Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 81

sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

sf:sL lhNnfsf] lgdf{)f ;fdfu|L Hofnf b//]]^ -Eof^ afx]s_

cf=a= 068/69
1_ ('jfgL
qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
s_ dfG%]rf}kfof $f/f ('jfgL ubf{
1 ;lhnf] ;fdfg k|lt lsnf] k| 1.40 1.50 7.14 1.60
2 c;lhnf] ;fdfg k|lt lsnf] k| 1.80 1.90 5.56 2.00
3 ;fdfg nf]* k|lt 8.25 9.00 9.09 9.50
4 ;fdfg cgnf]* k|lt 8.00 8.50 6.25 9.00
5 ^<ofS^/^<]n/ af^ ('jfgL k|lt ls=ld= 13.50 14.00 3.70 16.00
v_ ^<sjf^ h'g;'s} ;fdfg ('jfgL ubf{ :jLs[t gd{; cg';f/ tof/
u/]sf] b//]^nfO{ :jLs[tL lnO{ k|of]u ug]{ .
6 kz' tyf s[lif kz' ;]jf sfo{s|md cGtu{t >f]t s]Gb| b]lv kz' ;]jf s]Gb|pks]Gb|
sf nflu / ks]^ If]q ;Dd kz' ljsf; sfo{sf nflu s[ifss[ifs
;d"x;ldltnfO{ pknAw u/fOg] kz', k+IfL tyf #f;sf lapm a]gf{ ('jfgL b/
lgDg cg';f/ sfod ul/Psf] % .

7 &"nf kz' -;f+(, ufO{, /f+uf], e};L _ k}bn af^f] 90.75 90.75 0.00 90.75
('jfgL / cfxf/ vr{ ;d]t k|lt kz' k|lt sf]z -3 ls=dL=_ ?
8 ;fgf kz'' -af]sf,afv|f,y'df,e]*L_ k}bn af^f] ('jfgL / 60.5 60.50 0.00 60.50
cfxf/ vr{ ;d]t k|lt kz' k|lt sf]z -3 ls=dL=_ ?

9 ;fgf kz' a+u'/sf -kf&f, kf&L /fVg] vf]/ afx]s_ ('jfgL / 60.5 60.50 0.00 60.50
cfxf/ vr{ ;d]t k|lt kz' k|lt kz' k}bn af^f] k|ltsf]z ?

10 *fn] #f+;sf lj?jf -k|lt 35 lj?jf Psef/L_ ('jfgL ug{ k}bn af^f] k|lt 4 sf]z 1
hgf HofdLsf] Hofnf vr{ lbg] .

11 g]lko/, cd[zf] cfbL #f; k|lt xhf/ lj?jf -;]^\;_ ('jfgL ug{ k}bn af^f] k|lt 4
sf]z 1 hgf HofdLsf] Hofnf vr{ lbg] .

12 #f;sf] lap -k|lt 40 s]=hL_ Ps ef/L ('jfgL ug{ k}bn af^f] k|lt 4 sf]if 1 hgf
HofdLsf] Hofnf vr{ lbg] .
13 s'v'/fsf] Ps lbg] rNnf ('jfgL ug{ k|lt Ps ;o ;Dd Pp^f ('jfgL 130.00 130.00
afs;sf] d""No ?= 120=00 / k}bn af^f] k|lt -200 ;Dd rNnf Ps
ef/L_ 4 sf]z ;Dd 1 hgf HofdLsf] Hofnf vr{ lbg] .

u_ cf}ifwL ('jfgL ubf{

14 -s_ ;lhnf] ;fdfg k|lt lsnf] k|ltsf]if k|lt lsnf] k| 2.40 2.50 4.17 2.50
15 -v_ c;lhnf] ;fdfg k|ltlsnf] k|ltsf]if k|lt lsnf] k| 3.60 3.70 2.78 3.70

#_ sf&
16 ;'s]sf] ;fnsf& s^fgL lr/fgL ('jfgL ;lxt #=lkm= 1330 1800.00 35.34 2900.00
-s_ 8 lkm^ ;Dd
-v_ 8 lkm^ eGbf dfly #=lkm= 1350 1900.00 40.74 3100.00
17 lzzf} sf& s^fgL lr/fgL ('jfgL ;lxt #=lkm 800 1360.00 70.00 2200.00

18 cGo s"sf& s^fgL lr/fgL ('jfgL ;lxt #=lkm= 500 800.00 60.00 900.00
19 ;Nnf sf& #=lkm= 500 550.00 10.00 800.00

k]h g+= 1 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
~_ kf]lnlyg kfOk tyf lh=cfO{=kfOk dflg; jf ^|s af^
('jfgL u/fpg' kbf{ pQm b//]^ nfO lgDg c+s (Coefficient
Factor) n] u')ff ul/ x'g cfpg] b//]^ cg';f/ ug]{ .
20 16 b]lv 50 ldld ;Dd 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.50
21 63 b]lv 300 ldld ;Dd 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
22 300 ld=ld= eGbf dfly 3.50 3.50 0.00 3.50
r_ ^<fG;kmd{/ / gof kf]n ('jfgL
23 10 ld=;Ddsf] kf]n k|lt lsnf] k| 3.40 3.40 0.00 3.40
24 10 ld= eGbf nfdf] kf]n k|lt lsnf] k| 4.30 4.30 0.00 4.30
25 ^<fG;kmd{/ k|lt lsnf] k| 13 13.00 0.00 13.00
26 b"/ ;+rf/sf] la=l^=P;= k|lt lsnf] k| 13 13.00 0.00 13.00
tyf /]S^Lkmfo/ ltsf]if

%_ hfnL ('jfgL
27 ljleGg ;fOhsf] tof/L hfnL ('jfgL u/fpg' kbf{, ^<saf^ jf dflg; af^ ;fdfg
('jfgLsf] b/ -Coefficient Factor) nfO{ 4=0 n] u')ff u/L x'g cfpg] ('jfgL b/n]
('jfgL ul/g] hDdf hfnL ;+Vofsf] tf}nnfO{ u')ff ul/ x''g cfpg] c+s nfOg}
('jfgL ef*f sfod ug]{ .

h_ kfgL ('jfgL
28 ^]<+s/af^ kfgL ('jfgL -4000 ln^/_ ^]+s/ 700 700.00 700.00
em_ emf]n'] k'n n&\&f ('jfgL
29 26 ld=ld=eGbf d'gLsf] emf]=k'=n&\&f ('jfgL ubf{ c;lhnf] ;fdfg dfgL ;f]
cg';f/ ug]{ / 26 ld=ld=jf ;f] eGbf dfyLsf] emf]=k'=n&\&f ('jfgL ubf{
;DaGwLt b//]^ nfO -Coefficient Factor) 4=0 n] u')ff u/L x'g cfpg] ('jfgL b/n]
('jfgL ul/g] hDdf tf}nnfO{ u')ff ul/

`f_ ;*s dd{t ;+jlGw ('jfgL

30 ;*s dd{t ;+ef/ cGtu{t d]h/ / dfOg/ Kofrj{ssf nflu 1=50 ls=ld=;Dddf
r'nf] ;fg{ :jLs[t gd{; cg';f/sf] b//]^df 50 k|ltzt yk lbg] .

31 ;*s ls=ld= kf]i^ tyf ;*s ;fOg af]*{sf] /~ /f]ugsf] nflu :jLs[t gd{; cg';f/sf]
b//]^df 50 k|ltzt yk lbg] .

2_ :yfgLo lgdf{)f ;fdfu|L (Local Materials)

s_ :yfgLo afn'jf -('jfgL ;lxt_
1 Knfi^/sf] nflu afn'jf #=ld= 1090 1145.00 5.05 1150.00
2 s|;/af^ rfnLPsf], l:qmg ul/Psf] tyf /fd| #=ld= 1100 1155.00 5.00 1175.00
f] wf]Psf] tof/L afn'jf
-75 dfOqmf]g b]lv 4=75 ldld ;Dd_

v_ ('f -('jfgL ;lxt_

3 vf]nfsf] af]N*/kmf]?jf ('f #=ld= 850 890.00 4.71 1100.00
4 vf]]nfsf] gbLaf^ hflnaf^ %fg]/, wf]P/ #=ld= 850 890.00 4.71 1100.00
NofPsf] lul ;fO{h 80 ld=ld= *fpg

k]h g+= 2 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
u_ qm;/ d]lzgaf^ k'm^fO{ :s|Llg u/L, rfnL wf]P/
5 NofPsf]
qm;/ lu^L
d]lzgaf^ s'^]sf] lu^L ;fgf] #=ld= 1200 1260.00 5.00 1275.00
-4=75 jf^ 25 ldld ;Dd_
6 qm;/ d]lzgaf^ s'^]sf] lu^L ;fgf] #=ld= 1180 1240.00 5.08 1240.00
-4=75 jf^ 40 ldld ;Dd_
7 qm;/ d]lzgaf^ s'^]sf] lu^L demf}nf #=ld= 1050 1100.00 4.76 1125.00
-40 jf^ 63 ldld ;Dd_
8 qm;/ d]lzgaf^ s'^]sf] lu^L &"nf] #=ld= 950 1000.00 5.26 1125.00
-63 jf^ 80 ldld ;Dd_
9 gbLsf] l/e/a]* d]^l/on -River bed #=ld= 690 725.00 5.07 750.00
materials, Borrowed and Filling Materials)
10 nf]sn lrK; -0 blv 19 ldld_, a]z *i^ #=ld= 1000 1050.00 5.00 1050.00

11 nf]sn lrK; -5 blv 10 ldld_ #=ld= 1040 1090.00 4.81 1090.00

12 nf]sn lrK; -10 blv 14 ldld_ #=ld= 1330 1395.00 4.89 1395.00
13 /f]* a]; -0 blv 40 ldld_ #=ld= 1150 1205.00 4.78 1205.00
r_ O{^f
14 O^f ^'qmf -;'vL{_ #=ld= 1980 2100.00 6.06 2500.00
15 lrDgL efsf] Of -s_ nf]sn xhf/ 6900 8250.00 19.57 10000.00
16 lrDgL efsf] Of -v_ t/fO{ xhf/ 7740 10500.00 35.66 11500.00
17 rfOlgh Of -t]lnof*_ xhf/ 8400 12000.00 42.86 13000.00
%_ cGo :yfgLo ;fdfu|L -('jfgL ;lxt, lgsf;L s/ gnfUg]_
18 s'b]sf] ('f #=ld= 3933 4130.00 5.02 4130.00
19 :n]^ j=ld= 411 430.00 4.52 430.00
20 %fpg] ('f j=ld= 411 430.00 4.52 430.00
21 *]sf]/]l^ -a'f s'b]sf] 104 _ uf]^f 19.36 21.00 8.47 21.00
22 ufx|f] nufpg ('jfgL u/L Nofpg] ;fwf/)f #=ld= 514.25 540.00 5.01 540.00
23 ufx|f] nufpg, d'xfgdf nufpg] ('jfgL u/L #=ld= 510 535.00 4.90 535.00
Nofpg] /ftf] df^f]
24 bfp/f SjLG^n 480 505.00 5.21 700.00
25 v/ -16 d'&f 10 lkm^ *f]/Ln] afw]sf]_ ef/L 170 178.00 4.71 200.00

26 (']jf; l%lkPsf] -10 ld=;Dd_ uf]^f 240 252.00 5.00 252.00

27 wg'jf; -10 ld=;Dd_ uf]^f 240 252.00 5.00 252.00
28 lgofnf]sf] esf/L -6x4 ju{lkm^_ uf]^f 480 505.00 5.21 505.00
29 af;sf] dfGb|f] -6x8 ju{lkm^_ uf]^f 360 380.00 5.56 380.00
30 r'gf g+=1 s]=hL 20 21.00 5.00 21.00
31 r'gf g+=2 s]=hL 16 17.00 6.25 17.00
3_ cfofltt lgdf{)f ;fdfu|L
s_ kmnfd] *G*L
1 afolG* jfo/ s]=hL= 120.57 85.00 85.00
2 l^=Pd=l^=/^f]/sf/L 4=75 ld=ld= s]=hL= 112.00 72.25 72.25
3 l^=Pd=l^=/^f]/sf/L 7 ld=ld= s]=hL= 111.50 65.00 65.00
4 l^=Pd=l^=/^f]/:^Ln 8 ld=ld= s]=hL= 95.19 64.00 64.00
5 l^=Pd=l^=/^f]/:^Ln -1025_ s]=hL= 94.19 63.20 63.20
6 ld=ld=
l^=Pd=l^=/^f]/:^Ln -2832_ s]=hL= 96.68 64.00 64.00
7 ld=ld=
lsnf, sf^L s]=hL= 130.00 85.00 85.00
8 kmnfd] kftf -Mild steel plate 2.5, 4.0, 5.0 s]=hL= 98.50 100.00 100.00
mm thick)
gf]^M pk/f]St kmnfd] *)(Ldf cGtz'Ns ;dfj]; ul/Psf] %.

k]h g+= 3 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
v_ lh= cfO= tf/
9 lh=cfO{=tf/ x]le sf]]]l^ 8 u]h s]=hL= 131 90.00 -31.30 92.00
10 lh=cfO{=x]le sf]]]l^ 10 u]h s]=hL= 131 90.00 -31.30 92.00
11 lh=cfO{=x]le sf]]]l^ 12 u]h s]=hL= 133 92.00 -30.83 94.00
12 lh=cfO{=ldl*od sf]]]l^ 8 u]h s]=hL= 128 88.00 -31.25 90.00
13 lh=cfO{=ldl*od sf]]]l^ 10 u]h s]=hL= 128 88.00 -31.25 90.00
14 lh=cfO{=ldl*od sf]]]l^ 12 u]h s]=hL= 130 90.00 -30.77 92.00
15 lh=cfO{= sdl;{on sf]]]l^ 8 u]h s]=hL= 122 84.00 -31.15 85.00
16 lh=cfO{= sdl;{on sf]]]l^ 10 u]h s]=hL= 122 84.00 -31.15 85.00
17 lh=cfO{= sdl;{on sf]]]l^ 12 u]h s]=hL= 124 86.00 -30.65 87.00
18 lh=cfO{= sf(]tf/ s]=hL= 130 105.00 -19.23 105.00
Machine made and mechanically
selvedged double twist hexagonal mesh
products(Maccaferri product) Wire Mesh
6*8/2.2/2.7/ZN sqm 191.00
10*12/2.7/3.4/ZN sqm 201.00
10*12/3.0/3.9/ZN sqm 226.00
6*8/2.2/2.7/PVC sqm 304.00
10*12/2.7/3.4/PVC sqm 273.00
Note:-ZN=Heavy Galvanized,PVC=PVC
Type/Mesh wire Dia./Selvedge Wire
Dia./Lacing Wire Dia./Type of Coating
u_ h:tf kftf
19 h:tf kftf 24 u]h (Medium ) j)*n 9360 9360.00 0.00 9360.00
20 h:tf kftf 26 u]h (Medium ) j)*n 7770 7770.00 0.00 7770.00
21 h:tf kftf 28 u]h (Medium ) j)*n 5515 5515.00 0.00 5515.00
22 h:tf kftf /+lug 24 u]h j)*n 11812 11812.00 0.00 11812.00
23 h:tf kftf /+lug 26 u]h j)*n 9995 9995.00 0.00 9995.00
24 h:tf kftf /+lug 28 u]h j)*n 7966 7966.00 0.00 7966.00
25 kmfOj/ l;^ -kf/bzL{ kftf_ 1=2 mm a=lkm= 240 240.00 0.00 240.00
26 Kn]gl;^ kftf ;fbf 26 u]h a=lkm= 36 36.00 0.00 36.00
27 Kn]gl;^ kftf /+lug 0=2 dLdL a=lkm= 45 45.00 0.00 45.00
28 PNdf]lgod kftf 24 u]h j=lkm= 30 30.00 0.00 30.00
29 Carbon Fibre UPVC roofing sheet j=lkm= 148.10 162.91
including the cost of material and labour,
fittig, fixing all job( 3 mm thick)
30 u-1_ Pn'ldlgod km|]d
31 Sliding window fitted with 5mm clear Sq.ft. 507 605.00 19.33 605.00
glass without net. Size: 4' x 5'
32 Sliding window fitted with 5mm clear Sq.ft. 530 635.00 19.81 635.00
glass without net. Size: 5' x 4'
33 Sliding window fitted with 5mm clear Sq.ft. 516 620.00 20.16 620.00
glass without net. Size: 9' x 5'
34 Sliding window fitted with 5mm clear Sq.ft. 500 600.00 20.00 600.00
glass without net. Size: 7' x 5'
35 Sliding with ventillation at top and bottom Sq.ft. 490 585.00 19.39 585.00
w/o net. Size: 6' x 7'
36 Fix window and hinged door fitted with Sq.ft. 550 660.00 20.00 660.00
5mm glass.
37 Fix window fitted with 5mm glass. Size: Sq.ft. 400 480.00 20.00 480.00
6' x 3'
38 Glass door fitted with 12mm glass GD Sq.ft. 1125 1350.00 20.00 1350.00

k]h g+= 4 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
39 Glazed window (Curtain Wall) with 5mm Sq.ft. 780 935.00 19.87 935.00
reflective glass

k]h g+= 5 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
40 Stainless steel railing on varandah and Sq.ft. 1450 1740.00 20.00 1740.00
staircase. Size: 2" x 1" x 1" x 1"

