add what children learn at home, this study begins with a determination of the theme
and sub-themes

Efforts of teachers in the development of visual skills that teachers directly involved in
introducing the child's name, teacher write the child's name dilembar job after the teacher asked one by
one letter alphabet in children, and learning is done repeatedly until the child is able to recognize his
own name through writing. While the introduction of objects that exist in the environment around, the
teacher saw today the theme of what is used in the learning, the teacher immediately provide the media
that is easy to understand or easy to understand, the teacher usually implies an existing image

1. Capacity Building Tactile Early Childhood

Based on the research results obtained tactile development capability has been implemented
properly. Teachers play an active role in the development of tactile ability, it begins with a determination
of the theme and subthemes to mempermuadah process applied learning in early childhood. Teachers
introduce children in a variety of textures such as thick-thin, for example, the teacher told the child
holding pengaris and pencil, and teachers introduce children to the hot-cold, how teachers teach
children in the introduction of texture which provides the teacher with cold water and hot water,
children are directly involved in learning mentioned

2. Capacity Building Science Beginnings Early Childhood

In accordance with the results of research in the development of scientific capabilities beginning
conducted by researchers in the field that in the development of scientific capabilities early in a child
group B TK Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar Devantoro already considered or can be said can be done by
teachers effectively. Learning science starters do in kindergarten should be fun and dynamic, in which
children are directly involved in the experiments conducted. So that children are easier to learn science
teachers to be creative in doing the learning, learn science easier to understand through play.

According Yulianti (2010: 25) played an approach in implementing learning activities for children
ages kindergarten. For that purpose in providing education in early childhood should be done in a
pleasant situation so that children do not feel bored in the course. Besides fun, methods, materials and
media used must attract attention and are easy to follow so that children are motivated to learn. In this
lesson the teacher directly involved, but there are some children who are still slow in conducting
experiments or the mixing of colors, it is because children are afraid to take action or some children are
afraid of doing the wrong thing. With the patience of a teacher facing child barriers teacher explained
that the color mixing is not dangerous. Efforts of teachers in the development of scientific capabilities
starters namely through habituation daily according to the theme or subtheme studied.


1. Conclusions

Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that the development of
cognitive abilities in children in group B TK Negeri Pembina Ki Hajar Devantoro South City District
Gorontalo categorized as good, it is seen from the results of interviews on each indicator. In the auditory
development indicators in mind that the development of a child is different there is a quick receive and
are slow to accept, this learning involves cooperation between the parents and teachers. In the visual
development indicators of child well known that development but different ways of learning. In the
development of tactile indicators of child well known that development, pembelajaranya through the
introduction of objects that exist around the classroom. At the beginning of the science development
indicators in mind that the development of better, teachers to teach children to do simple experiments

2. Suggestions

Based on the above results it can be suggested as follows:

1. Expected to parents to pay attention to children in developing children's cognitive early.

2. Expected to teachers to teach children in cognitive development through the media interest.

3. It is expected, especially for early childhood students that would learn more about the development
of children's cognitive abilities.

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