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Ana Rohdiana. NIM. 157835463. 2017. Developing Communicative Board Games for
Junior High School. Thesis, Graduate Program in English Language Education and
Literature, State University of Surabaya. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Lies Amin Lestari,
MA. M.Pd, (2) Dr. Aswandi, M.Pd.

Key words: Communicative, Board Games.

We can found many problems in English Classroom especially in speaking classroom to

EFL young learners. Most students do not want to talk or say anything and they have low
motivation to learn English. Students feel afraid or under pressure and feel bored. Most
of English classroom does not provide enjoyable, fun, interesting and challenging
atmosphere to the students. The teacher has to be inventive in selecting interesting
materials and activities and also s/he should provide a great variety of these materials and
create more enjoyable speaking class through role play, discussion or create some kinds of
game to promote students speaking ability. One of the goals of teaching English is that
how students use the target language orally which reflects the use of communicative
competence and applies it in real communication.

This study used R & D model by Borg and Gall to develop the communicative board
games to speaking descriptive, narrative, recount, and procedure text as an innovation of
English teaching media which is support communicative language teaching.

The first objective of the study has been to describe the process of developing
communicative board game. The process of the development of communicative board
game in this study has been started with the needs survey, planning and designing the
product, developing preliminary form of product, getting experts validation, product
revision, trying out, product revision and final product. The second objective has been to
describe the applicability of the developed communicative board games.

Based on all processes in developing communicative board game, it can be concluded that
this study has successfully developed a game which is suitable for student of Junior High
School. From the validation, it is proved that game is appropriate for the students to help
them achieved the objectives of the lesson. This game also fulfills the criteria of a good
game as teaching medium which gives the students relaxing atmosphere, fun and
opportunities to learn and applicable to use in Junior High School. The students response
toward the game is also positive because Communicative Board Game was fun to play.

Ana Rohdiana. NIM. 157835463. 2017. Pengembangan Permainan Papan

Komunikatif untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Tesis, Program Studi Bahasa dan
Sastra, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr.
Lies Amin Lestari, MA. M.Pd, (2) Dr. Aswandi, M.Pd.

Kata kunci : Komunikatif, permainan papan

Kita menemukan banyak permasalahan pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dikelas

khususnya untuk penutur asing. Sebagian besar siswa yang tidak mau berbicara dan
memiliki motivasi yang rendah untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Siswa merasa bosan, dan
tidak tertarik karena atmosfer kelas yang kurang menantang. Guru seharusnya memberikan
materi dan aktivitas yang menarik serta media pembelajaran yang mendukung suasana
yang menyenangkan. Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah bagaimana
siswa mampu menggunakan bahasa targetnya secara komunikatif secara lisan dan tulisan
dalam komunikasi yang nyata. Tujuan pembelajaran Bahasa adalah untuk menguasai
kemampuan komunikatif

Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan ( R & D) yang

dimodifikasi dari teori Borg dan Gall untuk mengembangkan permainan papan yang
komunikatif pada pembelajaran berbicara khususnya pada deskriptif, naratif, recount dan
prosedur sebagai inovasi pada pengembangan media yang mendukung kemampuan
komunikatif siswa. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan angket dan uji coba permainan.

Ada dua pertanyaan penelitian : (1) Bagaimanakah pengembangan permainan papan

komunikatif yang mendukung kemampuan berbicara siswa (2) Bagaimanakah tingkat
aplikasi produk yang telah dikembangkan tersebut.

Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukan bahwa permainan papan komunikatif

cocok dan berguna untuk membantu siswa dalam memperoleh kemampuan komunikatif
dalam bahasa Inggris. Permainan papan komunikatif juga memenuhi kriteria sebagai
media yang menarik, menyenangkan dan dapat digunakan pada Sekolah Menengah

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