#_ l;d])^
41 s_ g]kfnL l;d])^ -50 s]=hL_ N.S. Marks Jofu 450 520.00 15.56 520.00

42 v_ x]^f}*fpbok'/ l;d])^ 50 s]=hL Jofu As per factory As per factory

rate rate
43 l;d])^ -50 s]=hL=_ Ol)*og 43 u|]* Jofu 585 620.00 5.98 620.00
44 l;d])^ -50 s]=hL=_ O{l)*og 53 u|]* Jofu 595 625.00 5.04 625.00
45 ;]tf] l;d])^ -50 s]=hL=_ Jofu 1250 1400.00 12.00 1400.00
46 l;d])^sf] vfnL Knfli^ssf] af]/f uf]^f 4 4.00 0.00 5.00
~_ l;d])^ slGs^ Ans / kf]n
47 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans -48 uf]^f 24 28.00 16.67 28.00
48 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 32 38.00 18.75 38.00
-68 16_
49 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 44 52.00 18.18 52.00
-88 16_
50 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 24 30.00 25.00 30.00
-88 8_ Hollow
51 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 40 50.00 25.00 50.00
-41212_ hfnL
52 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 22 30.00 38.89 30.00
-64 12_ Solid
53 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 29 36.00 25.00 36.00
-64 16_ Solid
54 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 38 45.00 17.19 45.00
-48 16_ Solid
55 l;d])^ slGqm^ Ans uf]^f 55 65.00 17.75 65.00
-68 16_ Solid
56 l;d])^ slGqm^ kf]n uf]^f 540 570.00 5.56 570.00
-446_ kmnfd] %* ;lxt
57 l;d])^ slGqm^ /f]* sa{ 160.00 160.00
-501030_ ;]=dL=
58 l;d])^ slGqm^ /f]* sa{ 190.00 190.00
-501230_ ;]=dL=
59 l;d])^ slGqm^ kf]n uf]^f 660 665.00 0.76 665.00
-457'6_ kmnfd] %* ;lxt
60 l;d])^ slGqm^ lqsf]; uf]^f 1550.00 1550.00
61 3" thick Paving Block uf]^f 18 24.00 33.33 24.00
62 ljh'nLsf] slGqm^ kf]n -8 uf]^f g]= la= k|f= g]= la= k|f= g]= la= k|
af]*{af^ af]*{af^
ld= nfdf]_ f= af]*{af^
lgwf{/)f eP lgwf{/)f eP
cg';f/ sfod cg';f/ sfod lgwf{/)f eP
63 ljh'nLsf] slGqm^ kf]n -10 uf]^f ug]{ ug]{ cg';f/ sfod
ld= nfdf]_ ug]{

64 l;d])^ ^fon l/h -1 lkm^ uf]^f 63 65.00 2.77 65.00

65 l;d])^sf] a']bf/ l:qmghfnL e\mofn uf]^f 40 42.00 5.00 42.00
66 cf/=l;=l;=lqsf]; -6'3') uf]^f 1050 1070.00 1.90 1070.00

k]h g+= 6 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
r_ l;d])^ ^fon
67 1 df]^fO{ OG^/nls~ ^fon a=lkm= 40 42.00 5.00 43.00
68 2 df]^fO{ OG^/nls~ ^fon a=lkm= 50 52.00 4.00 53.00
69 2 12 df]^fO{ OG^/nls~ ^fon a=lkm= 60 62.00 3.33 64.00
70 sn/ ^fonsf] nflu yk j=lkm= 4 4.80 30.43 5.00
71 2 12 df]^fO{ ldl*od l*p^L uf]^f 15 16.75 9.93 18.00
x]Uhfugn -4;fO{*_
72 3 df]^fO{ x]lj l*p^L x]Uhfugn -4 uf]^f 17 19.00 13.94 20.00

%_ xo"dkfOk -('jfgL afx]s_

Light Duty
73 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 100 ldld uf]^f 800 800 0.00 850.00
-4_ Aof;
74 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 150 ldld uf]^f 1067 1067 0.00 1100.00
-6_ Aof;
75 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 200 ldld uf]^f 1387 1387 0.00 1425.00
-8_ Aof;
76 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 225 ldld uf]^f 1500 1500 0.00 1600.00
-9_ Aof;
77 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' uf]^f 2355 2355 0.00 2500.00
300ld=ld= -12_ Aof;
78 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' uf]^f 2605 2725.00
350ld=ld= -12_ Aof;
79 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' uf]^f 2855 3000.00
375ld=ld= -12_ Aof;
80 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 400 ldld uf]^f 3272 3272 0.00 3400.00
-16_ Aof;
81 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 450 ldld uf]^f 3470 3470 0.00 3600.00
82 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 500 ldld uf]^f 3892 3892 0.00 4000.00
-20_ Aof;
83 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 600 ldld uf]^f 5135 5135 0.00 5300.00
-24_ Aof;
84 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 700 ldld uf]^f 6700 6700 0.00 7000.00
-27_ Aof;
85 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 800 ldld uf]^f 8087 8087 0.00 8300.00
-31_ Aof;
86 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 900 ldld uf]^f 9500 9500 0.00 9700.00
-35_ Aof;
87 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 1000 ldld uf]^f 10767 11000.00
-35_ Aof;
88 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 1200 ldld uf]^f 12922 13400.00
-35_ Aof;
89 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 1500 ldld uf]^f 20700 21500.00
-35_ Aof;
Heavy Duty

90 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 150 ldld uf]^f 2382 2382 0.00 2501.00
-6_ Aof;
91 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 200 ldld uf]^f 3175 3175 0.00 3333.00
-9_ Aof;

k]h g+= 7 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
92 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 250 ldld uf]^f 3970 3970 0.00 4168.00
-9_ Aof;

k]h g+= 8 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
93 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 300 ldld uf]^f 5705 5705 0.00 5990.00
-12_ Aof;
94 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 350 ldld uf]^f 6400 6720.00
-12_ Aof;
95 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 400 ldld uf]^f 7292 7292 0.00 7656.00
-15_ Aof;
96 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 450 ldld uf]^f 8185 8185 0.00 8594.00
-18_ Aof;
97 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 500 ldld uf]^f 9127 9127 0.00 9583.00
-20_ Aof;
98 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 600 ldld uf]^f 10737 10737 0.00 11273.00
-24_ Aof;
99 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 700 ldld uf]^f 13615 13615 0.00 14295.00
-27_ Aof;
100 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 750 ldld uf]^f 15000 15750.00
-27_ Aof;
101 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 800 ldld uf]^f 17065 17065 0.00 17918.00
-31_ Aof;
102 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 900 ldld- uf]^f 19247 19247 0.00 20209.00
35_ Aof;
103 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 1000 ldld- uf]^f 21382 22451.00
35_ Aof;
104 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 1200 ldld- uf]^f 25025 25025 0.00 26276.00
42_ Aof;
105 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 1500 ldld- uf]^f 36250 38062.00
42_ Aof;

xo"dkfOk ('jfgL -50 lsld ;Dd_

Light Duty
106 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 100 ldld uf]^f 120 120.00 0.00 126.00
107 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 150 ldld uf]^f 160 160.00 0.00 168.00
108 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 200 ldld uf]^f 208 208.00 0.00 218.00
109 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 225 ldld uf]^f 225 225.00 0.00 236.00
110 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' uf]^f 350 350.00 0.00 367.00
300ld=ld= -12_
111 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' uf]^f 390 409.00
350ld=ld= -12_ Aof;
112 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' uf]^f 420 441.00
375ld=ld= -12_ Aof;
113 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 400 ldld uf]^f 490 490.00 0.00 514.00
114 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 450 ldld uf]^f 520 520.00 0.00 546.00
115 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 500 ldld uf]^f 580 580.00 0.00 609.00
116 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 600 ldld uf]^f 770 770.00 0.00 808.00
117 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 700 ldld uf]^f 1005 1005.00 0.00 1055.00

k]h g+= 9 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
118 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 800 ldld uf]^f 1210 1210.00 0.00 1270.00

k]h g+= 10 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
119 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 900 ldld uf]^f 1425 1425.00 0.00 1496.00
120 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 1000 ldld uf]^f 1575 1653.00
-35_ Aof;
121 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 1200 ldld uf]^f 1800 1890.00
-35_ Aof;
122 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP2 'L' 1500 ldld uf]^f 2000.0 2100.00
-35_ Aof;
Heavy Duty 0.00 0.00
123 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 150 ldld uf]^f 355 355.00 0.00 372.00
124 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 200 ldld uf]^f 475 475.00 0.00 498.00
125 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 250 ldld uf]^f 595 595.00 0.00 624.00
126 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 300 ldld uf]^f 855 855.00 0.00 897.00
127 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 400 ldld uf]^f 1090 1090.00 0.00 1144.00
128 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 450 ldld uf]^f 1225 1225.00 0.00 1286.00
129 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 500 ldld uf]^f 1370 1370.00 0.00 1438.00
130 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 600 ldld uf]^f 1610 1610.00 0.00 1690.00
131 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 700 ldld uf]^f 2040 2040.00 0.00 2142.00
132 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 750 ldld uf]^f 2200 2310.00
-27_ Aof;
133 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 800 ldld uf]^f 2560 2560.00 0.00 2688.00
134 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 900 ldld- uf]^f 2885 2885.00 0.00 3029.00
135 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 1000 ldld- uf]^f 3300 3465.00
35_ Aof;
136 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 1200 ldld- uf]^f 3750 3750.00 0.00 3937.00
137 cf/=l;=l;=xo"dkfOk NP3 'H' 1500 ldld- uf]^f 4500 4725.00
42_ Aof;

k]h g+= 11 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
h_ la^'ldg afOG*/ -('jfgL afx]ssf] kmofS^|L /]^ _
138 Bitumen 80/100 grade (New M.S. Drum s]=hL= 61.39 65.00 5.89 73.00
Cat ionic Bitumen Emulsion
139 Rapid Setting (R1) with 60% Bitumen s]=hL= 51.80 53.00 2.32 58.00
140 Rapid Setting (R2) with 65% Bitumen s]=hL= 55 57.00 3.64 62.00
141 Rapid Setting (R3) with 70% Bitumen s]=hL= 58.20 59.00 1.37 64.00
142 Medium Setting (M1) with 60% Bitumen s]=hL= 52.20 54.00 3.45 59.00
143 Medium Setting (M2) with 65% Bitumen s]=hL= 55.50 57.00 2.70 62.00
144 Slow Setting (SS) with 60% Bitumen s]=hL= 53.40 55.00 3.00 60.00
145 Slurry Seal (S-S) with 60% Bitumen s]=hL= 58.90 60.00 1.87 66.00
146 Anti Strip (Liquid) s]=hL= 320 340.00 6.25 374.00
147 Geotextile a=ld= 120.00 132.00
148 Sign Board painting and lettering a=ld= 500.00 550.00
`f_ ejg lgdf{)f ;fdfu|L
149 vfS;L -1012_ l;^ 5 5.25 5.00 5.25
150 ud s]=hL= 184 193.20 5.00 193.20
151 /]zlng k])^ s]=hL 160 168.00 5.00 168.00
152 c:t/ k|fO{d/ k])^ ln^/ 285 299.25 5.00 299.25
153 Ogfd]n k])^ ln^/ 330 346.50 5.00 346.50
154 :gf];]d -l;d])^ k])^_ s]=hL= 64 67.20 5.00 67.20
155 PNd'lgod k])^ ln^/ 435 456.75 5.00 456.75
156 lh+s /]* cS;fO* ln^/ 220 231.00 5.00 231.00
157 l*:^]Dk/ s]=hL= 203 213.15 5.00 213.15
158 lngl;* cfon ln^/ 120 126.00 5.00 126.00
159 tf/k])^fOg t]n ln^/ 75 78.75 5.00 78.75
160 jfg]{; -l;Gy]l^s_ ln= 270 283.50 5.00 283.50
161 Knfl:^s Od'N;g ln= 420 441.00 5.00 441.00
162 lh+s k])^ ln= 190 199.50 5.00 199.50
163 /]* cS;fO*, ;fwf/)f ln= 150 157.50 5.00 157.50
164 /]* cS;fO* /fd|f] - g]kfn /]*_ ln= 448 470.40 5.00 470.40
165 ;/]; -Un"_ ln^/ 180 189.00 5.00 189.00
166 /a/ k])^ s]=hL 165 173.25 5.00 173.25
167 cnsqf k])^ -Black Japan Paints) s]=hL= 220 231.00 5.00 231.00
168 KnfOp* ;fwf/)f 4 ld=ld= j=lkm= 18 18.90 5.00 18.90
169 KnfOp* ;fwf/)f 6 ld=ld= j=lkm= 27 28.35 5.00 28.35
170 ;gdfOsf j=lkm= 35 36.75 5.00 36.75
171 jf^/k|'km KnfO{p* 4 ld=ld= j=lkm= 35 36.75 5.00 36.75
172 jf^/k|'km KnfO{p* 6 ld=ld= j=lkm= 38 39.90 5.00 42.00
173 jf^/k|'km KnfO{p* 9 ld=ld= j=lkm= 50 52.50 5.00 54.00
174 jf^/k|'km KnfO{p* 12 ld=ld= j=lkm= 52 54.60 5.00 65.00
175 jf^/k|'km KnfO{p* 19 ld=ld= j=lkm= 80 84.00 5.00 95.00
176 /a/ l;n 225.230 s]=hL 175 183.75 5.00 183.75
177 ;fnsf] sf& ln:^L -1_ /=ld^/ 13 13.65 5.00 13.65
178 ;fOgjf]*{ n]vfO{, ;fnsf&sf] km]ddf j=lkm= 100 105.00 5.00 105.00
179 sfle{ :^\of)**{ (f]sf j=lkm= 1800 1890.00 5.00 1890.00
180 l;;f}sf& -35_ /]ln, e/] /=lkm= 330 346.50 5.00 346.50
181 l;;f}sf& 2 12 s'b]sf] Ballustrate uf]^f 550 577.50 5.00 577.50
&F*F] sf& -lkml^ ;lxt_
182 /f]* k]G^ nL= 520 546.00 5.00 546.00
183 ;fn sf&sf] lni^L 12H1" /=ld^/ 7 7.35 5.00 7.35
184 jfj]{* jfo/ -12128 ld=ld=_ s]=hL= 130 136.50 5.00 143.00

k]h g+= 12 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
185 jfj]{* jfo/-14148 ld=ld=_ s]=hL= 130 136.50 5.00 143.00
186 sf*]tf/ sf] x'scfO jf]N^ uf]^f 6 6.30 5.00 6.00

k]h g+= 13 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
187 ;km]b O{l)*og jfn ^fon -;fdfGo_ j=lkm= 53 55.65 5.00 58.00
188 ;km]b O{l)*og jfn ^fon /fd|f] -sn/ 60 j=lkm= 66 69.30 5.00 72.00
189 ;km]b O{l)*og kmnf]/ ^fon -;fdfGo_ j=lkm= 53 55.65 5.00 58.00
190 ;km]b O{l)*og kmnf]/ ^fon /fd|f] -sn/ j=lkm= 65 68.25 5.00 71.00
80 k|ltzt_
191 k\mnf]l/ dfj{n j=lkm= 175 183.75 5.00 193.00
192 u]|gfO^ dfj{n j=lkm= 350 367.50 5.00 385.00
193 k|f]h]S;g :Nofjdf :nf]k agfO{ a'f j=lkm= 220 231.00 5.00 242.00
sf^\g] sfd ;fdfGo -lkmln, lk=l;=l;=/
Knfi^/ ;d]t_

