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sebuah kombinasi instrumen electrocoagulator-isap berguna untuk coagulating pendarahan kapiler

dan vena dalam bidang bedah dan untuk menghisap keluar darah dan cairan lainnya dari lapangan baik
selama, sebelum atau sesudah koagulasi prosedur

bone wax
Tulang lilin terbuat dari lilin lebah yang mengandung agen pelunakan seperti parafin. Bone wax is
used to mechanically stop bone bleeding during surgical procedures. Tulang lilin digunakan untuk
mekanik tulang menghentikan pendarahan selama prosedur pembedahan. The bone wax is smeared
across the bleeding edge of the bone, blocking the holes and causing immediate bone hemostasis
through a tamponade effect. Lilin tulang adalah pendarahan dioleskan di ujung tulang, menutup lubang
dan langsung menyebabkan tulang hemostasis melalui tamponade efek. Bone wax is supplied in sterile
sticks, and most often requires softening before it can be applied. Tulang lilin diberikan di steril tongkat,
dan yang paling sering memerlukan pelunakan sebelum dapat diterapkan. Once applied, it essentially
never goes away. Begitu diterapkan, itu pada dasarnya tidak pernah hilang. Although inexpensive, easy
to use and immediate, bone wax has a number of adverse reactions associated with it. Walaupun murah,
mudah digunakan dan segera, tulang lilin memiliki sejumlah reaksi merugikan yang terkait dengannya.

Bone wax is made of beeswax containing a softening agent such as paraffin. Bone wax is used to
mechanically stop bone bleeding during surgical procedures. The bone wax is smeared across the
bleeding edge of the bone, blocking the holes and causing immediate bone hemostasis through a
tamponade effect. Bone wax is supplied in sterile sticks, and most often requires softening before
it can be applied. Once applied, it essentially never goes away. Although inexpensive, easy to use
and immediate, bone wax has a number of adverse reactions associated with it.

Bone wax inhibits formation of new bone osteogenesis and acts as a physical barrier preventing
bone union.[1][2]

In the presence of bone wax, osteoblasts will be absent in a bone defect.[3] In defects where bone
wax was applied and removed after 10 minutes, there was complete inhibition of bone
regeneration.[4] For this reason bone wax is almost never used in areas where bone fusion is

Bone wax increases infection rates and impairs the ability of bone to clear bacteria.[6] In the
presence of bone wax, the number of bacteria needed to produce osteomyelitis is reduced by a
factor of 10,007. In a recent study of infection rates following spinal surgery, surgical site
infections occurred in 6 of 42 cases in which bone wax was used, and in only 1 of 72 cases in
which it was not used.[7]

Infection and non-union are a particularly important problem in cardiac surgery.[8] According to
the American Heart Association, the incidence of deep sternal wound infections is 1% to 5% of
patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery, with a mortality rate of about 25%.[9]

Bone wax remains as a foreign body for many years, and can cause a giant cell reaction and local
inflammation.[10] In skull base surgery, bone wax has been reported to cause granuloma formation
and CSF fluid leaks.[11][12]
The FDA has recently approved a new water soluble bone hemostasis material called Ostene,
which is designed to look and feel like bone wax.[13] This material comprises a sterile mixture of
water-soluble alkylene oxide copolymers, derived from ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.
These copolymers have a long history in the medical and pharmaceutical fields, and they are
considered inert. These compounds are not metabolized, but eliminated from the body
unchanged. It is anticipated that with the introduction of these new hemostatic materials, the
incidence of surgical bone infections, nonunion and inflammatory complications will decrease
with time.

A hemostat (also called a hemostatic clamp, arterial forceps or peang (after Jules-mile
Pan)), is a vital surgical tool used in almost any surgical procedure, usually to control bleeding.
Therefore, it is not uncommon to see the initial incision lined with hemostats closing blood
vessels awaiting ligation during the initial phases of surgery. They belong to a group of
instruments that pivots (similar to scissors, includes needle holders, tissue holders and various
clamps), and where the structure of the tip determines their function.

The hemostat has handles that can be held in place by the locking mechanism. The locking
mechanism is typically a series of interlocking teeth, a few on each handle, that allow the user to
adjust the clamping tension of the pliers. By locking on, the force between the tips rises to
approximately 40 N (9 lbf).

Hemostats are part of the first aid kit carried by combat medics and paramedics. They are also
unofficially used while circuit soldering as a heatsink, as well as by fly fishermen to remove flies
from the mouths of trout.

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