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Conception : The meeting between the sperm and egg that marked the start of early

2. Ovulation : The release of the egg from the ovary

3. Insemination : Put simply, insemination is the process of placing the sperm in the
female reproductive organs with the aim to achieve a pregnancy.

4. Perinatal : The period between 28 weeks in the womb until 77 days after birth is a
time in the process of child development, especially development of the brain.
5. IUFD: Intrauterine Fetal Deadth (IUFD) or the death of a fetus in the womb is the
death of the fetus in pregnancy prior to childbirth at 28 weeks gestation or fetal
weight above 1000 grams.

6. Preeclampsia : The increase in blood pressure that occurs after 20 weeks gestation
accompanied by weight gain due to the rapid maternal body swells and the lab tests
encountered protein in the urine.
7. Anemia : A situation that illustrates the levels of hemoglobin or the number of
erythrocytes in the blood less.

8. Abdominal palpation : Abdominal examination techniques to determine the position

of the baby's mother and the fetus' position.

9. High fundus : The highest peak of the uterus appropriate gestational age.
10. ANC : Prenatal care provided by a midwife or doctor to the mother during pregnancy
to optimize physical and mental health of pregnant women, so as to face labor,
childbirth, breastfeeding preparation, and the return of normal reproductive health.

11. Vaginoplasty : vaginoplasty is reconstruction plastic surgery procedures to correct

defects and deformities of the vaginal canal and mucous membranes
12. Hysterectomy : Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus are very common.
There are several levels of hysterectomy , namely : total hysterectomy , subtotal
hysterectomy , total hysterectomy

13. IUD (Intrauterine Device) : IUD is a small device consists of a flexible plastic
material that is inserted into the uterine cavity, and must be replaced when they are
used in a certain period

14. Condoms: Used condom on the penis to prevent sperm meet the egg when
ejaculation. Condoms in the form of rubber gloves made of latex.
15. KB Injection : KB injections every 3 months at a woman to prevent ovulation

16. Implant: Methods of contraception implant (implant) is placed under the skin of a
woman's arm and release hormones that prevent the release of the ovum. Implant is a
contraceptive implant under the skin.
17. Diaphragm :Diaphragm or cervical cap is useful to cover the uterus, preventing the
sperm fertilizes the egg. This method is unusual in Indonesia because besides
expensive, the installation should be with medical personnel at high cost.

18. jelly, foam or sponge : Gels including contraception used by women who are
pregnant spermicide (a substance that kills sperm) so that sperm fail to enter the
uterus. Jelly is currently rarely used in the method of contraception that are not
effective in preventing pregnancy and cause allergies in most women who wear.
19. Polihydramnions : That condition very much amniotic fluid that eventually interfere
unborn fetus .

20. Morning Sickness : Maternal disease most commonly occurs in early pregnancy is
morning sickness. This disease in the form of dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and vomiting in
the morning. All of it is a result of adaptation to pregnancy hormones which are
numerous in the body of a woman.
21. Genital herpes : is an infection that attacks the vagina and labia (lips pubic) .Herpes
is most commonly transmitted during sexual activity a person who has active lukaherpes.
No treatment of herpes, because the disease is becoming recurrent disease

22. Myoma : is a benign tumor on the lining of the uterus. Myomas also called myom,
muscle tumors of the uterus or fibroid tumors, because the tissue cells derived from fibro.
Most disease is found incidentally during a routine pelvic examination

23. Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is one of the cancers most feared
women. This disease is a type of cancer which ranks as the top cause of death of women's

24. Fluor Albus is abnormal vaginal secretion in women. Discharge caused by infection
is usually accompanied by itching in and around the outside of the vagina lips. The cause
of vaginal discharge include bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites
25. Dysmenorrhea: Is severe pain that is felt at the time of menstruation so that the
sufferer can not move normally. The symptoms may include and are: Cramping or pain in
the abdominal area or lower back pain as interested in the inner thigh area, diarrhea,
nausea), vomiting, headache, and dizziness

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