194 dfj{n lrK; 3 ld=ld= #=ld= 7260 7623.00 5.00 8004.00

195 /+lug lrK; 3 ld=ld= #=ld= 8030 8431.50 5.00 8853.00
196 cShflns Pl;* s]=hL= 220 231.00 5.00 242.00
197 d}g kfln; s]=hL= 370 388.50 5.00 407.00
198 sfjf]{/])*d ('f uf]^f 205 215.25 5.00 226.00
199 lk=le=;L=^fon -lkml^ ;lxt_ j=lkm= 65 68.25 5.00 71.00
200 jf^/ k|'km sDkfp)* kfp*/df s]=hL= 60 63.00 5.00 66.00
201 jf^/ k|'km sDkfp)* emf]ndf ln^/ 208 218.40 5.00 229.00
202 (f]sf l:k| ;fwf/)f uf]^f 120 126.00 5.00 138.00
203 lh=cfO{=g^ jf]N^ jf;/ ;lxt uf]^f 11 11.55 5.00 12.00
204 xf]N* kmf:^ 9 ;fwf/)f uf]^f 11 11.55 5.00 12.00
205 4 sAhf uf]^f 22 23.10 5.00 25.00
206 3 sAhf uf]^f 13 13.65 5.00 15.00
207 4 %]l:sgL uf]^f 40 42.00 5.00 46.00
208 6 %]l:sgL uf]^f 50 52.50 5.00 57.00
209 12 %]l:sgL uf]^f 90 94.50 5.00 104.00
210 4 x])*n uf]^f 22 23.10 5.00 25.00
211 10 nls ;]^ uf]^f 155 162.75 5.00 179.00
212 dfl^{; nls ;]^ -a|f; /fd|f] vfnsf]_ uf]^f 990 1039.50 5.00 1143.00
213 ^]an #/f{sf] nls ;]^ uf]^f 70 73.50 5.00 80.00
214 kbf{sf] /]ln kfOk 34 /=lkm= 22 23.10 5.00 25.00
215 kbf{sf] /]ln kfOk 1 /=lkm= 24 25.20 5.00 27.00
216 kbf{sf] /]ln kfOk a|fs]^ uf]^f 66 69.30 5.00 76.00
217 jf^/ k|'kmL k]G^ ln^/ 550 577.50 5.00 635.00
218 lj^'ldg jf;/ uf]^f 0.5 0.53 5.00 0.58
219 h] x'sPn x's 8 ld=ld= uf]^f 9 9.45 5.00 10.00
220 ^f/km]N^ lj^'ldg -120 ld=_ afSnf] j)*n 1320 1386.00 5.00 1524.00
221 ^f/km]N^ lj^'ldg -120 ld=_ kftnf] j)*n 880 924.00 5.00 1016.00
222 k'l^g sfnf] s]=hL= 72 75.60 5.00 83.00
223 Unf; k'l^g s]=hL= 72 75.60 5.00 83.00
224 h'^ /];f v;|f] s]=hL= 72 75.60 5.00 83.00
225 h'^ /];f dl;gf] s]=hL= 72 75.60 5.00 83.00
j]b/ sf]^ s]=hL= 800.00
kmnfu :^f]g k]le (Flag Stone Paving) j=ld= 1000.00
Concrete Admixture (sikament) s]=hL= 250.00
Water Proofing Chemical Acrylic s]=hL= 800.00
polymer(sika latex power)
For water tank and Basement s]=hL= 800.00
Crystalization system(sika107)
For expansion joint Treatment polysulfide s]=hL= 1600.00

`f_ lz;f tyf hfnL

k]h g+= 14 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
226 3=5 ld=ld= P]gflzzf j=lkm= 60 63.00 5.00 63.00
227 4 ld=ld=P]gflzzf j=lkm= 65 68.25 5.00 68.25

k]h g+= 15 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
228 5 ld=ld=P]gflzzf j=lkm= 140 147.00 5.00 147.00
229 6 ld=ld= lzzf j=lkm= 165 173.25 5.00 173.25
230 -s_ :^]gn]; :^Ln hfnL -35_ j=ld= 605 635.25 5.00 635.25
231 -V_ :^]gn]; :^Ln hfnL -45_ j=ld= 410 430.50 5.00 430.50
232 lrs]g jfo/ d];, 20 u]h -9075 ;]dL_ j=ld= 100 105.00 5.00 115.00
233 d:So"^f] k|'km hfnL j=ld= 110 115.50 5.00 121.00
234 10 u]hsf] GI tf/ -5050 ld=ld=_ j=ld= 420 441.00 5.00 463.00
km]G;L hfnL
235 10 u]hsf] GI tf/ -7575 ld=ld=_ j=ld= 310 325.50 5.00 341.00
km]G;L hfnL
236 6060 ld=ld=10 u]h jf^/ d]; -2 12 j=ld= 300 315.00 5.00 330.00
2 12 _
237 PS:Kof)*]* hfnL -uf]N*]g_ j=ld= 120 126.00 5.00 132.00
238 32 ld=ld=kmN; KnfOp* jf]*{ j=lkm= 150 157.50 5.00 165.00
-Psftkm{ jf^/ k|'mkm l^s_
239 38 ld=ld= kmN; jf]*{ KnfO{p* j=lkm= 130 136.50 5.00 143.00
240 nufO{
32 ld=ld= af]*{ KnfO{ ;fbf j=lkm= 115 120.75 5.00 126.00
241 38 ld=ld=jf]*{ KnfO{ ;fbf j=lkm= 130 136.50 5.00 143.00
^_ lah'lnsf] ;fdfg
242 2 Knfl:^s ln:^L
/=ld= 28 29.40 5.00 23.00
243 4 Knfl:^s ln:^L
/=ld= 30 31.50 5.00 28.00
244 PSh:^ km]g -8 O{Gr km]d ;lxt_ uf]^f 1800 1890.00 5.00 2000.00
245 1/2 Pr=lk= O{n]S^<Ls df]^/ uf]^f 4860 5103.00 5.00 6000.00
246 -Ol)*og_
1 Pr=lk= On]S^<Ls df]^/ -Ol)*og_ uf]^f 8850 9292.50 5.00 11000.00
247 8 Pd=Pd= s]jn tf/ ld^/ 25 26.25 5.00 29.00
248 kDk nufO{ Dewatering ug]{ #)^f 300 315.00 5.00 346.50
249 /]zldtf/ -1460_ Sjfon 320 380.00 18.75 600.00
250 /]zldtf -2360_ Sjfon 1446.00 900.00
251 sk/ tf/ 3.20 Sjfon 1435 1506.75 5.00 1900.00
252 sk/ tf/ 3.22 Sjfon 935 981.75 5.00 1200.00
253 sk/ tf/ 7.20 Sjfon 3400 3570.00 5.00 3850.00
254 sk/ tf/ 7.22 Sjfon 2100 2205.00 5.00 2400.00
255 sk/ tf/ 1.18 Sjfon 780 819.00 5.00 900.00
256 sG;]l^s nfOg tf/6 ld=ld= ld^/ 27 28.35 5.00 25.00
257 sG;]l^s nfOg tf/25 ld=ld= ld^/ 72 75.60 5.00 85.00
258 jg j] kmN; Uof l:jr uf]^f 57 59.85 5.00 59.85
259 ^' j] kmN; Uof l:jr uf]^f 61 64.05 5.00 64.05
260 j]n k'; -Bell push_ uf]^f 64 67.20 5.00 67.20
261 OlG*s]^/ n]Dk uf]^f 22 23.10 5.00 24.00
262 ^' lkg ;s]^ uf]^f 27 28.35 5.00 21.00
263 ly| lkg ;s]^ uf]^f 27 28.35 5.00 37.00
264 o"lge;{n ;s]^ uf]^f 27 28.35 5.00 37.00
265 sGe;{g ;s]^ 10 PlDko/ ls^sf^ uf]^f 60 63.00 5.00 37.00
266 ^]lnkmf]g ;s]^( CPL or equivalent) uf]^f 60 63.00 5.00 90.00
267 60 AMP d]g l:jr ;fwf/)f uf]^f 2200 2310.00 5.00 2600.00
268 60 AMP d]g l:jr x]le d]]^n uf]^f 4180 4389.00 5.00 3600.00
269 Pd=l;=lj=l*i^<Ljo";g jf]*{10 j] uf]^f 880 924.00 5.00 1300.00
270 Pd=l;=lj=l*i^<Ljo";g jf]*{10 j] x]le uf]^f 1200 1260.00 5.00 2200.00
271 d]g l:jr jS; 60 AMP uf]^f 3200 3360.00 5.00 3360.00
272 Pd=l;=lj=l*i^<jo";g jf]*{8 j] uf]^f 880 924.00 5.00 1200.00

k]h g+= 16 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
273 Do"lhsn sn j]n ISI uf]^f 385 404.25 5.00 400.00

k]h g+= 17 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
274 9 *f]d nfO^ ;fwf/)f l*; *f]d uf]^f 176 184.80 5.00 350.00
275 9 *f]d nfO^ /fd+f] uf]^f 330 346.50 5.00 650.00
276 js]^ nfO{^ uf]^f 275 288.75 5.00 300.00
277 6 /fp)* nfO{^ uf]^f 500 525.00 5.00 350.00
278 l;=lk=Pn sDjLg];g l:jr ;s]^ uf]^f 210 220.50 5.00 220.00
279 4 lkm^ nfdf] ^\o"j nfO^ /fd|f] uf]^f 500 525.00 5.00 625.00
280 1 lkm^ nfdf] ld// nfO^ uf]^f 600 630.00 5.00 800.00
281 l;ln /f]h uf]^f 27 28.35 5.00 42.00
282 j]lNhod jfn km]G;L nfO^ uf]^f 400 420.00 5.00 500.00
283 xf]N*/ jf]*{ uf]^f 27 28.35 5.00 30.00
284 jNj -;a} jf^sf_ uf]^f 25 26.25 5.00 30.00
285 l; Pkm Pn lrd -5 22 jf^_ uf]^f 0.00 300.00
286 kfj/ ;s]^ l;=lk=Pn= uf]^f 200 210.00 5.00 215.00
287 44 hS;g lk=le=l;= uf]^f 25 26.25 5.00 30.00
288 810 ;gdfOsf uf]^f 40 42.00 5.00 50.00
289 1 j] Uof l:jr uf]^f 65 68.25 5.00 75.00
290 2 Uof jgj] l:jr uf]^f 105 110.25 5.00 125.00
291 1 Uof j k'; uf]^f 80 84.00 5.00 90.00
292 2 Uof j k'; uf]^f 105 110.25 5.00 115.00
293 3 Uof j k'; uf]^f 140 147.00 5.00 160.00
294 4 Uof j] k'; uf]^f 160 168.00 5.00 200.00
295 On]S^<Lsn lkml^ rfh{ KjfO{)^ 70 73.50 5.00 73.50
296 l/k]o/ ;s]^ 75 ld=ld= uf]^f 120 126.00 5.00 130.00
297 l/k]o/ ;s]^ 110 ld=ld= uf]^f 175 183.75 5.00 200.00
298 2320, 322, 118 sk/ tf/ tyf KjfO{)^ 470 517.00 10.00 700.00
lk=le=l;=ln:^L, l:jr jS; cflb
KjfOG^ ;d]t jfol/

299 2720, 722, sk/tf/, KjfO{)^ 550 605.00 10.00 800.00

lk=le=;L=ln:^L l:jr jS; cflb ;d]t
KjfO)^ jfol/
300 k+vf l;ln 48 -ISI/NS) uf]^f 2783 2922.15 5.00 3100.00
301 :^of)* k+vf ;fwf/)f uf]^f 1760 1848.00 5.00 2000.00
302 :^of)* k+vf :^of)*/ -ISI_ uf]^f 4428 4648.88 5.00 5000.00
303 k+vf leQ] ;fwf/)f -ISI/NS) uf]^f 2277 2390.85 5.00 2400.00
304 k+vf leQ] :^of)*/ uf]^f 3036 3187.80 5.00 4000.00
305 k+vf ^]an ;fwf/)f uf]^f 3036 3187.80 5.00 3200.00
306 k+vf ^]an :^of)*/ -ISI/NS) uf]^f 2580 2709.00 5.00 4000.00
307 2720, 722, 322 sf] d]g nfOg ld^/ 140 147.00 5.00 250.00
lk=le=;L Rofgn ln:^L ;d]t -l*li^Jo";fg
jf]*{ b]lv hS;g jS; ;Dd_

308 9 m long Steel Tubular Pole ( heavy) uf]^f 15000.00

309 11 m long Steel Tubular Pole( heavy) uf]^f 16000.00
310 9 m long wooden pole uf]^f 4300.00 4950.00
311 8 m long wooden pole uf]^f 4200.00 4830.00
312 30 sqmm ACSR Conductor ls ld 28673.00 32974.00
313 Disc Insulator Set ;]^ 1300.00 1495.00
314 Pin Insulator Set ;]^ 530.00 610.00
315 Pin Insulator Tie ;]^ 40.00 46.00
316 Channel s=] hL= 145.00 167.00
317 D Iron Shackle Set ;]^ 145.00 167.00
318 Stay set ;]^ 960.00 1104.00

k]h g+= 18 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
319 Stay wire s=] hL= 100.00 115.00
320 Stay Insulator uf]^f 40.00 170.00

k]h g+= 19 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
321 Brassing Plate s=] hL= 140.00 160.00
322 Nut Bolt(2", 7", 8",& 10") s=] hL= 170.00 195.00
323 D O Fuse set ;]^ 13000.00 14950.00
324 Lighting Arestor Set ;]^ 10000.00 11500.00
325 Cable Shoes( 95 or 120) uf]^f 155.00 178.00
326 Earthing Set ;]^ 5200.00 5980.00
327 Earthing Pipe ld^/ 52.00 60.00
328 Transformer Mounting Set ;]^ 145.00 167.00
329 4 Core Insulation Cable(70 mm) ld^/ 530.00 610.00
330 75 A MCCB LG Korean uf]^f 4600.00 5290.00
331 Load Disconnect Switch ;]^ 20000.00 23000.00
3 Phase Transformer,11/0.4 KV
50 KVA uf]^f 235000.00
100 KVA uf]^f 345000.00
200 KVA uf]^f 565000.00
Copper Wire s=] hL= 1300.00
Aluminium Binding Wire s=] hL= 1100.00
ABC Cable (50 sq mm) ld^/ 300.00
ABC Cable (95 sq mm) ld^/ 400.00
Stay Insulator (LT) uf]^f 60.00
Armoured cable,95 sq mm ,LT ld^/ 4000.00
50 sq mm ACSR Conductor ls ld 50000.00
100 sq mm ACSR Conductor ls ld 90000.00
Steel Tubular Pole s=] hL= 100.00
XLPE 11 KV 95 sq mm Cable ld^/ 3200.00
XLPE 11 KV 70 sq mm Cable ld^/ 2000.00
XLPE 11 KV 35 sq mm Cable ld^/ 1500.00
&_ ;]lg^/L ;fdfu|L
332 a|f; ;f]k s]; -;fj'g bfgL_ uf]^f 283 283.19 0.00 283.19
333 l;=lk=ljk ss wf/f 12 uf]^f 765 765.49 0.00 765.49
334 l;=lk=:^k ss wf/f 12 uf]^f 934 933.63 0.00 933.63
335 sG;LN* :^k ss 12 *an uf]^f 947 946.90 0.00 1680.00
336 ^\jfO{n]^ k]k/ xf]N*/ uf]^f 345 345.13 0.00 360.00
337 ^fj]n /* 1218 uf]^f 563 562.83 0.00 600.00
338 ^fj]n /* 1224 uf]^f 571 570.80 0.00 630.00
339 lk=le=l;=kfOk 50 ld=ld= ld^/ 125 125.00 0.00 125.00
340 lk=le=l;=kfO{k 75 ld=ld= ld^/ 250 250.00 0.00 250.00
341 lk=le=l;=kfOk110 ld=ld= ld^/ 350 350.00 0.00 350.00
342 lk=le=l;=;s]^75 ld=ld= uf]^f 94 93.50 0.00 93.50
343 lk=le=l;=l/*\o';/(11075_ ld=ld uf]^f 154 154.00 0.00 154.00
344 lk=le=l;=Kn]g l^75 ld=ld= uf]^f 165 165.00 0.00 165.00
345 lk=ld=l;=Kn]g l^110 ld=ld= uf]^f 286 286.00 0.00 420.00
346 110110 Kn]g ^<]k uf]^f 539 539.00 0.00 644.00
347 110110 Kn]g dN^L k\mnf]/ uf]^f 297 297.00 0.00 297.00
348 ld=ld=
k\mnl; l;:^{g Knfli^s 10 ln=;Ddsf] uf]^f 2200 2200.00 0.00 2200.00
k\mnl; kfOk nufot k'/f ;]^ ;fwf/)f

349 k\mnl; l;:^{g Knfli^s 10 ln=;Ddsf] uf]^f 2750 2750.00 0.00 2750.00
k\mnl; kfOk nufot k'/f ;]^ /+lug

350 lh=cfO{=u]^eNa ISI 12f x]eL uf]^f 743 743.00 0.00 743.00
351 lh=cfO{=u]^eNa ISI 2 sd/l;on
uf]^f 616 616.00 0.00 616.00

k]h g+= 20 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
352 lh=cfO{=r]s eNa ISI 12 x]eL uf]^f 440 440.00 0.00 440.00

k]h g+= 21 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
353 a|f; km]/n 1
2 x]eL uf]^f 650 650.00 0.00 650.00
354 an ss 2
(Float valve) uf]^f 330 330.00 0.00 330.00
355 laj ss 400 u|fd 21
l;kL /fd|f] uf]^f 555 555.00 0.00 555.00

