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April 1955

What is "Automation?

h e term automation has recently come notification of imperfect operations in the

T into the public eye. While proper discount
should perhaps be made for the excess of
past is fed into the machine via this system.

glamor (or dread) which inevitably attaches Development of Automotion

to a concept of this sort, the underlying facts
Isolated examples of automatic control as
of the matter are important. Automation has described above can be found in the history
already found application in a considerable of industry dating back more than two cen
number of manufacturing and office processes, turies. Perhaps one of the earliest devices for
and seems likely to prove adaptable to others. the automatic control of machinery was the
The remarks which follow are offered merely speed governor which was commonplace on
as an introduction to the subject, in order to early steam engines. Completely automatic
place the concept in perspective and to pro factories for weaving silk and for milling
vide a few illustrations.1 grain were in existence early in the nineteenth
The term is of comparatively recent origin; century, although such instances of early
few dictionaries include the word in their automation are extremely rare. Automation of
pages. The meaning of the term varies among industry is largely a development of the past
individual users, although in general, auto decade.
mation is used in reference to a mechanized Military demands resulting from W orld
process in which machines are subjected to War II hastened the evolution of automatic
automatic rather than manual control. To control. The ever increasing speed of aircraft,
some observers, such a concept of automation for example, necessitated vastly improved
is satisfied by merely increasing the extent of gun-laying techniques to bring down fast-
mechanization in present-day manufacturing flying enemy planes. Conventional methods of
operations. To the more technically minded, calculating variables and adjusting guns by
however, a more rigorous interpretation is human efforts were much too slow to be effec
given to the concept. According to the latter, tive against such speedy craft. As a conse
in order to qualify as automation, a process quence, automatic devices were developed
must incorporate, in addition to completely which could perform the necessary computa
automatic operation, a principle of feedback tions at speeds far in excess of human capaci
control through which the operating machine ties. The results o f intensive research in this
is fed a continuous stream of information as and related problems provided considerable
to the results of its past performance. The technical knowledge which became available
feedback principle enables automatic equip for application to industrial needs during the
ment to correct itself, within limits, when postwar period.

1 Debate on the possible impact of automation on the vol

ume of employment or unemployment becomes the last chapter
of the well-worn subject of technologys relation to job oppor
tunities. That subject is not treated in this short article.

Digitized for FRASER

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
April 1955

Degree of Control the industrial revolution of a century and a

Full-fledged automation would provide for half ago which replaced human and animal
completely automatic control of machines in physical effort with machine power, and the
the factory or in the office. Ideally, such auto current evolution of automation which prom
matic control carries through the complete ises to replace the simpler and repetitive
process from the handling and positioning of functions of human minds with automatic
raw materials, through the actual perform machinery. Just as the introduction of labor-
ance of work on the material, and the check saving machinery in the past failed to relieve
ing o f results according to predetermined mankind of all necessity for physical exer
standards. The latter function makes use of tion, automation cannot promise to relieve
the concept of feedback control through which human minds of all the essential machine-
control functions. However, the more tedious
the machine is enabled to adjust its perform
and repetitive types of mental effort associ
ance to maintain a required standard of
quality. ated with the operations of machines in fac
tories and offices can in many cases be
In its present stage of development, auto assigned to automatic control devices.
mation differs considerably from the popular
concept of completely workerless factories
Single Purpose and Multipurpose
into which raw materials are poured in a con
tinuous stream, never to be seen or touched Although automation machinery provides
by humans until the finished product rolls for non-human control during the actual
out of the plant ready for delivery. Except in process of production, such equipment must
the cases of a few industries which are espe have a set of instructions to follow before
cially adaptable to automation procedures it can begin operations. In this respect, ma
(such as chemicals and oil refining) such a chinery in the automatized plant is of two
concept of the workerless factory is far from kinds the single-purpose machines and the
reality. multipurpose machines. The single-purpose
As currently practiced in most industries at machine is capable of performing only those
the present time, automation is relegated to operations for which instructions have been
certain areas of the total production function built into the apparatus. Once set up, such a
where the replacement of limited human ca machine functions automatically at the task
pacity for speed and accuracy by swifter and for which it has been built. Since the auto
surer machine control results in increased and matic control devices have been built into the
less costly output. A number of processes in single-purpose machine, the latter cannot
the modern assembly line which formerly easily be adapted to any work other than that
were handled by machines controlled by for which it has been originally designed. Any
human minds have been redesigned to permit change in the type or design of products ex
the process to be handled by machines con pected from the single-purpose automatic
trolled automatically by other machines em machine would ordinarily necessitate exten
bodying the feedback principle. Where, in the sive rebuilding of the equipment and its
past, human operators acted as the feedback automatic nerve center or, worse, would
link between the machine and its product, render the machine obsolete.
mechanical or electronic devices are now ca The second type of automation equipment,
pable of serving this purpose in a number of the multipurpose machine, is designed to per
instances. form a variety of functions within a general
The introduction of automation, or auto area of the manufacturing process. Such a
matic control of machines, to American in machine is ordinarily equipped with a me
dustry as a substitute for human control has chanical or electronic control center capable
often been referred to as a second industrial of reading instructions from punch cards
revolution. An analogy is drawn between or magnetic tape. Thus, a multipurpose ma


