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Improving Hong Kong: Volume 1, Spring 2004 p3


by Ivan Lo Chun Yu

Hong Kong is a dynamic city, but its transportation is terrible. In urban area, such as Causeway Bay,
the roads are usually fully clogged with vehicles in the rush hour1. There are many sources of this
traffic congestion, for example, underground repairs, too many buses and traffic accidents. The bad
traffic condition causes many problems, such as buses arriving late, delays in deliveries. It is difficult to
estimate how much time Hong Kong residents waste in traffic congestion or the economics loss but
the figures are high. All people in Hong Kong must participate to solve the traffic congestion problem,
This article suggests some steps towards a solution.

Organization of Underground Repairs

In Hong Kong, it is common to see road works, but the
maintenance is not always about the roads. The
maintenance is often about underground repairs to
drainage services, electricity networks, town gas supplies,
and so on (Figures 1 & 2). Companies responsible for this
work seldom cooperate with each other. Therefore, the
roads are frequently being dug up. To minimize Fig 1:Construction sites of drainage services
Department . Ivan Lo, 2003
disturbance to road users, these companies should
cooperate to dig up roads at the same time. If maintenance is organised well the period of disturbance
can be reduced and traffic congestion problems can be minimised.

Route Selection for Vehicle Owners

During rush hour, the vehicles are usually not evenly
distributed on the roads. If drivers select the less occupied
road, they can avoid jams. An advanced traveller
information system could provide such information to
drivers2. All drivers, not only the drivers who use this
system, could travel more smoothly as jams would be
eliminated because this system can help to redistribute the
vehicles on the roads. The system creates an equilibrium Fig 2: Work site for Hong Kong Electricity.
Ivan Lo, 2003
system because more vehicles will travel on the less
occupied road. This can help to avoid overloading roads while allowing drivers to select the best route
to their destination.

Public Transport Providers Responsibility

Many buses are often seen rushing into a bus stop. This will cause bus jams and disturb the other
road users. To solve this problem, bus companies should redistribute the routes and bus stops in
Improving Hong Kong: Volume 1, Spring 2004 p4

order to avoid buses jams (Figure 3). If the bus

companies rearrange the bus stops and bus routes
well, they will give a better image to their passengers.
In addition, travel time will be reduced because
buses will not arrive late. Therefore, the bus
companies will be able to attract more passengers to
travel on their buses, instead of the MTR or KCR. Fig 3: Bus Jams on Hennessey Road in Causeway
Bay. Ivan Lo, 2003

Avoiding Traffic Accidents

Traffic accidents are also a source of traffic
congestion. When accidents happen, time is required
to clear the road. Figure 4 shows pedestrians crossing
the road even though the light is red. This is a
common cause of accidents. Pedestrians as well as
drivers should follow traffic regulations to decrease
the probability of accidents happening. Moreover, the
Fig 4: Photo of pedestrians across the road illegally.
government should punish more heavily those people Ivan Lo, 2003
who violate traffic laws to scare people into obeying
the law.

In conclusion, traffic congestion can be avoided if everyone in Hong Kong participates. Solving this
problem will provide smoother traffic conditions and save peoples time.

1. Ming Chan, Special Effect: Hong Kong Traffic.
retrieved on 17th Oct
2. Drane, C. and Rizos C. 1954, Intelligent Transport Systems: Positioning system in intelligent
transportation systems. London: Artech House

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