356 laj ss 200 u|fd 12 l;kL uf]^f 138 137.50 0.00 137.50
357 gf]hn ss 1
2 uf]^f 319 319.00 0.00 319.00
358 gf]hn 12 uf]^f 66 66.00 0.00 66.00
359 odl;n k'l^ 50 u|fd af 55 55.00 0.00 55.00
360 lkQn wf/fsf] ^'^L ;fwf/)f uf]^f 176 176.00 0.00 250.00
361 lkQn wf/fsf] ^'^L :k]zn uf]^f 495 495.00 0.00 495.00
362 km]ljsf]n 500 u|f= uf]^f 88 88.00 0.00 88.00
363 l;=lk=;fj/ -;fwf/)f_ l/eNeL ;fj/ uf]^f 468 467.50 0.00 700.00
365 cf]e/x]* kfgL ^+sL -N/S Poli Tank) ln^/ 9.30 9.30 0.00 11.00
366 l;=lk= k\mnl; kfOk 11424 uf]^f 468 467.50 0.00 467.50
367 lk=le=l;= kfOk sg]S^/ 1218 uf]^f 138 137.50 0.00 137.50
368 sdf]* se/ l;^ ;lxt ;]^ 880 880.00 0.00 880.00
369 jf; j]l;g jf]Qn ^<]k 114 ;]^ 440 440.00 0.00 832.00
370 jf; j]l;g jf]Qn ^<]k 114 -l;kL _ ;]^ 900 900.00 0.00 900.00

371 n]jf]/]^/L l; 18126 uf]^f 1210 1210.00 0.00 1500.00

372 n]jf]/]^/L l; 21177 uf]^f 1705 1705.00 0.00 1705.00
373 lslrg l; 24188 uf]^f 2090 2090.00 0.00 2090.00
374 lslrg l; 241810 uf]^f 2310 2310.00 0.00 2310.00
375 j]:^ sKnLg 1 14 uf]^f 248 247.50 0.00 247.50
376 /]u'n/ sdf]* P Trap ;]tf] uf]^f 1430 1430.00 0.00 1430.00
377 /]u'n/ sdf]* S Trap ;]tf] uf]^f 1540 1540.00 0.00 1540.00
378 l;kmf]lgs sdf]* P Trap ;]tf] uf]^f 8360 8360.00 0.00 9700.00
379 Ol)*og Kofg 18 ;]^ 1073 1072.50 0.00 1072.50
380 Ol)*og Kofg 20 ;]^ 1210 1210.00 0.00 1210.00
381 Ol)*og Kofg 23 ;]^ 1320 1320.00 0.00 1320.00
382 pl*;f Kofg 18, 20 Normal ;]^ 550 550.00 0.00 650.00
383 pl*;f Kofg 20, Polarized ;]^ 1250 1250.00 0.00 1250.00
384 pl*;f Kofg 20, Color ;]^ 1700 1700.00 0.00 1700.00
385 pl*;f Kofg 23 ;]^ 1550 1550.00 0.00 1550.00
386 af; j]l;g 1812 ;]^ 880 880.00 0.00 880.00
387 af; j]l;g 2016 ;]^ 1150 1150.00 0.00 1150.00
388 jf; j]l;g 2216 ;]^ 1320 1320.00 0.00 1320.00
389 Kofgsf] nflu 'P' Trap l;kmg-lk=le=;L=_ uf]^f 440 440.00 0.00 440.00
390 l;:^g{sf] ln* uf]^f 770 770.00 0.00 770.00
391 l;:^g{sf] l;kmg uf]^f 660 660.00 0.00 660.00
392 l;:^g{sf] Kn/ Kn]^ uf]^f 121 121.00 0.00 121.00
393 Kn]^ Jofs o"l/gn 18141012 uf]^f 770 770.00 0.00 770.00

394 Pn Jofs o"l/gn 17141213 uf]^f 770 770.00 0.00 770.00

395 :Sjfl/ Kn]^ 2312 1312 uf]^f 825 825.00 0.00 825.00
396 10 ln^/ nf] n]en k\mnl; l;:^{g uf]^f 3300 3300.00 0.00 3300.00
397 /]u'n/ k]*]:^n uf]^f 1980 1980.00 0.00 1980.00

k]h g+= 22 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
398 lk=le=l;=hfnL 3 uf]nfsf/ uf]^f 28 27.50 0.00 27.50
399 lk=le=l;=hfnL 4 uf]nfsf/ uf]^f 44 44.00 0.00 44.00

k]h g+= 23 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
400 lk=le=l;=hfnL 4 cfotsf/ uf]^f 39 38.50 0.00 38.50
401 lk=le=l;=hfnL 6 cfotsf/ uf]^f 110 110.00 0.00 110.00
402 :jfon sf:^ cfO/g kfOk D/S 2 uf]^f 1265 1265.00 0.00 1265.00
403 :jfon sf:^ cfO/g kfOk D/S 3 uf]^f 1705 1705.00 0.00 1705.00
404 :jfon sf:^ cfO/g kfOk D/S 4 uf]^f 1980 1980.00 0.00 1980.00
405 :jfon sf:^ cfO/g kfOk D/S 6 uf]^f 3850 3850.00 0.00 3850.00
406 /]g jf^/ sf:^ cfO/g kfOk S/S 2 uf]^f 1210 1210.00 0.00 1210.00

407 /]g jf^/ sf:^ cfO/g kfOk S/S 3 uf]^f 1650 1650.00 0.00 1650.00

408 /]g jf^/ sf:^ cfO/g kfOk S/S 4 uf]^f 1870 1870.00 0.00 1870.00

409 /]g jf^/ sf:^ cfO/g kfOk S/S 6 uf]^f 3300 3300.00 0.00 3300.00

410 lh=cfO{=cf]e/x]* ^+sL 200Uofng uf]^f 6820 6820.00 0.00 6820.00

411 -20 u]h_
lh=cfO{=cf]e/x]* ^+sL 300Uofng uf]^f 8800 8800.00 0.00 8800.00
412 lh=cfO{=cf]e/x]* ^+sL 400Uofng uf]^f 16000 16000.00 0.00 16000.00
jfn ldS;/ uf]^f 4900.00
sdf]* :k|] uf]^f 800.00
P]gf -afy?d _ uf]^f 650.00

k]h g+= 24 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
*_ kfOk tyf lkml^;x?sf] xsdf ;+nUg kfgf cg';f/ x'g]
% .
(_ kmnfd tyf ANofs kfOk
413 ANofs kfO{k /]ln 1" ^k 1 ( 6" c/c) a=lkm= 176 176.00 0.00 176.00

414 ANofskfOk :Sjfo/ / uf]nf] 34 ld^/ 110 110.00 0.00 110.00

415 ANofskfOk :Sjfo/ / uf]nf] 1 ld^/ 132 132.00 0.00 132.00
416 ANofskfOk :Sjfo/ / uf]nf] 1" ld^/ 187 187.00 0.00 187.00
417 ANofskfOk :Sjfo/ / uf]nf] 2 ld^/ 253 253.00 0.00 253.00
418 kmnfd] Pn tof/L s]=hL= 137 137.00 0.00 137.00
419 u|Lnu]^ s]=hL= 128 128.00 0.00 128.00
)f_ kmnfd sf] sfo{ 0.00
420 ^<; kfOk j]lN* ;lxt -sfnf] ldl*od s]=hL= 146 146.00 0.00 146.00
kfOk -14 _ -df]^fO{ 1=8

421 ^<; kfOk kmf]lN* -sfnf] ldl*od s]=hL= 155 155.00 0.00 155.00
kfOk -14 _ -df]^fO{ 1=8

422 lh=cfO{=kfOk $f/f eCofsf] /]ln j=lkm= 208 208.00 0.00 208.00
lkml^~ ;lxt 1" ^k, &f*f] ANofs
kfOk 1 :Sjfo/ kfOk ( 6" c/c)

423 uf]nf] :kfO/n eCof k|lt v'^sLnf] 4" :^]k 1690 1690.00 0.00 1690.00
ANofs kfOk k'/f sfd ;d]t
424 l;wf eCof k|lt v'^sLnf] 2' 6" rf}*f :^]k 1950 1950.00 0.00 1950.00
b'O{ tkm{ /]ln ;d]t k'/f sfd
425 Black Pipe Railing (25x25x1.8) /=lkm= 72 72.00 0.00 72.00
426 Black Pipe Railing (35x38x2.5) /=lkm= 95 95.00 0.00 95.00
427 Black Pipe Railing (50x50x2.5) /=lkm= 125 125.00 0.00 125.00
428 r]gn u]^sf]NofK;Ljn u]^ s]=hL= 160 160.00 0.00 160.00
429 r]gn u]^sf]NofK;Ljn u]^ j=lkm= 364 364.00 0.00 364.00
430 ^<; k|m]ljs];g O/]S;g kfOk ;d]t -;j} s]=hL= 165 165.00 0.00 165.00
431 /f]ln ;^/ sfnf] -1820 u]h_ j=lkm= 170 170.00 0.00 170.00
432 /f]ln ;^/ lh= cfO{= -1820 u]h_ j=lkm= 200 200.00 0.00 200.00
433 lu|n 320 ld=ld= s]=hL= 145 145.00 0.00 145.00
434 :Sjfo/ kfO{kdf uf]nf] kfO{k / 2" 2" j=lkm= 390 390.00 0.00 390.00
P~undf 16 u]hsf] kftf /fvL u]^ tof/

435 kmnfd] *]S;, j]Gr lkmn/ aS; t}of/L s]=hL= 165 165.00 0.00 165.00
436 PnkfOk^<;emofn (f]sf s]=hL= 145 145.00 0.00 145.00
437 ;fO{gaf]*{ n]vfO{, 25253 ld=ld= j=lkm= 100 100.00 0.00 100.00
;fOhsf] Pn k|m]ddf
438 l;+rfO{ u]^ ;fwf/)f lsl;dsf] s]=hL= 145 145.00 0.00 160.00
439 l;+rfO{ u]^ :^of)*/ lsl;dsf] s]=hL 212 212.00 0.00 230.00
t_ df]^/]jn ^<; k'n kf^{;
440 l:^n a[h kf^{; k|m]ljs];g tyf :^\Sr/n s]=hL= IS k|fKt Mild IS k|fKt Mild 88.00
Steel sf] Steel sf]
l:^n kmofS^| kmofS^|L /]^
441 /]Gkmf]:*{ kf^{; -k|m]ljs]zg_ s]=hL= L /]^ cg';f/ cg';f/

442 UofNjgfOh]zg -x^ l*k_ s]=hL= 52.00

443 g^ / af]N^ -UofnegfO{H* u/]sf]_ s]=hL= 350.00
444 l:^n ;s]^ 13 ld=ld= uf]^f IS k|fKt Mild
Steel sf]
445 l:^n ;s]^ 26 ld=ld= uf]^f kmofS^|L /]^

k]h g+= 25 / 81
L /]^ cg';f/ cg';f/

sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= IS k|fKt Mild

#^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
Steel sf]
;+= kmofS^|L /]^
446 l:^n ;s]^ 40 ld=ld= uf]^f cg';f/

k]h g+= 26 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

IS k|fKt Mild
Steel sf]
qm= #^La(L k| kmofS^|L /]^
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
447 O/]S;g rfh{ ld^/

k]h g+= 27 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
y_ emf]n'] k'n l:^n kf^{
448 k|m]ljs]^]* l:^n kf^{ s]=hL= 80 IS k|fKt Mild 110.00
Steel sf]
449 /]gkmf];{dG]^ :^Ln tof/L ;fO{hdf s]=hL= 65 kmofS^|L /]^ 85.00
Hot Dip UofNjgfOh]zg cg';f/
450 s]=hL= 45 40.00
451 UofnegfO{H* g^ / af]N^ s]=hL= 200 260.00
452 a'N*u lu|K; 13 ld=ld= uf]^f 50 IS k|fKt Mild
453 a'N*u lu|K; 16 ld=ld= uf]^f 140 Steel sf]
454 a'N*u lu|K; 20 ld=ld= uf]^f 160 L /]^ cg';f/
455 a'N*u lu|K; 26 ld=ld= uf]^f 200
456 a'N*u lu|K; 32 ld=ld= uf]^f 270
457 a'N*u lu|K; 36 ld=ld= uf]^f 320
458 a'N*u lu|K; 40 ld=ld= uf]^f 490
459 150ld=ld= /a/l;n / 100 ld=ld= u]^l;n ld^/ 300
460 lyDan 13 ld=ld= uf]^f 50
461 lyDan 16 ld=ld= uf]^f 140
462 lyDan 20 ld=ld= uf]^f 160
463 lyDan 26 ld=ld= uf]^f 220
464 lyDan 32 ld=ld= uf]^f 300
465 lyDan 36 ld=ld= uf]^f 730
466 lyDan 40 ld=ld= uf]^f 1050
467 emf] k' ^'n aS; ;]^
468 lk O{ kfOk 63 Pd Pd ld^/
469 lh cfO jfo/ 12 u]h ld^/
b_ s]an -n&\&f_
470 s]an 13 ld=ld= ld^/ 83.60 IS k|fKt Mild IS k|fKt Mild
Steel sf] Steel sf]
471 s]an 26 ld=ld= ld^/ 330 kmofS^|L /]^ kmofS^|L /]^
cg';f/ cg';f/
472 s]an 32 ld=ld= ld^/ 506

473 s]an 36 ld=ld= ld^/ 625.68

474 s]an40 ld=ld= ld^/ 774.4

k]h g+= 28 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
w_ Pr=l*=lk= kf]lnlyg kfOk
475 Pr=l*=lk=kfOk -ljleGg ;fOhsf_] s]=hL= 235 235.00 0.00 235.00
g_ *f]h/ ;DalGw sfo{
476 *f]h/ nufO{ df^f] sf^\g] -g/d df^f]_ #=ld= 55 55.00 0.00 55.00
477 *f]h/ nufO{ df^f] sf^\g] -s*f df^f]_ #=ld= 66 66.00 0.00 66.00
478 *f]h/ nufO{ df^f] sf^\g] -kfgL #=ld= 80 80.00 0.00 80.00
hd]sf] :yfgdf_
479 *f]h/ nufO{ df^f] sf^\g] -g/d r^Fg_ 200.00 200.00

480 *f]h/ nufO{ df^f] sf^\g] -dWod 500.00 500.00

481 *f]h/ nufO{ df^f] sf^\g] -s*f r^Fg_ 1200.00 1200.00

k_ s[lif tyf afof] O{lGhlgol/ ;+jlGw

482 wfgsf] e'; s]=hL= 2.8 3.00 9.09 3.00
483 uf]a/ s]=hL= 2.2 2.40 9.09 2.40
484 s'v'/fsf] ;'nL s]=hL= 3.0 3.25 7.44 4.00
485 cd|L;f] /fOhd -1 ;]^df 3 uf]^f_ ;]^ 3.3 3.60 9.09 3.60
486 g]lko/ sl^ ;]^ 2.2 2.50 13.64 2.50
487 af;sf] lj?jf -kf]lnlygdf pdf/]sf]_ uf]^f 28 30.00 9.09 30.00
488 af;sf] lj?jf -sNd sl^_ uf]^f 55 60.00 9.09 60.00
489 ufg' ;lxtsf] af; -;fg]{ af;_ uf]^f 220 240.00 9.09 240.00
490 gfOng k]k/ -300 dfO{qmf]g, j=ld= 94 100.00 6.95 100.00
491 h'^sf] hfnL s]=hL= 176 195.00 10.80 195.00
492 df}/L #f/ yfg 1600.00 2000.00
493 dx dbfgL yfg 4500.00 55000.00
494 df}/L pks/)f ;]^ 1250.00 1500.00
495 df}/L :^of)* srf}/f ;]^ 500.00 600.00
wfgsf] ;'Vvf k/fn-Go'gtd 25 ef/L 200.00
s]=hL_('jfgL ;lxt
wfgsf] e';-;f]t/ k|of]hgsf] nflu_Go'gtd af]/f 60.00
10 s]=hL
e]*fsf] dn s]=hL= 3.00
km_ yf]kf l;+rfO{ ;]^
w]/} ;fgf] ;fO{h -125 j=ld= eGbf sd_ ;]^ 1600.00 1800.00
496 ;fgf] ;fO{h -125 j=ld=_ ;]^ 1650 2146.00 30.06 2425.00
497 demf}nf ;fO{h -250 j=ld=_ ;]^ 2750 3546.00 28.95 3985.00
498 &"nf] ;fO{h -500 j=ld_ ;]^ 5280 6751.00 27.86 7590.00
499 demf}nf ;fO{h -190 j=ld=_ ;]^ 3220.00
:lk|+sn/ ;fgf] 4 x]]*sf] (flsg] If]qkmn ;]^ 1315.00
250 j=ld=
:lk|+sn/ &"nf] 8 x]]*sf] (flsg] If]qkmn ;]^ 2545.00
500 j=ld=
/a/ l;n 150 230 575.00
a_ tof/L b//]^ ;DalGw
ejg lgdf{)f ;+u ;DalGwt tklzn adf]lhdsf la]z]if k|s[tLsf js{ cfO^dx?sf] nflu
lgDgfg;f/sf] tof/L b//]^ sfod u/L sfo{ ug]{ .

