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Nama : Rut Kartika Aprina Nadeak

NPM : A1D017082 ( Class B )



1. Tuba Falopi or also often referred to as oviduk is a channel that connects the ovaries with
the womb.
2. ovary have another important function, namely the production of female reproductive
hormones; estrogen and progesterone.
3. Fertilization (also called conception, conception, singami) is the fusion of two gametes that
can be nucleus or nucleus cells to form a single cell (zygote) or nucleus smelting.
4. Ovum is an egg (gamete in women) used in the process of reproduction to produce a new
individual found in the ovary.
5. fertalized is to mix the male cell nucleus and female cell nucleus.
6. Chromosomes are the genetic units present in every cell nucleus in all living things,
chromosomes in the form of long series of molecules composed by DNA and proteins.
7. Zygote is a cell formed as a result of the union of two sex cells (ovum cells and sperm cells)
that have been ripe.
8. Combinations are some of the objects of a group without attention.
9. Male are a term used for the male sex species.
10. Growing is a process of increasing the size, both the volume, the weight, and the number of
cells that are irreversible (unable to return to origin).

Answered Multiple choice

1. A. Human Reproduction
2. A. 46, 23
3. C. four main division
4. A. The vagina and uterus
5. A. Fertilization

Pictures human female

Tuba Fallopi

Ovarium Endometrium

Vagina Ligamen ovarium

Pictures Human Male

Vas Deferens



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