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1) Entered (OM): Order is saved but not booked

2) Booked (OM): Order is Booked.

3) Awaiting Shipping (OM): Order is booked but lines are not yet picked.
Navigating to Shipping Execution, the delivery line status flow is:

4) Not Ready to Release (SE): A delivery line may be in this status when it is interfaced manually
into Shipping, is not scheduled and has no reservations. When lines are imported automatically from
Order Management this status is not used

5) Released to Warehouse (SE): Pick Release has started but not yet completed. One of the reason
could be allocation have not been pick confirmed. The Pick Release process creates a Move Order
Header & Mover Order Line in Inventory. This is a common status for users that perform a two-step
pick release process. This status indicates that inventory allocation has occurred however pick
conformation has not yet taken place.

6) Ready to Release (SE): Order Line is booked and passed to shipping execution. The line is now
eligible to pick Release.

7) Backordered(SE): The status of Backorderd is assigned to a line under the following


The Pick Release process attempted to allocate inventory to the line and all or a
partial quantity of the item was not available. In this case the system automatically
backorders the discrepant quantity.

At Ship confirm the user enters a shipped quantity for an item that is less than the
original requested quantity.

The user manually Backorders the entire delivery.

8) Shipped (SE): The delivery line is shipped confirmed.

9) Confirmed (SE): The delivery line is shipped or backordered and the trip stops are open.

10) Picked (OM): Pick release is complete, both allocations and pick confirm

11) Picked Partial (OM): This status occurs when a delivery line is not allocated the full quantity
during Pick Release and Ship Confirm has not occurred

12) Interfaced (SE): The delivery line is shipped and Inventory interface concurrent process is
13) Awaiting Fulfillment (OM): When fulfillment set is used, Not all shippable lines in a
fulfillment set or a
configuration are fulfilled

14) Fulfilled (OM): All lines in a fulfillment set are fulfilled.

15) Interfaced to Receivables (OM): The order is linked with Receivables and the invoice is

16) Partially Interfaced to Receivables (OM): This status is used in a PTO flow and indicates
that the particular PTO item is required for revenue.

17) Closed (OM): Closed indicates that the line is closed.

18) Canceled (OM): Indicates that the line has been completely canceled. No further processing will
occur for this line.

Once the sales order is being booked, one one record has been inserted to the wsh_delivery_details
& wsh_delivery_assignments table. But record has been inserted into wsh_new_deliveries only when
the pick release of the sales order has successfully performed that is when one delivery is being
created for the shipment.

select * from ad_bugs

where bug_number='20709992'

SELECT ooh.order_number
wnd.NAME delivery_name
wt.NAME trip_name
DECODE (wdd.released_status
, 'R', 'Ready For Release'
, 'B', 'Back Ordered'
, 'S', 'Released To Warehouse'
, 'D', 'Cancelled'
, 'N', 'Not Ready For Release'
, 'Y', 'Staged or Pick Confirmed'
, 'C', 'Interfaced/Shipped'
, 'I', 'Interfaced/Shipped'
, 'O', 'Not Shipped'
) delivery_status
, rct.trx_number invoice_number
, wdd.released_status
, ood.organization_name || ' (' || ood.organization_code || ')'
, hp_carrier.party_name carrier_name
, wdi.sequence_number bol_number
, wds.departure_net_weight ship_weight
, wds.actual_departure_date ship_date
, ooh.cust_po_number
, SUBSTR (hp.party_name, 1, 30) || ' ' ||
SUBSTR (hl_ship.address1, 1, 36) || ' ' ||
SUBSTR (hl_ship.address2, 1, 36) || ' ' ||
SUBSTR (hl_ship.city, 1, 30) || ' ' ||
SUBSTR (hl_ship.province , 1 , 2 ) || ' ' ||
SUBSTR (hl_ship.postal_code , 1 , 8 ) ship_to_address
FROM apps.hr_locations hl
, org_organization_definitions ood
, apps.oe_order_headers_all ooh
, oe_order_lines_all ool
, apps.hz_locations hl_ship
, apps.hz_parties hp
, apps.hz_party_sites hps
, apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas
, apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu
, apps.hz_party_sites hps_bill
, apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas_bill
, apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu_bill
, apps.wsh_delivery_details wdd
, apps.wsh_new_deliveries wnd
, apps.wsh_delivery_assignments wda
, apps.wsh_trips wt
, apps.wsh_delivery_legs wdl
, apps.wsh_trip_stops wds
, apps.wsh_document_instances wdi
, apps.hz_parties hp_carrier
, ra_customer_trx_all rct
, ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctla
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ooh.header_id = ool.header_id
AND ood.organization_id = ool.ship_from_org_id
AND ooh.ship_from_org_id = hl.inventory_organization_id
AND hl_ship.location_id = hps.location_id
AND hp.party_id = hps.party_id
AND hps.party_site_id = hcas.party_site_id
AND hps_bill.party_site_id = hcas_bill.party_site_id
AND hps_bill.party_id = hp.party_id
AND hcas.cust_acct_site_id = hcsu.cust_acct_site_id
AND hcsu.site_use_id = ooh.ship_to_org_id
AND hcas_bill.cust_acct_site_id = hcsu_bill.cust_acct_site_id
AND hcsu_bill.site_use_id = ooh.invoice_to_org_id
AND ooh.header_id = wdd.source_header_id(+)
AND wda.delivery_detail_id(+) = wdd.delivery_detail_id
AND wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id(+)
AND ool.line_id = wdd.source_line_id
AND wt.trip_id(+) = wds.trip_id
AND wds.stop_id(+) = wdl.pick_up_stop_id
AND wdl.delivery_id(+) = wnd.delivery_id
AND hp_carrier.party_id(+) = wt.carrier_id
AND wdi.entity_id(+) = wdl.delivery_leg_id
AND wdi.entity_name(+) = 'WSH_DELIVERY_LEGS'
AND rct.customer_trx_id = rctla.customer_trx_id
AND rctla.interface_line_attribute6 = TO_CHAR (ool.line_id)
AND rctla.interface_line_attribute1 = TO_CHAR (ooh.order_number)
AND interface_header_context(+) = 'ORDER ENTRY'
--AND ooh.order_number = :order_number
and rct.trx_number='212423'
ORDER BY ool.flow_status_code
, ooh.order_number
, ool.line_number
select ct_reference from ra_customer_trx_all
where customer_trx_id = 2119242
--where interface_header_attribute1='435360'
order by 1 desc

select sales_order from ra_customer_trx_lines_all

where customer_trx_id = 2119242

where sales_order='435360'

select * from wsh_delivery_details


SELECT ooha.order_number
,oola.line_number so_line_number
,oola.ordered_quantity * oola.unit_selling_price so_extended_price
,rcta.trx_number invoice_number
,rctla.line_number inv_line_number
,rctla.unit_selling_price inv_unit_selling_price
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha
, oe_order_lines_all oola
, ra_customer_trx_all rcta
, ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctla
WHERE ooha.header_id = oola.header_id
AND rcta.customer_trx_id = rctla.customer_trx_id
AND rctla.interface_line_attribute6 = TO_CHAR (oola.line_id)
AND rctla.interface_line_attribute1 = TO_CHAR (ooha.order_number)
and rcta.trx_number='212423'

AND order_number = :p_order_number

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