500 Anti-termite treatmnet Sqm 321 321.00 0.00 321.00

501 Water-proof Seal Coating (Perma-seal) Sqm 340 340.00 0.00 340.00
502 Water Repellent Paint Sqm 430 430.00 0.00 430.00

k]h g+= 29 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
503 Plaster of Paris (Normal) Sqm 175 175.00 0.00 175.00
504 Plaster of Paris (Corner Butta) Nos 650 650.00 0.00 650.00

k]h g+= 30 / 81
sf:sL lhNnfsf] cf=j=)^^/^sf] :jLs[t b//]6

qm= #^La(L k|
ljj/)f OsfO{ 065066 066067 ltzt 067068
505 Plaster of Paris (Centre Butta) Nos 1450 1450.00 0.00 1450.00
506 Plaster of Paris (Cornice) RM 65 65.00 0.00 65.00
507 Staricase Railing (2" Square Pipe Balustrade, 5" x RM 2140 2140.00 0.00 2140.00
3" Hand Railing, 4" x 4" x 3'6" Newel post)
508 Decorative Wooden Newel post (4" x 4" x 3'6") Nos 3000 3000.00 0.00 3000.00
509 Decorative Cement Sand Plaster (1:3) Sqm 240 240.00 0.00 240.00
510 Cement Sand pani Patti RM 100 100.00 0.00 100.00
511 Special Iron Gate 2" x 2" Square Pipe Frame 18 Sqm 5500 5500.00 0.00 5500.00
Gauge blacksheet all complete
512 High Build Epoxy Coating 400 micron on Floor Sqm 1550 1550.00 0.00 1550.00
513 High Build Epoxy Coating 400 micron on Wall Sqm 1350 1350.00 0.00 1350.00
514 Machine made Hexagonal Concrete block 3" thick Sqm 300 300.00 0.00 300.00
515 Wall Putting 65.00 65.00
e_ lh= cfO{= kfO{k, lkml^~; tyf vfg]kfgL ^'N; ;DalGw
;fdfu|Lx?sf] xsdf ;+nUg b//]^ tflnsf adf]lhd b//]^ sfod ug]{ .

4_ cGo
520 dfly pNn]lvt b//]^df gk/]sf lgdf{)f ;fdfu|L dWo] jf^/ ;KnfO{
:yflg^]zg, ljB'tLs/)f tyf cGo ljleGg dxndf %'^ ePsf ;fdfgx?sf]
b//]^ ;DjGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/ af^ lgwf{l/t b//]^ jf pTkfbsclws[t
ljqm]tfx? dWo]sf]] cflwsfl/s Go"gtd b//]^nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL b//]^
sfod u

521 lh=cfO{=kfOk tyf lkml^; j]N*L ubf{ gd{; cg';f/ k|lt HjfOG^ lgsfnL
sfo{ ug]{ .
522 d]l;g d]* Uofljog jS; ( Gabion Box) tyf Dof^/]; (Mattress) sf] xsdf ;DalGwt
pTkfbs s+klgsf] b//]^ nfO{ g}} b//]^ sfod u/L sfo{ ug][{ .
523 gjLs/)fLo phf{ ;DaGwL - afof]Uof;, ;f]nf/, n#' hnlaWf't, afo'
phf{, ;'wfl/Psf] r"nf] cfbL _ lgd{f)f sfo{sf nfuL a}slNks phf{ k|aw{g
s]Gb| jf ;f] sfo{;+u ;DalGwt pTkfbsclws[t las|]tf s+klgsf] b//]^
nfO{ g}} b//]^ sfod u/L sfo{ ug][{ .
544 ljz]if If]qsf] lgd{f)f sfo{sf] k|of]u x'g] ;fdfu|L Admixture sf] xsdf
pTkfbsclws[t ljs]|tfaf^ k|fKt x'g] tTsfnLg ahf/ d"Nosf] cfwf/df b//]^ sfod
u/L sfo{ ug][{ .

555 dfyL pNn]lvt ;Dk')f{ b/x?df d'No clejl[@ s/ (VAT) ;dfj]z ul/Psf] %}g .

k]h g+= 31 / 81
District Rates For Year 071/072

SN Particular Analysis Rate Unit

1 Skill Labour 720.00 md
2 Unskill Labour 500.00 md
3 Cement ( Indian ) 15000.00 mt
4 Cement (Nepali ) 13000.00 mt
5 Sand 2200.00 m3
6 Aggregate 40mm 2000.00 m3
7 Aggregate 20mm 2000.00 m3
8 Aggregate 10mm 2000.00 m3
9 Stone 1500.00 m3
10 Sal wood 148344.00 m3
11 Local Wood 42384.00 m3
12 Shisham wood 105960.00 m3
13 Screw 0.50 No
14 Holdfast 15.00 No
15 Hinges 4" 25.00 No
16 Hinges 3" 15.00 No
17 Tower boalts 6" 60.00 No
18 Tower boalts 4" 45.00 No
19 Handle 4" 25.00 No
20 Locking set 10" 185.00 No
21 Mortise lock(Brass) 1200.00 No
22 Sal wood listi 8.00 RM
23 Springs 150.00 Nos
24 Mosquito proof jali 123.00 Sq. m.
25 4 mm plain glass 807.00 Sq. m.
26 4mm plywood 220.58 sq m
27 Bamboo 270.00 nos
28 Rope 80.00 kg
29 Nail 93.00 kg
30 Reinforcement Bar 82000.00 Mt
31 Binding wire 97.25 kg
32 GI Wire 12Swg (Heavy Coating) 99.00 kg
33 GI Wire 10Swg (Heavy Coating) 97.00 kg
34 GI Wire 8Swg (Heavy Coating) 97.00 kg
35 3.5mm Glass 753.20 Sq. m.
36 4mm Glass 807.00 Sq. m.
37 Lime 22.00 kg
38 Gum 205.00 kg
District Rates For Year 071/072

SN Particular Analysis Rate Unit

39 Primer 315.00 Ltr
40 Enamel 450.00 Ltr
41 Alumunium Paint 600.00 Ltr
42 Sand Paper 5.51 Sheet
43 Cement paint 71.00 Kg
44 Distemper powder 260.00 kg
45 Aluminium paint 600.00 Ltr
46 Khaksi (10"*12") 5.51 Sheet
47 3*20 mm iron gril 152.25 Kg
48 Rolling Shutter 1920.66 Sq. m.
49 channel gate 4112.47 Sq. m.
50 Red Oxide 190.00 Ltr
51 CGI Sheet 26g( colour ) 560.25 Sq. m.
52 CGI Sheet 26g( plain ) 435.53 Sq. m.
53 CGI Sheet 28g( colour ) 446.52 Sq. m.
54 CGI Sheet 28g( plain ) 309.13 Sq. m.
55 0.2mm Plain sheet(Colour) 289.94 RM
56 26 gauge Plain sheet(Plain) 231.95 RM
57 26 gauge Plain sheet(Plain) 387.36 sq m
58 Nutboalts 15.00 nos
59 J- hooks 10.00 nos
60 Washer 0.55 nos
61 Slate 450.00 sq m
62 Snowseem Paint 71.00 kg
63 Brick ( Tarai Local) 13.10 nos
64 Brick ( Local) 12.55 nos
65 Brick ( Chainese , Teliyad ) 15.30 nos
66 Brick ballast 2750.00 Cum
67 Hollow Cement concrete block (4"x8"x16") 30.00 Nos
68 Hollow Cement concrete block (6"x8"x16") 40.00 Nos
69 White Cement 30.00 kg
70 White Cement 30000.00 MT
71 Red Mud 565.00 Cum
72 3mm marble chips 8005.00 Cu.m
73 oxalic acid 243.00 kg
74 Main polish 408.00 kg
75 terpaintain 100.00 lit
76 Mosaic(terrajo) tile 624.08 sqm
District Rates For Year 071/072

SN Particular Analysis Rate Unit

77 Flooring Marble 2098.20 sqm
78 15 mm granaite 4250.20 sqm
79 Porcelain white glazed floor tile 645.60 sqm
80 Porcelain white glazed wall tile 645.60 sqm
81 G.I barbed wire (12*12*8) 150.00 kg
82 Com. G.I wire(10SWG) 91.00 kg
83 Com. selwage wire 8swg 91.00 kg
84 Flag stone paving 1050.00 Sq.m
85 Emulsion paint 500.00 ltr
86 Weather coat 800.00 Kg
87 19 mm thick water proof Plywood 968.4 Sq.m
88 50 mm dia black pipe (3.5 m length) 2184.79 Nos



Page 38


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
1 Item : Site cleareance Work
Norms No. 1(4), 3
Unit Sq.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md 0.03 500.00 15.00
Sub-Total 15.00
Tools & Plants @ 3% 0.45
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 15.45
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2.32
Sub-Total 17.77
Vat @ 13% 2.30
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 20.07
2 Item : Earthwork excavation in ..including 10m lead & 1.5m lift
A Soft Soil
Norms No. 2(1), 5
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md 0.70 500.00 350.00
Sub-Total 350.00
Tools & Plants @ 3% 10.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 360.50
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 54.08
Sub-Total 414.58
Vat @ 13% 53.89
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 468.47
B B.M.S.
Norms No. 2(2), 5
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md 0.80 500.00 400.00
Sub-Total 400.00
Tools & Plants @ 3% 12.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 412.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 61.80
Sub-Total 473.80
Vat @ 13% 61.59
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 535.39
C Medium Rock
Norms No. 2(4), 6
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md 3.00 500.00 1500.00
Sub-Total 1500.00
Tools & Plants @ 3% 45.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 1545.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 231.75
Sub-Total 1776.75
Vat @ 13% 230.97
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 2007.72

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 39


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

D Deep Foundation, Drain, Pipe line trench in B.M.S. including 10m lead & 1.5m lift
Norms No. 2(14), 9
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md 1.59 500.00 795.00
Sub-Total 795.00
Tools & Plants @ 3% 23.85
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 818.85
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 122.83
Sub-Total 941.68
Vat @ 13% 122.41
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 1064.09

3 Item : Boulder Soling & levelling works in foundation including 30m lead.
Norms No. 6/5, 39
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md 1.50 500.00 750.00
Material Boulder Stone Cu.M 1.20 1500.00 1800.00

Sub-Total 2550.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 2550.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 382.50
Sub-Total 2932.50
Vat @ 13% 381.22
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 3313.72

4 Item : Plain cement concrete works in foundation including material collection & 30m lead
A In (1:3:6)
Norms No. 7/2(c), 44
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.0 720.00 720.00
Unskilled Md 4.0 500.00 2000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.22 13000.00 2860.00
Agg. 40 mm Cu.M 0.65 2000.00 1300.00
Agg. 20 mm Cu.M 0.24 2000.00 480.00
Course Sand Cu.M 0.47 2200.00 1034.00
Sub-Total 8394.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 8394.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1259.10
Sub-Total 9653.10
Vat @ 13% 1254.90
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 10908.00

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 40


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

B In ( 1:2:4 )
Norms No. 7/2(d), 44
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.0 720.00 720.00
Unskilled Md 4.0 500.00 2000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.32 13000.00 4160.00
Agg. 40 mm Cu.M 0.52 2000.00 1040.00
Agg. 20 mm Cu.M 0.22 2000.00 440.00
Agg. 10 mm Cu.M 0.11 2000.00 220.00
Sand(crusher screen) Cu.M 0.445 2200.00 979.00
Sub-Total 9559.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 9559.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1433.85
Sub-Total 10992.85
Vat @ 13% 1429.07
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 12421.92

Plain cement concrete works in superstructure, Slab & Beams including material
5 Item :
collection with 30m lead.
A M15 (1:2:4)
Norms No. 7/4(a), 46
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.8 720.00 576.00
Unskilled Md 7.0 500.00 3500.00
Material Indian Cement(53 grade) M.T 0.32 15000.00 4800.00
Agg. 40 mm(Crusher) Cu.M 0.52 2000.00 1040.00
Agg. 20 mm(Crusher) Cu.M 0.22 2000.00 440.00
Agg. 10 mm(Crusher) Cu.M 0.11 1500.00 165.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.445 2200.00 979.00
Sub-Total 11500.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 11500.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1725.00
Sub-Total 13225.00
Vat @ 13% 1719.25
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 14944.25

B M20 (1:1.5:3)
Norms No. 7/4(b), 46
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.8 720.00 576.00
Unskilled Md 7.0 500.00 3500.00
Material Indian Cement(53 grade) M.T 0.4 15000.00 6000.00
Agg. 20 mm(Crusher) Cu.M 0.57 2000.00 1140.00
Agg. 10 mm(Crusher) Cu.M 0.29 2000.00 580.00
Sand(Crusher screen) Cu.M 0.425 2200.00 935.00
Sub-Total 12731.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 12731.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1909.65
Sub-Total 14640.65
Vat @ 13% 1903.28
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 16543.93

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 41


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

Stone masonry works including material collection, preparation of motar with 5m lift &
6 Item :
10m lead
A Random Rubble in 1:4 c/s mortar
Norms No. 6/1(a)2, 35
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 5.0 500.00 2500.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.159 13000.00 2067.00
Block stone Cu.M 1.00 1500.00 1500.00
Bond stone Cu.M 0.10 1500.00 150.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.45 2200.00 990.00
Sub-Total 8287.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 8287.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1243.05
Sub-Total 9530.05
Vat @ 13% 1238.90
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 10768.95

B Random Rubble in 1:6 c/s mortar

Norms No. 6/1(a)3, 35
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 5.0 500.00 2500.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.106 13000.00 1378.00
Block stone Cu.M 1.00 1500.00 1500.00
Bond stone Cu.M 0.10 1500.00 150.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.47 2200.00 1034.00
Sub-Total 7642.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 7642.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1146.30
Sub-Total 8788.30
Vat @ 13% 1142.47
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 9930.77

C Dry Stone masonry work

Norms No. 6/2(a), 36
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.0 720.00 720.00
Unskilled Md 2.0 500.00 1000.00
Material Block stone Cu.M 1.00 1500.00 1500.00
Bond stone Cu.M 0.10 1500.00 150.00
Sub-Total 3370.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 3370.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 505.50
Sub-Total 3875.50
Vat @ 13% 503.81
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 4379.31

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 42


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

D Stone masonry work in mud motar

Norms No. 6/2(b), 36
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.0 720.00 720.00
Unskilled Md 2.25 500.00 1125.00
Material Block stone Cu.M 1.00 1500.00 1500.00
Bond stone Cu.M 0.10 1500.00 150.00
Clay Cu.M 0.42 565.00 237.30
Sub-Total 3732.30
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 3732.30
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 559.85
Sub-Total 4292.15
Vat @ 13% 557.97
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 4850.12

Brick masonry works including materials collection, preparation of mortar with 30m
7 Item :
A Chimney Bhatta Bricks in c/s mortar 1:4
Norms No. 5/1(b)2, 32
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 2.2 500.00 1100.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.1 13000.00 1300.00
Brick No. 560.00 12.55 7028.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.28 2200.00 616.00
Sub-Total 11124.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 11124.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1668.60
Sub-Total 12792.60
Vat @ 13% 1663.04
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 14455.64
B Chimney Bhatta Bricks in c/s mortar 1:6
Norms No. 5/1(b)3, 31
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 2.2 500.00 1100.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.07 13000.00 910.00
Brick No. 560.00 12.55 7028.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.3 2200.00 660.00
Sub-Total 10778.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 10778.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1616.70
Sub-Total 12394.70
Vat @ 13% 1611.31
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 14006.01

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 43


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

C Machine Made(Chinese) Bricks in c/s mortar 1:4

Norms No. 5/1(a)2, 31
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 2.2 500.00 1100.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.1 13000.00 1300.00
Brick No. 530.00 15.30 8109.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.27 2200.00 594.00
Sub-Total 12183.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 12183.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1827.45
Sub-Total 14010.45
Vat @ 13% 1821.35
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 15831.80

D Machine Made(Chinaese) Bricks in c/s mortar 1:6

Norms No. 5/1(a)3, 31
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 2.2 500.00 1100.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.07 13000.00 910.00
Brick No. 530.00 15.30 8109.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.3 2200.00 660.00
Sub-Total 11859.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 11859.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1778.85
Sub-Total 13637.85
Vat @ 13% 1772.92
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 15410.77

8 Item : 12.5mm th. Cement plaster works in

A Wall & floor in 1:3 C/S motar
Norms No. 12/1(b), 110
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.0 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 16.0 500.00 8000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.625 13000.00 8125.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 1.28 1600.00 2048.00
Sub-Total 26813.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 26813.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 4021.95
Sub-Total 30834.95
Vat @ 13% 4008.54
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 34843.49

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 44


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

B Wall & floor in 1:4 C/S motar

Norms No. 12/1(c), 110
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.0 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 16.0 500.00 8000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.538 13000.00 6994.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 1.46 1600.00 2336.00
Sub-Total 25970.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 25970.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3895.50
Sub-Total 29865.50
Vat @ 13% 3882.51
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 33748.01

C Wall & floor in 1:6 C/S motar

Norms No. 12/1(d), 110
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.0 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 16.0 500.00 8000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.382 13000.00 4966.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 1.57 1600.00 2512.00
Sub-Total 24118.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 24118.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3617.70
Sub-Total 27735.70
Vat @ 13% 3605.64
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 31341.34

D Ceiling in 1:4 C/S motar

Norms No. 12/1(c), 110
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 15.0 720.00 10800.00
Unskilled Md 20.0 500.00 10000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.538 13000.00 6994.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 1.46 1600.00 2336.00
Sub-Total 30130.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 30130.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 4519.50
Sub-Total 34649.50
Vat @ 13% 4504.43
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 39153.93 391.54

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 45


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

9 1/8" thick Flush pointing works in..