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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
April 1955

chine can be made to perform a number of continuous stream.2 It should be pointed out,
different tasks from time to time by merely in this connection, that petroleum refining
changing the recorded instructions. also offers an example of the need for re
Although the versatility of the multi design in processes before automation can be
purpose type of automatic machine is a dis applied successfully. Prior to the automatic
tinct advantage, the programming of the refining plant, petroleum was customarily re
functions required of the machine for each fined in batches, and the shift to automation
operation, and the translation of the program was accomplished only after redesigning the
into punch-card or taped instructions, pre process into a continuous-flow method.
sent a number of problems. Every minute
step in the operation of such a machine must Automation in Specific Industries
be thoroughly planned in advance, a project
which sometimes requires actual manual per As mentioned earlier, the petroleum and
formance o f the task. Once the operation has chemical industries have perhaps made the
been recorded in a way which can subse most significant advances in automation.
quently be interpreted by the machine, it is These industries come nearest to fulfilling the
usually a comparatively simple matter to feed popular concept of workerless factories, where
the machine the appropriate instructions for the entire process is machine controlled from
the task at hand. The flexibility of such auto the entrance of raw materials into the plant
matic equipment and the relative ease with through quality control of the finished prod
which instructions can be changed, make this uct. Although little manpower is required in
type of device particularly valuable when a actual production by these plants, the prob
number of short runs of different products lem of maintenance in such a highly auto
are required. matized industry requires a considerable
number of skilled maintenance workers.
Adjusting to Automation An example of automation in an assembly-
line type of manufacturing is offered by a
Only in extremely rare cases is it possible large automobile engine plant on the outskirts
for a particular manufacturing plant to apply of Cleveland. This plant was designed and
automation techniques to existing procedures. built around an automation process, and is
Automation involves considerably more than perhaps one of the most frequently cited ex
the mere adaptation of present day equipment amples of the use of automation in a manu
to automatic control by a simple process of facturing process. A number of other factories
increasing mechanization. Automatic devices embodying automation techniques have been
are, as a rule, incapable of reproducing very built by the auto industry for the production
closely the motions and mental processes of of specific parts for automobiles. The Cleve
human workers. For this reason, the conver land foundry and engine plant, however, is
sion of existing manufacturing plants to one of the first in which automation has been
automation necessitates, more frequently than applied to a complete assembly-line process.
not, a thorough redesign of the manufactur
ing process. In some cases, even the product Office Work. The use of automation is not
itself must be redesigned to permit the appli limited to the factory in any sense. Office
cation of automation to its production. work, particularly in fields such as statistics
where great masses of data are processed reg
Automation is likely to be more successful
ularly, is especially adaptable to automation.
in a continuous-process type of operation than
Insurance companies, in whose offices are
in the manufacture of products in batches.
processed a huge amount of statistical data,
Thus, the chemical and oil refining industries
have been pointed to as examples of auto
mation, primarily as a result of the ease with 2 Some well-informed industry spokesmen, however, hold
that the term automation is not correctly applied in this
which liquid products can be processed in a context.


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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
April 1955

have applied automation to this type o f work Limitations of Automation

with marked success.
Extended use of automation in the office As in the case with every innovation, auto
has been made possible by the development of mation has a number of serious limitations
giant electronic computers capable o f digest which must be overcome before its actual use
ing vast quantities of mathematical informa can approach its potential.
tion and producing almost any required One serious impediment to a fuller use of
computations. Although popularly labeled automation is the need for extensive redesign
mechanical or electronic brains, such ma ing of present manufacturing processes in
chines are limited to handling data pre most cases where the employment of auto
recorded on tape, and then operations on mation is contemplated. The obstacles here are
these data are restricted to those functions for not insurmountable, but the problems in most
which explicit instructions have been pro enterprises are considerable.
vided by means of a taped program. Even Because automation does not lend itself
with these limitations, the potential uses of readily to diversification, extensive use of
such equipment are impressive. For example, automatic control in most industries would
entire payrolls for large companies can now require a maximum of standardization of
be computed and accurate checks drawn in products. A careful study of consumer re
a very short time with a minimum of human action to further standardization of goods
assistance. might be required before industry would want
In this connection, it has recently been re
to go far in this direction. On the other hand,
ported that the U. S. Bureau of the Census, in
it is possible that methods will be devised
collaboration with the National Bureau of
whereby a greater degree of diversification
Standards, has developed a pilot model of a
can be obtained from automated factories
new device which is able to scan specially
than is the case at present.
designed questionnaires and to produce com
puter tape automatically without hand oper The initial expenses involved in procuring
ation. The questionnaires to be read by the equipment for an automation process are,
this device are filled in by the respondent by of course, extremely high. Such a large capi
placing dots in specially designated locations. tal outlay requirement represents a serious
The dots are then translated into numbers by obstacle to automation in many cases.
an electronic scanner on the device.
Many, although not necessarily all, of the
modern computer devices and other types of Martin Packman, Automation of Industry, Editorial R e
high speed office equipment fall very clearly search Reports, Washington, D. C., January 5, 1955.
John Diebold, Automation The New Technology, Har
into the narrower and more technical concept vard Business Review, November-December 1953, pp. 63-71.
of automation, involving the use of the Additional sources on the subject of automation are listed
in Business Information Sources, Business Information
feedback principle. Bureau, Cleveland Public Library, July-December 1953.


Digitized for FRASER

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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