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Nochebuena - Christmas Eve

Da de Navidad - Christmas Day
Ao Nuevo - New Year
Nochevieja - New Years Eve
El da de Ao Nuevo - New Years Day
La noche de Reyes - Twelfth Night
Los Reyes Magos - The Three Kings / The Three Wise Men
Un beln - A nativity scene
Un regalo de Navidad - A Christmas present
Adornos de Navidad - Christmas decorations
Acebo - Holly
La cena de Navidad - Christmas dinner
Una tarjeta de Navidad - Christmas card
San Jos - Saint Joseph
Mara - Mary
El nio Jess - Baby Jesus
Los pastores - The shepherds
Los ngeles - The angels
Pap Noel - Father Christmas / Santa Claus
Un villancico - A Christmas carol
Un mueco de nieve - A snowman
Una vela - A candle
Una estrella - A star
El rbol de Navidad - The Christmas tree
Las bolas del rbol - Coloured balls
Las campanas de Navidad - The Christmas bells
Feliz Navidad y Prspero Ao Nuevo! -Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Feliz Navidad! - Happy Christmas!
Pastel de Navidad - A Christmas cake
El pavo - The turkey

1. Where did Mary and Joseph have to sleep?
a. In a farm
b. In a hen run
c. In a stable
2. What did the wise men follow?
a. A tree
b. A star
c. A carol
3. What was Joseph's job?
a. A baker
b. A carpenter
c. A mechanic
4. What town did Joseph and Mary go to?
a. Bethlehem
b. Jerusalem
c. Nazareth
5. What colour is Santa's suit?
a. White
b. Red
c. Black
6. What colour are Santa's boots?
a. White
b. Red
c. Black
7. What is Santa's lead reindeer called?
a. Rudolph
b. Raymond
c. Robert
8. What do the reindeer pull for Santa Claus?
a. a car
b. a cycle
c. a sleigh
9. What night does Santa come?
a. December 24th
b. December 25th
c. December 31th
10. How does Santa get into the house?
a. through the window
b. down the chimney
c. crossing the door

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