A Brick wall in 1:2 C/S motar
Norms No. 14/1(b), 121
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.5 720.00 7560.00
Unskilled Md 12.0 500.00 6000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.21 13000.00 2730.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 0.29 1600.00 464.00
Sub-Total 16754.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 16754.00 167.54
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2513.10
Sub-Total 19267.10
Vat @ 13% 2504.72
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 21771.82 217.72
B Brick wall in 1:3 C/S mortar
Norms No. 14/1(c), 121
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.5 720.00 7560.00
Unskilled Md 12.0 500.00 6000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.155 13000.00 2015.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 0.32 1600.00 512.00
Sub-Total 16087.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 16087.00 160.87
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2413.05
Sub-Total 18500.05
Vat @ 13% 2405.00
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 20905.05 209.05
C 1/8" thick Flush pointing works in..
Boulder stone wall in 1:2 C/S motar
Norms No. 14/2(b), 122
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.0 720.00 7200.00
Unskilled Md 14.0 500.00 7000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.408 13000.00 5304.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 0.57 1600.00 912.00
Sub-Total 20416.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 20416.00 204.16
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3062.40
Sub-Total 23478.40
Vat @ 13% 3052.19
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 26530.59 265.31

Prepared By: Checked By : Recommended By: Approved By:

Page 46


Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
D Boulder stone wall in 1:3 C/S motar
Norms No. 14/2(c), 122
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.5 720.00 7560.00
Unskilled Md 12.0 500.00 6000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.306 13000.00 3978.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 0.63 1600.00 1008.00
Sub-Total 18546.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 18546.00 185.46
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2781.90
Sub-Total 21327.90
Vat @ 13% 2772.62
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 24100.52 241.01

10 Item : 3mm thick cement punning works (1:1) .

Norms No. 14/6, 123
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.0 720.00 7200.00
Unskilled Md 10.0 500.00 5000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.336 13000.00 4368.00
Sand for plaster works Cu.M 0.23 1600.00 368.00
Sub-Total 16936.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 16936.00 169.36
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2540.40
Sub-Total 19476.40
Vat @ 13% 2531.93
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 22008.33 220.08

Form Works including selection of materials, centering & shuttering as per drawing with
11 Item :
30m lead.
A With local wood
Norms No. 8/2(a), 55
Unit 10 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.720 720.00 1238.40
Unskilled Md 2.570 500.00 1285.00
Material Local Wood Cu.M 0.070 42384.00 2966.88
Nails Kg 2.500 93.00 232.50
Sub-Total 5722.78 Per sq.m
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5722.78 572.28
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 858.42
Sub-Total 6581.20
Vat @ 13% 855.55
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7436.75 743.67
Note:- It is assumed that the wood used in form work can be used 6 times and remaining 25% scrap
value.(0.526x.75)/6=.07 cum.

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
B With Iron props & 19 mm thick water proof Plywood
Norms No. 8/4(a), 55
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 17.200 720.00 12384.00
Unskilled Md 25.700 500.00 12850.00
Material Local Wood Cu.M 0.232 42384.00 9833.09
19 mm plywood board Sq.m 16.500 968.40 15978.60
Iron pipe(props) no 4.400 2184.79 9613.08
Nails Kg 25.000 93.00 2325.00
Sub-Total 62983.76 Per sq.m
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 62983.76 629.84
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 9447.56
Sub-Total 72431.33
Vat @ 13% 9416.07
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 81847.40 818.47
Note:- It is assumed that the wood used in form work can be used 6 times and remaining 25% scrap
value.(0.526x.75)/6=.07 cum.
It is asumed that the ply wood used in form work can be used 6 times and remaining 10% scrap value
It is asumed that the black Pipe used in form work can be used 15 times and remaining 25% scrap value
88/15x0.75 =4.4
88/15x0.75 =4.4

Reinforcement bar for RCC works including cutting, binding, bending & placing as per
12 Item :
drawing with 30m lead
Norms No. 7/5, 47
Unit 1M.T
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.0 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 12.0 500.00 6000.00
Material T.M.T. Bar Mt 1.05 82000.00 86100.00
Binding wire Kg. 10 97.25 972.50
Sub-Total 101712.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 101712.50 101.71
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 15256.88
Sub-Total 116969.38
Vat @ 13% 15206.01
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 132175.39 132.18
13 Item : C.G.I sheet roofing works including material collection.
A 26 gauge ( Plain )
Unit 10 Sqm
Norms No. 9/1, 69
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.10 720.00 792.00
Unskilled Md 1.25 500.00 625.00
Material C.G.I sheet Sq.M 12.00 435.53 5226.36
Nutbolt No. 30.00 15.00 450.00
8 mmJ hook No. 25.00 10.00 250.00
washer No. 55.00 0.55 30.25
Sub-Total 7373.61
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 7373.61 737.36
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1106.04
Sub-Total 8479.65
Vat @ 13% 1102.35
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 9582.00 958.20

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

C.G.I sheet roofing works including material collection.

B 28 gauge
Unit 10 Sqm
Norms No. 9/1, 69
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.10 720.00 792.00
Unskilled Md 1.25 500.00 625.00
Material 28 gauge C.G.I sheet Sq.M 12.00 309.13 3709.56
Nutbolt No. 30.00 15.00 450.00
8 mmJ hook No. 25.00 10.00 250.00
washer No. 55.00 0.55 30.25
Sub-Total 5856.81
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5856.81 585.68
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 878.52
Sub-Total 6735.33
Vat @ 13% 875.59
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7610.92 761.09

Item : Ridge Plain sheet roofing works including material collection.

C 26 gauge
Unit 10 Rm
Norms No. 9/2, 69
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.00 720.00 1440.00
Unskilled Md 3.00 500.00 1500.00
Material Plain sheet RM 12.00 231.95 2783.40
Nutbolt No. L.S 50.00
Sub-Total 5773.40
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5773.40 577.34
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 866.01
Sub-Total 6639.41
Vat @ 13% 863.12
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7502.53 750.25
Note:- The breadth of plain sheet is to be assumed 60 cm.

14 Colour C.G.I sheet roofing works including material collection.

A 26 gauge
Unit 10 Sqm
Norms No. 9/1, 69
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.10 720.00 792.00
Unskilled Md 1.25 500.00 625.00
Material C.G.I sheet Sq.M 12.00 560.25 6723.00
Nutbolt No. 30.00 15.00 450.00
8 mm J hook No. 25.00 10.00 250.00
washer No. 55.00 0.55 30.25
Sub-Total 8870.25
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 8870.25 887.03
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1330.54
Sub-Total 10200.79
Vat @ 13% 1326.10
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 11526.89 1152.69

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

Colour C.G.I sheet roofing works including material collection.

B 28 gauge
Unit 10 Sqm
Norms No. 9/1, 69
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.10 720.00 792.00
Unskilled Md 1.25 500.00 625.00
Material C.G.I sheet Sq.M 12.00 446.52 5358.24
Nutbolt No. 30.00 15.00 450.00
8 mmJ hook No. 25.00 10.00 250.00
washer No. 55.00 0.55 30.25
Sub-Total 7505.49
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 7505.49 750.55
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1125.82
Sub-Total 8631.31
Vat @ 13% 1122.07
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 9753.38 975.34

Item : Colour Ridge Plain sheet roofing works including material collection.
C 0.2 mm thick
Unit 10 Rm
Norms No. 9/2, 69
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.00 720.00 1440.00
Unskilled Md 3.00 500.00 1500.00
Material Plain sheet RM 12.00 289.94 3479.28
Nutbolt No. L.S 50.00
Sub-Total 6469.28
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 6469.28 646.93
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 970.39
Sub-Total 7439.67
Vat @ 13% 967.15
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 8406.82 840.68
Note:- The breadth of plain sheet is to be assumed 60 cm.

15 Item: Wood Works

A Salwood frame with wood size 100*75mm
Norms No. 10/1, 75
Unit Cu. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 34.00 720.00 24480.00
Unskilled Md 3.40 500.00 1700.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 1.10 148344.00 163178.40
Screw No. 184.00 0.50 92.00
Hold fast No. 92.00 15.00 1380.00
Sub-Total 190830.40
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 190830.40
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 28624.56
Sub-Total 219454.96
Vat @ 13% 28529.14
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 247984.10

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

B Local wood frame with wood size 100*75mm

Norms No. 10/1, 75
Unit Cu. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 34.0 720.00 24480.00
Unskilled Md 3.4 500.00 1700.00
Material Local wood Cu.M 1.1 42384.00 46622.40
Screw No. 184 0.50 92.00
Hold fast No. 92 15.00 1380.00
Sub-Total 74274.40
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 74274.40
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 11141.16
Sub-Total 85415.56
Vat @ 13% 11104.02
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 96519.58

C 38mm th.sal wood in panneled door & window shutter.

Norms No. 10/2, 76
Unit 2.114 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.0 720.00 7200.00
Unskilled Md 1.0 500.00 500.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 0.084 148344.00 12460.90
Hinges 4" No. 6.0 25.00 150.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 1.0 60.00 60.00
Handle 4" No. 2.0 25.00 50.00
Screw No. L.S. 50.00
locking set 10" No. 1.0 185.00 185.00
Sub-Total 20655.90
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 20655.90 9771.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3098.38
Sub-Total 23754.28
Vat @ 13% 3088.05
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 26842.33 12697.41
D 38mm th.local wood in panneled door & window shutter.
Norms No. 10/2, 76
Unit 2.114 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.0 720.00 7200.00
Unskilled Md 1.0 500.00 500.00
Material Local wood Cu.M 0.084 42384.00 3560.26
Hinges 4" No. 6.0 25.00 150.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 1.0 60.00 60.00
Handle 4" No. 2.0 25.00 50.00
Screw No. L.S. 50.00
locking set 10" No. 1.0 185.00 185.00
Sub-Total 11755.26
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 11755.26 5560.67
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1763.29
Sub-Total 13518.54
Vat @ 13% 1757.41
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 15275.95 7226.09

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
E 4mm th. glazed window shutter with 38*75mm sal wood frame.
Norms No. 10/4, 78
Unit 2.23 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 9.0 720.00 6480.00
Unskilled Md 0.9 500.00 450.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 0.049 148344.00 7268.86
Hinges 3" No. 8.0 15.00 120.00
Tower bolt 4" No. 4.0 45.00 180.00
Handle 4" No. 2.0 25.00 50.00
Screw L.S 10.00
4 mm glass m2 1.085 807.00 875.60
Sub-Total 15434.45
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 15434.45 6921.28
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2315.17
Sub-Total 17749.62
Vat @ 13% 2307.45
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 20057.07 8994.20

F 4mm th. glazed window shutter with 38*75mm local wood frame.
Norms No. 10/4, 78
Unit 2.23 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 9.0 720.00 6480.00
Unskilled Md 0.9 500.00 450.00
Material Local wood Cu.M 0.049 42384.00 2076.82
Hinges 3" No. 8.0 15.00 120.00
Tower bolt 4" No. 4.0 45.00 180.00
Handle 4" No. 2.0 25.00 50.00
Screw L.S 10.00
4 mm glass m2 1.085 807.00 875.60
Sub-Total 10242.41
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 10242.41 4593.01
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1536.36
Sub-Total 11778.77
Vat @ 13% 1531.24
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 13310.01 5968.62

F.1. 4mm th. Glass fixing with listi on wooden frame.

Norms No. 10/11(b),
Unit 1.00 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.060 720.00 43.20
Unskilled Md 0.006 500.00 3.00
Material sal wood listi R.m 4.05 8.00 32.40
Nails/Screw L.S 15.00
4 mm glass m2 1.00 807.00 807.00
Sub-Total 900.60
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 900.60
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 135.09
Sub-Total 1035.69
Vat @ 13% 134.63
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 1170.32

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
G Flush door with 38mm th. Sal wood frame & 4mm commercial plywood shutter.
Norms No. 10/7, 80
Unit 2.245 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 7.0 720.00 5040.00
Unskilled Md 0.7 500.00 350.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 0.0346 148344.00 5132.70
Hinges 4" No. 3.0 25.00 75.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 2.0 60.00 120.00
Mortise lock(Brass) No. 1.0 1200.00 1200.00
Screw L.S 10.00
4mm ply wood m2 4.65 220.58 1025.70
Sub-Total 12953.40 per Sq.m.
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 12953.40 5769.89
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1943.01
Sub-Total 14896.41
Vat @ 13% 1936.53
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 16832.94 7497.97
H Flush door with 38mm th.local wood frame & 4mm commercial plywood shutter.
Norms No. 10/7, 80
Unit 2.245 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 7.0 720.00 5040.00
Unskilled Md 0.7 500.00 350.00
Material Local wood Cu.M 0.0346 42384.00 1466.49
Hinges 4" No. 3.0 25.00 75.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 2.0 60.00 120.00
10" locking set. No. 1.0 185.00 185.00
Screw L.S 10.00
4mm ply wood m2 4.65 220.58 1025.70
Sub-Total 8272.18 per Sq.m.
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 8272.18 3684.71
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1240.83
Sub-Total 9513.01
Vat @ 13% 1236.69
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 10749.70 4788.29
I Door shutter with 38mm th.local wood frame & fixing of 26 gauge plain sheet in both side.
Norms No. 10/9, 82
Unit 2.245 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 7.0 720.00 5040.00
Unskilled Md 0.7 500.00 350.00
Material local wood Cu.M 0.0346 42384.00 1466.49
Hinges 4" No. 3.0 25.00 75.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 2.0 60.00 120.00
10" locking set. No. 1.0 185.00 185.00
Screw L.S 10.00
Plain sheet(26 gauge) m2 4.65 387.36 1801.22
Sub-Total 9047.71 per Sq.m.
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 9047.71 4030.16
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1357.16
Sub-Total 10404.87
Vat @ 13% 1352.63
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 11757.50 5237.19

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
J Mosquito proof door & window shutter with 38mm th.sal wood frame & 24 gauge G.I wire.
Norms No. 10/10, 83
Unit 2.245 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 5.0 720.00 3600.00
Unskilled Md 0.5 500.00 250.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 0.026 148344.00 3856.94
Hinges 4" No. 3.0 25.00 75.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 2.0 60.00 120.00
Handle 4" No. 2.0 25.00 50.00
Spring No. 1.0 150.00 150.00
Screw L.S 10.00
Mosquito proof jali m2 2.13 123.00 261.99
Sub-Total 8373.93 per Sq.m.
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 8373.93 3730.04
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1256.09
Sub-Total 9630.02
Vat @ 13% 1251.90
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 10881.92 4847.18

Mosquito proof door & window shutter with 38mm th.Shisham wood frame & 24 gauge
G.I wire.
Norms No. 10/10, 83
Unit 2.245 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 5.0 720.00 3600.00
Unskilled Md 0.5 500.00 250.00
Material Shisham wood Cu.M 0.026 105960.00 2754.96
Hinges 4" No. 3.0 25.00 75.00
Tower bolt 6" No. 2.0 60.00 120.00
Handle 4" No. 2.0 25.00 50.00
Spring No. 1.0 150.00 150.00
Screw L.S 10.00
Mosquito proof jali m2 2.13 123.00 261.99
Sub-Total 7271.95 per Sq.m.
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 7271.95 3239.18
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1090.79
Sub-Total 8362.74
Vat @ 13% 1087.15
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 9449.89 4209.31

L Making & fixing of salwood truss

Norms No. 10/18, 90
Unit Cu. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 17.65 720.00 12708.00
Unskilled Md 26.00 500.00 13000.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 1.05 148344.00 155761.20
Flat iron L.S. 100.00
Screw L.S. 50.00
Nut bolts L.S. 30.00
Sub-Total 181649.20
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 181649.20
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 27247.38
Sub-Total 208896.58
Vat @ 13% 27156.55

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 236053.13

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

M Making & fixing of local wood truss

Norms No. 10/18, 90
Unit Cu. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 17.65 720.00 12708.00
Unskilled Md 26.00 500.00 13000.00
Material Local wood Cu.M 1.05 42384.00 44503.20
Flat iron L.S. 100.00
Screw L.S. 50.00
Nut bolts L.S. 30.00
Sub-Total 70391.20
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 70391.20
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 10558.68
Sub-Total 80949.88
Vat @ 13% 10523.48
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 91473.36

N Making & fixing of sal wood eaves board.

