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High fowlers position
Monitor VS and SPO2 Energy conservation techniques
Follow- up result of ABG Assess breath sound and effort of breathing
Monitor for unusual behavior Maintain adequate hydration
Assess for signs of heart failure Pursed lip breathing and coughing
Fowlers position Chest physiotherapy
Encourage frequent change of position Nebulization
Encourage coughing exercises Discuss and demonstrate relaxation exercises
Provide suction as needed such as deep breathing exercise, yoga, etc.
Encourage to increase fluid intake
Chest tapping and postural drainage PULMONARY HYPERTENSION
Apply heating pads to chest and administer
Monitor breath sounds, RR, skin color, use of
accessory muscles
Advise smoking cessation
Deep breathing and chest physiotherapy
PNEUMOTHORAX Positioning for optimal lung expansion
Administer prescribed vasodilators
Administer analgesics as necessary.
Assess the patients respiratory status.
Monitor ABG levels regularly as ordered.
Watched for complications signaled by pallor,
grasping respirations, and sudden chest pain.
Encourage the patient to perform deep
breathing exercises every hour when awake.
Carefully monitor vital signs at least every hour
for indications of shock.
Listen for breath sounds over both lungs.
Prepare the patient for thoracotomy as
Apply dressing over an open chest wound
Administer oxygen as prescribed
Position the client in high fowlers
Prepare for chest tube placement until the lung
has expanded fully
Monitor chest tube drainage system
Monitor for subcutaneous emphysema


Monitor breath sounds sss

Place the client in a high Fowlers position
Encourage coughing and deep breathing
Prepare the client for thoracentesis
If pleural effusion is recurrent, prepare the
client for pleurectomy or pleurodesis as

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