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Diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases

Surely you heard a popular opinion that before doctors, there were better professionals. This is
explained by the fact that in the past doctors were unable to conduct patients with high-precision
analysis and research - they had to rely only on their knowledge and skills when diagnosing. Therefore,
the qualifications of doctors were higher, and the health of the population- better.

Controversial statement. Let us recall the mortality rate in the years past: its indicators were many times
superior to modern ones! Even if we admit that the "old" doctors were better than the current ones, the
lack of worthy methods of diagnostics obviously prevented them from working fully.

To think: even with the most careful examination of the patient, the best cardiac hospital in Delhi could
not conclude the location and extent of the infarction that occurred. The patient cannot always
determine the exact type of arrhythmias, he was not aware of the presence of metabolic disturbances in
the patient's myocardium and so on. Now, these and other data can be recognized in a minute if the
patient undergoes electrocardiography.

Accordingly, even with high qualifications, the doctors of the past were "blind to one eye" - they could
not count on the most accurate diagnosis, and therefore treatment of patients was also not always

Another common opinion is that Indian medicine is hopelessly backward, and the existing methods of
research are completely "wrong" and erroneous. But is this so? If we talk within the framework of the
topic and recall all the same cardiovascular disorders, then with the help of the most accessible, simple
and often used methods, in most cases it is successfully possible to put even very complex diagnoses!

How to independently detect heart disease?

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are, of course, good. But what if you are not in best cardiac
hospitals or a polyclinic, but at home, and you are concerned about the question of your current
condition? If you have any unpleasant symptoms, and you suspect that they are talking about heart
problems, "check" their complaints on the following list.

Angina pectoris: it corresponds to the pain behind the breastbone or in the left half of the chest
(sometimes extending into the left arm, left shoulder blade, interscapular space) arising during exercise.
They last less than 15 minutes and pass at rest or when taking nitroglycerin. If you suspect a stenocardia,
you should see a doctor in a planned order.

Myocardial infarction: very severe pain in the same area and with the same (or wider) distribution zone.
Do not take off painkillers and even nitroglycerin, last more than 20-30 minutes. The emergency
condition requires an ambulance.

Arrhythmias: a sense of disruption in the work of the heart, a feeling of "fading" in the chest. If there is a
suspicion of arrhythmia, we also urgently need to consult a cardiologist.

Myocarditis: various, short or long pains in the chest of different strength. They begin to worry 2-3
weeks after the virus infection (the virus is the most common cause of the disease). The direction is the
same: Visit the cardiac hospital in Delhi.

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