Norms No. 10/19, 91
Unit 10 Sq.m
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.430 720.00 1029.60
Unskilled Md 0.143 500.00 71.50
Material Sal wood Cu.M 0.275 148344.00 40794.60
Screw L.S. 40.00
Sub-Total 41935.70
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 41935.70 4193.57
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 6290.36
Sub-Total 48226.06
Vat @ 13% 6269.38
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 54495.44 5449.54

O Making & fixing of local wood eaves board.

Norms No. 10/19, 91
Unit 10 Sq.m
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.430 720.00 1029.60
Unskilled Md 0.143 500.00 71.50
Material Iocal wood Cu.M 0.275 42384.00 11655.60
Screw L.S. 40.00
Sub-Total 12796.70
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 12796.70 1279.67
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1919.51
Sub-Total 14716.21
Vat @ 13% 1913.10
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 16629.31 1662.93

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
P Commercial plywood ceilling with 50*75mm salwood size & 600*900mm frame size.
Norms No. 10/16(a), 87
Unit 35.68 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 23.0 720.00 16560.00
Unskilled Md 2.3 500.00 1150.00
Material Salwood Cu.M 0.45 148344.00 66754.80
listic No. L.s 30.00
nails No. L.s 25.00
4mm ply wood m2 37.50 220.58 8271.75
Sub-Total 92791.55
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 92791.55 2600.66
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 13918.73
Sub-Total 106710.28
Vat @ 13% 13872.33
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 120582.61 3379.56

Q Commercial plywood ceilling with 50*75mm local wood size & 600*900mm frame size.
Particular 10/16(a), 87
Unit 35.68 Sq. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 23.0 720.00 16560.00
Unskilled Md 2.3 500.00 1150.00
Material Local wood Cu.M 0.45 42384.00 19072.80
listic No. L.s 30.00
nails No. L.s 25.00
4mm ply wood m2 37.50 220.58 8271.75
Sub-Total 45109.55
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 45109.55 1264.28
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 6766.43
Sub-Total 51875.98
Vat @ 13% 6743.87
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 58619.85 1642.93

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
16 Item: Flooring Works
A-1 1" thick 1:2:4 Cement Concrete floor Carting including finishing by rubbing Cement.
Norms No. 11/1(a), 96
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.10 720.00 792.00
Unskilled Md 1.50 500.00 750.00
Material cement(N.S.) M.T. 0.090 13000.00 1170.00
sand(Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.120 2200.00 264.00
Aggregate 12 mm M.T. 0.230 2000.00 460.00
Sub-Total 3436.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 3436.00 343.60
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 515.40
Sub-Total 3951.40
Vat @ 13% 513.68
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 4465.08 446.51

A-2 2" thick 1:2:4 Cement Concrete floor Carting including finishing by rubbing Cement.
Norms No. 11/1(c), 96
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.25 720.00 900.00
Unskilled Md 2.50 500.00 1250.00
Material cement(N.S.) M.T. 0.170 13000.00 2210.00
sand(Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.230 2200.00 506.00
Aggregate 20 mm M.T. 0.460 2000.00 920.00
Sub-Total 5786.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5786.00 578.60
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 867.90
Sub-Total 6653.90
Vat @ 13% 865.00
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7518.90 751.89

A-3 3" thick 1:2:4 Cement Concrete floor Carting including finishing by rubbing Cement.
Norms No. 11/1(d), 97
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.25 720.00 900.00
Unskilled Md 3.00 500.00 1500.00
Material cement(N.S.) M.T. 0.260 13000.00 3380.00
sand(Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.340 2200.00 748.00
Aggregate 20 mm M.T. 0.680 2000.00 1360.00
Sub-Total 7888.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 7888.00 788.80
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1183.20
Sub-Total 9071.20
Vat @ 13% 1179.25
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 10250.45 1025.05

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
25 mm th.mosaic flooring with 12.5mm th cement plaster (1:2) base course & 6 mm th marble chips
B with white cement (1:1) surface course including rubbing & polishing
Norms No. 11/3, 99
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 3.50 720.00 2520.00
Unskilled Md 36.00 500.00 18000.00
Material Cement ( Nepali ) M.T. 0.121 13000.00 1573.00
sand(Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.165 2200.00 363.00
white cement M.T. 0.069 30000.00 2070.00
3mm marble chips Cu.m 0.047 8005.00 376.24
oxalic acid kg 0.340 243.00 82.62
mein polish kg 0.110 408.00 44.88
terpaintain lit 0.500 100.00 50.00
rubbing stone L.S. 60.00
Sub-Total 25139.74
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 25139.74 2513.97
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3770.96
Sub-Total 28910.70
Vat @ 13% 3758.39
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 32669.09 3266.91
20 mm th.mosaic (Terrajo Tile) flooring with 20 mm th cement plaster (1:4) base course including
B-1 rubbing & polishing
Norms No. 11/5, 101
Unit 10 Sqm
ParticularDescription Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.00 720.00 1440.00
Unskilled Md 12.60 500.00 6300.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T. 0.081 13000.00 1053.00
sand (Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.220 2200.00 484.00
Mosaic(terrajo) tile sqm 11.000 624.08 6864.88
oxalic acid kg 0.370 243.00 89.91
mein polish kg 0.118 408.00 48.14
terpaintain lit 0.538 100.00 53.80
rubbing stone L.S. 60.00
Equipment Rubbinng Labour md 13.500 500.00 6750.00
Sub-Total 23143.73
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 23143.73 2314.37
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3471.56
Sub-Total 26615.29
Vat @ 13% 3459.98
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 30075.27 3007.53

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

C 25 mm th. marble with cement sand (1:2) surface course including rubbing & polishing
Norms No. 11/6, 102
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.00 720.00 1440.00
Unskilled Md 21.50 500.00 10750.00 13.5 for machine
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T. 0.031 13000.00 403.00
sand (Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.183 2200.00 402.60
2 5 mm thick marble sqm 11.000 2098.20 23080.20
oxalic acid kg 0.370 243.00 89.91
mein polish kg 0.118 408.00 48.14
terpaintain lit 0.538 100.00 53.80
rubbing stone L.S. 60.00
Sub-Total 36327.65
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 36327.65 3632.77
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 5449.15
Sub-Total 41776.80
Vat @ 13% 5430.98
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 47207.78 4720.78

D 25 mm th. granaite with cement sand (1:2) surface course including rubbing & polishing
Norms No. 11/6, 102
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.00 720.00 1440.00
Unskilled Md 21.50 500.00 10750.00 13.5 for machine
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T. 0.031 13000.00 403.00
sand (Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.183 2200.00 402.60
15 mm thick granaite sqm 11.000 4250.20 46752.20
oxalic acid kg 0.370 243.00 89.91
mein polish kg 0.118 408.00 48.14
terpaintain lit 0.538 100.00 53.80
rubbing stone L.S. 60.00
Sub-Total 59999.65
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 59999.65 5999.97
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 8999.95
Sub-Total 68999.60
Vat @ 13% 8969.94
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 77969.54 7796.95

E Porcelain glazed tile flooring in 1:4 cement sand mortar

i In Wall
Norms No. 11/7, 103
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 13.00 720.00 9360.00
Unskilled Md 4.50 500.00 2250.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T. 0.056 13000.00 728.00
sand (Crusher
Porcelain whitescreen)
glazed Cu.m 0.152 2200.00 334.40
tile sqm 11.000 645.60 7101.60
white cement kg 3.228 30.00 96.84
Sub-Total 19870.84
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 19870.84 1987.08
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2980.63
Sub-Total 22851.47
Vat @ 13% 2970.69

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 25822.16 2582.22

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

ii In Floor
Norms No. 11/7, 103
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 13.00 720.00 9360.00
Unskilled Md 4.50 500.00 2250.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T. 0.056 13000.00 728.00
sand (Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.152 2200.00 334.40
Porcelain white glazed
tile sqm 11.000 645.60 7101.60
white cement kg 3.228 30.00 96.84
Sub-Total 19870.84
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 19870.84 1987.08
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2980.63
Sub-Total 22851.47
Vat @ 13% 2970.69
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 25822.16 2582.22

F 37.5 mm th Flagstone paving in 1:4 cement sand mortar

Norms No. 11/9, 104
Unit 10 Sqm
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.00 720.00 1440.00
Unskilled Md 4.50 500.00 2250.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T. 0.060 13000.00 780.00
sand (Crusher screen) Cu.m 0.165 2200.00 363.00
Flag stone Sqm 11.000 1050.00 11550.00
Sub-Total 16383.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 16383.00 1638.30
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2457.45
Sub-Total 18840.45
Vat @ 13% 2449.25
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 21289.70 2128.97

G Brick ballast filling works.

Unit 10 Cu. M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.00 720.00 7200.00
Material Brick ballast Cu.M. 11.00 2750.00 30250.00
Sub-Total 37450.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 37450.00 3745.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 5617.50
Sub-Total 43067.50
Vat @ 13% 5598.77
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 48666.27

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

17 Item : Painting works

A 2 coat waterproof cement paint works.
Norms No. 13/4(b), 116
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 5.0 720.00 3600.00
Unskilled Md 5.0 500.00 2500.00
Material Cement paint Kg 48.5 71.00 3443.50
Sub-Total 9543.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 9543.50 95.435
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1431.53
Sub-Total 10975.03
Vat @ 13 % 1426.75
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 12401.78 124.02
B 2 coat white washing in new surface in wall
Norms No. 13/1(a&b), 114
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.3 720.00 1656.00
Unskilled Md 1.8 500.00 900.00
Material lime Kg 34.0 22.00 748.00
Gum Kg 1.36 205.00 278.80
Sub-Total 3582.80
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 3582.80 35.83
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 537.42
Sub-Total 4120.22
Vat @ 13 % 535.62
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 4655.84 46.56
C 2 coat white washing in new surface in ceiling
Norms No. 13/1(a&b), 114
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.9 720.00 2070.00
Unskilled Md 2.3 500.00 1125.00
Material lime Kg 34.0 22.00 748.00
Gum Kg 1.36 205.00 278.80
Sub-Total 4221.80
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 4221.80 42.22
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 633.27
Sub-Total 4855.07
Vat @ 13 % 631.15
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 5486.22 54.86

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

D White washing in old surface

Norms No. 13/2, 115
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.8 720.00 576.00
Unskilled Md 0.7 500.00 350.00
Material lime Kg 10.0 22.00 220.00
Gum Kg 0.4 205.00 82.00
Sub-Total 1228.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 1228.00 12.28
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 184.20
Sub-Total 1412.20
Vat @ 13 % 183.58
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 1595.78 15.96

E Two coat distemper painting over one coat primer .

Norms No. 13/3(a,b&c), 115
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 5.8 720.00 4176.00
Unskilled Md 5.8 500.00 2900.00
Material Distemper powder Kg 11.5 260.00 2990.00
primer lit 8.0 315.00 2520.00
Sub-Total 12586.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 12586.00 125.86
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1887.90
Sub-Total 14473.90
Vat @ 13 % 1881.60
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 16355.50 163.56

F One coat Emulsion paint over one coat primer .

Norms No. 13/5(a & b), 136
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 8.0 720.00 5760.00
Unskilled Md 5.0 500.00 2500.00
Material Plastic Emulsion paint ltr 9.0 500.00 4500.00
primer lit 8.1 315.00 2551.50
Sub-Total 15311.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 15311.50 153.12
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2296.73
Sub-Total 17608.23
Vat @ 13 % 2289.06
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 19897.29 198.97

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

G Two coat Emulsion paint over one coat primer .

Norms No. 13/5(a , b &c ), 137
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.0 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 8.0 500.00 4000.00
Material Plastic Emulsion paint ltr 16.0 500.00 8000.00
primer lit 8.1 315.00 2551.50
Sub-Total 23191.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 23191.50 231.92
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3478.73
Sub-Total 26670.23
Vat @ 13 % 3467.12
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 30137.35 301.37
H One Coat Weather Coat(apex) Excluding primer .
Norms No. 13/5( b ), 139
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 5.0 720.00 3600.00
Unskilled Md 2.0 500.00 1000.00
Material Weather coat(apex) ltr 9.0 800.00 7200.00
Sub-Total 11800.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 11800.00 118.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1770.00
Sub-Total 13570.00
Vat @ 13 % 1764.10
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 15334.10 153.34
I Two Coat Weather Coat(apex) Excluding primer .
Norms No. 13/5( b &C ), 139
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 9.0 720.00 6480.00
Unskilled Md 5.0 500.00 2500.00
Material Weather coat(apex) ltr 16.0 800.00 12800.00
Sub-Total 21780.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 21780.00 217.80
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3267.00
Sub-Total 25047.00
Vat @ 13 % 3256.11
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 28303.11 283.03

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
J 2 coat Weather coat (apex) over one coat primer.
Norms No. 13/4(b), 117
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.00 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 8.00 500.00 4000.00
Material Weather coat ltr 16.00 800.00 12800.00
Primer ltr 8.10 315.00 2551.50
Sub-Total 27991.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 27991.50 279.92
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 4198.73
Sub-Total 32190.23
Vat @ 13% 4184.72
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 36374.95 363.75

K 2 coat readymade Enamelpaint over one coat primer.

Norms No. 13/4(b), 117
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 12.00 720.00 8640.00
Unskilled Md 8.00 500.00 4000.00
Material Enamel paint ltr 16.00 450.00 7200.00
Primer ltr 8.10 315.00 2551.50
Sub-Total 22391.50
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 22391.50 223.92
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3358.73
Sub-Total 25750.23
Vat @ 13% 3347.52
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 29097.75 290.98

L 2 coat readymade Aluminium paint over one coat primer.

Norms No. 13/6, 117
Unit 100 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 10.75 720.00 7740.00
Unskilled Md 10.75 500.00 5375.00
Material Aluminium paint ltr 10.76 600.00 6456.00
Khaksi Sheet 4.00 5.51 22.04
Primer ltr 8.10 315.00 2551.50
Sub-Total 22144.54
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 22144.54 221.45
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3321.68
Sub-Total 25466.22
Vat @ 13% 3310.60
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 28776.82 287.77

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
18 Item : Irons works
Making & fixing 3*20 mm iron gril including one coat Red oxide paint after rubbing with
A sand paper.
Norms No. 24/1(a), 238
Unit 10 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
iron gril including labour
Material cost. Sqm 10.00 2457.32 24573.15
Sub-Total 24573.15
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 24573.15 2457.3
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 3685.97
Sub-Total 28259.12
Vat @ 13% 3673.68
1 Sq.m.=16.14 kg Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 31932.80 3193.28

Making & fixing of rolling shutter including one coat red oxide paint after rubbing with
B sand paper .
Norms No. 24/1(a), 238
Unit 10 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
18-20 gauge iron
shutter including labour
Material cost. Sqm 10.00 1920.66 19206.60
Sub-Total 19206.60
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 19206.60 1920.7
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 2880.99
Sub-Total 22087.59
Vat @ 13% 2871.38
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 24958.97 2495.90
Making & fixing of collapsiable channel gate including one coat red oxide paint after
C rubbing with sand paper.
Norms No. 24/1(a), 238
Unit 10 Sq.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
channel gate including
Material labour cost Sqm 10.00 4112.47 41124.72
Sub-Total 41124.72
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 41124.72 4112.5
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 6168.71
Sub-Total 47293.43
Vat @ 13% 6148.14
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 53441.57 5344.16
D Barbed wire fencing work (14*14*8 m.m)
Norms No. 24/6, 238
Unit 100 M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.076 720.00 774.72
Unskilled Md 5.380 500.00 2690.00
Material G.I bared wire m 110.00 15.00 1650.00 1kg=10 m
Nails/hooks L.S. 40.00
Sub-Total 5154.72
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5154.72 51.55
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 773.21
Sub-Total 5927.93
Vat @ 13% 770.63

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 6698.56
E Barbaded wire fencing work (12*12*8 m.m)
Norms No. 24/6, 238
Unit 100 M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.076 720.00 774.72
Unskilled Md 5.380 500.00 2690.00
Material G.I bared wire m 110.00 18.75 2062.50 1kg=8 m
Nails/hooks L.S. 40.00
Sub-Total 5567.22
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5567.22 55.67
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 835.08
Sub-Total 6402.30
Vat @ 13% 832.29
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7234.59

19 Item : Febrication of gabion box.

A Hexagonal mesh size 100*120mm, box size 2*1*1m
Norms No. 16/5(a), 159
Unit Per box
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 2.2 720.00 1584.00
Unskilled Md 1.1 500.00 550.00
Material Com. G.I wire(10SWG) Kg 24.15 91.00 2197.65
Com. selwage wire 8swgKg 3.15 91.00 286.65
Sub-Total 4618.30
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 4618.30
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 692.75
Sub-Total 5311.05
Vat @ 13% 690.43
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 6001.48

B Hexagonal mesh size 100*120mm, box size 3*1*1m

Norms No. 16/5(b), 159
Unit Per box
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 3.2 720.00 2304.00
Unskilled Md 1.6 500.00 800.00
Material Com. G.I wire(10SWG) Kg 35.1 91.00 3194.10
Com. selwage wire 8swgKg 4.1 91.00 373.10
Sub-Total 6671.20
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 6671.20
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1000.68
Sub-Total 7671.88
Vat @ 13% 997.34
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 8669.22

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
C Stone filling in gabin box
Norms No. 16/11, 167
Unit Cu.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.0 720.00 0.00
Unskilled Md 0.8 500.00 400.00
Material Stone Cum 1.1 1500.00 1650.00
Sub-Total 2050.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 2050.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 307.50
Sub-Total 2357.50
Vat @ 13% 306.47
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 2663.97

20 Item Hollow concrete block works

A 4" thick in 1:4 C /S motar
Norms No. 5/1(b)3, 31
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.75 720.00 540.00
Unskilled Md 1.1 500.00 550.00
Material Cement M.T 0.03 13000.00 390.00
Block(4"x8"x16") No. 132.00 30.00 3960.00
Sand (Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.12 2200.00 264.00
Sub-Total 5704.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5704.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 855.60
Sub-Total 6559.60
Vat @ 13% 852.74
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7412.34

B 6" thick in 1:4 C /S motar

Norms No. 5/1(b)3, 31
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.75 720.00 540.00
Unskilled Md 1.1 500.00 550.00
Material Cement M.T 0.045 13000.00 585.00
Block(6"x8"x16") No. 88.00 40.00 3520.00
Sand (Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.225 2200.00 495.00
Sub-Total 5690.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5690.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 853.50
Sub-Total 6543.50
Vat @ 13% 850.65
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7394.15

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
21 Item Back filling work with ordinary soil without sprinkling water

Norms No. 2/25(b)

Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Unskilled Md 0.25 500.00 125.00
Sub-Total 125.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 125.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 18.75
Sub-Total 143.75
Vat @ 13% 18.68

Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 162.43

22 Dismantalling Works
Item Dismantalling of Cement or lime Plaster with deposition up to 10 mtr. Lead works
Norms No. 19/5
Unit Sq.m
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.0 720.00 0.00
Unskilled Md 0.108 500.00 54.00
Sub-Total 54.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 54.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 8.10
Sub-Total 62.10
Vat @ 13% 8.07
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 70.17

Item Dismantalling of mud mortar masonary with deposition up to 10 mtr. Lead works
Norms No. 19/1
Unit Cu.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Unskilled Md 1.060 500.00 530.00
Sub-Total 530.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 530.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 79.50
Sub-Total 609.50
Vat @ 13% 79.23
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 688.73

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)

Item Dismantalling of Cement mortar masonary with deposition up to 10 mtr. Lead works
Norms No. 19/2
Unit Cu.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Unskilled Md 2.12 500.00 1060.00
Sub-Total 1060.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 1060.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 159.00
Sub-Total 1219.00
Vat @ 13% 158.47
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 1377.47

Item Dismantalling of R.C.C. or R.B.C. with deposition up to10 mtr. Works

Norms No. 19/3
Unit Cu.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Unskilled Md 11.00 500.00 5500.00
Sub-Total 5500.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5500.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 825.00
Sub-Total 6325.00
Vat @ 13% 822.25
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7147.25

Item Dismantalling P.C.C. with deposition up to 10 mtr. Lead works

Norms No. 19/4
Unit Cu.M.
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Unskilled Md 4.00 500.00 2000.00
Sub-Total 2000.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 2000.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 300.00
Sub-Total 2300.00
Vat @ 13% 299.00
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 2599.00

23 Random Rubble in 1:6 c/s mortar Below GL.

Norms No. 6/5, 39
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 1.5 720.00 1080.00
Unskilled Md 1.5 500.00 750.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.106 13000.00 1378.00
Block stone Cu.M 1.00 1500.00 1500.00
Bond stone Cu.M 0.10 1500.00 150.00
Sand(Crusher Screen) Cu.M 0.47 2200.00 1034.00
Sub-Total 5892.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 5892.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 883.80
Sub-Total 6775.80
Vat @ 13% 880.85

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Rate Analysis General Works (071/072)
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 7656.65

Plum Concrete works in 40% / 60% Mass Concrete including Boulder cleaning works.
24 (P.C.C. in 1:3:6),(60% Concrete & 40% Boulder stone)
Norms No. 7(a),41 &25(14), 251 (60% Concrete & 40% Boulder stone)
Unit Cu.M
Particular Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Labour Skilled Md 0.3 720.00 216.00
Unskilled Md 4.0 500.00 2000.00
Material Cement(N.S. marks) M.T 0.22 13000.00 2860.00
Boulder stone 225 mm Cu.M 0.14 1500.00 210.00
20 mm Aggregate Cu.M 0.60 2000.00 1200.00
10 mm Aggregate Cu.M 0.20 2000.00 400.00
Sand (Crusher screen) Cu.M 0.47 2200.00 1034.00
Sub-Total 7920.00
Sub-Total (Dept. Rate) 7920.00
Contractor's Profit @ 15% 1188.00
Sub-Total 9108.00
Vat @ 13% 1184.04
Grand Total (Cont. Rate) 10292.04

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Norms no. Description unit
1 Site cleareance Work
1(4),3 Sq.m. 15.45
2 Earthwork excavation in ..including 10m lead & 1.5m lif
2(1), 5 A. Soft soil Cu.m 360.50
2(2), 5 B. B.M.S Cu.m 412.00
2(4), 6 C. Medium Rock Cu.m 1545.00
D. Deep Foundation, Drain, Pipe line trench in B.M.S.
2(14), 9 including 10m lead & 1.5m lift Cu.m 818.85
Boulder Soling & levelling works in
3 6/5, 39 foundation including 30m lead. Cu.m 2550.00

Plain cement concrete works in foundation including material collection & 30m lead
7/2(c), 44 A. In (1:3:6) Cu.m 8394.00
7/2(d), 44 B. In ( 1:2:4 ) Cu.m 9559.00
Plain cement concrete works in superstructure, Slab & Beams including material
5 collection with 30m lead.
7/4(a), 46 A. M15 (1:2:4) Cu.m 11500.00
7/4(b), 46 B. M20 (1:1.5:3) Cu.m 12731.00

Stone masonry works including material collection, preparation of motar with

5m lift & 10m lead
6/1(a)2, 35 A. Random Rubble in 1:4 c/s mortar Cu.m 8287.00
6/1(a)3, 35 B. Random Rubble in 1:6 c/s mortar Cu.m 7642.00
6/5,39 C. Random Rubble in 1:6 c/s mortar below G.L. Cu.m 7642.00
6/2(a), 36 D. Dry Stone masonry work Cu.m 3370.00
6/2(b), 36 E. Stone masonry work in mud motar Cu.m 3732.30

Brick masonry works including materials collection, preparation of mortar

with 30m transportation.
5/1(b)2, 32 A. Chimney Bhatta Bricks in c/s mortar 1:4 Cu.m 11124.00
5/1(b)3, 31 B. Chimney Bhatta Bricks in c/s mortar 1:6 Cu.m 10778.00
5/1(a)2, 31 C. Machine Made(Chinese) Bricks in c/s mortar 1:4 Cu.m 12183.00
5/1(a)3, 31 D. Machine Made(Chinaese) Bricks in c/s mortar 1:6 Cu.m 11859.00
8 12.5mm th. Cement plaster works in
12/1(b), 110 A. Wall & floor in 1:3 C/S motar Sq.m. 26813.00
12/1(c), 110 B. Wall & floor in 1:4 C/S motar Sq.m. 25970.00
12/1(d), 110 C. Wall & floor in 1:6 C/S motar Sq.m. 24118.00
12/1(c), 110 D. ceiling in 1:4 C/S motar Sq.m. 30130.00
9 1/8" thick Flush pointing works in..

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Norms no. Description unit
14/1(b), 121 A. Brick wall in 1:2 C/S motar Sq.m. 16754.00
14/1(c), 121 B. Brick wall in 1:3 C/S mortar Sq.m. 16087.00
14/2(b), 122 C. Boulder stone wall in 1:2 C/S motar Sq.m. 20416.00
14/2(c), 122 D. Boulder stone wall in 1:3 C/S motar Sq.m. 18546.00
10 14/6, 123 3mm thick cement punning works (1:1) . Sq.m. 16936.00
Form Works including selection of materials, centering & shuttering as per
11 drawing with 30m lead.
8/2(a), 55 A. With local wood Sq.m. 5722.78
8/2(c), 55 B. With Iron props & 19 mm thick Plywood Sq.m. 62983.76
Reinforcement bar for RCC works including cutting,
binding, bending & placing as per drawing with 30m lead
12 7/5, 47 Kg 101712.50
13 C.G.I sheet roofing works including material collection.
9/1, 69 A. 26 gauge Sq.m. 7373.61
9/1, 69 B. 28 gauge Sq.m. 5856.81
C. Ridge Plain sheet roofing works including material
9/2, 69 collection. RM 5773.40
Color C.G.I sheet roofing works including material
14 collection.
9/1, 69 A. 26 gauge Sq.m. 8870.25
9/1, 69 B. 28 gauge Sq.m. 7505.49
C. Ridge Plain sheet roofing works including material
9/2, 69 collection(.2 mm thick). RM 6469.28
15 Wood Works
10/1, 75 A. Salwood frame with wood size 100*75mm Cu.m 190830.40
10/1, 75 B. Local wood frame with wood size 100*75mm Cu.m 74274.40

10/2, 76 C. 38mm th.sal wood in panneled door & window shutter. Sq.m. 20655.90

10/2, 76 D. 38mm th.local wood in panneled door & window shutter. Sq.m. 11755.26
E. 4mm th. glazed window shutter with 38*75mm sal
10/4, 78 wood frame. Sq.m. 15434.45
F. 4mm th. glazed window shutter with 38*75mm local
10/4, 78 wood frame. Sq.m. 10242.41
10/11(b), 84 F-1. 4 mm th. Glass fixing with sal listi Sq.m. 900.60

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Norms no. Description unit
G. Flush door with 38mm th. Sal wood frame & 4 mm
10/7, 80 commercial plywood shutter. Sq.m. 12953.40
H. Flush door with 38mm th.local wood frame & 4 mm
10/7, 80 commercial plywood shutter. Sq.m. 8272.18
I. Door shutter with 38mm th.local wood frame & fixing of 26
10/9, 82 gauge plain sheet in both side. Sq.m. 9047.71
J. Mosquito proof door & window shutter with 38mm th.sal wood
10/10, 83 frame & 24 gauge G.I wire. Sq.m. 8373.93
K. Mosquito proof door & window shutter with 38mm
10/10, 83 th.Shisham wood frame & 24 gauge G.I wire. Sq.m. 7271.95
10/18, 90 L. Making & fixing of salwood truss Cu.m 181649.20
10/18, 90 M. Making & fixing of local wood truss Cu.m 70391.20
10/19, 91 N. Making & fixing of sal wood eaves board. Sq.m. 41935.70
10/19, 91 O.Making & fixing of local wood eaves board. Sq.m. 12796.70
P. Commercial plywood ceilling with 50*75mm salwood size &
10/16(a), 87 600*900mm frame size. Sq.m. 92791.55
Q. Commercial plywood ceilling with 50*75mm local wood size &
10/16(a), 87 600*900mm frame size. Sq.m. 45109.55

16 Flooring Works
1" thick 1:2:4 Cement Concrete floor Carting including finishing by
11/1(a), 96 Sq.m. 3436.00
A-1 rubbing Cement.
2" thick 1:2:4 Cement Concrete floor Carting including finishing by
A-2 11/1(c), 96
rubbing Cement.
Sq.m. 5786.00
3" thick 1:2:4 Cement Concrete floor Carting including finishing by
11/1(d), 97 Sq.m. 7888.00
A-3 rubbing Cement.
25 mm th.mosaic flooring with 12.5mm th cement plaster (1:2)
base course & 6 mm th marble chips with white cement (1:1)
B 11/3, 99 surface course including rubbing & polishing Sq.m. 25139.74
20 mm th. Mosaic(Terrajo) tile with 20 mm th. cement sand (1:4)
B-1 11/4, 99 surface course including rubbing & polishing Sq.m. 23143.73
25 mm th. marble with cement sand (1:2) surface course
C 11/6, 102 including rubbing & polishing Sq.m. 36327.65
25 mm th. granaite with cement sand (1:2) surface course
D 11/6, 102 including rubbing & polishing Sq.m. #REF!
E Porcelain glazed tile flooring in 1:4 cement sand mortar
i) 11/7, 103 i) In Wall Sq.m. #REF!
ii) 11/7, 103 ii) In Floor Sq.m. #REF!

37.5 mm th Flagstone paving in 1:4 cement sand mortar

11/9, 104 Sq.m. #REF!
Brick ballast filling works. Cu.m #REF!

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Norms no. Description unit
17 Painting works
13/4(b), 116 A. 2 coat waterproof cement paint works. Sq.m. #REF!
13/1(a&b), 11 B. 2 coat white wash in new surface in wall Sq.m. #REF!
13/1(a&b), 11 C.2 coat white wash in new surface in ceiling Sq.m. #REF!
13/2, 115 D. White washing in old surface Sq.m. #REF!
115 E. Two coat distemper painting over one coat primer . Sq.m. #REF!
115 One coat Emulsion paint over one coat primer . Sq.m. #REF!
#REF! #REF! Sq.m. #REF!
#REF! #REF! Sq.m. #REF!
#REF! #REF! Sq.m. #REF!
#REF! #REF! Sq.m. #REF!

13/4(b), 117 F. 2 coat readymade Enamelpaint over one coat primer. Sq.m. #REF!
G. 2 coat readymade Aluminium paint over one coat
13/6, 117 primer. Sq.m. #REF!
18 Irons works
24/1(a), 238 #REF! Sq.m. #REF!
24/1(a), 238 #REF! Sq.m. #REF!
24/1(a), 238 #REF! Sq.m. #REF!
24/6, 238 D. Barbaded wire fencing work (14*14*8 m.m) M. #REF!
24/6, 238 E. Barbaded wire fencing work (12*12*8 m.m) M. #REF!

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Norms no. Description unit
19 Febrication of gabion box.
16/5(a), 159 A. Hexagonal mesh size 100*120mm, box size 2*1*1m Per box #REF!
16/5(b), 159 B. Hexagonal mesh size 100*120mm, box size 3*1*1m Per box #REF!
16/11, 167 C. Stone filling in gabin box Cu.m #REF!
20 Hollow Concrete block works
5/1(b)3, 31 A. 4" thick in 1:4 C /S motar Cu.m #REF!
5/1(b)3, 31 B. 6" thick in 1:4 C /S motar Cu.m #REF!

21 2/25(b) Back filling work with ordinary soil without sprinkling water Cu.m #REF!

22 Dismantalling Works

19/5 1. Cement or lime plaster with deposition up to 10 mtr lead Sq.m. #REF!

19/1 2. Mud mortar masonry with deposition up to 10 mtr lead Cu.m #REF!
3. Cement mortar masonry with deposition up to 10 mtr
19/2 lead Cu.m #REF!
19/3 4. R.C.C. or R.B.C with deposition up to 10 mtr lead Cu.m #REF!

19/4 5. Cement or lime plaster with deposition up to 10 mtr lead Cu.m #REF!
23 Random Rubble in 1:6 c/s mortar Below GL. Cu.m #REF!
7(a),41 &
24 25(14),251 #REF! Cu.m #REF!

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collection & 30m lead

ams including material


preparation of motar with


, preparation of mortar


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ing & shuttering as per


erial collection.









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